My Faithful Friend

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
I have a faithful doggie
Who loves me just a lot.
When I return from anywhere,
She’s always on the spot.
When I am gone she watches,
Nor wanders far away;
She loves her home and master
Too much to go astray.
She jumps and barks a welcome,
And tells me o’er and o’er
She wishes I would stay at home
And go away no more.
Now, tell me, little reader,
Would not the Lord rejoice
If you for Him were waiting
And longing for His voice?
You each may learn a lesson
From pets so fond and true;
When Jesus comes to take us,
Will He find you watching too?
He wants your heart, dear reader,
So filled with thoughts of Him
That nothing earth can offer
Will make your hope grow dim.
For filled with thoughts of Jesus,
You’ll long for His return;
And that sweet hope within you
Will ever brightly burn.