Go where thy Father leads thee—let no doubt
Assail thy mind, though He should bid thee part
From dearest friends; though He should shut thee out
From human spiritual guides; yet to thy heart
He will speck words of peace, will cheer and bless,
Even though He lead thee through the wilderness.
God Himself thy spiritual food assign.
Thankful take all He gives: though streams be dry,
The fountain head, the well of life divine,
Is open—God will thy wants supply.
In faith and prayer look thou to Christ thy Head,
Nor fear that thou shouldst lack thy daily bread.
And should He in His wisdom see it fit
To keep thee low in body or in mind,
Thou still in peace at. His dear feet mayest sit,
And listening to His voice rich treasure find.
Then be not downcast, hope on to the end,
Low paths do oft the fairest pastures tend.
Hear when He bids thee take the lowest place;
There it thee down, and there abide His will.
‘Tis there that He will meet thee, and His grace
Display; and till He bids thee thence
Thou wouldst not murmur when His will constrains
Thy soul, nor chafe when that loved hand restrains.
‘Tis said from darksome pit, the upturn’d gaze
At noonday can discern the stars in heaven;
So too the soul, deep shelter’d from the blaze
And glare of earthly sunshine, oft is given
Bright revelations of God’s love to see,
And glorious beamings of His majesty.
Then rest thee in thy low estate, seek naught
Too high, nor things thy God withholds from thee
Lie meekly at His feet, thy highest thought
To be like Jesus in humility.
And know, if thou on earth His cross dost bear,
In heaven thou shalt His crown of glory share.