"My Father's House."

THE Father’s house! for this we long,
Where peace and joy abide;
The home of bliss and endless song,
Where death can never hide.
No tears shall there the cheek bedew,
Nor sorrow line the face;
No thrill of pain the heart imbue
In that bright joyous place.
No partings there His own shall know,
But ever dwell in light;
There those for whom we mourned below,
Again will greet our sight.
In glory’s garb of lustrous ray,
And wearing crowns of gold,
We shall, through God’s eternal day,
Our Saviour’s face behold.
With harp and voice in anthems sweet
We shall express our joy,
Our theme His grace which made us meet
For bliss without alloy.
His wounds, received on Calvary’s tree,
The tokens of that love
Which set the groaning captives free,
Will still be seen above!
Ah! when on Him and these we gaze,
What thoughts our hearts will throng!
What notes of triumph all will raise
In full redemption’s song.
The Father’s house! Oh, Saviour come!
And take us to that place.
We long to taste the joys of home,
But more to see Thy face!
U. U.