My Joy

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
Thou art my joy, Lord Jesus! Thou art my glorious Sun!
In the light that shineth from Thee I gladly journey on.
There is a hidden beauty, a healing, holy light,
In Thy countenance, uplifted, upon the inward sight.
Oh! purer than the morning, and brighter than the noon,
And sweeter than the evening—a thousand joys in one—
Thou brightness of God’s glory, and Lord of all above,
Son of the Father’s bosom, and image of His love!
O Jesus! let me ever behold my joy, my friend,
And let my deep communion be with Thee to the end.
In secret let me see Thee—let all that Thou hast been,
And all thou art, in heaven, outshine before me then.
And let my memory treasure each little word and way,
Expressing, in its measure, the deeps that in Thee lay.
Oh! there are joys unspoken, and mounts of sacred light,
And visions of Thy glory, to bless the seeker’s sight.
Then why be like a stranger, or like a passerby
When I might hold Thee ever in blissful company?
O, lift Thy face upon me, and keep me by Thy side;
And fill me with Thy presence, and in my heart abide.