My Reward is with Me

Duration: 10min
Revelation 22:12
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Address—W. Smith
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We have a few minutes left.
Perhaps we can be brief.
We were singing at the beginning of the meeting.
That lovely hymn.
Soon will the Master come, soon pass away our times of conflict, grief and suffering here.
It brings to mind a few passages of scripture and will be very brief with them.
And possibly you may be able in your own meditation, to look further.
At them.
First of all, in Philippians chapter 4 and verse 4.
In the Lord always and again I say, rejoice.
But your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.
Be careful for nothing.
But in everything, by prayer and supplication, with Thanksgiving, let your requests be made, known, undergone, and the peace of God which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. I suppose we could spend a whole hour on that, but we won't do it.
But just to point out that.
That these words that we have read and follow.
The apostle Speaking of those who had differences of opinion.
But, you know, with each one of us.
I'm sure there are many here just like myself. If somebody differs with me, it sort of hurts my feelings.
We're disappointed in our brother or our sister because they don't agree with us.
We can rejoice in the Lord.
Under any circumstances, all circumstances, we can rejoice in the Lord and in the fifth verse, let your yielding this.
It should be, I believe, be known unto all men. What difference does it make when we get to the glory? Whether I am right or my brother was right, is he going to make any difference?
Within our joy and the glory.
In our apprehension of the Lord up there.
In his present, as another brother put it different as a little bit of time down here in this world, mate.
How long is 3040? Fifty years down here?
Compared with an unending eternity.
Be careful for nothing.
Don't get disturbed by these things.
No, the Lord's coming, the Lord's at hand.
And while we hear, the Lord is here to undertake for us.
But the Lord is coming, and when He comes, these things are all going to be settled.
So, brethren, for us down here, is it not well to let our mildness?
Our yearliness be known at all.
Now let's turn to Romans.
And verse 11 and that knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep, for now is our salvation nearer than when we believe.
The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Let us therefore cast off the worst of darkness.
And let us put on the armor of light, let us walk honestly, as in the day, and so on. Pseudo master come, it's high time to awake out of sleep. And I believe it's been the theme.
Of our meetings is high time to awake out of sleep.
Brethren, we have gone to sleep.
As far as the Lord's glory is concerned, we have become indifferent.
To the coldness coming in amongst us.
But our salvation is nearer than when we believe.
The master is coming.
It may be yet today the last part I spent.
The law is just at the door. The day is at hand.
Let's cast off the works of darkness.
But on the armor of light, they walk honestly down here in this world.
We have a testimony.
Toward this world.
It may be good or it may not be good. Let's work honestly.
Fall off.
All these things which are dishonouring to the Lord.
Let's go on a separation from the world and the works of the world.
And let us have a becoming walk, separation and a becoming wonk for the time that is still left us here in this world.
Now in first Peter chapter 4 verse 7, the end of all things.
Is at hand.
Be therefore sober and watch.
Under prayer, the time is coming when God is going to call into account.
For all that has been done for this world, yes, But for you and me?
Dear fellow Christian, the day is coming when our Lord Jesus Christ is going to evaluate.
All that we have done in our pathway down here in this world. Isn't it a sobering thought?
To think.
That all that we have done.
All that we have said, all that we have thought.
Is going to come up in review before our Lord Jesus Christ?
The one who died for us.
The one.
Who to whom? It was so much that it cost him.
To cleanse us from our sins. To redeem us.
We're going to give an account to him.
For all things, let us be sober.
Let our time spent down here be in soberness and independence on him, for without him we can do nothing.
Just one more and then we'll close.
Revelation chapter 22.
The end of verse 10. The time is at hand.
He that is unjust.
Let him be unjust still.
And here we just filthy. Let him be filthy still.
And he that righteous, let him be righteous still, and he that is holy.
Let him be holy still, and behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me.
To give every man according to his work shall be.
The time is at hand. How long will it be before the Lord comes for you and me? Climb it at hand all. The time is coming and may yet be with us today.
When there will be no more opportunity to serve the Lord.
No more opportunity to do that which is pleasing to him.
Time is coming when those who are filthy are going to be filthy still.
Those who were unjust are going to be unjust still, but also.
Those who are the righteous will be righteous still, Or may we be counted among those.
Who in that day will be found righteous may be with us. So now there will be no change when the Lord comes.
That will be the end of our pathway of service down here.
When the Lord Jesus comes.
He that is holy, let him be holy still. Everything will be fixed in that day, whether it be for those who are the Lords or for those who are left behind for judgment.
May there be none here who were left behind in that day, but the time is at hand.
Let's be looking for it. Let us be in the state of expectancy and faithfulness to our Lord.