My Soul, Come Bless the Lord

 •  1 min. read
My soul, come bless the Lord,
And praise His holy name:
Forget not all His benefits,
Nor Him from whom they came.
Complete in Him thou art,
In whom God's fullness dwells;
All principality and power,
He, Head of all, excels.
In Him you're circumcised,
Or in the flesh you'd be;
Not circumcision made with hands,
But Christ's has set you free.
Buried with Him art thou;
And risen with Him too;
For God who raised Him from the dead,
Is known by faith to you.
With Christ your life is hid
In God; then do not fear;
When Christ appears, then we with Him,
In glory shall appear.
My soul, come bless the Lord,
And praise His holy name;
And ne'er forget His benefits,
Whose love is e'er the same.