Naaman 2 Kings 5

Duration: 46min
Children—Etienne Leger
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Hi, my voice is going so this might be a shorter Sunday school. We might think of it more than we have a couple more spots in the front here. Anyone else wants to join the front row? You are welcome. Your parents let you. If not, you can sit back with your parents. That's OK.
I like to look at people when I talk to them, so if you're in the front, I can see. Thank you. All right, so who has? Oh, by the way, my name is ET ET, or you can call me Etienne. Or if you can't see that C works too, so.
If you have to give a raise your hands and then we'll give it a song from the, uh, echoes of Great Timshi. Yes, I think you could just tell me your name as you, what's your, what's your name? Caleb? And then you go with your son. Perfect, Caleb. Thank you. What #46. And a brother. Help me start #46.
What did I need your hand to get the party in the heart? I am giving you that. I have to jump in India and see you in my heart. I can't believe I'm telling you.
And he calls and he calls on to be on our knowledge and he wants all the alignment to do.
Wednesday I hear the last day and him and how about there's been no washed away?
Thank you, Caleb. Anybody else? Yes, 4747. And what's your name? Hannah. Anna. We're 47 from Hannah.
When he comes, when he comes and still to make up his doable, all his jewels, precious jewels and his love and headstone.
Was that kind of ratings ratings or, uh, I would like you to practice your normal and that is love and in his home. All right, the stars of the dark Lord in heaven's bright crown unordered, they shall shine with different taste right down.
For his crown.
Yeah, Matt, go ahead #40.
Hey, God loves me as I go for the cycle let go one together with everything on her beliefs of negative strong. Yeah, I'm getting umm well together.
Jason come out today if I have a blah, blah, blah. I had a total convenience so.
Today's our lives may be made with a million dollars that I'm going to get you then why?
He will watch our way in mind stand blast off of them. So I'll come back again. Yeah. She's been in the sun once. Maybe.
Yeah, shaking. His son's lovely.
Eating and flowers may go on that and you wait to know many meaningless ways to hold me in his arms.
Give me straight from a very hard yeah I can't believe it sounds long to me yeah she's not lost meaning Yeah I'm yeah I'm not drinking it's not a lot of things flying. Why I don't want to tell them that I don't know doubts me so.
Nsnoise J Times Plus maybe Yeah, I I have a situation about the fluorescent.
Bulb that was made so.
J blah blah blah may be well Spanish clothes, they decide, made out of our wedding and our eyes Trust and sugar. I know. Take Me Home my time. Yeah, I have a genius. Not a lot of things yeah, I'm serious about.
Creating. Yeah, she's right about me.
Oh my God, tell me so.
It says here let a little child come in at the end of verse 2 now.
How young can you be? Because of what Jesus Christ as your savior? You don't have an idea.
Is there a age that's too young? No.
That's true. Well, let's say #42 because #42 gives us a good old answer to this question, OK #42.
We're surprised they get all the time.
When the heart begins.
On the sun and God.
The time the storm is shaking in the mirror sound lazy shine through the head one.
This morning I wanna talk to you about a young girl.
And it's, uh, a real account found in the Bible. It's a historical event. It's not just a story, it's a story from the vile, but it actually happened. So it's something that, uh, that's true. And this young girl, she was young, Bible says, and the King James, it says she was a little, maybe we're not sure how old that is, but she was young, but she was Jews of the Lord. And so we're gonna talk about the story of Naman today and how the young girl helped Naaman get better.
Before we start, we're gonna still have time for at least one more, one more song. So anyone else have a song that we're saying yeah #3 #3?
13 and what's your name?
OK #3 #15.
Man, I'm so glad.
OK, and come up in the grocery and you're my place coming down against the middle of my garden.
That's why I will love you.
Hi, Claire, it's Brian.
How I love you.
Let's sing just one more. We got time for one more. Yes #10 #10 What's your name?
I think verse one, three and four number 10.
And then go nuts and.
Shall make it all around.
Oh, one day.
Bring the garlic, strip our envelope and everything. Now he's all night on the groove.
And migraine.
How many days?
Are there thy heart of living in the dark earth, living in the world?
Give your information.
All right, so before we start, let's ask the word for itself, right? Let's, let's close your eyes.
Would you just say for this time you have to open your word? I pray for every child here sitting in the front row here or around or any under parents or anyone in this room that might not know the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior. I pray that what I said this morning to bring conviction and muster need of a Savior. I pray that what is said to be clear. I also pray for my voice that it might last. Above all, pray that you might be glorified Lord. I pray that what is said He'd be encouragement to those who know Thee a Savior and could be just.
A. The time when a Sinner turns from darkness to light.
If we have these things in my worthy name, voice, Amen. All right, so I'll give you a Bible here. We'll turn to 2nd Kings chapter 5.
And I know some of you have strong voices, so I'm gonna need some help.
Recent verses we're talking about the story of Naman.
Second Kings chapter 5 we have a courageous volunteer to read verse one.
Oh, background. Yep, first one.
OK, so Naman. No, Naman. That's a name we don't hear about too well now these days. Does anyone have a friend called Naaman? No, we don't really use that word anymore, but it says Naiman was a captain. Now, what's a captain? Like the captain of a hockey team? No. What's the captain? Raise your hand if you know what it means to your being a captain. Yeah, it means that you're experiencing the belt of the boat. Yeah, that's the ship cap. That's a very good answer. Now there's another word for captain.
Another definition? Who knows?
Background again, Yeah. Leader of the Army. So was this man powerful or was he like your regular, your regular guy?
He said was the captain of the army, so he was pretty powerful. He was right up there with the kings. He was almost like, I was going to say the vice president. OK, I thought you guys don't have this in Canada. Umm, he was high up there. He was high up there in, in, in the political scene and he was a general and he was a powerful man. But at the end of the verse it says he was a leper. Now, what's a leper?
Mr. Kemp, you've you've met some lepers in Malawi, have you?
Other places too. So So what? What is a leopard? What characterizes a leopard?
Well, umm, one thing. They're outside the camp. They're, they're, uh, despised by everyone. They're unclean. They're dirty.
Awful disease that cannot be cured. Mm-hmm. Exactly. They have a disease that, uh, I'm not a medical in domestic field, but you're basically your extremities like your fingers and toes.
Something feeling in them. And so whenever you heard and so you bang your hand on the desk and you start bleeding, you won't even feel it. So what happens is you're having infections. That's why part of the answer. But it's a serious disease that cannot be cured. Like Mr. Kemp was saying, if you're a leper today, you're not allowed in this room. You have to, you have to live in like your little colony. But you can hide it for a while because you have these stores on your body. So what Nieman did, let's say at a store right here, he he rolled his shirt down and he pretended no one knew. So Neyman was a powerful man.
Yeah, it was a general he, but he was a lesser so he had all this power, all this wealth, but he had this problem that was gonna kill him that would eventually lead to his death and he wanted to be healed. You know, leprosy is it reminds me of what sin is. You know sin, you can hide it for a while. If I'm a Sinner and I'm doing something wrong, let's say my mom said don't take an extra cookie from the cookie jar. I've done that. You take an extra 1 May maybe you eat it. No one knew about it. No one knows these things. No one knows. Maybe if your parents that don't do this or don't do that or don't call this place or don't call that place.
But if you do it, you might, you might be sinning, but no one else knows about it. It could be a secret between you or God knows. God sees everything. God sees those secrets. He sees those things that we do. And so David was a powerful man and he actually won a lot of victories for the people of Syria. Now, the people of Syria, they weren't friends with the Israelites.
Like they wouldn't go and like, shake each other's hand. No, they fight and they kill each other. And so one day name and his army, they just show up in Israel and they go and kidnap this young girl. They, they, they probably, I don't know what happened. That doesn't say they probably killed her family. They probably, you know, tore up her town, took all her toys, took everything away from here. And they said, you're coming with me. So let's imagine we're taking this young girl right here.
We're kidnapping you. Sorry, parents, but you're gonna have to sit right here. Can I have this chair? Have a seat here.
And so you, you're no longer your name again. Lower. You're no longer Lauren. You're no longer I'm gonna give you guys a new name. You're gonna have to go. Now, instead of playing with your friends at the school, playing your iPod or your computer, whatever gadget you have, you gotta, you gotta work. You're gonna serve.
Name is name, name, name is wife. And so would you be happy about that? Do you think that young girl was happy or sad? Sad. So she was taken from her hometown.
She's taken from everything she loves and she's all right. You're going to come live here and work for your and work for your enemy. But in verse, in verse two, we read verse two. Who can read verse 2?
Yeah, go ahead.
We used to go on s s companies and have brought away captures over the land of Israel, a loyal maid and belated unnamedly life.
And so she, this young girl, she heard that Nieman was a lever. And if I was in that situation, I may have said serves that guy right. Look what he did to my family. Look what he did to my people. He took all my toys away. He took all my stuff away, took all my Sunday clothes away. Yeah, that's not cool. Yeah, sure isn't right to be sick. I hope he dies. But no, this young girl, she did something else. She had compassion on naming. And she says something in verse three. So if someone else read verse 3.
Yeah, Are you ready for us? And she said onto her mistress.
Would God, my Lord, were with the prophet that is in Samara?
Good. Yeah, OK. For he would recover him of his leprosy. So she says if only Naman he tells us to the Lady. Only Naiman could meet this prophet. He could be better. Now. This. Now let's go ahead. A forgiving spirit. You can sit down. Thank you. She had a forgiving spirit.
She said. I'm not gonna be bitter against for my circumstances. I'm not gonna be holding this against my, my, my new master here who's kidnapped me. I'm gonna seek his best interest. You know, this young girl, she's a missionary.
She was serving the Lord where the Lord put her.
In that little town doing her job.
You know, we talk about people that do mission work, Mission network. Mr. Kemp travels around the world going to different places. I've been at some places myself. But you know, we're all servants of God in one way or another. Whether you're at home, at school, doing your chores, or you're working a job, we're all called to serve the Lord and we all can be witnesses where the Lord has put us. So you could be serving the Lord if you're at home, doing your homework, helping your family.
That's just as in the Lord's eye, that's just as important because you know, the mammals of the outward appearance. God looks at the heart. God is looking at everyone's heart. And this young lady here, this young girl, this young lady, she was doing what the Lord had her to do. She was serving God in her little corner and she was being a blessing to other people. Now let's keep going, OK?
Let's turn it into umm.
Now let's let's just move on the story a little bit here for the sake of time. So Naman's wife told Naaman and the Naman. All right, I'm gonna go and see the king. So the king, the king of Syria.
Says give them a letter. OK, so I'm gonna read verse five. And the king of Syria said go, go to go to go. And I will send a letter unto the king of Israel. And he departed with him and took with him 10 lbs of silver, 66,000 pieces of gold, and 10 changes of Raymond. Now I'm not a local scholar. I don't know what this is worth, but I'm assuming this is worth quite a bit of money. So he took a whole bunch of money, a whole bunch of clothes. And he says we're gonna go and I'm gonna try to pay my way to get clean.
Now who here came here by car today?
Everything in my car. Good. OK, now who here lives in a place not not in this local assembly?
OK, so you guys all took a road trip, right to get here? Well, Neiman took a road trip to go to Israel to get healed. Now what did he pack? He packed a whole bunch of stuff. Whenever you go on a road trip, Matt, what do you pack?
Closed What do you pack?
Sue, this is Mori. What? What do you bring? Anything special on the trip?
Toys. Toys. That's important too. Imediators bring anything, Yeah.
Not sure.
Toys. Yeah, yeah, sometimes the more clothes, the more, the more clothes. Yeah, You need your clothes, right?
And so they had all these things that were ready. So name is like, I'm gonna have all my stuff ready. I got I got all my I'm gonna bring some soldiers. We're gonna go and I'm gonna get healed because Naman, he was a he was a go getter. He's like, you know what? I have something that needs to get done. I'm gonna get healed. Because if I don't get healed, what's gonna happen? Die. He's gonna die.
And so he was still hiding his his leprosy, he was still a secret because he didn't want anyone else to know. So he heads over to Israel. Now he goes and sees the king of Israel and says, look, I'm here to get healed. Now the king of Israel is like, I can't do this. I can't heal you.
Let's turn down here and I think at verse 7.
They came to pass when the king of Israel read the letter, he rents his clothes and said, am I God to kill and to make alive at this man to send unto me to recover a man of his leprosy? Wherefore I consider, I pray you and see how he sees a quarrel against you. The king says, the king of Israel now says I can't heal this man. This guy showed up with his road trip with all this stuff and he wants to pay me to heal something that I can't do. You know, if you have all the money in the world, you can't heal someone from a from this disease.
If you went to a doctor, so I'll give you all the money in the world. If you can heal me of this leprosy, I can't do it.
I'm not God, I can't heal. And so this king was saying, oh, this Tyrion king, he just wants to cause trouble with me again. So he he was a little. He was a little. He was very distraught now. But then Elijah shows up. Elijah. Who knows who, who, who Elijah was? Yeah, He's a prophet. He's a prophet. What's a profit? A profit is that is that money you make at the end of the day, you made a profit? No.
What? What's the profit?
Our profit was a man of God, a man that has had the word of God was basically the Lord used him to speak certain things. So we're gonna read verse verse eight, OK of the man of God and the prophet who wants to read Ethan, can you read verse eight please for us?
And it was so, uh, last of the management, the king of Israel had read his clothes, that he sent the king, saying, Wherefore hast thou rent thy clothes? Let him come now to me, and he shall know that there is a prophet in his fish. OK, Verse 9.
So Naman came with his horses and with his chariot and committed the door of the House of Elijah. OK, so now there's a breakthrough here. The king was really worried. He ripped his clothes. He ripped his Sunday clothes, tore off his tie. He's like, you know what? I can't do it. And he was really worried. But then the message came. And so he goes.
And Naman gets sent over to Leisha's house. So licious, just imagine this. Imagine this is the house, all right? And Elisha is here. So basically imagine it feels it's filled with soldiers and filled with the Chariots and the and all the men and names like, all right, I'm here to get healed.
Now, if you have a very important guest coming to your house, I know some of you, some of your kids, whenever you know you have a friend coming for the conference or something, what do your parents say? Gotta clean the house, right? You gotta get everything ready and put on your best clothes and or being your best behavior and don't fight and everyone get along right in our house. That's the way it was too. You have to make sure everything is ready for the for the important guests. When this guest arrives, but Elijah doesn't even go and see him. He sends a message to him.
And verse 10, it likes to send a message unto him. Go and wash in the Jordan 7 times and they flash I'll come again to be thou shalt be clean. You know, Naman was used. I, I, I mean, he was a general. He ordered. Hey, you pick up that water bottle, you do it right away. Are you or you get in trouble. Hey, you shine my shoes right away. Shine you go kill that guy. Kill him right away. So now he's like, alright, I'm here to get healed.
It won't come. Socks in the door. No one is coming out. Who this guy think he is. I'm the general here. I'm a big guy and no one wants to come in. You just wanna heal me. He sends a message. Imagine if you went to a doctor and you were really sick and he sends you a text message to tell you what to do. How do you feel about that?
It'd be like, this is this guy for real? Is he serious? A doctor. You're supposed to, you know, you meet me and you, you examine and you're like, you figure out what's wrong with me and then you tell me what to do. But license is gonna come out. What?
All right, so you guys think Neon was happy or sad sad he was he was worse than that. He wasn't just sad, he was mad. Now verse 11 Nathan was naman was Roth and went away and said, behold, I thought he will surely come out to me and stand and call the name of the Lord his God and strike his hand over the place and recover his leopard.
He was expecting it to be done his way. Neiman was saying, look, I want this done my way. I don't wanna go swimming this dirty Georgian river. Have you guys ever seen a really dirty river before? Yeah, I've been to India and it's one of those rivers, like stuff's growing on them. They're so they're so mucky and dirty and you don't wanna. And the kids are just in there swimming. I'm like, I wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot pole. But the kids are all and they're OK with it because they're used to it, I guess.
But Nevins, like I'm a distinguished general, why would I go in this river instead of the Jordan River, this dirty Jordan River? No way. And in verse 12, he says, are not Havana and far, far the ridges of the rivers are damatic and better than all the waters of Israel. May I not watch them be cleaned? So he turned away in a way, in a rage. So he was angry. He says, you know what? Who this prophet thinks he's doing, He thinks he's gonna boss me around. He's just trying to make fun of me. But no, he had the word from the Lord. The prophet had the word of the Lord.
And he said, you do it this way. You know what? We're going to tie this into the gospel because the Bible says that there is only one way to get to heaven. Those are Jesus. Jesus says I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to God but by me and sometimes.
People think, yeah, I, I want to have my sins washed away. I want to be a Christian. There's a lot of good things about Christianity, but I want to do it on my own terms. I want to come to God my own way. So some people think, well, all the kids are in Sunday school in the front row. OK, I'll do that, too. I'm going to go to Sunday school. I'm going to memorize my verse. I'm going to try to be nice to my brother and sisters. I'm going to, you know, help my parents, you know, say, play my pleasant thank yous and you're welcome.
I'll be a good enough person because I'm not a bad person. You know, there's a lot of bad kids that play in the park. I'm not like them. I'm a good kid.
And we think, well, by doing that, we'll be good enough for Hazard. I'm telling you, that doesn't work. If you're gonna come to Jesus, it's only by one way. It's by admitting your estate that you need to be saved. Naman had to come to a point when he realized the only way for him to be cleaned, to be have his leprosy taken away was by obeying what the prophet said. And today we have something even more important than what the profits said. We have the word of God. And the word of God says certain things about what it means to be saved. And so we're gonna go through that in a few minutes. But let's keep going in in our chapter, OK?
Naman says this is not socially acceptable. I do not wanna go in this river. But then.
His his survey comes in talks and seeks to sensitive to him. And so Danny, could you read verse 13, please? And his servants came near and stake unto him and said, my father, if the prophet had 50 to do some great things with some not have done it, how much rather than when he said that he washed and deep cleaned.
So the the servant's new name and they took him, they talked him politely. They weren't mad at them. They were very nice to him because, you know, name and if he, if he says you're dead, you're dead. So he was, they were very calm and very patient. Damon, if the prophet said to do something really big, like, you know, give a lot of money or, or go do like some heroic thing, you'd have done it because you want to, you want to act in your own strength because you're a strong general, right? This naming guy, he's a strongman, but he says, but what? This is something so simple. Why can't you just do it?
And so naive is like hmm.
You know, it's worth it. It's worth a shot to humble himself and and what does it say here in verse 14? Who can read verse 14 for us? Eric in the back row. And when he down and dissed himself $7.00 in order to the saying of the man of God, and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean. That's right. He obeyed the word of God. He obeyed the word of the prophet and he was healed, you know.
Of, uh, in the first in, in the first couple of chapters of the Bible, the story of pain and Abel, Abel offered a sacrifice for glory in any, any, any. And the Lord accepted the sacrifice. Cain said, you know what? I'm gonna do things my own way. I'm gonna bring my own work, my own fruits, and therefore I will be acceptable to God. And that's the religion of man. That's saying I'm gonna come to God by my own method, by my own way, but that, but that's not the way to go.
And so this man dipped 7 Damon seven times, took seven baths, he went in, Bob got out, went in and back in and out six times. And the 7th time he was healed. He obeyed the word of the Lord and he was healed.
You know, this was an obedience and it was a blessing. And did it cost them anything? Did you have to pay all those? Everybody came with all that, all that gold, all those horses and all that stuff. Did you have to pay for that? No, he didn't. Let's read verse 16, sorry, verse 15. And he returned to the man of God, and he and all his company and said, it's before him. And he said, behold, I know that there is no God in all the earth, but in Israel. Now therefore pray thee take a blessing of thy service. But he said, as the Lord liveth before whom I sin, I will receive none.
We urge you to take it. He refused. The man of God said, no, you don't pay for this. This is not a transaction. It's a free gift. You don't have to earn your way to be healed and stay with the gospel. You know, we talk about the gospel very often. You kids, I'm sure are all part of a Sunday school, right in your own assembly. You all hear the word of God a lot. And you know, that's, that's good. And one thing that we often schools will stress is that the gospel is free. It doesn't cost anything. It is a it's a gift of God, the ways of sin assessed, but the gift of God.
Is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. And so Neely says, look what I owe you for this, The fact that you killed me. Just know it's free. There's nothing that he could do to earn that free gift, to earn being healed. And this morning you're sitting in your chair. There's nothing that you can do to earn God's gift. It's a free gift. The wage system is best, but the gifts of God is eternal life for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. But I wanna stress the point.
At Saint Thomas conference I spoke to some kids in the kids room on on the one on long meetings and I said are you kids good or bad?
I'm not surprised. A lot of the kids said they were good kids and that they and they weren't bad and that the gospel was more for the bad kids, but they were good, so therefore they didn't need it as much. And so I wanted to make sure everyone knows this, that I'm not a good person, I'm a Sinner, but I've been watched by the blood of Christ. And if you're and every one of you in this room have to make come to that point when you realize that you cannot save yourself, that your good works that well, all the things that you can do to get to heaven are not good enough.
Only one way to get to heaven, to leave on the Lord's Christ, and you shall be saved.
And first, John, it says the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, also, Jesus Christ came on the cross when he came to the earth to die, He came and died on the cross. We all know about that story, right? How how many people were on the cross with Jesus? There's three guys, right? There's two in Jesus, right? Two bad guys.
Yes, too bad guys. And Jesus in the middle. And when Jesus sat on the cross, he died for every single sin that you committed, every bad thought, every bad word, every stolen cookie, every extra time on the computer that you were supposed to be on, every, every, every fast thing that you could have done. She just paid for your sins. But he says you have to believe that what I did was enough. You have to accept this free gift. I have a gift for you guys in a few minutes.
I have a content from Africa with nice carvings on them. OK.
Uh, everyone is gonna get one. Uh, uh, actually the children will get one. I only have, I think 13. If you don't, if you don't get one, I'll, I'll try to get you in later. But this is a gift. It's a free gift for you. Is it cost you anything? All you have to do is receive it. And it's the same thing with, with the gospel. Jesus says, come unto me if you have to accept what the Lord Jesus Christ did.
In order to be saved, you know, we don't have that much time, but we're just gonna go on in this chapter.
And talk about uh.
Guy, I didn't know what this thing is. He means later on in the chapter. Umm, Elijah had a survey. How do you say his name? Someone helped me with his name. Gehazi. Yes. No one has a friend named Gehazi. Probably. No, no, we don't use that word. No. Gehazi. He was, he was an assistant. He was a servant to Elijah and he's not. Elijah didn't accept any gift. He says, you know what, I'm gonna go get something. So he makes up a story. He goes out and he and he lies and he gets some, some Raymond gets some money.
From Neiman and try to sneak it back.
But Elijah, this guy is smart. He knew a lot of stuff. He knew. He knew that what what what Hazard was doing and what happened was.
Gehazi gossip. I see that name in hat Hazel. You know this is something that that that that really actually that I'm worried about is God. If people could you be like Gehazi. Now let me explain you're you're worth Elisha let's GI was with Elijah. He knew all this thing all these things Elijah was doing. He knew the power that was in Elijah, but he never really believed it for himself and you know.
I know that because I've been there too. At a certain point in my life. I sat in the front row like you guys only a few years ago. I'm not that old. And I listen to these stories. I knew the Bible verses, I knew the songs. I knew all this stuff, but I wasn't real in my heart. I never actually believed it for myself. I took one time and I spoke 9 or 10 years old when I really need to come realize, yeah, ET is a Sinner. ET needs the same year. It's not a question about being better than my friend while we've been knowing more versus than my sister, No.
It's that I need to I need a savior that I need to be washed by the vote of Christ and that I cannot save myself. And that is essential because we talked earlier that that song, a little child of seven or even three or four, they enter into heaven through Christ, the open door. There's not whenever you can understand if you today you understand the message, if you understand enough, if I said you want to receive this free gift and you say yes, you're responsible. You're responsible for your own salvation, you know.
It's the Lord were to come today. You can't H hold your parents hands. They'll they won't bring you up to heaven. Everyone is individually responsible. We're not made to be robots. We each have a will. We each have umm an opinion on things. We we each have to make our own decisions. Today is a day of salvation. If you call upon the name of the Lord, you will be saved because the way system is best. And what is death If you die today and your sins, Where'd you go? Thank you.
Have a good or bad place? Bad. It's a bad place. It's a terrible place. It's not only a fact that you'll be suffering eternally, but you're going to remember. You're going to remember those times that you sat in Sunday school or you sat at home and your parents talked to you about the word of God and you just were saying, yeah, some other day I'll, I'll listen to this. Or some other day I'll think about this message. Some other day I'll decide to be a Christian. Or maybe you just thought you were a good enough person, but you'll remember all those times that you could have believed and didn't. But it'll be too late.
It's too late.
Today is a day of salvation. And so today, if you are a Christian, that's great. You can be light like this little girl, this little missionary girl. We don't know how old she was. She's a little maid. She went and she shared, she told Naaman her name is wife about the man in Israel. And today we can tell about someone who's greater than the man of Israel. In Israel. You can tell our friends, we can tell our families about Jesus Christ. You know, my grandpa is not a believer.
While my aunts and uncles are not believers, my dad and mom are the only believers in their families.
And we get to see our, our, our aunts and uncles and cousins and we, we pray for operators to share price with them because we love them. We don't want them going to hell. And it's really sad. We don't want to believe. But you know, you guys have friends. You guys have, I mean, you got a lot of you guys are raised in Christian homes and Christian gods, grandparents and Christian uncles and aunts. That's really great. That's really important that you continue to grow in your faith. And you can share the things of God, even a verse, or you can even share the story of naman with your friends in school.
That way you can be a witness too. You don't have to go to Africa or go to China or go somewhere else to be a missionary. You could be a missionary in your own school. You could be your a missionary in your own neighborhood. You could be a missionary in the school yard, in the in, in the gym, whenever you play with your friends, whenever you share with your friends, when, whenever you let other people go first in mind, whenever you're, you're helpful, you're encouraging. People will say, hmm, why is that kid different? WH why is he not like all the other people?
Now you could be a missionary.
At a young age, we're all called to serve in our in our own way. You know, soon the Lord will come and he's going to reward us for all the things that we've done for him. And maybe today, maybe today, the Lord Jesus will come from heaven. Are you ready? Are you ready as you're accepted Lord Jesus Christ, as you see.
Our time is up and my voice is almost gone, so let's double assign that time to close the meeting. So we're gonna pray. But as you pray, if you've never accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as a Savior, you can do so.
Today is the day of salvation. You can say, you know what, Lord Jesus, I need a savior. I I'm like name and I have this leprosy that I can't remove on my own. I need to be safe. If you'll confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be safe. I pray that today no one leaves this room without accepting the Lord Jesus as their saviours. That's right.
Our godfather, we come to the this morning. Thank you for this free gift and salvation to the Lord Jesus. I pray for every young boy and every girl, every heart in this room. I pray that there might not be anyone that is still saying no to free gift of salvation. I pray that there might be joy in heaven today over once to another past. I pray that these young men and young women here in the front rows can just grow up to be to be those who.
Serve you that are missionaries in their neighborhoods, in their school yards, with their families.
I pray we might all those of us who are a bit older realize that every day you invite us to walk with you, Lord, I pray that we might walk and seek to serve you where you placed us. We commit these things. The worthiness and allergies. Christ, Amen.
So I have pens here. So ladies first.
You're under 13. You're welcome to come get a pen.