Naaman the Leper

Duration: 41min
2 Kings 5
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YP Sing Address—Graham
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Thank you for the 2nd.
Maybe your heart is correct when time.
I'm going to increase the doctor.
On this case of them electric.
5th chapter, second thing.
It won't be all of it.
We know the story of how the Assyrians the enemy of Israel.
Had come in and taken captive, as we find here, a little maid. Remember the Hampton we say about the little maid who needs God's name? And she told her mistress about the prophet who is in the land of Israel.
If that's all word God for this mighty cat. He was a mighty man.
He probably stood at the very top of the government.
Aside from the King himself.
But he was elected and leprosy in scripture states of sin.
Well, we know then that while this story is a name, and it's true of all men too.
This little girl tells about the prophet and finally this proud man comes into the before the king of Israel.
And they seek that he might be healed of leprosy. And the king thought that the Assyrians were trying to pick another quarrel.
So however, the word got around to the Prophet, and he was sent to the Prophet.
Now, if we don't get down to.
The 10th verse. And Elijah sent a messenger unto him, saying.
Go and Washington Jordan 7 times and thy place shall come again to thee, and thou shalt be clean.
But nailing was wrong.
And went away and said, Behold, I thought he would surely come out to me, and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, and strike his hand over the place, and recover the leopard.
Are not Avena and far? Are the rivers of Damascus better than all the waters of Israel?
May I not wash in them and be clean? So they turned away in a race, turned and went away in a rain, And his service came near, and spake unto him, and said, My father, if the prophet had bid thee do some great thing, would as thou not have done it, how much rather than when he said to thee, Wash and be clean?
Do we have a man that was a great man and he wanted things done in a great way?
And I'm afraid that this is some of our own thoughts sometimes that we think, well, if God was assigned to me, some great thing to do.
Then I would be glad to do it.
Well, do we have the ability to do these things? No. We do not have for God except to give it to us.
But still, I suppose every one of us has bought some time or other. If we had the If we were called on by God to do some great thing, we'd do it.
But we think of the small things and we say, well.
I don't know about doing these small things. If I were just called upon to do the big things, then I think I could do it. But let's turn to Romans 12.
And we'll read first and second verse.
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies the living sacrifice.
Holy, acceptable under God, which is your reasonable or intelligent service?
And be not conformed to this world.
But be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
That he may prove what he is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Now we're living in a day when we hear a great deal of non conformance.
Well, here's here's an opportunity for each one of us. Now, we can't do these things in our own strength.
It's only independence for the Lord.
But here is the word be not conform.
Well, we think of people saying today, well here is a person and he's a non conformist.
Well, if we were to analyze these non conformists, I believe we would find.
That they are conformist even though they say they're not conformist.
Well then, why then are they conformist when they determine to be non conformist?
Well, the whole thing of it is is feeding the flesh.
And this is the way of the world.
So that when these individuals who.
About their non conformism.
They're only proving to us that they are conforming to that which we know is through the world.
Because it acts in its own self will and in opposition to God.
But even God here has said be not conformed.
But it's be not conformed to the world, the world which is.
Governed by self will.
Self seeking.
Getting a name for oneself.
Whether it be a good reputation?
Or whether it be an infamous name just so they're not conforming, but in each case it is conforming to that which is off the plane.
But to each one of us, whether we have the ability to do some great things here is something that God has.
Giving us the ability with the strength of Christ. We can't do it ourselves.
But He has given us to do something that in His sight, is not so small.
And when we try to follow his word.
We need his help. We'll find it some great thing.
So that we don't need to seek for some great thing to make a name for ourselves.
If we would look to the Lord, we are who are His.
If there are any here that are not the Lords.
There's not one thing you can do to please him.
Until you receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, or without faith, it's impossible to leave God.
But those of us who through his wondrous grace have been brought to a saving knowledge of Christ, he says to us, Be not conformed to the world.
But he transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will God.
How do we dare?
To be non informed as far as the world is concerned, not in our own spring.
But if we look to him who is our strength, the Lord Jesus Christ.
And we're walking in communion with God.
You will give us that which is necessary.
For he will not ask us to do something that's impossible.
But he will give us strength in Christ, and so he says, be not conformed to this world.
May we look at Romans 8.
The 29th November.
Or whom he did for. No, he also did redesign and be conformed.
Not the image, obviously. Now we have the pharmacy.
We had non performance now we have conform.
And so that's what we see about us today in the world.
But let us not be like the world. Let us listen to the Word of God. We want joy and happiness in our souls.
And we must do according to the word of God.
So we had the non conformist. Now we have the conformist. But this is according to that which God has ordered for each one of us.
Or what we did, for I know he also did the destiny to be conformed to the image of his son.
That he might be the first born? How many branches?
Of this we can't do in our own spring if you need to be kind of funny. And this is what we've heard so much here, especially our brother London, how he passed on us as the dependent ones.
Who belongs to the dependence man, the Lord Jesus Christ?
Now then, if we will look to second Timothy.
And the second chapter.
And this will take a great deal.
Faith, and he fed up the farm, the Lord.
To be conformed to the image of Christ.
We will be criticized.
Ridicule. We'll feel that we're left on the outside, but once that's not the true of our blessed Savior when He was down here.
There was none that understood him. He had to walk, for the most part, alone.
But he ever was doing the things that lead the father.
And his joy and delight was to do the Father's will.
And as we seek to walk in communion with him.
We will find delight if we have strength in Christ to do the will of God.
So therefore, in the third verse, the second chapter, a second Timothy.
Thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. It's not an easy thing, you know. We all have the question. Us and the flesh and the devil are working against us.
The new man.
And it's the easiest thing for us to take one step out of the pack.
The moment we do so.
Then we have no weapons to fight against safety.
So it's going to cause us to fight like a soldier. A soldier being tried, not one who uses.
The sword by the government.
As a true soldier of Jesus Christ and then down in the 12 verse.
And if we suffer?
We shall also reign with him.
If we deny him.
We also rolled in my up. Well, it means the other translation increased that a little differently. But the thing of it said is that they that suffer with him shall reign with him, and we're called upon to suffer.
With the Lord Jesus Christ.
And the scene of his rejection.
So that just these few words to encourage our hearts in these days when we see everything.
Headed for destruction on every hand.
We who know the Lord ought to be a testimony in this scene.
Will be excluded from the friendship of the world, but we know that the friendship of the world.
Tell we're told that it's not the love of God if we have the love for the world.
So we who know the Lord and have gone through years with the Lord.
Would just say to you young people.
That unless you put your trust in the Lord and seek to be pleasing to Him and not try to conform yourself to this world.
You'll only have happiness in following him.
But you'll only have sorrow if you try to conform.
In this world.
1 more version 211 Which one brother?
Verse 3 of 211.