Nellie's Love

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
Listen from:
Dying to Save
Among the mountains of Switzerland and a little girl named Nellie lived with her father and mother. She was only seven years old, but she was a true Christian, for she trusted the Lord Jesus as her Saviour.
A huge rock had rolled down the mountainside and came to rest in a deep ravine not far from their house. It formed a kind of a bridge over the ravine, thus enabling the people to cross from one side to the other. This went on for some time, and the strange bridge came to be looked upon by the mountain folk as quite safe.
One day while Nellie was out gathering flowers in the valley, she overheard some neighbors say that a storm the night before had loosened the big rock, and made it unsafe to be crossed. Immediately the dear child ran up the mountainside as fast as she could, and told her mother what had happened. When her father came home from his work that night, Nellie told him about the bridge being unsafe, but he only laughed at her. He did not know the Lord, but Nellie’s mother loved the Saviour.
The following night, Nellie’s father said he would have to cross that bridge. The little girl tried hard to persuade him not to go, but he only laughed at her fears. When she saw that he was determined, she asked if she could go with him. He consented to her going, but he did remark that it would be very late before he got home. Off they went together. As they walked along, little Nellie looked up into her father’s face and timidly asked, “Daddy, if I should die, will you promise to trust in Jesus and meet me in heaven?”
“That’s a strange question,” he replied. “What put such a wild thought into your head, my child? You are not going to die, I hope. You are only young yet, and have many years to live.”
Not satisfied with his answer, Nellie repeated her question, but her father told her not to speak about it anymore. “But if I should die, promise me, Father, that you will meet me in heaven,” she persisted.
“Yes, yes,” he said, just to please her.
They walked on, and soon the bridge of rock came in sight. When they were about to cross, Nellie stopped again, saying, “Daddy, please stand here for a moment!”
Her father stopped, wondering what she was about to do. Walking quickly along, she set one foot on the great boulder of rock, and then another. Suddenly there was a loud crashing roar, and the great rock plunged into the gulf below, carrying with it brave little Nellie.
Speechless with terror, her father crept to the edge of the precipice, and through his blinding tears gazed down into the abyss where his noble child had gone. She had given her life to save his.
I know of only One who had greater love than this. Nellie died for her father, because she loved him; but Jesus, the Son of God, died for His enemies—for those who did not love Him, that they might be saved from that awful abyss, the “lake of fire.”
Have you ever thanked Him for dying thus for you, dear reader? Do you trust Him now as your Saviour? Will you meet dear Nellie, and all who are saved, in heaven?
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:1313Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13).
ML 02/21/1965