News for Little Children

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 2
News for little children!
Oh! how sweet the sound,
Rolling in its fullness
To earth's farthest bound!
News of God's salvation,
Blessings from above,
Saving, helping, cheering—
Words of life and love.
Listen to the message,
Precious words and true—
Joy and peace and pardon
God is offering you.
Love for little children!
Sent from God's own throne;
Love! how sweet the tidings
Each can make his own;
Love that maketh happy,
Love that maketh blest,
Love that gives the weary
Full and perfect rest.
Peace for little children!
Peace from God on high,
Brought by Christ the Saviour,
When He came to die;
Made in Calvary's darkness,
Sealed with Jesus' blood;
To the world proclaim it—
Perfect peace with God.
Joy for little children!
Perfect joy so true,
Not like the attractions
This world offers you,
But a joy that resteth
On foundation sure,
Joy—for God hath said it—
Which must e'er endure.