A little girl was being examined by a church committee as to her faith in Jesus Christ, and she was asked to relate her experience.
Humbly she replied: “I don’t know if I have any ‘experience.’ All I know is that Jesus said, ‘Come unto Me,’ and I came; and He said, ‘I will give you rest,’ and He gave me rest.”
But one of the older men was not satisfied, and so he said to her, “But my dear, you do not seem to know much about the Slough of Despond” —one of Christian’s experiences in The Pilgrim’s Progress.
“Please, sir,” said the little maiden in her simplicity, “I did not come that way.”
FAITH is a very simple thing,
Though little understood;
It frees the soul from death’s dread sting,
By resting on the blood.
It looks not on the things around,
Nor on the things within;
It takes its flight to scenes above,
Beyond the sphere of sin.
It sees upon the throne of God
A victim that was slain;
It rests its all on His shed blood,
And says, “I’m born again.”
Faith is not what we see or feel;
It is a simple trust
In what the God of love has said
Of Jesus as the Just.