YES, I had said so many times, and I meant it, but at last the Lord's love broke even my hard and rebellious heart;" said a man to me some years ago. “I could not resist the loving messages He sent me by one of His servants; and once convinced of sin by His Holy Spirit's teaching, I could not rest until I knew my sins were all pardoned. The first gospel-message to which I gave any real attention, I heard at a meeting a few miles from my own home, where I had gone one Sunday afternoon out of mere curiosity. So clearly did I see my own sins, through the Lord's messenger, that I resolved I would never go where that same preacher was again, but God willed it otherwise, and a few weeks afterwards I was again listening to the same voice, pleading earnestly with me and others to come to the Savior. I did not see God's way of salvation that evening, but left the meeting more anxious and miserable than before, and could not rest, A few mornings afterwards I went into a neighbor’s house, and asked him to pray for me, and when he ceased, I prayed for pardon for myself, and arose from my knees a new creature in Christ Jesus.
“When I went to work the next day, the men in my employ said, ' I cannot think what is the matter with our master today, he has never uttered a bad word.' As the week went on they asked if I were not well, and then I told them that Jesus had pardoned my sins, and that I meant to live for Him."
These are very simple words, but they are quite true. And now I ask, reader, How is it with your soul? Can you say, “I am saved, my sins are pardoned, and now I mean to live for Jesus?" If you can say this, there is a change in your outward life; you will love to honor and praise the precious Savior who has bought you with His own blood, and every time you tell your experience it will be made a blessing to others, If you cannot say this, why not come to Him now?
When this man was converted, several in the village where he lived, exclaimed, “If his mother had only lived to see him saved! We have heard her pray for him many times."
Mothers, pray on, plead on, and though you may not live to see your prayers answered, yet they will be-they must be, for our God is in heaven, and He doth hear.
Oh, reader, have you had a praying mother? A praying father? And is there not in heaven a Savior for you, One who is “able to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by Him”? Come to Him now.
M. A. W.