No More! for the Journey Is Over

 •  1 min. read
“ No more!” for the journey is over,
Its weariness past;
And there bursts on each pilgrim, the dawning
Of heaven at last!
“No more!” shall death make, with his shadow,
The fond heart quiver;
For its loved ones are past all losing,
Alive forever!
No pause in the song, or the pleasure
Of that bright day;
No joy, that the fond heart can question
Will pass away!
No thought of the far distant country
Shall shadow us there;
When the Father’s bright home has been entered,
So wondrously fair!
The pathway of sorrow and suffering
Our footsteps have trod;
Forgotten:—while tasting in fullness
The sweet rest of God!
In the depths of “ His great love” rejoicing
Our souls but adore;
To know from the bliss of His presence
We “ go out no more.”
No thoughts of our past shall o’ershade us
No sorrow, or loss;
We shall only look back to remember
The woes of the cross!
And in depths of a radiance unfading
Our souls may retrace;
His path, from the cross to the glory—
His riches of grace!
His tears, and His grief, and His passion,
His sorrowful days,
We’ll remember: while now in the glory
He leadeth our praise!
Our song of deep worship ascending,
As God we adore;
A bliss, once begun, never ending
We “ go out no more!”
A. S. O,