No Time for Jesus

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 7
No time for Jesus! The One who loved you so,
That He left heaven’s glory, that you God’s love might know;
He gave His life a ransom, on the cross of Calvary,
That you by trusting in Him, from sin might be set free.
No time for Jesus! And yet you say you know
That you belong to Him; yet never do you show
To poor lost souls the way to heaven,
Nor how their sins may be forgiven.
No time for Jesus! The place where He does meet
His saints, and gives His presence sweet,
Does not know you. At home you stay,
Content to go your selfish way.
No time for Jesus! nor for the hour of prayer;
The only way to escape the tempter’s awful snare.
With business cares you’re taken up,
Or deep you drink of pleasure’s cup.
No time for Jesus! nor for His precious Word,
Which tells you how to live for Him, your dear and loving Lord.
Yet hours you spend on books galore,
Which only wean you from Him more.
No time for Jesus! Yet time you find to spend
For children, home, and loved ones, and pleasures without end.
But when it comes to service for Christ, your Lord the King,
You say you are too busy; you cannot do a thing.
No time for Jesus! If this is true of you,
There’s no reward awaiting but for faithful service true.
You will be saved, “just as by fire,” and heaven simply gain,
Because you trusted Jesus, the Lamb for sinners slain.
No time for Jesus! O, child of God, awake;
The bridegroom’s surely coming, the hour is growing late,
The Word commands you, not for yourself to live,
But “unto Him,” who did for you His life so freely give.