Noah, Daniel & Job

From: Conference
Duration: 50min
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Address—C.H. Brown
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Being part of the 14th chapter.
Of Ezekiel.
14 verse 12.
Word of the Lord.
When the Lamb sinneth against me by transgressing Jesus Lee, then will I stretch out my hand upon it, and will break the staff of bread thereof.
And those family, the family upon it.
And the cut off man in deep stomachs.
No, do three men.
Noah, Daniel and Gold.
You're in it.
Delivered but their own souls by their righteousness.
Beth Menard.
If I cause noise and go to pass through the land.
And they spoil it so that we decimate that no man can pass through because of being.
Though these three men were in it as I lived, that the Lord God, they could deliver neither sons nor daughters.
They all need to be delivered, but the lands will be better.
Or if I bring sword upon that land and say sword go through the land so that I cut off man in these summit.
All these two men.
Then I left out the Lord God. They shall deliver him with his sons and daughters.
But they only can be delivered themselves.
Or if I send a pestilence into that land.
And pour out my fury upon it, and blood to cut off from it man, and beat.
Go, Noah.
And good well, as I live past the Lord God, they shall deliver neither son or daughter. They shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness.
For thus best the Lord God, how much more, when I spend my 4 sword, judgments upon evolution, The sword, the salmon, the noise can be the testament to cut off on its man in deep yes, behold, therein shall be left a remnant.
This starting place for our little medication this afternoon.
I think we're just a bit ambitious.
In trying to summarize.
Of the lives of these three men.
But when the word of God, late.
Names together in this way.
I think we're not going to go amiss by linking them together in our meditation.
Led toward the end of the history of the Jews before their captivity, in fact.
Southwest carried into captivity and didn't care of these prophecies. Was written while he was in captivity.
He was a faithful man.
He wasn't afraid.
Made him unpopular.
But he was willing to suffer from the Lord.
And he's bringing before the continues of the guilty people who were so careless.
The fact that though three of the most remarkable men.
That we have recorded in biblical history.
Although they were there at the present time Speaking of his birth.
And the judgment came.
Their righteousness would only deliver their own soul.
Think of singling out three men that way.
They're separated in history by a matter of 2000 years.
Laurel, Daniels and Joe.
All the more remarkable the ordering which they're given.
It is North Golden Daniel.
Lord Daniel was the contemporary of Ugly.
We must have known ourselves. We must have loved each other.
And I think it's the soul 9, the thing in Jesus Speaking of a contemporary laborer and profit.
In such remarkable terms.
Always down through history, there has been the tendency of those who that God become jealous one of another.
That's the summer days of our natural heart.
Let me define where grace rises above it, and it's so sweet to see it when it's so.
Remember that.
We did hitters in state.
Because it was to be blaming.
We have what marvelous grace on Peter Park later on to speak of our beloved brother Paul.
All there's nothing like the working of the Spirit of Christ in our hearts, beloved.
Giving us to have the reaction with our Blessed Lord would have had under similar circumstances.
Now I have it before, and it does to give the bare outline of the distinguishing features.
Of these three books, these three men rather.
This man, Noah.
Was a man who believed that the world was willing to judge me.
And he acted accordingly, both for himself and his family.
I suppose we better turn back to 6th of Genesis.
5th verse Genesis 6.
And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth.
And with every imagination of the thoughts that his heart was only evil continuous.
Eight months, but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
Please appall rapidly the earth had deteriorated from the time that.
God, the certain man on this fairer with everything in his favor.
When God looked upon that finished creation and pronounced it very good.
And yet now we're only 1500 years down the corridor of time.
And God has to write in his words.
Saw that the wickedness of man was drinking earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continuous.
I do not see how you could go any further.
Than that verse.
If it's every imagination, no accepted.
And the thoughts of his heart were only.
Oh, Narendra.
That is, that is enough. One more word.
Think of getting up in the morning.
Starting the day was thinking.
And all your thoughts were corrupt.
With him even not one good thing ever passed through your mind.
You belong to the day after that matter. You lie down at night.
The last thought at night is the thought of looking.
That is concrete of the mind of God.
That's the condition to which the world has fallen the days of North.
But God always has someone.
The rule we can look who can acknowledge all the.
So we'll be fine in that eighth verse, that God, that Noah found grace in the eyes of Jehovah.
The main know I mean rest.
Your son will in the eyes of Jehovah.
I believe that we all sense that we're living in a day.
When we're rapidly approximating.
The conditions that prevailed in most times.
I've lived quite a few years in this world myself.
And I can testify personally that I have seen a district degeneration.
All along the lines in the standards of humanity around.
Everything is on the downwind.
And we're told in the Gospel of Matthew.
That in the enzyme is just going to be like it was in the days of Merle.
Things aren't getting one bit better, in fact.
The emphasis is all in the opposite direction.
Things are getting worse. Evil Manning could be through. Still lack worse and worse. Receiving, being defeated.
So yes, the time comes from.
Even not endure sound doctrine, but after their own luck shall they hit themselves, teachers having it in years, and so turn away that it is in the truth, and return on the table.
Let's not expect things to get better.
No, things are not going to get better.
We're getting ready.
For the judgment of God to overwhelm this scene, the judgment of God.
On mankind in an alienation and everything to God, and the judgment of God upon an apostate Christendom that denies their only Lord and Savior. Word of God is full of testimony.
To bear off his treatment.
Noah lived in a day like that, but Noah found good in the eyes of the Lord.
All beloved faith in God.
The older identities, the more I see and am convinced that all is of growth.
Things American savings, or how grateful we ought to be.
Every day how we can drop on our knees and bless God for goodness.
That they're not out in the current of wickedness in the vortex of iniquities. It's roaming around us today. What a mercy, the exception, the sense of God's goodness. You think you live in fellowship by the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ?
To recognize our loop so that man in heaven.
The coming moment to take us out of this thing of the firemen to user it into his lawyers presence forever.
Your found rules in the eyes of the Lord. Are you a Christian?
Are you all right? You found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
World, get down every day on your knees and bless God.
But the Founders in his eyes.
Now they move this.
These are the generations.
Have more?
Nor was a just man.
Perfecting generation.
Noah, walk with God.
Remarkable man wasn't no wonder who gets into the into the 14th chapter of Ezekiel.
Was a just man perfect in his generation.
How wonderful, in a day of big sanction and a day of wickedness, to have the mind of Christ and thread our way through this world apart from.
Dear brother AH, whom some of us knew personally.
Used to say it's the path of the Christians.
The slip through this world is quietly possible.
And I believe it is right.
No, we're not to be.
Making ourselves as high, Anderson.
No or not.
Go through this world.
Unsung, unheralded, unnoticed that you'd be go through it quietly with a rejected Christ.
Will I walk with John?
You know, there's another man walks with draw. That was Enoch.
In Hotmail.
Not too long before this.
He lost his dog, 300 and.
300 News.
He walked with God.
And then God took it.
You went to heaven without dying.
Wouldn't it be 9?
For you, for me to be walking with God.
And suddenly hear the call lighting up, and be taken to be with our Blessed Lord.
He'll walk with jaws.
You know how sad it would be, would it not, beloved?
If that call came.
And found within a path of disability.
Of world conformity, of seeking after the poor parenting things of time.
If we sing our every nerve and energy to make good in this world, how sad it would be to be interrupted with a call to meet our Lord.
But if we were walking with God.
As in it did.
And as Noah did.
How welcome how glad would be for that fall.
Nor walk with God next chapter.
And the first verse.
And Jehovah said unto more.
Come down all the house into the earth to you. Have I seen righteous before me in this generation?
Come thou all thy house into the arts.
We don't want to leave our loved ones outside duty.
God addresses the call to us. Come down.
And all thy house and we are.
Well, beloved, that Arctic, right?
The artist Christ and oh how good, if we can see our loved ones safely, howls with us in that state, that pure, unadulterated, unadulterated things in our Lord Jesus Christ.
It's not an empty form.
It isn't just getting someone to put the name on the dotted line.
It isn't just signed the Indian people to join with and join that.
It isn't even just trying to get the souls to bring bread. That isn't the answer.
But all to have them attracted to the blessed person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Come down. All I hope into the eyes, are your burden for your dearly.
Pray for them.
Millions will speak to them about the Lord.
Moral Noah was concerned about his family.
And he invited the mall to go into the arts with him. And thank God they all went in.
I would go down to 16th place.
And they went in.
Male and female of all flights exotic commanded him.
And the Lord struck him in all as a sense of explorator. The Lord shut him.
Well, if the Lord did it, it was well done.
No danger of any loose thing and the boat going to the bottom of the water.
The Lord shutting him.
The mom, once you get into the hands of our blessed Lord Jesus Christ.
Well following heaven, war and earth.
It never takes you up. You have his own words book I give unto my eternal life.
And they shall never bury them out of my hands.
And my father was given to me beautiful.
And none conflict them out of my father's hands. I, my father, are one.
All the wonderful things.
And that means one soul in hell.
Doesn't be able to look up and say once, I'll be shaping your hands, not one.
That blessed tears of the hand of our Lord Jesus Christ has never lost a man, never, never will, never can.
The lawns shutting in.
McDonald's Good work and you will finish up until the day of Jesus Christ.
That's emphatic.
But it's not over emphasis. It's a simple plain moving dog.
Chapter, the first verse.
And God remembered Noah.
Is not going to get through.
You remember no. And beloved, don't ever think.
Forgotten regardless of the circumstances.
Supposing you are passing through something comparable to a great flood. Adverse circumstances are sometimes.
God's going to remember you. You're not going to forget this.
Plenty of work.
And more building than altar under the law.
And took of every two weeks into every clean power.
Offered burnt offerings on the altar.
And the Lord smelled a sweet server.
What's that?
All in that offering that Noah made of the clean animals after he came out of the ark.
God smelled the silver of Christ and his sacrifice.
Well that was what was simplified in that offering more and on the ground of that often God is no more going to destroy the earth by a flood. God smell the sweet savage nor.
That dear man Nor is now a worshiper.
On a new Earth, a new age. He's a worthy person.
You know, there's a difference between worship and search.
Service isn't worth it.
And work it doesn't. Prove it.
And you know, get your work at some first.
We go in as holy prove into His presence.
Worth it?
Then we go out as royalty to save.
But the two things are not confounded in Scripture.
And so by him let us off of the sacrifice of praise to God continually. That is the fruit of our list, giving thanks to me.
That's worth it. What to do good. And to communicate? To get knocked on the sub? Sacrifices. God is well, please.
That service.
So world we find them here on the new day a workable.
No wonder that you think there was led of the spirit of God who summoned north as an example of a righteous man.
All time slipping by.
So they go to Daniel next. We'll take these men in the order.
That they're given.
In our chapter.
Laying down on the.
God is my judge.
Daniel lived round numbers about 2000 years after North.
My name is Third Bird.
The things taken to Actinas, the masqueraded unit that he should bring certain of the children of Israel.
And of the king stings.
Joe decided spicing the king themed and of the Princess.
Still running home with no blemish.
But well favored killed for an all wisdom and coming with knowledge.
Understanding science, such as had ability and understanding the change.
And whom they might keep the learning and tongue.
As a child in.
Now Daniel was the man who absolutely refused the path of compromise.
He saw the truth of God and he went right down the line. No compromise with Daniel.
Mongolians were the children of Juba.
Download. I don't know. I'm Mitchell and Azariah.
I know that see this is a King's seed.
Through the computer Jesus of the royal line.
And here he is a captive.
But captains in Babylon?
Seventh verse.
Unto whom the Prince of the unit laid means for he gave unto Daniel the name of Delta Jazzers Hananiah, Stadra.
Anthony Field Weekend and Azerbaijan.
But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not be file himself with the portion of the King's roots, nor by the wine which he drink. Therefore he requested of the Prince of the unit that he might not be file himself.
Now God had brought Daniel into favor and tender love with the Prince of the universe.
If we're willing to take the path of separation as Daniel did.
Rob is going to work for.
Here was Daniel in Strangeland.
In the captors.
It is under the absolute power, the model which could have beheaded in that world, that is, will attack some God.
And yet that man knew nothing.
Of bowing to the will of that king of the transgressed, the will of God.
If he had stayed back home and lived up to his privileges.
As of the Team Royal, you might eventually have had a place in this world.
It had all passed by as a thing not to be thought by Daniel.
He purposed in his heart that he had not defiled himself to the portions of the King's monks.
If you will honor God in your life.
We'll honor you. Them that honor me I will honor. And they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed.
Or how often you see.
This man who dare defy the king.
Was named the highest will in the Kingdom under that king.
Them that honor me.
I will honor.
All you dear young people here.
I wish that you might get something from that eight verse this afternoon. Daniel, Purpose and his party, but not least file himself.
With the Kings Music.
The king was a man of this world.
All he knew was defeats on what this world had to do.
Daniel wanted none of it. He wanted to be in communion with his daughter and all. How richly God blessed us.
As to these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill and all learning and wisdom, and Daniel had understanding and all brittons and dreams.
20 And when all matters of wisdom and understanding that the king inquired of them, he found them 10 times better than all the magicians and astrologers, and all realms.
Daniel continued even under the first year of seeing silence.
God has not given us the spirit of seal.
Lot of power and of love and of a sound mind.
So it was here, McDaniels.
He wasn't living in constant fear when the time came to say his prayers.
He opened the window and he prayed toward his beloved Jerusalem.
She wasn't the team to do it.
No, God hasn't given us the fear to fear, but of power.
You have in you by the facts of your being a Christian. You have the potential to overcome any and every temptation that may come your way while you're here. That's the truth of God.
Not giving us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love, and of a sound mind.
Isn't it wonderful to have a sound judgment? That's what that verse means.
God gives the Christians the ability to analyze the various drivers and schemes and plans and hopes and ambitions and movements of this world and the solar them and through the power of them. And He's the only one that does.
You've given us the power and he's given us a sound mind. That means a sound government.
You remember when the First World War was on.
That President, Wilson.
Created that little slogan.
That this is a war to end war. Remember that some of the at least.
This war is a word and one.
Now do you think any simple hearted believer that means Bible?
Was the least bit impressed that that slogan, President Wilson?
Why, no, it wasn't impressive. Wonderful.
He knew that according to the word of God.
Wars are continuing conflict and violence and corruption as long as man is left here on this earth.
Apart from the delivering power of the returning Son of God.
And so were the various movements that are on foot to do.
Man is the children.
It is going to breakthrough and sail out into outer space.
And there's no stopping place.
They'll all have jobs that he's going to move.
Now the Christian the Moses Bible.
No, it's expired.
God is going to keep man right here on this earth.
They put him here and he's going to stay here.
Just being able to.
Get out into two or 300 miles of the Earth is a simple matter compared to his ambition.
The heaven and the heaven of heavens are the Lord, but the earth has been given to the children of the moon.
Our line.
And here he is a captive.
Captive in Babylon.
Seven birds under whom the Prince of the eunuch gave names, for he gave unto Daniel the name of Delta Jazzer, Hananiah, Stadra.
And to make you meet them and Azariah, Benny goes.
But Daniel purpose in his heart, that he would not defile himself with the person of the King's needs, nor but the wine which he drank. Therefore he requested of the Prince of the unit that he might not defile himself.
Now God had brought Daniel into favor and tender love with the Prince of the Eunice.
If we're willing to take the path of separation as Daniel did.
God is going to work for us.
Here was annually strained glance.
Is the captive.
He was under the absolute power, the monarch. He could have been headed in at Willow, that is apart from God.
And yet that man knew nothing.
Of bowing to the will of that king, if it transgressed the will of God.
If he had stayed back home and lived up to his privileges as of the seed royal, he might eventually have had a place in this world.
But it all passed by as a thing not to be sought by Daniel.
He purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the King's meat.
If you will honor God in your life.
He'll honor you. Them that honor me I will honor. And they that despise me shall be lightly accused.
Oh, how often we see.
This man who dared defies the king.
Was made the highest ruler in the Kingdom under that king.
Them that honor me.
I will honor.
All you dear young people here.
I wish that you might get something from that eighth verse this afternoon, Daniel purposed in his heart. He would not be file himself.
Where the kings need.
The king was a man of this world.
All he knew was succeeds on what this world had to give.
Daniel wanted none of it. He wanted to be in communion with his God and all. How Leslie God blessed it.
Verse 17.
As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom, and Daniel had understanding and all victims and dreams.
Funny and in all matters of wisdom and understanding that the King inquired of them, he found them 10 times better than all the magicians and astrologers have been all. Who else?
Daniel continued even under the first year of King Silence.
God has not given us the spirit of fear.
Lot of power and of love and of a sound mind.
So it was here with Daniel.
He wasn't living in constant fear when the time came to say his prayers.
He opened the window and he prayed toward his beloved Jerusalem.
He wasn't the same to do it.
No, God hasn't given us the spirit of fear, but of power.
You have in you by the fact of your being a Christian. You have this potential to overcome any and every temptation that may come your way while you're here. That's the truth of God.
Not giving us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love, and of a sound mind.
Isn't it wonderful to have a sound judgment? That's what that verse means.
Gives the Christians the ability to analyze the various figurines and scenes and plans and hopes and ambitions and movements of this world, and to save them and see the followers. And he's the only one that does.
He's given us the power and he's given us a sound mind. That means a sound judgment.
Remember when the First World War was on?
That President, Wilson.
Created that little slogan.
That this is a war to end war. Remember that some of you at least do. This war is a war and war.
Now do you think any simple hearted believer that means Bible?
Was the least bit impressed by that slogan, President.
I know it wasn't impressive 1 bit. He knew that according to the word of God.
Wars are to continue in conflict and violence and corruption as long as man is left here on this earth.
Apart from the delivering power of the returning Son of God.
And so were the various movements that are on foot today.
Man is convinced.
It is going to breakthrough and sail out into outer space.
And there's no stopping place.
That all mapped out what he's going to do.
Now the Christian that knows his Bible.
No, it's falling.
God is going to keep man right here on this earth.
He put him here and he's going to stay here.
Is being able to get out into two or 300 miles of the Earth is a simple matter compared to his ambition?
The heaven and the heaven of heavens are the Lord, but the earth has been given to the children of men.
Here is where he's going to keep him.
And when I see all these plans that are being made.
The various achievements I think of adverse in the 2nd Psalm 2 The sitteth in the heaven shall last. He shall have them in strong regions.
Oh, how cool this man is. And it's because he's given us God. God is not in all his thoughts.
So he cast the knowledge of God behind his back, and he starts out on his path of insane folly.
Well, let Daniel.
Gave him wisdom and understanding, and he found him 10 times better than all the magicians and the scholars that were all as well.
Now look at the third chapter.
The thing is bringing forth now his.
And he.
Going to be cast into the burning fiery furnace.
16 Verse stage rack Musek and Abednego answered and said to the king.
Or Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer you on this matter. If it be so, our God whom we serve, is able to deliver us from the burning, fiery furnace, and He will deliver us out of thine hand, O King.
But if not get known unto you, then we will not serve thy God, nor worship the golden image with solace set up.
Verse 25.
He answered and said, Lo, I see four men lose walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt.
And the form of the force is likened to the Son of God.
I'll go down to 28th birth.
Then Nebuchadnezzar has his stake and said, blessed be the God of Sajak, Meshach and Abednego, who has sent his Angel and liberty servants that trusted him and obtained the King's word and yielded their bodies, that they might not serve or worship any God except their own God.
Now these are the associates of Daniel. They've been in his companions.
They've been under his influence, under his totally.
And see what man of God they were.
There's a verse that says makes grace has for your feet left that which is lame be turned out of the way.
Tell me, dear young sister.
Is it easier for the other young Christians?
In the meeting where you are.
Is it easier for them to walk with God because they're watching your life?
Are you making straight paths for your peace?
So that others discern in you and acceptable example and they're seeking to imitate your faith.
Oh, what a tremendous influence is known. Daniel must have had on these three companions of his.
They yielded their bodies, that they might not serve nor worship any God that their own God.
Are you healing your body?
To him, What are you doing with your body?
All we read where they thought that we present our bodies a living sacrifice wholly acceptable under God, which is our intelligence savings.
Give only this one opportunity. Give only this one body to you.
Are you using adjusted gratify the loss of the flight?
Are you just living some day-to-day inflation, thinking up the next good time you can have apart from the will of God?
Or how different it was with these three men. They yielded their bodies, that they might not serve your worship any God, but their own them.
Now the 6th chapter.
And the third was.
Then this Daniel was preferred above the president and Princess, because of excellent spirit was in it, and the king taught him to settle over his whole realm.
An excellent spirit within you.
You know, dear fellow Christians, it's no credit to us.
To be of an unhappy critical fault finding spirit.
No, the Word of God would have the Spirit of Christ to be with us.
He would have us go in and out among our brethren as those that radiate.
Encouragement and fear not as expensive truth. Never.
But all that we might have something of that spirit that was found here in Daniel, and excellent spirit is found in him. But the 23rd verse?
Then the king exceeding blood for him, and commanded that they could take Daniel out of the damage. So Daniel was taken up out of the dam, in no manner of purchase found upon him, because it believed in his God.
Well, that's when they put the poor man on the lions den.
But nothing frightened him. Nothing turned him back.
He was determined that he might be faithful even unto death.
Now going on down toward the end of Daniel.
And the 9th chapter.
23rd verse.
At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and I am come to show these, for thou art greatly beloved.
Greatly beloved.
Now the 10th chapter.
And the 11Th verse.
And he said unto me, old Daniel, a man greatly beloved.
Understand the words that I speak under these.
19th verse.
And said old man, greatly beloved, fear not.
Teeth be underneath this strong may be strong, sweet crisis, comforting words, but he was worthy of it. Now the 12Th chapter.
And the ninth verse.
And he said, Go thy way, Daniel, for the words that closed up and sealed at the time of the end.
Now the last verse.
Go thou thy way till the end be thou shalt rest and stand in thy lot at the end of the day. No wonder Daniel was summoned by Ezekiel to encourage the hearts of the remnants in those terrible days of the Clinton.
But what about poor jokes? Well, we go back to Job now. Now Joe lived about 600 years after Noah.
And you have just stayed a few of the salient points.
As a joke.
The word job probably means persecuted.
There was a man on the land of Oz whose name was Job.
That man was perfect and upright.
One that feared God and issued evil.
Job was an upright thing.
And he learned in God's presence they worthlessness.
Of human goodness.
And thus he came into the humble knowledge of Jehovah's love course.
He started out as we read here in the eighth verse.
The Lord said unto Satan, Has thou considered my servant Job as none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, and one that fears God and his pure people?
A model. A model man.
Would be a good neighbor.
It was a kind man.
But to read on in the book, he rehearses many of his own virtues farther on.
Now God is going to test it.
The point in job is this job was good.
Seem to think that God.
But he never really learned himself in God's presence.
And perhaps it takes a lifetime to do that.
But the point is this.
Just because a child of God is living.
A correct blameless just in life.
There's no sign in itself that he is in the good, in his soul, of what God has thought.
There must be that discovery in God's presence of the absolute utter worthlessness.
Of all of themselves.
Finding out that all of the grace and all is of God.
I suppose that George experience is somewhat like the sevens of Rome.
Paul depicts what supposedly he had passed through.
The struggle of their immune man who is born again.
To find several.
When he makes the discovery that he has so much on the inside.
That's contrary to the mind and will absorb.
Job hadn't found that out.
God turns Job over to Satan.
To sit to prove he's going to let Satan be his agent.
To help that man discover what he is.
Now God says to Satan, just so far no further.
She says that in a mighty ways of the old.
And he says it to all the circumstances in your life.
Don't ever think for a moment that everything is out of control and you're just being overwhelmed and there's no one looking after you. Don't ever think that you think of God. Nothing is overlooked by God.
But here was Satan, ready enough to take up the past, showing the emptiness of Job, so-called uprightness and faithfulness.
Is allowed to rob him of his property.
And on the 21St verse.
Here's your reaction. Naked came out of my mother's womb.
Make it till I return. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord in all this Job, sin, knock, nurse foolishly.
Well, that was noble. We can't find any fault with that.
Then in the second chapter.
His wife.
Sad thing to have a wife that acts like this.
Dan said his wife on him. The dust out still retained on integrity. First Garden died.
But he said unto her, Thou speakest is one of the foolish women. What shall we receive good at the hand of God, until they're not also received evil?
And all this did not go thin with his lips.
Going to take more than that to bring this mound to see where he is on the inside.
Now the next chapter, 25th verse.
For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come upon me.
Down beneath all his self complacences.
There was a lingering uncertainty.
Underneath it all, you didn't have the right foundation.
And you know, beloved.
If you're just resting on your correct life.
On the Christian testimony that we've been able to render.
And you're imagining that?
You're a pretty fine individual.
Wrapped down underneath it all.
There's a restlessness and an uncertainty.
You're afraid of what's going to happen.
But your needed was to come to the end of himself.
Folded You send me the Romans?
And when he came to the end of himself, he said thanks beyond the God that giveth us the victory.
To our Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God.
Yes, by faith.
Now the 33rd chapter.
The ninth verse.
One is almost the same to the business.
Job seeking.
At least.
It thought it was the thought of his heart.
I am clean without translation. I'm innocent. Neither is there iniquity in me.
Oh, how sad.
How sad, Eli, who's giving him the truth of what was going on in his heart.
God was saying I'm pleased. Without transgression, I'm innocent. Neither is there any iniquity in this.
I'll turn to the 40th chapter. Keep that in mind.
And turn to the 40th chapter.
And the fourth verse.
Now we're getting on more solid ground.
Then Job answered the Lord and said, Behold, I am vile.
Shall I answer these, I will lay mine hand upon my mouth.
Once have I spoken.
But I will not answer yet twice, but I will proceed no further.
Now he's making progress.
Well, thank God for that discovery. You're not boasting about there being no iniquity, and he's not boasting in his blameless life.
All dear brothers and sisters in Christ.
You and I really get into God's presence.
All the books and of what we are, of what we've done for him, is just going to wither in the dust.
Any little thing in your life and mine, that God is all of grace.
Zona learned his lesson in the belly of the whale in the bottom of the sea. Thou, Jason, is of the Lord.
42nd time.
And the sisters?
This is the climax.
I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ears, but now mine I fear. Please, wherefore I am for myself, and they can't induction acres.
Can't get lower than that, I abhor myself.
In me, that is in my life dwelleth no good thing.
Oh, how good, if we can learn that lesson.
Learned it. He got right down in the duck. He threw away all pretense itself righteousness, and he told out the truth.
Now in the next verse and it was so.
After the Lord had spoken these words under Job, the Lord said to Elophiles the demonized. My wrath is kindled against He and against. By two frames we have not spoken of me. The thing that is right as my servants yields half ninth verse.
So Evil files the Gemini and Bildad the Two Eight, and Zulfi the name of like, once.
And this is pardon is the Lord commanded them. The law accepted gold, the new gold. The Lord accepted it. He didn't accept the old ones, that he kept the new ones.
Temple and the Lord turned the captivity of Joel when he prayed for his friends. Also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.
Or you're not going to be the loser spiritually because you give your life over to his friends. You're not going to be the loser. Or how richly he blesses any little measure of surrender that we make to him.
And as a result of that experience of joy.
Who got his name linked along with that marvelous sermon of God Daniel?
And that marvelous man of God knows Job got his name linked with him.
And that wonderful chapter there in his weekly.
Why did Ezekiel bring those names together?
Because he wanted to encourage a little feeble remnants in the Day of Ruins.
He wanted to tell them don't forget.
God has had men like that.
Had a N He's had a Daniel, He's had a gold or beloved. Can you learn lessons from these things? Remnant days to be cures to God's standards don't change with all the truth to your needs. But there was for the disciples in those early days, those blessed days that we read about in the early chapters of the act. Oh, may the Lord cheers up.
Set our faces of Christ.
Son of Glory.
Let's buy the truth and sell it not is coming is so near someone have a hand they might think.