Noble Creatures

What noble creatures we find in God’s creation, and how much they look for kindness from men and women, boys and girls.
Sammy, as this is the dog’s name, is treated very kindly, and often watches little Allen, so that no harm will come to him.
One day Allen thought it quite fun to run away in his walker, and was headed for a dangerous highway. When Sammy saw the danger, he ran on ahead, and would not permit Allen to go any farther.
So many acts of devotion we learn from dogs, and when Allen is older, should the Lord leave us here, we will want to tell him of this.
We trust he may learn to know the Lord Jesus as his Saviour while he is quite young, and be kind to others, and also to God’s creatures.
“ALL THINGS WERE CREATED BY HIM; AND WITHOUT HIM WAS NOT ANYTHING MADE THAT WAS MADE.” John 1:33All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. (John 1:3).
ML 11/01/1942