AWAY in the back blocks in one of the most remote parts of the bush a man was thrown from his horse. He fell on the stump of a tree and broke his back.
We carried him on a stretcher four miles through a rough track. It took eight men four hours to reach the road, where a coach was waiting to convey him twenty-five miles to the nearest hospital. The dear fellow lingered in much pain for a few days, and then passed away; but just before he breathed his last he shouted, “I’m on the threshold, I’m entering in, and it is not dark at all”
Reader, when you are on the threshold — when you are entering into eternity — how will it be with you? Will it be “a leap in the dark”? or, “not dark at all”? If unwashed and unforgiven, it will be “blackness of darkness forever”; but if resting on the finished work of Christ, it will be the light of His presence and glory forever.
W. B.