A CHRISTIAN was about to stand up to preach, on board a large vessel, when the first officer came up to him and said―
“There is no use in your preaching here, we are all infidels, there is not a man on board who believes in God.”
“How can you prove that there is a God?” he added defiantly.
The Christian paused, and quietly said―
“Can you prove that there is not a God?”
“Yes,” said the man. “Last year there was a ship full of Methodist ranters, on her homeward journey, and there was only one man on board who did not believe in God. A storm came on, and he was saved, while all the rest were drowned. That man was myself.”
The Christian looked up to the Lord to give him just one word in answer―
“It was God’s mercy in sparing your life, my poor fellow. You were not fit to die. The Methodist ranters, as you call them, were taken home to the bosom of Jesus. Beware lest you trifle with this opportunity, which God in His long-suffering mercy has given you, of acquainting yourself with Him.”
The man slunk away without answering, and the Christian preached the gospel.