“THERE were three men handcuffed, guarded by policemen, in a third-class railway waiting-room, waiting for a train to come to take them to the gaol. The room was rather crowded. One was a respectable looking young man, who evidently felt his position deeply, and a tear rolled down, which with handcuffed hands he could not wipe away, so he concealed himself as best he could. A lady stepped forward and asked him kindly how he came to be in such a position. It was the old story—not a drunkard, but had taken a little too much, fell asleep, leaving his horse and wagon, was summoned, sentenced, and fined ₤1 2S. or a week's imprisonment, and being unable to pay, was on his way to gaol. ' If I pay the fine for him,' said the lady to one of the policemen,' would he be allowed to go free?
“Certainly, madam,' the man replied; we have no business to keep him a moment, if the money was paid down.'
“Unfortunately I have not my purse with me, and have but a small sum; will you take this ring instead? It is worth a great deal more than 22 s.'
“I cannot, madam,' said the officer; ' the ring may be worth many times the fine, but we must have Queen's coin, nothing else will do.'
“' How am I to help you, then? turning to the young man, she asked. The train will have started before I can get my purse, and I have nothing more with me!
“The man's brother is here,' one of the policemen said; he has 9s., perhaps you could make up the sum that way.'
“Yes, they could—and the fine was paid, partly by these contributions; and, then the prisoner was told that he might go free, because the law had been satisfied. At first it seemed too good to be true; but as the fact dawned, he turned to the lady and said, ' Oh, what can I do for you!
“You who read this, is your debt paid? God says, ' The soul that sinneth, it shall die.' Your life is the price of your liberty, and how are you going to pay? The law demands your life as the only coin. Tears, or prayers, past or future, will never wipe out what you owe. Truly you may say —then what must I do to be saved?
“Though the greatest sinner on the face of the earth, God is able to save you, for Christ died on Calvary that we might live. We deserved death, He laid down His life for us.
“Suppose another man offered to give his life for you, to die in your stead, it would be of no avail, for his life is also forfeited for his own sin; but the Son of God, who was without sin, came into the world to die for us. Yes, and He did so —and God is waiting for you to claim Him as your Saviour. Cannot you do it now, and thank Him?
“That Christ died on the cross few attempt to deny; but until you come to claim what He has done thus in becoming your substitute, yes yours, it profits you nothing.”