Do you feel that your prayers and petitions
Which daily you bring to the Lord,
Are beyond His great power of fulfillment,
That you're asking that which is too hard?
Then list to His own Word of promise,
Creator of heaven and all,
"There is nothing too hard" for thy Maker—
His ear is awaiting your call.
"The world He established by wisdom,"
"He stretched forth the heavens above,"
"The dust of the earth He has measured,"
But nothing can measure His love.
"He hangeth the earth upon nothing,"
"He gave to the sea His decree;"
"The mountains are weighed in a balance,"
"He numbers the sands of the sea."
"He telleth the stars all by number,"
"He notes every sparrow that falls,"
"The hairs of thy head are all numbered,"
And thou art more precious than all.
"His wisdom is past understanding,"
"His ways are beyond finding out,"
With mercy and grace that's unbounded,
Thy pathway is compassed about.
Then call on His Name in dependence,
And cast on the Lord every care,
He promises ever to answer—
His joy is to hear His child's prayer.
Whatever the burden or problem,
With confidence, trust in the Lord,
Omnipotence never will fail thee,
And for Him "there is nothing too hard."