O, Come to Him!

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 1min
The blessed Saviour, as He trod
His lowly path on earth,
Was always pleasing unto God, Obedient from His birth.
No glory for Himself He sought;
And as in years He grew,
Still was the spring of every thought His Father’s will to do.
And with delight the Father smiled Upon His holy Son,
Amidst a world by sin defiled,
The sinless, perfect One!
And when His precious blood He gave
Poor sinners to redeem,
He knew His Father loved to save,
And this was joy to Him.
As Jesus did the Father’s will,
Whatever were the cost,
Then know it is His pleasure still
To seek and save the lost.
O! come to Him, dear little child,
And trust His cleansing blood;
He’ll bear you through this desert wild,
Till safe at home with God.
ML 10/25/1931