O Lamb of God

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 11
O Lamb of God, most precious;
From radiant courts on high
Thou cam’st in love so tender,
On Calvary’s cross to die.
Our sins were laid upon Thee,
Our judgment Thou did’st bear,
That we, Thy ransomed people
Might all Thy glory share.
Thou hast our guilt sustained!
Upon the cruel tree,
That we might share Thy glory
For all eternity.
Thy precious side was wounded,
From whence the life blood flowed,
The debt we had augmented
Was canceled by Thy blood.
‘Twas on the cross, Lord Jesus,
Thou did’st for sin atone,
That all Thy blood bought people
Might share Thy glorious throne.
And soon Thy wide creation
Will Thy redemption see,
Fruit of Thy love and passion
Upon Mount Calvary.