Luther Loucks et. al.
O Thou, whose mercies far exceed
All we can do or say,
As in Thy people Thou indeed
Dost daily more display;
Let, for our happiness, O God,
On us while here below,
By virtue of Christ's death and blood,
Thy richest blessings flow.
Preserve Thy flock most graciously,
Within Thy sheltering fold;
Move them from every harm away,
And in Thy safeguard hold;
Till Thou shalt fully have obtained
In us the fruits of grace,
And we, in joys that never end,
Shall see Thee face to face.
Do Thou, the very God of peace,
Us wholly sanctify,
And grant us such a rich increase
Of power from on high,
That spirit, soul and body may,
Preservèd free from stain,
Be blameless until that great day;
Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!