October 19

Hebrews 11:17,19
GOD ever finds delight in the manifestation of implicit faith on the part of His children. It was this that was so precious in the character of Abraham. Although it took him some little time to venture out fully on the word of God, and there were occasional lapses afterward when he acted according to nature rather than in obedience to God, yet the trend of his life was that of confidence in God and obedience to His Word, even when that Word seemed to be contrary to all human experience and natural affection. In all this he becomes an example to us, bidding us receive the Word in all simplicity and act upon it in faith, however strange and difficult it may seem in the eyes of those who have never known the Lord for themselves.
“Faith, mighty faith, the promise claims,
And looks to God alone;
Laughs at impossibilities,
And cries, It shall be done!”