Oh! Praise the Lord.

TUNE— “There is a calm” (Sacred Songs and Solos, 563).
THERE is a tale of blessed, wondrous sweetness,
That God so loved the world, by sin
To prove His love, so vast, so great, so
He gave His Son, He gave His Son.
That tale has thrilled my heart with heavenly
A sweeter story ears have never heard,
Has chased away all fear, and gloom, and sadness—
Oh! praise the Lord, oh! praise the Lord.
The story tells how Jesus once has suffered,
To put away our sins of scarlet dye,
Himself a victim, unto God once offered,
To bring us nigh—To bring us nigh.
The work is done! and Satan’s power is broken,
The Lord has triumphed—death by dying slain,
Death’s sting, and victory from the grave has taken;
He lives again! — He lives again!
The glory claimed the earth-rejected Jesus!
As victor now He sits upon the throne.
Oh! sinner, bow to Him who died to free us;
Him worthy own—Him worthy own.
He has prepared a home for those who love Him,
Has sweetly whispered, “I will come again;”
The Spirit and the bride respond, with gladness,
“Come, Jesus Lord.” Amen. Amen.
J. W. H. N.