On the east coast of Florida, a few miles from a famous resort, a strange sight may be seen. There stands on the shore a good-sized house surrounded by strong concrete walls.
Here you may notice an enclosed area, evidently intended for a garden. Step in at the open door of the house and you may walk through room after room; but all are empty and unfurnished. When you look around, you see strange cracks and fissures in the walls. The floors in some parts are sunk in or gone. "Ruin" is stamped upon the whole scene. Yet the walls are very thick, the beams very strong. What has caused this ruin? Just one fault—it was built upon the sand.
Yes; there lived not long ago—perhaps he still lives—a man who actually thought he could do what God in His own Word says is impossible. He imagined in the foolishness of his heart that he could build a house on the sand which would be strong enough to resist the force of wind and wave. In it he planned to settle down and live comfortably.
What was his grand mistake? The foundation was wrong. What was the use of strong timbers and heavy concrete for the elegant superstructure when the foundation rested upon shifting, sinking sand?
Now as we behold that house, the very thickness and strength of those walls do testify the more loudly to the man's folly. There stands that ruin—a sad and desolate ruin truly. What other proof does one need of the truth of God's Word? RUIN must be the result of building "upon the sand.”
And now, dear friend, on what is your soul resting? Are you safe on the Rock Christ Jesus? God says, "Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." 1 Cor. 3:1111For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 3:11). If you are resting on anything short of that—on your good works, faith, or prayers—when that coming storm breaks upon you (as God says without doubt it must do on all that obey not His gospel), then most surely all that you rest upon will be swept away. You will stand before God without one hope to cling to.
Be like the wise man who built his house on the Rock, even Christ Jesus. Then the rains may come and the floods may beat; but they will but prove, through all, the safety of the Foundation and the everlasting security there is in Him.
"My hope on nothing less is built
Than Jesus and the blood He spilled;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on His blest Name.
On Christ the solid Rock I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.”