One thing have I desired

Duration: 53min
Psalm 2
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Address—H.E. Hayhoe
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The most wonderful truth that I have ever discovered.
All my Christian life is this, that God has become a man in Christ.
Died for me as a man.
Gone back into the glory of the man and remained the man for all eternity.
In order to have our company, God is sufficient unto Himself in everything but one thing.
And that is in his love.
We must have objects to love, and His love could not be displayed in deeper, richer measure. There's nothing like the cross. It will be our theme in glory. And while eternal ages roll, we'll never forget.
That he went to that cross of Calvary.
And bore the judgment of God.
His form was more marred than any man's, and He's visited more than the sons of men. Many of the sufferings of Christ were not to put our sins away. Many of the sufferings of Christ were but to tell us the depths of the divine bosom, that we might know in richer measure how much He loves us. He couldn't love you any more than He does.
He couldn't have displayed it in a richer measure.
And every blessing that God is the soul is a mountain peak beyond which God could not go.
And if he hasn't won your heart and mind, what more could he do to win it?
And this book that I hold in my hand is the word of the living God.
That gives us the pathway of blessing.
And oh, how full of blessing that pathway.
The secret of a happy Christian life.
Is learning to commune with the Lord as you live with a dear friend. I wouldn't like to have children.
That never talked to me except they wanted something.
I like to have them talk to me when they don't want anything at all.
Because the relationship is there and the affections of it.
Oh will hold communion for all eternity.
Will never have a divergent thought or a desire unsatisfied.
For God is going to have a family in heaven that he'll never need to correct.
The growth thinker, he thinks and enjoy what he enjoys forever.
What a future.
And praise the bridegroom of the church is going to have a bride in glory.
Without one divergent thought or one unsatisfied desire.
What an eternity to look forward to.
How blessed it is that God in His grace has saved you and brought you to the knowledge of Himself.
Now we made this remark in the meetings.
All our failure, whether as sinners or sinners, spring from unbelief of the goodness that's in the heart of God.
Why doesn't the Sinner come to Christ?
He wants happiness.
Why doesn't he come? He doesn't believe the goodness that's in the heart of God. And you never met a believer.
That were sorry that he accepted Christ.
And as often say to them in Ottawa, you never met a Christian that walked with God.
And then at the end of their lives said I wish I hadn't done it.
That's the path of happiness.
Just notice some scriptures when you turn 1St to the 19th of Luke.
In the 10th verse for the Son of Man. I may stay here for you that are Christians.
The Lord doesn't take the title of the Son of Man until he first rejected as a Messiah the Son of Man is.
Blessing that he flows forth from his heart to all nations.
As the Messiah, he's the promised King to Israel. As the Son of Man, He's the source of blessing to all mankind. The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which is lost.
I hardly need to ask you to turn to Romans 3 that says there's none that speaketh after God.
No, not one.
But the Son of Man has come to speak and to save Savior. From what? The judgment that must come upon this world. A judgment so severe that the world has never witnessed the like of it before, as it tells you in the 24th chapter of Matthew. Now will we notice another verse that we had in our readings yesterday? John 4.
The 23rd verse, the hour cometh.
Now is when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in certain truth, for the Father seeketh such to worship Him.
It's not worship he's seeking, but worshippers.
Cry, brethren.
Or in creation displayed the wisdom of God.
And the power of God.
But there's only one way in which God could unfold.
His bosom, his heart.
Worship is the fruit of knowing the heart of God.
That's why John 316 precedes this. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.
Here let me say for the instruction of you of believers.
Every time you get the word some in scripture it.
What he was to the Father's heart.
Doesn't say he gave Jesus, although that truth his only begotten Son.
Could he give more?
No. Would he give less? No.
His only begotten Son, that we might not perish, but have everlasting life. Then He seeks such to worship Him, worship Him in the knowledge of the divine bosom.
For the key to the whole Gospel of John you'll find in the 18th verse of chapter one.
No man Athene God at anytime.
The only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father.
He hath declared him.
That verse is the key to the whole Gospel of John.
Oh brethren, God is satisfying his own heart.
In having us as children before him.
Children with a nature capable of enjoying what God enjoys.
And in the measure in which we enjoy it down here, we get a taste of heaven before we're up there.
Before we're up there.
Now I'm going to take you to the 27th farm.
Or I first take you to the 34th Psalm, Psalm 34.
Verse 10 The Young Lions do lack the lion is a type of strength.
The young lion is super strength.
And suffer hunger.
But they that seek the Lord shall not want any.
Good thing.
You can't live without an object.
You can't live without an object. Ah, God has given us an object for our heart. Perfection.
And it's the same object that satisfies the heart of God.
Oh well, the heavens burst asunder.
When he was down here.
This is my beloved son, in whom I have found all my delight.
The first attempt of the enemy is always to rob your soul of the enjoyment of cracks.
It's not what you know that controls your life.
You may be very intelligent as to the general outlines of scripture.
But it's the enjoyment of Christ in the heart.
Truly separates us from the world and as we shall see.
It brings up peace and a contentment and a happiness of which the world knows nothing.
They that seek the Lord shall not want any good things.
Did I not say that all our failures spring from unbelief of the goodness that's in the heart of God?
You want a happy Christian life? Knowledge won't give it to you. What will give it to you?
The enjoyment of Christ in your soul.
The enjoyment of Christ in your soul.
For happiness is a state of soul, not a question of circumstances.
Pearl and Silas could sing in prison.
What made them think? What made them sing in prison?
The world would tell you that you must have much of this world's goods and comforts in order to have happiness.
Happiness is a state of soul, not a question of circumstances.
Know they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing. Now turn to that 27th Psalm. The Lord is my life and my salvation.
Why does it say that?
The Lord is my life. All the promises of God, in Him are yay, and in him Amen unto the glory of God by us.
Nothing can frustrate the purposes of God.
They're absolutely sure of fulfillment.
If you want the proof of that, notice the 13th verse of the 27th Psalm.
I had fainted.
I know it's in italics, but the thought is really in the verse unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Now I shall make a remark here. Every promise in the Old Testament is concerning blessing on the earth.
The first time in the Bible that you get.
The Christian hope and blessing is John 14.
I'll quote it, but you all know it. Well, let not your heart be troubled.
While there's a Spirit of God, say that to the apostle because it's John Mattel wrote the Book of Revelation and tells of what's coming upon this world, but he says, let not your heart be troubled. Why?
God is behind the scenes, moving all the scenes that He is behind, and He'll never let anything happen in your life or mine but that which is according to His purpose.
And his desire for your blessing and mine.
You remember the verse in Romans 8. All things work together for good to them that love God.
To them that are the called according to his purpose.
And then he tells us what his purpose is, that we might be conformed to the image of his son.
Oh beloved, that in my heart thrills when I read that.
You know when I look at your face in glory. And if you're a Christian, I am.
I'll see nothing but Christ in you. Nothing but Christ we have to bear and for bear with one another down here.
But we won't have to do that up there.
God will never rest until everyone of his children.
Are just like Christ in glory, morally and physically.
Oh, in that day you'll be glad you were ever born.
Whatever the difficulties of the way, they'll only tell out these purposes of love.
And the Lord will never allow a difficulty in your path but that which is and needs be.
For God has two ways of taking our hearts up there.
One is ruining it with his love.
The other is weaning it through circumstances.
Ruin us with His love and weaning us through circumstances.
Or if you ever tried to make a Garden of Eden down here, God will blow on it.
He wants your heart up there.
You want your heart up there, and happiness is a state of soul, the enjoyment of Christ.
Or to enjoy him in our souls is to have a taste of heaven before we get there.
That's John 7.
But I'll go on here.
In Psalm 27, the Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear?
Have you got any fears in your life of what's going to happen?
Remember, nothing can happen in your life.
But that which God allowed.
Why 2,000,000 Israelites got up in the middle of the night with their cattle.
Another dog bark.
Why? You can read that in the 11Th of Exodus.
Did God control the God's tongue? Yes, he did.
And they marched out of Egypt and come to the Red Sea.
The word is stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.
And he brought them through that Red Sea and into the wilderness.
And all how he cared for them all through that wilderness journey, in spite of their murmurings, and brought them into the land. It was his work.
Oh, how wondrous, these ways of God.
Never allow a trial in your life without a need to be on your part.
And the purpose of love on his part.
Keep this 27th Psalm and I'll turn you back to the 19th Psalm.
Verse the 1St 6 verses.
Speaks of the heavens.
In the fifth verse it says which is a bridegroom coming out of his chamber and rejoice up as a strong man to run a race.
You know why it says that?
Well, there are weddings that are planned down here that never takes place.
But there's going to be a wedding take place in heaven.
And the Lord Jesus, the Bridegroom, is up there, and he's rejoicing as a strongman to run a race.
Why? Because the wedding is sure to take place, and if you're a Christian, you're sure to be there.
Are you rejoicing in view of it?
He is, he is.
Where have your thoughts been today?
Why we read in Colossians, do we not set your mind? It shouldn't be affection.
That your mind and things above, not on things of yours.
I met a Christian lady on the train.
Believe she was a Christian, but she shortly she picked up a magazine. I looked at her and I said, lady, every magazine you read will make the horizon of your thoughts the world in which you live.
Bible is the only book in the world that will tell you to set your mind on things above.
And it will tell you to lay up your treasure there too.
Lay your treasure up there. He's rejoicing as a strongman to run a race.
Why all this world is in a disturbed condition?
But no disturbance.
Nothing can ever happen that will frustrate the purpose of God.
That wedding is planned and every member of the body of Christ will be there.
His going forces from the end of the heavens, and a circuit under the ends of it, and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.
All half you compares it to the sun.
Why? Because man can interfere with events down here. He can interfere with the earth and the surface of it, but he can't interfere with those heavenly bodies.
No, and that's why it's brought before us.
And so the purposes of God in grace can never be frustrated.
Now he says in the seventh verse, the law of the Lord is perfect.
Now, brethren.
Every time you read law in the Psalms, it's not the 10 commandments. The law is the revealed mind of God in the Word.
You could read it. The revealed mind of the Lord is perfect.
Oh, how lovely.
The Word of God, it's wisdom for us.
And it's the only true wisdom.
And the wisdom of the Word of God is not an extension of man's wisdom. It's not an improvement of it.
In every case, it's the opposite of it.
The world will teach you ambition. God teaches you contentment.
He knows how to.
And the blessing of the Lord it maketh rich, and the addeth no sorrow with it.
The law of the Lord, then, is perfect. Converting has the thought in this calm brethren, of restarting the soul.
That is to say, the soul is the seat of desire and appetite.
And everything you read that man has written will make your thought.
The center down here, your ambitions to center down here.
Restoring the soul means take your heart desire away from this world.
And lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor rust up corrupt, and where thieves do not breakthrough nor seals. That's the thought here in converting or restoring the soul.
The testimony of the Lord is sure.
For all the purposes of God, inhumer, yeah. And in him, Amen, Making wise the simple. The simple is the the uninstruction.
And if you want true wisdom, you'll find it in the Word of God.
You'll never find it in anything that manners written unless.
He has been taught of God.
Because there is no wisdom in the first man, and you'll never find it there.
The statutes of the Lord are right. A statute is a decreed limitation.
You never go beyond Scripture.
If God says no, remember that it is love and wisdom that says no.
The statutes of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart.
Is God says be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers?
Oh, that's both wise and right.
Never question it.
And faith doesn't reason, and reason isn't safe.
Faith doesn't reason, and reason isn't faith or how God delights to take.
Care of those that trust him.
Till I tell you a story comes into my mind. It might be helpful, but dear old brother John Sobeck and Scranton.
I knew him well. He had eight children and he was just a minor.
And didn't make good pay. And I told him if he didn't join the union they would fire him. And he had no income. So they came to him and told him. His answer was well, he said I'm a child of God.
And if you throw me out of employment, you'll have to answer to God for how you treated one of these children.
The man went away and told the Union Leader and they left, left him in the job. They said they better leave that man alone.
I knew him and loved him and God.
Was gracious to him and blessed him.
Faith doesn't reason, and reason isn't faith.
Trust God.
He knows how to take care of you.
And there is anyone that ever trusted God and he disappointed them.
He may test your face, but he will never disappoint your face.
Only test your face, but he won't disappoint your face. Trust in him at all times.
The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever.
He knows everyone of his children, and you and I should walk in the fear of the Lord.
What kind of fear all knowing the holiness that becometh his house?
We seek, as the apostle enjoins in the Epistle, to these reasons. Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you're sealed unto the day of redemption.
So that the.
Fear of the Lord characterizes your whole Christian life.
That anything that is suggested to your mind that is not pleasing to the Lord rejected at once.
As we remarked, he may test your face, but he will not disappoint your face.
The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.
God never makes any mistakes in his judgment.
I will remember walking along Backstreet with dear old brother William Crockley.
It was a little difficulty at the time in the Ottawa meeting where I live, and I was telling him about it.
And I'll never forget his quiet remarks.
He said, Brother Hale, let us quietly walk with God, for God makes no mistakes of these judgments.
And the end will always prove the perfectness of his way.
Oh, I've never forgotten. Are you misunderstood right now, perhaps in your home life?
Perhaps in your business life, perhaps in your assembly life, quietly go on and walk with God.
He may test your face, but he won't disappointed.
For true and righteous are his judgment, as it tells you here.
More to be desired today than gold. Yeah, than much fine gold. Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
Oh, there's nothing that brings blessing like walking in the path of loyalty and obedience to the Word of God. It has its rich blessings for, as one is often remarked.
Hit your circumstances from the Lord.
And your difficulties to the Lord?
He allows every circumstance.
And in his wisdom, he sees to it that the trial never goes farther than it needs be.
And the end will always prove the perfectness of His ways and the richness of the blessings.
Moreover, by them is thy servant warned, and in keeping of them is great reward. That's connected with the next verse, so I'll read it. Who can understand these errors? Slim thou me from secret faults.
Is that a good prayer, brethren? Indeed it is.
Who can understand these errors? I'm sure you dear brethren.
Can see ye thoughts and failures in me, perhaps unknown to myself.
Ah, we should remember that the word of God is that which alone can give us light and wisdom.
And when we do not see it, God allows what happens in our lives.
You see it in the case of Job.
He was a perfect and an upright man, one that feared God in the stewed evil. And yet God saw in Job that which needed correcting.
On the past job from form to form in his school, the dross to consume and the goal to refine.
If you'll turn to job.
We'll see that.
Brought out in.
The 7th chapter of Job and the 17th verse.
What is man that thou shouldst magnify him for? I must stop there.
What is man?
That thou shouldst magnify him. That's the first time in the Bible that you get that expression.
You find it afterwards in the book of the Psalms, but this is the first time. What is man that voucher is magnify him.
Why does God interfere in your life and mine? Why does He interfere? Why doesn't he let you go?
Why does he interfere? He wants to do you good at your latter end.
That's why what is man that thou should magnify him? Is that his purpose? Yes. As I said to you at the opening of this address, the most wonderful truth I ever discovered in the Bible is the fact that God in Christ has become a man.
Died for me as a man, gone back into glory as a man, and remained the man for all eternity.
Put forth why? Where does he remain a man for all eternity in order to have our company?
Oh, what a joy it will be.
To have the company of Jesus.
To be with him and like him morally and physically.
The glory of that poet.
That you Yonder home up there would have lost its excellence to my own soul.
If the precious Savior was not there, oh, but He is there and will remain a man for all Infinity.
And I repeat in order that the emphasis be in your mind.
That the secret of a happy Christian life is learning to take all your circumstances from the Lord and communing with Him.
For it's in communion that we enjoy the truth in our souls.
A little talk with Jesus how it smooths the rugged road, and it seems to help me onward as I think beneath my lobe.
When you have nothing to ask for.
When you have nothing specific on your mind, remember you can talk with him.
But he says, Let me see thy faith, let me hear thy voice, for sweet as thy voice, and thy countenance is comely. That's in Song of Solomon, chapter 2.
Well, notice.
That thou should have set thine heart upon him, That thou shouldst visit him every morning, and try him every moment. How long will thou not depart from me, nor let me go alone till I swallow down my spittle? Now they are. Read the next verse as it is in Mr. Darby's translation.
Have I seen what do thou I unto the old, thou observer of men?
That's how it should read. Brethren, have I seen? What do I unto thee? Oh, thou observer of men.
God has been watching over you and me. He has an individual tuition for everyone of His children.
And his ways are always ways of love and wisdom.
And they're always perfect. And the moment that Job learned his lesson, God removed the trial and brought him into blessing in the end.
Why does it say in Revelation 5? I'll give you a thought there. Perhaps you haven't noticed.
So turn to it. Revelation 5.
Verse 14.
And the four beasts said Amen.
Now I'll speak slowly.
If the four living creatures, it's the cherubim.
It was only two with Israel. The reason why was this. Israel was set to be a testimony to God's government on the earth. You don't find far till you come to Ezekiel because before is universal testimony. That's why there's four here.
And the four living creatures said, Amen, That means this between you and I get home to glory, we'll say Amen to all the ways of God with us.
Nothing has ever happened in your Christian life.
But what the wisdom and love of God planned it all, when it should take place, the severity of it, and when it should end. And when you and I get home to glory, we'll say Amen to all the ways of God with us. And that's what's meant there, brethren. The four living creatures said Amen, And the four and 20 elders fell down and worshiped him. Oh, brethren, we worship him better after the judgment seat of Christ takes place.
Or we worship him when we see him. But we worship him in a fuller measure after the judgment piece of Christ. Why? Because the judgment seat of Christ will only reveal the patience, the grace, the goodness of God in all our life history. I remember walking along a road with a dear old Christian and he said, the brethren don't understand me, brother, hey home. I looked at him and I said, yes, but.
He understands you.
And his ways are in perfect love and perfect wisdom.
And perfect grace with everyone of us all. Brethren, let us who learn.
To take our circumstances from the Lord.
Exercised thereby.
Exercise thereby, but never question the wisdom and love that allows it. But it was always perfect.
Oh, I was burst into praise and Yonder glory when it's all revealed, The wonderful patience with each one of us, the wonderful wisdom, the wonderful grace will gaze into his face and burst into a phrase. And though it is.
In the Book of Revelation where you find doxology after doxology in that book?
As the heavenly sink break forth into praise. Now going back to the 27th Psalm and the fourth verse. One thing that I desired of the Lord. Oh it's a great thing to just have one purpose in life. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
One thing that I desired of the Lord, and that will I seek after that I may dwell in the House of the Lord.
All the days of my life now, when it's the House of the Lord.
In the New Testament, the question is conduct. So if you'll turn over, keep this 27 Psalm and turn over to Timothy, Epistles Timothy, the third chapter of the first Epistle and the 15th verse, that if I carry long, that thou mayst know how the artist to behave thyself in the House of God, which is the Church of the living God.
The pillar and ground of the truth.
I'm not going into that, brethren, but the next verse and without controversy.
Great is the mystery or secret of godliness.
As if Paul said to Timothy, Timothy, do you want to know the secret of godliness in the House of God?
Then he unfolds it. And what is it? It was for Timothy to make Christ the pattern of his walk and ways in the House of God. One has often said, love all your brethren.
Serve them faithfully, overlook all the faults you can, but never make any of them the model of your Christian life and walk.
Merry big crack. I'm going to say that again. Love all your brethren. Serve them faithfully.
Overlook all the faults you can, but never make any of them the model of your Christian life.
Let it be great.
And that's just what's here. Without controversy, Great is the mystery or secret of godliness.
God was manifest in the flesh.
Where will I see government or sin? All its perfection. I'll see it in the precious Savior that died from it, manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit. Should I seek that? Yes, if you walk with God.
The Spirit of God will pesticide to the rightness of your ways. The rightness of your ways, and the peace of God that passes all understanding will Garrison both heart and mind, so Peter says when Speaking of the House of God in our conduct in it.
He says if he'd be reproached for the name of Christ. Happy are you?
Happy are you, and if you suffer for righteousness sake, happy are you. Happiness is a state of soul, not a question of circumstances.
Is to have the secret approval of God in your life.
Is it possible to have it? Yes, not at it.
Before his translation, he had this testimony that he pleased God. Oh, I say, there's nothing sweeter in Christian life than to go out to bed at night with the consciousness that you have walked with God during the day. Let it be a secret, but it's a sweet, precious secret. It gives quietness of spirit and a happiness that is so deep that your hostel just burst into praise. Scene of angels, of the angels looking down.
Yes, and they're seeing in the church the all various wisdom of God, each taking our place. That's why our sister should wear a covering on her head.
For the angels received the wisdom of God in the House of God.
In the measure in which we have Christ.
Before our souls and the wisdom of the Word guiding our feet through this.
Troubled, tangled world.
Where God and His Word is set aside.
Preached unto the Gentiles. Where does it say that? Where does it say preached unto the Gentiles? Because the only time in the Bible that it tells you that Jesus rejoiced in Spirit is in.
In the Gospel of Luke.
And it's when Israel as a nation rejected Him and grace could flow out and out of the Gentiles.
That it is recorded there, I'll turn to it because it's the only.
In the New Testament where that is stated, Luke's Gospel, the 10th chapter and the 21St verse. In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit and said, I thank the old Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them on the base. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in my section.
They will, you know they were going to preach the gospel in Asia and the Spirit of God suffered them not.
But afterwards the word went forth in Asia or I gain. I say, brethren, let us always learn to take our circumstances from the Lord. He orders the circumstances and his ways are perfect. I told him this in the Bible, reading a little story. I'll tell it again about one. It wasn't myself, but it's in Ottawa and he took his car that needed some repairs.
To the garage and when he brought it home it wasn't fixed properly and he got somewhat annoyed.
Because I don't want to go back to that garage. It's quite a distance and it's raining.
But he went back a little perturbed because he had to make that second visit.
But on his way there he met a brother who had left the Lord's Table and was drifting into the world, and he picked him up and gave him a ride and he said, oh, it was worthwhile. He said to me it was worthwhile. He hopes, he said, the talk I had with him, I'm sure he's exercised about the wrongness of his path. And I wouldn't be surprised to see him restored, he says. I'm glad my autumn will be able to get fixed the first time.
Take their circumstances from the Lord, Oh brethren.
God is behind the scenes, moving all the scenes that He is behind.
I can take you to scripture after scripture right now to prove the statement.
God's ways are perfect and He knows your circumstances. He knows where you live. He knows everything that has ever happened. If we'll only take our circumstances from His hands and learn that wisdom is behind it, He has a purpose in grace.
The coming day will reveal the perfectness of his ways. So here's preached unto the Gentiles, believed on the in the world, received not into glory, but received in glory.
He went up with a glorified body.
Received in glory. Is that the end of the path for you and me? Yes, brethren.
That's the end of the past.
Will now go to that 27th Psalm again, and the fourth verse, One thing of I desired of the Lord. Oh brethren, would you permit me to repeat it? One thing, ONE, one, one thing that I desired of the Lord, and that will I seek after.
That I may dwell in the House of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty.
That word, duty, brethren, should be graciousness.
For it's the undeserved favor of the Lord.
And to inquire, Now put in two words there. Inquire of him in his temple. You should put in those two words. Inquire of Him in his temple. Never take a step in your life without consulting the word of God about that step.
And getting down on your knees and asking God to guide you.
In the past, for he delights in the blessing of his people, and this is the way of blessing.
For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion or tent. Now that's not the the same word as in the House of the Lord in the 4th chapter, in the fourth verse rather, but here it finished 10th or in in the immediate presence the 10th was pitched, you know, outside when the people.
Had departed from the Lord.
So it is in His presence that we learn His mind. Bring the time of trouble. He will hide me in His tent, in the secret of His Tabernacle shall He hide me. He shall set me up upon a rock. And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine, enemies round above me. Therefore will Ioffer in His Tabernacle sacrifices or shoutings of joy. I will sing. Yeah, I will sing praises unto the Lord.
End of the path If we seek the Lord, the end of the path is always blessing.
Blessing. Oh, how he delights in the blessing of his people.
Now in delight in it, brethren, and what we find in Scripture all the way through is.
God delight in the blessing of his people. So I'll turn you over now to John's gospel. Before I close, we'll turn to the 17th chapter of John or the 15th prophet 1St and I'll repeat what I often repeat among you brethren. Faith and salvation go together. Obedience and happiness go together. Every Christian isn't happy. Faith and salvation go together.
Obedience and happiness go together. Now the road to happiness is in John 15 verses 9:10 and 11:00.
This is not the way of salvation, but it's the way of happiness. As the Father had loved me, so have I loved you. Continue ye in my love. If you keep my commandments, you shall abide in my love, even as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love. Now in order to understand that, if you turn back to the 12Th chapter and the 50th verse, because it's not generally understood.
I'll try and make it clear I know that his commandment is life everlasting.
That means this, that the new life that we have received.
Is characterized by obedience. That's the meaning of that phrase, that his commandment is life everlasting. That is, that new life is characterized by obedience. Remembering that if you turn to the 15th chapter again, for all the exhortations of Scripture, without any exception whatever, are founded upon what you possess.
It's never getting the thing by your own effort. And another remark I'm going to make slowly.
Because I want you to get it. Every believer is equally blessed.
I haven't one blessing that you haven't got.
And you haven't won that I am God. God has no favorites in his family.
He blesses everyone equally. All to enjoy is another matter. To enjoy it is another matter. So if you keep my commandments, you shall go to heaven. No, you shall abide in my love, even as I've kept my Father's commandments and abide in His love. These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full brevin, if you're not enjoying the Lord right now.
You're over Communion, your other Communion. Why, you say, oh, but Mr. Hill, you don't know my circumstances.
Ah, no matter how severe your circumstances may be, you can still enjoy the Lord.
You can still enjoy the Lord.
Often bring the Lord in a very precious way.
Into the late history of a Christian, a dear old brother, Daddy says it's worth being sick to have the Lord at the bedside to comfort you. I'm going to say that again. Dear old J&D said it's worth being sick to have the Lord at the bedside to comfort you. Oh blood brethren, not one of us in this room, the speaker included, knows how much the Lord loves us.
He couldn't love you any more than he does, He couldn't be any wiser than he is, and his purposes couldn't be more pure.
All you and I should rejoice in the Lord always. And again I say, rejoice. So the 15th chapter, then is the road to happiness. Now we'll turn to another in the 17th chapter and find something else brought before us. The 11Th verse. And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to the Holy Father.
Now stop and think when you read.
The habit of meditation.
Get the habit of meditation. Are you a child of God? You've got a holy nature.
Of course you have. Aren't you a born of God? What kind of a nature did you get? A holy one? And what's a holy nature? A nature that abhors evil and delights in good.
So he says Holy Father, because we are born into that family, and the possessors of a holy nature keep through thine own name. What does that mean?
Does that mean the name of God? Not here. It means to walk in the consciousness that God is your Father. That's what that means. Keep to thy no name. Those whom I was given me, that may be, may be one as we are, one as we are.
Oh, how wonderful. That means wonders of enjoyment and desire.
While I was with them in the world, I kept them in my name. That's the Father's name. Those that thou gave us, me I've kept, and none of them is lost, but the Son of Perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled. And now come I to thee, and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy.
Fulfilled in themselves in the Gospel of John, brethren, you get first.
We have his life. We're born into the family of God.
Then we have his peace, we have his love and his joy, and then, at the end of the pathway, his home.