Only a Tool

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
The following is a quotation from John Duncan,
known as the Apostle of Alaska.
I do not believe in putting my personality to the front. The work is what counts. If I by the grace of God have been allowed to accomplish anything for His glory, mention the work if you must, but leave my personality out. "I will be glorified, saith the Lord." I have only been an unworthy tool in His hand. If an artisan has done a fine piece of work, you would praise him, and the cunning of his handicraft. No one would think of extolling the tool in his hand. The place for the tool is on the floor, or at best on the bench; there I prefer to remain. It is the gospel that has done the work. As for me I have done nothing. I am only a tool in the Master's hand. Let us forget the tool.