Only Christ can Satisfy

Duration: 46min
Gospel—Jonathan Boulard
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The Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen.
But seeing, uh, one more pin and that's, uh, echoes a great symbol.
That's right, right near the back tip #376.
I trust.
That some here will notice soon. It's a it's a beautiful hymn.
And uh.
I I trust we'll be able to sing it and enjoy the sentence of it this evening.
Is there anyone who can confidently start this?
I can start it, but I'd prefer if there's one who could confidently start it.
Now have I seen thee and found thee, for thou hast found thy sheep. I thy lover would follow I straight as I love regime thou drink in my heart.
In the Earth.
I have no rest and no sweetness and thunderstorm.
To be on my heart whenever I'm unfolded as to come to the golden sun.
We're mine all and dark blame.
Linda and my joy be done.
Forever. Dramatically.
By cross and by far shall be the more in the sun and the sweetness and we can let you ever do me.
That one is the glory.
Another language thing has done. I wanted my claim and like I go inside and all the time now.
And what's going on just by the rejected?
That was going to be his father got my.
And I will go deeper and help. Glory Thou welcome, that's me to thine.
I'd like to just pause for a moment here. If we can consider verse 4 here. Umm, And just as we're seeing it, it's, it's very poetic and beautiful. It's a little difficult to understand perhaps, but just consider this as we're saying it's, it's such a precious, precious sentiment.
The heart passes under the water.
And dying for one that is far now Lord in his glory for sin and.
For the love of resilience, his heart.
On and on and is on the behavior.
Oh, raindrops come down from 111 blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Oh wow, there's no celebrate deep thighs, but it's not a treasure in love.
The whole man was so rarely somewhere and I'll put him in. He had very nice land.
Himself when he's a man.
522 let me go again.
Do you need all thy have acorn, and all thy judgment?
Life can blow, beloved, I forgotten for nothing more, not in for another insult for God's. Why it is not one.
Do you know when blind later I waned me he nobled in my hands and might be.
The total of my measurements I wrote.
No, no, I'm glad I paid.
A black sand and ocean. The fire.
Was to fall downward, it seemed.
Yes, yes, yes. Again, I was 70,000 nursery nursing and I come after me.
It's my desire this evening to present the Lord Jesus Christ.
He's a wonderful savior.
And it's, it's so precious to consider him, to have him before us. This, this verse is, uh, verse four, this hymn, the heart and after the waters, it's, uh, my opportunity to see the heart is another, another word for deer. Umm, and Heber Bay, we've had quite a bit of snow this winter and they've been forced out of the forest because they couldn't get.
Around in the Bush, too much snow. They couldn't.
Could move through the through the snow. There was so much so we've had the opportunity to observe them this winter in Hammer Bay.
And they're always at the water. You, you see them in at dusk as, as, uh, as the light is fading and it seems like almost every day they're out on the lake and they're, they're out of the water. They need the water.
The heart and is after the water, the dying for life that departs. I think each one of us have.
Have some, uh, have some experience with this?
Life is a precious thing and it's and it's value.
And those those who are dying will often, often do just about all they can to preserve their life a little bit longer, and that's natural.
But here this is this is nothing compared to what we have the Lord in his glory for sinners, far eclipsing any of those desires of those those first two lines.
The Lord in his glory for sinners, for the love of rebellious hearts, and each one of us here in this room, we have a problem.
It's called.
We can, uh, we can read a few verses here just to to paint the picture as it is.
The word of God we read of God being a loving God, and we see him in his glory for sinners, for the love of rebellious hearts. But there's a problem and this no gospel meeting is is complete without presenting this problem. Let's turn to Romans chapter 3.
And there's there's a verdict that is passed here in Romans chapter 3 and we'll read part of this verdict.
Romans chapter 3 and we'll start at verse 10 and I'd I'd like to I'll emphasize as we read all and the word all occurs a a number of times.
And the word none and and along those lines. This is this is very exclusive and and pointed these these these verses. So Romans chapter 3, verse 10 as it is written, there is none righteous no, not one. There is none that understand that there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way they are they are together become unprofitable. There is none that do it good.
No, not one.
Just that phrase. There is none that doeth good. No, not one. And the picture, The picture gets even more bleak as we go down.
Let's, let's read, uh, verse 19. Now we know that what things, however the law says that say it to them who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before God. This is the position that sin has played each one of us in that all the world may become guilty before God. And then verse 23.
The last part of verse 22 Says for there is no difference.
No difference the these are these are easy terms to understand. This is this is simple. This is basic when we when we hear the word non.
That's that's pretty obvious that I don't count.
If, if none, I, I don't fall into a group. If, if, if there's no one who is, uh, 12 feet tall in this room, it's, it's, it's pretty obvious, but not, not one of us fits into that category. None. There are none in this room who are taller than seven feet. Not one of us. There is none righteous. No, not one. All have sinned at every single one. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. This is where each one of us.
This is where we start out and it's it's critical that we realize this all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
We have offended a holy God, we have done that which is displeasing in his sight. And it says in Romans as well, the wages of sin is death.
And that's that's true physical death, but it's also true separation from God for all eternity. It speaks about how being prepared for the devil and his angels.
But it also speaks in the Bible of health.
Being the place where those who refuse Christ, who embrace their sins that we've been reading about.
Where they replaced it says in in Revelation chapter 2021. Perhaps we can turn there.
Uh, out of Revelation chapter 20?
And we'll read a few verses here. This is a incredibly solemn scene.
Consider what is what is being presented here.
Revelation chapter 20, verse 11 This is.
This is where all those who have sinned.
We'll end up.
With with one exclusion. So let's let's read about this and if you've sinned, if you've done wrong, what you've already read all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. This is this is where you will stand but for one exclusion, which we'll consider.
And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the heaven or the earth? And the heaven fled away, and there was found no place for them.
I think each one of us have, uh, have had the opportunity to observe fire. Umm.
It's, it's an interesting, interesting phenomenon. We, uh, up where I'm from, we collect brush and, uh, branches and general garbage over the course of the summer and we put it all in one big pile. And then in, uh, in the early part of the winter, we'll light it up. And that, that pile, the intensity of that heat, if I, if I was standing right here and the edge of that fire was at the far end of the wall, I cannot even face that fire. I cannot even.
Get that fire, it is too intense and it is too powerful. I have to either turn my back or walk further away. And that's an in in a terribly poor illustration of what we're observing here, far more powerful, far more, far more intensity than a than a little pile of, of, of brush and.
Branches going up in smoke. This is. This is far far.
Far more magnificent. And there's no there's no escape that earth and the heavens fled away and there was found no place for them. So this is this is the scene that is presented and I saw the dead.
Small and great stand before God and the books were opened.
And another book was opened, which is the book of life, and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works.
And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them, and they were judged every man according to their works, And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death, and whosoever.
Was not found written in the Book of Life. Was cast into the Lake of Fire.
This is the portion of those who are sinners.
Except for that book of life that we we've seen a few times. But this is.
This is the position, this is a solemn thing.
We are incapable of of graphing what is being said here and fully appreciating.
Of one standing in the presence of such power and magnificence.
And being judged for what they have done. And that is the result. That is the final result of pin.
And yet.
It it it I I said it was it was my my desire and delight to present the Lord Jesus this evening. And unless we realize the position, the Selemnity that how awful our position is here in our sins, we can't appreciate the Lord Jesus for who he is and what he's done so just that that him that said.
The Lord and his glory for sinners, for the love of rebellious hearts. We talk about God being loved. That's what the Scriptures say. God is love.
And so he does not do these things willingly. He does not judge the small, the dead, small and great willingly. It's his last resort. Right here, right now. There is an offer, there is an escape, even though all are guilty, even though all of sin come short of the glory of God. Let's go back to Romans chapter 3.
Romans chapter 3:00 we we thought that for all of sinned. Verse 23 all of sinned and come short of the glory of God.
But then something new comes in.
In justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. These these are difficult, difficult words, difficult phrases to explain. Perhaps another verse that might be more simple would say believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.
When we when we see that we are sinners.
That all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. You can't. You can't hide behind dad and mom. You can't hide behind. I've done some good things. All is everyone. All has been. It includes everyone.
But as that verse said, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, Thou shalt be saved. What does that mean?
We read in other places in Romans. Let's uh, let's turn a little, uh, a little further on here. Romans chapter 6, verse 23.
This part of this verse was quoted. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The blood I'm quoting the verse the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sin.
God has found a ransom, He has made a way that you and that I, though a Sinner can be reconciled, can be brought back to God.
And it's, it's a gift. The gift of God is eternal life. So no more the fear of that judgment, but the gift of God, eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. And how did he do that?
There's a verse that tells us for he that is God made him the Lord Jesus, for he made him to be sin for us who knew no sin.
That we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
Those sins that we have committed, that scene that was painted, that great white throne and different ones being judged for their sins, that punishment for those sins that you and I have committed.
If we ask.
The Lord Jesus to wash our sins away. He'll take them.
And He, through his own self, bore our sins in his own body on the tree. The Lord Jesus became a man. He was a man here on earth. The eternal Son of God became a man.
God became man and walked in the sea.
And he took those sins, if you'll accept him, and bore them on the cross. It says as far as the east is from the West so far.
As we separated our transgressions from us, I I think I misquoted that. Umm, but those fins that are laid on the Lord Jesus that you can ask him to wash away.
Those sins that will condemn us to hell.
If we accept that offer of salvation, He will.
He will wash our sins away and make us clean.
And fit for his presence. And so the rest of that verse, verse four of that hymn that we sang called back all the days of the ages. So why did he do this? Call back all the days of the ages? There are scientists who take all sorts of bizarre guesses at the how old the earth is. I frankly don't know either.
Call back all the days of the ages you can. All raindrops come down from above.
I don't think even any of your children here.
Could count how many drops of water in this cup? You can estimate it. I'm not quite sure how many drops are in this cup.
I don't know, maybe 5000 somewhere in there like.
It'd it'd be out there. It might even be more call back.
All raindrops come down from above. Scale this up a little bit. You, you have no hope. You cannot do that. This is impossible.
All flowers of summers departed.
I don't know. I, I mow lawn sometimes, umm, I'm assuming some here have you see dandelions and you can, you can sometimes see a lawn just covered with dandelions and you try, you try wedding them all out or picking them all out. You spend most of the day doing that. Call back all flowers and summer's departed. It's impossible. So the hymn writer is saying try all all three of those. Go ahead and do that. You can. You got a good chance of doing that.
But think not to measure His love. The Lord Jesus, why He became sin for us, is His love.
And that's that's why it's our our, our delight, our privilege this morning, this evening, rather to speak of the Lord Jesus and presenting to you. It was his love for you that he was made sin, that he took the punishment that our sins deserve.
That was why he did this love.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life, the Son of God who loved me.
And gave himself for me.
Versus could could be multiplied, but it was because he loved us.
And so this offer is presented this evening.
It's not, it's not an open-ended offer. It's not an indefinite offer. This, this offer has a time limit. And I know, I know some of those who are younger here, it's, it's hard to appreciate the time passes. I, I remember.
I don't remember names, are you Quincy?
You're you're Quincy or you're totally. I'm sorry. How old are you, Toby? Eight. You're 8.
I think I might have been six or seven. I remember I was sitting in a chair and my grandparents basement.
And, uh, I was feeling young and healthy and strong.
Thinking this is what I was thinking. You know what, no one's ever lived to be 1000 thousand years old, but I'm going to and I, I, I sat there thinking I'll just keep getting older and older and older and then I'll be 999 and I'll just try really hard. I'll be 1000 and I'll be the first one. And it's you may not think that way. You may be smarter and I don't know what you are, but it's easy to easy when we're young just to think.
Time. We've got lots of time.
But you know what we don't? We're not guaranteed another minute.
Not even a minute, 60 seconds.
The the clock does that quite a few times in a day. We're not even guaranteed that it says behold, now is the accepted time. Behold now is the day of salvation.
There's a time limit.
It speaks in, it speaks in. I think it's Ecclesiastes where a tree falls. There shall it lie if you reject the Lord Jesus Christ, or even if you neglect? How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation if you put it off?
And you die in your sin. You will see that scene, that in Revelation chapter 20, that great white throne, you will see it, and you will be.
Standing there with no excuse in the presence of all mighty God. And so it's it's essential.
It's essential that you.
You accept that, yes, that that precious gift from the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ, that one who loved you and gave himself for you.
It's it's so essential.
And so you can't you can't do any of those things and not him that we're we're reading out call back the days of the ages. All raindrops come down from above, all flowers of summers departed, but you have even less chance of measuring the love of the Lord Jesus for you. Let's read a short portion about the Lord Jesus in Matthew's Gospel. We'll see his love.
For different ones and it's.
It's so wonderful to have the Lord Jesus before our heart to see who he was.
It's a privilege unlike any any other privilege just to consider him.
To have him before us, that portion is found in.
Matthew 14.
That I'm considering.
And we'll see just just a little bit of the heart of the Lord Jesus Christ and his concern for for different ones.
Matthew, Chapter 14.
And we'll start at the.
Start at verse 15.
When it was evening, his disciples, This is the Lord Jesus who is being spoken of, and he had disciples who were with him. His disciples came to him, saying, This is a desert place, and the time has now passed, Send them all to away, that they may go into the villages and by themselves. But Jesus said unto them, They need not depart.
Give ye them to eat.
And they say unto him, We have here but 5 loaves, and two fishes. And he said, Bring them together to me. And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves and the two fishes.
And looking up to heaven, he blessed and braved, and gave the lobes to his disciples, and the disciples to his, to the multitude. And they did all eat, and were filled, and they took up of the fragments that remained 12 baskets full, and they that had eaten for about 5000 men, besides women and children.
So here we've we've read an account about the Lord Jesus Christ.
That one who we've been been speaking about a little bit. That one who made the sacrifice for our sins. So here we read.
An account when he was here on this earth, because he lived as a man, He walked in Israel, in the land of Israel, walked about, and he did these very things.
And so here we see that there is different ones. They were following him and uh, they kept following him and kept following him and they didn't have any food.
And that's, uh, that's a definite problem.
And so here is his disciples, verse 15 They say this is a desert place. And the time has now passed. Send the multitude away that they may go into the villages and by themselves Vittles. And did you know that this world is a desert? You can, you can look out here and you can see trees and you can you can see grass and snow or rain. But this world is a desert. There is nothing. There is absolutely nothing.
In this whole world.
That will will feed you. And what I mean by feed you is is satisfy you, you have longings, you have needs.
And this world is a desert.
I'm, I've read stories about, uh, different, uh, adventurers and different ones who have gone through the desert and perhaps you have two just sand everywhere.
And you can't eat sand it, it doesn't do you any good.
Just no. Nothing to eat, no, no sustenance does you no good. And that's what this world is. You have that need. You have that problem with sin.
And it's like you're in a desert, there's nothing for you. You can try. You can try eating sand or rocks or.
Any number of things, but it it won't do it. People try all sorts of things in this life.
Make a try money. There's lots of people working very hard to get lots of money, but that doesn't satisfy. That still leaves you hungry. And you can, uh, you can see that without looking too, too terribly hard. You can see that in the, in the world that we live in, I have the opportunity to associate with a number who have.
More money than I could I could even count in a lifetime. And many of them are, uh, are unhappy and chasing. Buy another boat, buy a bigger boat. Buy another cottage to put your boats in. Buy another cottage to.
So, and, and they just keep going and no satisfaction in that people can try to, to hold power. You see, uh, people running for presidency and running for elected office, just maybe power will do it.
That doesn't do it. They, uh, they get stressed out. They, uh, they never seem to, never seem to acquire their goals to achieve any happiness. People will try any number of things, but this world is a desert.
There's no food.
But the Lord Jesus.
He has a heart for those who are hungry, a heart for those.
Those who have a need, come unto me, all ye that are weary and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. That's what the Lord Jesus wants to do. And so verse 16, he says they need not depart. You don't have to run all over this world looking for some food. You don't have to do that.
Give ye them to eat.
So what do they have? They say unto him, We have here but 5 loaves and two fishes. The Lord Jesus he said feed them. No I I don't have much. I.
I I I've quoted a few verses. There's a lot of verses in the Bible. I don't have much. I can't explain much.
But the Lord Jesus said, give you them to eat just just a little bit. I can, you can you can listen to a verse like John 316 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him.
Should not perish.
But have everlasting life, just just a little loaf, a little fish here. And that's what the Lord Jesus he wants this evening.
He wants you to be fed and just start out with a little bit here. And so the Lord Jesus says he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass and took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed and brave and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. And so here this food, it wasn't very much.
I've I've been stumped so many times by so many different questions. I don't have very much, but I seek to present to you a little a little low here. Maybe part of the fish.
If you have questions, you can ask. If you're unsure of things, you can ask and and perhaps we'll try and give you a little bit more efficient.
If things are unclear, if you're unsure.
Receipts present food to you this evening. And so here it says the disciples, they took that little bit of food. Can you imagine 5 loaves? Let's imagine there's just little things and, uh, three small fishes. You divide that by 12 and you have children in, uh, doing division in math, you get some pretty small pieces. When you divide 5 by 12, it's not even a half.
And then, uh, you divide 3 by 12, you get a quarter. So each disciple roughly 1/2 loaf of bread and a quarter of fish. Of a small fish. This isn't very much.
But it was presented, it was used what was had.
What they possessed was used.
And so here it says verse 20, they did all eat and were filled and this is a miracle. This this doesn't, this doesn't work. The math doesn't work. You can't divide and divide and divide and still have enough you. You can't.
But with God all things are possible. And so just just a little piece if if you're unsure of many things, but if you know that you are a Sinner and that you, you long to have those sins washed away, you long to be clean and to be happy. You long to know the Lord Jesus as your Savior if you just take that little bit, even if you don't understand much.
Just ask the Lord Jesus to wash your sins away.
That you wouldn't have to stand at that great white throne, that you wouldn't have to pay the judgment for your sins, but that you could be in heaven with the Lord Jesus just a little bit. The miracle happens, You'll be filled. You can keep eating and eating and eating. And those of us who are saved, we're still eating. And if you ask anyone in this room who knows the Lord Jesus as their Savior and is seeking in any measure.
To please him, you ask them.
Are are you happy? Is the Lord Jesus good enough? Does he? Does he feel? Does he satisfy?
I guarantee you they will say yes, he does. You will be filled. This world has nothing. Even after we're saved, this world has nothing to offer. It's a desert.
Let's say these people, they, they were half full and then they said, oh, here's some sand and some rocks and some who knows what in the desert. It just doesn't work. They have to keep eating that food. But they were all filled. And the Lord Jesus Christ, he is enough to fill and to satisfy the heart.
And so here, every single one of these, these ones, there's 5000 men beside women and children, a huge multitude. They had all eaten and they were all filled. The only ones who weren't filled, I don't know that there were any, but if anyone went away hungry, it was their own fault.
The Lord Jesus, He wants to feed your soul. He wants to satisfy the heart with Himself.
I am that bread which came down from heaven. And so here this whole multitude was filled, and they went away. And this is this is this is a tremendous thing. And that this is my desire for each one in the audience here this evening that you would be certain that you would be certain that you.
How this bread from heaven that that you have your sins washed away, that you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior. If you're unsure if you have questions asked, this is this is something that is simple. I I'm thankful I was saved when I was I was three years old. There's not there's not much that you can do when you're a three-year old that'll that'll affect your life for a long time.
You you can't reason very well.
You think you're going to live to 1000 and all these things?
But this is something simple even a three-year old can do even younger.
And realize that they have sinned, that they have done what is wrong.
And ask the Lord Jesus to wash those sins away so that they wouldn't have to be punished. This is something that's simple.
And so here these ones were fed.
So that's, that's the gospel that was on my heart. I just have maybe a few minutes here to present to those who are saved. I, I trust that most here are saved. Let's just turn, turn over. Some of you won't even have to turn over a page in your Bible. Let's turn to Matthew chapter 15.
And let's just read a few verses, verse 32 and 33 here.
Then Jesus called Matthew 15 verse 32. Then Jesus called his disciples unto him and said, I have compassion on the multitude because.
They continue with me now three days, and have nothing to eat, and I will not send them away fasting, unless they faint in the way. And his disciples say unto him, Whence should we have so much bread in the wilderness?
As to fill so great a multitude.
We can pause here on on my Bible. I can read parts of both accounts without flipping any pages.
Here, these different ones, they were fed, not only did they have some food, they were all filled and there was food leftover. And I, I'll, I'll apply this to salvation.
And so if you're saved, you know.
That you've had your sins washed away and you've you've had that feast. You've feasted on the love of God and on that.
That tremendous provision, a tremendous feast that God has given to you at His expense.
And so you've, you've been filled, but it's easy to forget. And so here the disciples, I don't know if it was a couple of days, a week, a month, perhaps others would be able to, to give you the the timing. It couldn't have been terribly long. But here the same situation is presented.
There was there were those who needed to eat and.
They couldn't. They didn't know what to do.
If we're.
We can be filled with Christ. I I have no, no intention of preventing from this that we can lose our salvation because that the word of God says, my sheep hear my voice and I know them and I give unto them eternal light and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hands. That's not the point I'm trying to make here, but it's possible after we're saved if we leave the Lord out of our lives, if we say I wanna try something else here. I wanna do this, I wanna do that do the other. I wanna advance my career.
So I wanna do really well in school. Nothing wrong with those in themselves necessarily, but if we leave the Lord Jesus out of our lives.
Your receipts are in the exact same problem and they have no idea what to do. So what? What's the answer?
It's, it's similar to the situation, umm, verse 34, Jesus said unto them, how many loaves have you? And they said seven and a few little fishes. And so here it's handed out to the multitude again and they're all filled.
Yes, if I haven't been walking to please the Lord, closely following him, if I've gotten distracted, I'm gonna get hungry again. And what's the answer if not trying to eat dirt is not trying to find food in the desert? Because there's still, even if you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, there still is no food in this world. It's a desert.
You won't satisfy that that hunger after God.
By by looking in this desert place, that's not how you're gonna be filled. You're gonna be filled by feeding on price, by considering him.
And by eating that food which he provides, I am the bread of life. And so here they all sat down. They were all filled. And so I, I just present that to your heart as it, as it's spoken to mine. It's easy to forget what satisfies us in this world. It's easy to forget what brings that peace and that joy which every believer is privileged to have. It easy to forget that.
And to turn to other things, and to lose that joy of our salvation, and to lose that lose that sense of the Lord's love for us.
But the answer is not to, not to turn to other things, to go back to the Lord again and to feed on Christ and to have him before our hearts. And so I, I present that to those of us who are saved, if there is any, any longing in our heart, if, if we feel like we're chasing after things and you're, you're, you're striving, you're reaching for things, you're not happy. You want to be and you're trying this and trying that. It will not work unless it's Christ, it will not work.
And we're guaranteed that by the authority of the Word of God.
And so here they're all filled. And I I trust that each one of us this evening, if you're a Sinner, if you have not yet accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, that you would do that this evening.
It's something that's so simple, even a child we we sometimes sing that him, a little child of seven or even three or four may enter into heaven through Christ the open door.
And so it's, it's my desire if you're unsafe, if you're still in your sins, that this evening you would ask the Lord Jesus to wash those sins away.
Just you can use those exact same words, Lord Jesus, wash my skin away. It's it's not something that's complicated and he will and it'll have an effect on your whole life. But then after we are saved, just to realize that the only food for that new nature which we have is going to be Christ. And that is the only thing that will continue to satisfy.
And continue to.
'Cause that those, those desires of our hearts would be fully satisfied in Christ. So let's close in prayer.
Our loving God and our Father.
Please bless thy word that was read and that was presented.
These 'cause that our, our hearts, each heart here would see beauty in the Lord Jesus Christ.
That any inner sins would see in the Lord Jesus, that one who loved them, the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.
That they would accept the Lord Jesus as their Savior, as their substitute, and that they would have that rich beast that that was provided at such a cost for Jesus. And so we would ask for this. We would ask for thy blessing on the gospel wherever it goes out. We would ask you for those that are saved.
That we would feed on Christ.
Realizing that that is still the only place where there is contentment and joy to be found in this desert world. And so we would ask these things, Lord Jesus, in my name for thy glory.
OK, bye bye, bye bye.