Only One

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 10
There's only one way by which sinners are saved,
And that's by the way of the cross;
No works of our own, be they ever so great;
With God they are nothing but dross.

There's only one Savior who's able to save,
That Savior is Jesus the Lord,
The One who is human, and also divine,
Whose title we read is "The Word.”

There's only one path! It is narrow and strait,
But it leads to the glory of God;
It's pleasures are lasting, they fade not away:
'Tis the path the Nazarene trod.

There's only one Book that can guide you aright—
The Bible, God's treasure so true;
Its precepts are binding, its teachings are pure,
This Book God has given to you.

Then take this sure way by which sinners are saved,
This Savior so loving and true,
And walk in the path that will lead you to God—
And remember, this Book is for you.