Open 1C

Open—Stan Allan
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I just thought I'd make just a couple of closing comments based on what my son was talking about.
The first verse, I can't even remember where it is. Someone maybe can help me. But you know, in connection with Jerusalem, it says aha, the enemy says aha, aha. Even the ancient places, high places, are ours for a possession. And you know, if you went over to Jerusalem today, you would find that really the Muslims have control of the.
Can I say the ancient high places, in other words, where Solomon's temple used to be?
Israel would love to have control of that, but I don't believe that the Lord will allow them to have control of those ancient high places until they acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ as their Messiah.
And I was just thinking in connection with.
What is happening in the world today if you just look into Zechariah for a moment I just is just a couple of comments I thought might be of help.
Zechariah chapter 12. Notice what it says about Jerusalem in the second verse of chapter 12. Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling onto all the people roundabout, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem, and in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people.
All that, all that burden themselves with it, shall be cut in pieces.
Sorry, though, all the people of the earth be gathered together against it in that day, saith the Lord. I will smite every horse, and so on. And so we find here that those who interfere with that city where God had chosen to put his name in the Old Testament.
He's going to make it a burdensome stone for all those that interfere. And so any nation even today, I believe, that tries to interfere with what's going on over there. They're going to pay a price. But you know, the wonderful thing is the day is coming very soon when the Lord is going to come. If you read the latter part of that 12Th chapter of Zechariah, you find the day comes when the House of Israel will acknowledge that the one that they have rejected.
The one they've despised is their true Messiah. Notice what they say verse 11 of the same chapter. And that day shall there be a great morning in Jerusalem, as the morning of Haydat rimmen in the valley of Magidan. And the land shall mourn every family apart, the family of the House of David apart and their wives apart. The family of the House of Nathan, the part and their wives apart, and the family of the House of Levi apart and their wives apart.
The family of Shimmy Eye apart and their wives apart. All the families that remain, Every family apart.
And their wives apart, that's when they acknowledge that the one that they rejected as their Messiah.
Is truly the one they own as their king. And you see in the 14th chapter of Zechariah.
When he comes and you know, the wonderful thing is we're going to come with him. We're going to I believe that perhaps it'll be what we have there in Revelation 19 when those armies come out of heaven with the Lord Jesus and knows what it says here in the 14th of Zechariah, a verse.
3 Then shall the Lord go forth and fight against those nations, as when he fought on the day of battle, and his feet shall stand.
In that day upon the amount of olives which is before Jerusalem on the east.
And the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the West.
And there shall be a great valley, half of the mountains shall remove toward the north and half of it toward the South, and ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains, and so on. Well, this is the day when the Lord comes out of heaven and he judges his his enemies, and he takes his rightful place. And you know, I believe we're going to be with him. What a glorious future we have ahead of us. And.
We just think of how did he spies and rejected.
He's hated, he's not wanted in the schools, in the government. But the day is coming when every knee will bow and every tunnel confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
We just give thanks.
Our God and Father, we come before thee this afternoon and we thank Thee for such a precious privilege.
Of being gathered around the person of the Lord Jesus this morning. For Lord, thou hast said, where two or three are gathered together unto my name, there am I in the midst of them. And Lord Jesus we know without his desire to be with thy people.
And we know in the Old Testament, without its place, the temple there without us dwell among white people. We think of how much they failed.
And Lord, we have to acknowledge that in this day there's much failure amongst us. We have to acknowledge it. But we thank thee for the privilege that there is a place where we can meet the Lord Jesus and we look forward to that moment when we will be with the enlightening. And Lord, thou have thy rightful place.
We just commit ourselves to thee now, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.