Open—J. Gorgas, J. Hyland
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And just to follow along with the thoughts our brother was bringing before us, we could look at a couple of scriptures. First in Second Timothy.
Second Timothy, chapter 3.
In verse 14, thinking particularly of just the 1St 3 words of the verse. But I'll read the whole verse. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned.
And that's been assured of knowing of whom thou hast learned them. And then in first John one further verse.
First John chapter 3 and I'll read verse 2, verse three. I was particularly thinking of beloved. Now are we the sons of God? And it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like Him, for we shall see him as he is, and every man that has this hope in him.
Purify himself even as he is pure. Well, as her brother was speaking, I thought of this verse in Second Timothy. Because here in Second Timothy we find similar circumstances. We find the parallel between what we have in Malachi and what we have when Timothy wrote this, when Paul wrote this final letter to Timothy at the end of his life, we noticed in Malachi that there was the last days in Israel. There was weakness, there was failure, there was a breakdown of everything.
And, you know, I've been impressed to notice in the word of God how the last day, whether it's in the history of Israel or whether it's in the history of the church, are always characterized by individual faithfulness. We find at the end of the judges, we find everything had been given up. Every man was doing that which was right in his own eyes. But there were still some that were faithful in much weakness, no doubt. But we read of Deborah and Barrett, two who were faithful, two who went on despite all the difficulties against tremendous odds, and who?
Obtained the great victory.
We find at the end of Malachi, even though we have this condition of things that we have spoken about there we find those that were faithful, those that were thinking upon His name, those that did fear the Lord and always find how He valued it, how the Lord values that, and how that book of remembrance was written of which we have been speaking. And now we come to the history of the church and we find in Timothy, in Second Timothy, here we find the breakdown of everything.
We find the breakdown in government, the breakdown in the home, the breakdown in the assembly. And yet amidst all this, isn't it beautiful that Paul says to Timothy, continued out, continued out and brother, and I say this and I say to my fellow young believer, I say we can never excuse our giving up on the days in which we live. I say this because I have spoke to fellow young believers who have been discouraged and who have said, well, you know, it's impossible to go on like they did years ago. It's impossible to really be faithful in days like this when there's so many trials both in the home and in the assembly.
When everything is being given out and we have to go with the flow a little bit, we have to let down the bear. Oh, Paul, when he wrote these things to Timothy, he said, continue thou. And to my own soul, it's just as if Paul was saying, Timothy, despite all the failure around, despite every other breakdown of everything, you as an individual can continue. There is no excuse for giving up because brethren, we've been given.
All things that pertain unto life and godliness. We have been equipped with everything we need to live the Christian life. We've been given a divine life. We've been given the Holy Spirit of God who indwells us as the power for that light. And we've been given God's word, and we have too, One who's living for us at the Father's right hand. We have all these things. And so we can go on, despite the difficulty. All it may call for individual faithfulness.
And I believe, brethren, as we're left here, if the Lord in his wisdom leaves us here, uh, the longer he leaves us here, the more we're going to see the breakdown of these things because we're told that things in this world are going to get worse and not better, worse and not better. And anything that depends upon man will always break down. And so we're going to see the breakdown more and more of, of things in the world, things in the assembly, all these things. And yet we can go on. We're exhorted in revelation to strengthen.
The thing that remains, we're to be aware of the difficulties, aware of the failure on our part in it, So let's not be overwhelmed by it. I talked to a brother not long ago and he just seemed so overwhelmed with the things that have been allowed in the assembly and the failure that's going on. And I said, brother, isn't there a cause for Thanksgiving? Don't we still have much to be thankful for? Think of this time together, a little Oasis in the desert, as it were. We can come together. No man forbidding the laws of the land. The government allow us to meet in this way, to be over God's word for and for prayer and for the preaching of gospel. Isn't that something to rejoice in? Can't we rejoice that God, the Lord Jesus in grace is maintaining a testimony?
Gathered to his precious name, even in these dark and difficult days. Oh, Brennan, we have so much to be thankful for. If we could only, you know, meditate on these things. If we could only look at Christ.
And see his beauty that we were only occupied with him. Oh, we wouldn't need be aware. We're indeed, I'd say to be aware of the failure and we're to own our card in it. But let's not be overwhelmed by it. And you know, I think of Daniel. Daniel was taken from his home and he and the three Hebrew children wasn't very nice, wasn't to think this young man. They were ripped from their home and taken to a strange and idolatrous land. But we find there that Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not eat, defile himself with the King's meat. And I'm going to say to your heart and mind, it does take purpose apart to live in days like this.
Carnival went down and made sort of the early brethren. So with purpose of heart they should plead unto the Lord and so it does take purpose apart. It does take energy. It does take diligence. It does take being before the Lord, but all he's the one that gives all the strength that we need if we're willing that he's more than willing. And I think of Daniel, you know, early in his life there he purposed in his heart. And it says at the end of that chapter. And Daniel continues and Daniel continues even to the reign of Darius. Isn't that beautiful that rejoice with my heart. There was a young man.
Who was had all kinds of things against him. He, he might have said, well, there's no use. I might as well just go along and, uh, do my part. And he had great potential to. He could have been, uh, and he was, we know great in that Kingdom, but he could have had more, I'm sure. But no, he purposed in his heart that he was going to be faithful to his God. And we find that he continues. And so I say to my own heart, are we going to continue? We can, we have everything like today. I want, if we get nothing else out of what I say this afternoon. Remember this year, fellow young believer, we have.
Everything to live the Christian life we have been given everything to walk a pathway of faithfulness through this world, despite all the darkness, all the things that come in. And I don't underestimate what life is in a world like this. I know it's hard. I know when you go to school and when you go to work and when you go to the factory in the office, I know there's things there and it's so easy just to give you in a little bit. I know it's hard. But oh, if you seek to follow him, to follow the Lord, you know, it says of Caleb that is holy, follow the Lord. He had a desire.
And he holy followed the Lord, and often just read the history of any of those men who were faithful, Caleb, Daniel, Moses.
These men, did they lose? Oh, they lost in this world perhaps, but they didn't lose in the world to come. Think of Moses. You know what I think of standing beside Moses in a coming day and saying, are you sorry, Moses, that you gave up all the treasures of Egypt? You could have been the next Pharaoh in Egypt. You could have been perhaps a ruler of the greatest empire of the day. You think Moses is going to stay until the point of falling out, one dead? He's going to say it was worth it all. Even even when they spoke of stoning him, even when they spoke against them.
Uh oh, and what, what will it be in comparison to glory? And I say to your heart in line, what will any faithfulness to the Lord Jesus or anything we give up here be in comparison to what's ahead? I often said we could have one glimpse of glory.
Things down here with loose all their glitter bread. I say this to my own heart. I don't want you to think I'm pointing the finger. If I point the finger this afternoon, it has to be at my own heart. I think of Paul, you know he was caught up to the 3rd heaven.
I didn't hear it. Unspeakable words that it was not lawful for a man's water. He couldn't describe. He couldn't put into human language the glory and the things he saw and heard there. How did he give up so much in this world? Oh, he had a vision of what was ahead. He's been there. He knew what was waiting for him. We were just saying this morning, Brother Charlie and I, when we were having a reading this morning, we're just talking about the children of Israel. You know, when they came out of Egypt, they were redeemed people, and they were a very short time into the wilderness and they began to murmur and complain.
And Moses cried unto the Lord, And what does the Lord say to Moses? He said, Tell the people to turn around. They're looking in the wrong direction. They're looking back. And so when they turned around, they saw the glory of the Lord in the clouds. In some way Jehovah would please to reveal himself to them in the cloud. And so when they looked at it over the wilderness, it wasn't to see all the hindrances, the sagebrush and all the things that no doubt were there, but they saw the glory of the Lord in the clouds, and they could take heart and say, what's going on?
There's something far better. Oh, I'd say if we could catch a glimpse of the coming glory, what a difference it would make. And that's why I read these verses, uh, in 3rd in, uh, first John chapter 3, because it speaks there of that time when we will be with them like the Lord Jesus. And then it says everyone that has this hope in him purify of himself even as he is pure. And, uh, what that means, brethren, is that.
If we're enjoying what's ahead, if we're looking for the Lord's coming, if we are living in the imminence of the Lord's return, if we have a vision of what's ahead not it should make a difference in our lives, but it will. In the measure in which you and I enjoy in our soul what's ahead, it will make a difference in your life and mind. It will.
Make a difference. Why do we so often come become so attached to those things of this world? Why do we settle down all we live outside of what's ahead? Because it says in Proverbs where there is no vision.
The people perish and I say again, that's what's going to preserve it. It's looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith of sometimes said for the younger, you know, perhaps you've read the book Pilgrims Progress. Perhaps most of us have have read it. And there in John Bunyan writes of two who were on their way to the Celestial City and they come to a place you'll remember called Vanity Fair. And as they pass through that city of Vanity Fair, there's one attraction offered to them here.
Come and join us in this. Come and indulge in this, uh, just stop a while and enjoy this. And you find those two men, Christian and faithful, they keep on the King's Hwy. They don't turn to the right, hand to the left. They go on through that city.
And they're not attracted by all the things around them. And I used to wonder why, Why couldn't those things fall at their heart? Why didn't they stop for just a little while? Oh, they had a vision of the Celestial City. They could say, we're going on to the Celestial City. And so those things in Vanity Fair had no attraction for them. And so I just say to your heart and mind, if we keep before us the fact that the Lord Jesus is coming, perhaps today, perhaps before these meetings are concluded, we have perhaps before supper time.
Well, brethren, we talk about it, you know, it's become such a familiar thing with us. But do we really, do we really believe in our soul? Do we have it before? As we get up every morning, as we go up, uh, as we go to bed at night, do we think, oh, perhaps before another sunrise, perhaps before another sunset, we'll be caught away to be with and light our blessed Savior. Oh, you know, he's longing for that day. He's longing for that day when he has his own around himself.
When that day when He sees of the travel the soul, and it's satisfied, so for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame. What was that joy? Well, first of all, it was to do His Father's will, and secondly, what? So that He could have a bride, so that He could have you and I in His company for all eternity. He could express in the 17th of John in prayer to His Father. Father I will that they also whom Thou hast given me, be with me.
Where I am, there was no other way that you and I could be brought into a place of relationship except you go to Calgary. And so he had that before him as he went. And I say he's longing for that day. But what about you and I? He longs too for a response in your heart and mind. He longs for that response. I sometimes think in the last chapter of Revelation, there you read, behold, I come quickly, no response. Again you read a few verses down, Behold, I come quickly, no response.
You come to the end of the chapter, to the end of the book. He says, behold, I come quickly. Even so come more Jesus and he closes the book and my own soul is just as if he said that's the response I've been waiting for. That's the response I've been waiting for. And he closes the book. Oh, you know, he wants that response and he often stirs things up so that we give him have that response. He often allow circumstances in our lives.
So that there will be that response, but he wants that response not out of circumstances, not out of trial so much as out of a heart failed infection filled with love for the blessed Savior. You and I really longed for that day. Do we really realize what it's going to be brethren, we were thinking about it at the beginning of the meeting to be caught away to be with and like Jesus that time when they we hear that voice and we meet him on the cloud and wherever.
With the Lord, I say in the measure in which we enjoy this truth in our soul, it will, it will make a difference in our lives. But you know, he hasn't come. He's left us here. I often say to the children, you know, wouldn't it be wonderful if when we were saved, the Lord Jesus took us right home to glory? And all the children will say, Oh yes, that would be wonderful. Wouldn't have to go to school, wouldn't have to do all the things we we have to do, all the chores we have to do at home. Oh, they think that would be wonderful.
But you know, the largess doesn't do that. He's left us here. He's left up here for a purpose. He's left us here. But you know, I say he hasn't left us to our own devices. And I say again, we can continue, He exhorted. Timothy continued out. Daniel continued. And so we can continue. And may I say this, he has a path marked out for each one of us, no matter how young we are the smallest one here who belongs to the Lord Jesus.
He has a path of faith marked out for us in his precious word and we can go on in this world in that path. He's given us all and He hasn't just told us the pathway, but He's given us everything we need to follow in that path and that's what He wants. Those were about the last words that the Lord Jesus said to his disciples. He just simply said follow me. That's what He wants. He wants a response flower left in the scene He wants.
A response from our heart, What is the hindrance? You know, I had a young brother say to me some time ago, I said, well, I'd like to know the Lords mind, but just doesn't seem to reveal it to me. Well, I said to him, he said he wants you to know, you think he wants you to know if there's any hindrance. The hindrance is on our part. If any man will do his will, he shall know. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct my path. And so that our brother was bringing before us the beginning of the meeting if we seek to be faithful.
Then he takes care of the rest. He takes care of the rest. If we're faithful, then the Lord Jesus takes care and he's one that brings us all the way home. When Israel started out on their journey to the promised Land, did he leave? Did he just redeem them out of Israel and leave them to their own devices? Oh no. They had the pillar filed by day, the pillar of fire by night. He said, my presence shall go with thee, and I will give you rest. And so he brought them safely into the land. And I say fear, heart and mind. We're just like that sheep that he picked up in this gospel, puts it on his shoulder and he brings it safely home to glory. He wants to take care of. He will take care of it. Every one of us, we know who.
Love the Lord Jesus who have been cleansed in His precious blood. We will come safely home to glory and all. How better to have what the Scripture speaks of as an abundant entrance into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior. I think of Him, as you know, in contrast to Daniel and Timothy in these ones.
Demas was listed with the, uh, fellow workers of the Apostle Paul and Paul gave him a commendation on occasion. And yet at the end of Paul's life, he had to say, deem is hath forsaken me, having loved his present world. Oh, how sad. He started out well, but you know, the Lord doesn't want us just to start out well, but he wants us to continue. I say it to my own heart. Are we speaking grace to go on each day?
Strength from him to continue in the path of faith. And may I say this to just enclosing that I believe, brother.
That the Lord Jesus in His grace will maintain a testimony gathered to His precious name until He comes. You don't have to read the 20th of Act and other scriptures to see that He will. I believe with all my heart, despite how feeble.
Yet there will be a testimony gathered to the precious name of the Lord Jesus in the scene of his rejection till he calls us away. But the challenge to my own heart is will I be found there when he calls me away when he when he calls his own joy, will I be found there when he comes? Oh, I say, may we seek grace. It's all a grace. We spoke of grace this morning in the prayer meeting. It's all of grace. If there's any desire in our hearts to go on it. He's not worth it in you supposed to do as a whale and to do if his good pleasure. It's all great and yet we do have a responsibility.
As our brother brought before us to go on the purpose in our hearts. You know, I like that expression because I've heard people say, well, so and so has a nice desire. That desire isn't enough love your desire isn't that nothing? But it takes purpose apart to live in days like thee. Oh brother, may we keep our eyes on Christ, may we look more in his wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.
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My Grace.
I'm here who I am delayed for all that.
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And, umm.
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And thyroid to get out of it in my heart and sleep. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Everything is fairly strong.
Thy glory and I have a friend itself from.
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Savior come from life, save our way.
Nostrils Grace.
And frog and glory day with me, Oh my God, where are my grades from our place?
Go for anything, come long flying, ready to play anything alone among brides.
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Lost my brain and.
Larry, Missouri.
No, no, no, no, no. Thank God. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Wait a minute, where are the emails?
Let's turn them out.
Give us a picture of things, man, at the end of Israel's history, your account.
Jude gives us a similar picture of what it is at the end of the Christian age and.
Uh, this period gone in.
Now in Malachi, what we was referred to particularly was this verse that I love with you, but I want to say something about it. It was umm.
The middle of verse 10, Malachi 3.
And Chrome me down here with saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing.
That there shall not be room enough to receive it. And we read more than that, and I'll refer to more than that.
And now I love this portion, but I think we love it in all faithfulness. I should ask you to turn back a little in the chapter because this is only a conclusion.
Of a proposition.
How far back do we need to go? Just to the 8th 1St I think.
There's a context here. A lot of people does not forget the context.
It says will a man rob God? And if you read Malachi carefully, he says rob him and then have any sensibility as to the fact that they were robbing them.
Look, if we're doing all well.
And so it is imprisonment. There's a great deal of robbing God and a great deal of feeling that we're all doing well.
Will a man rob God? Yeah, yeah, rob me.
But he said where? When have we run off this?
Ties and orphans.
Your curse with a curse we have robbed me, even this whole nation.
Now notice what it says that bring ye all the ties into the what storehouse that there may be meat in my house and now we have proven and this is connected. This is how you approve God, not by just saying I want lots of blessing. You all don't mind how I'm going.
A lot of it. We don't want to take that position. I mean, that's that's monstrous. Doesn't matter how we're doing, but we want the blessings.
Now this is we're not under ties, we're not under this rigorous system of the law. We're under a period of grace, but God has his dues.
Now I want to temper my remarks by saying that we also read further in that chapter.
MMM, verse 16.
Then they that fear of the Lord spake often one to another. The Lord hearkened and heard it in a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name. And they shall be mine, says the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels, and I will spare them a man, spare his own son that serveth him. And I think I'll read one more verse. Things got to return and discern between the right the wicked.
Between him and the service gone and him that service is not. When things are dark, you don't even know what's what.
That's what I think it means here. The sermon is muddled, and it's muddled today. There's a great deal of noise in Christendom, and you have to leave it with dogs sometimes as to who's really serving them.
But you're into your privilege and mine. Many of us here today, I'm sure are the good of it is to enjoy what we have in verse 16. I think these in that we meet up in verse 16 talking to these things hearken to the to what Malachi was raised in so faithfully to Israel faithful words and that's blessed to know that there are those that care and they respond. But I'm 40 now all is not going to shower us with blessings unconditionally.
And so all you have to do is say, let's have it.
It has something to do with the way we're going on now. I'll tell you why. I'm sure of that. Turn to how you guys at least I feel pretty sure.
The Book of Time you got there's just a little bit before this one.
Verse three of chapter one, the Budapest you are there any kind of word of the Lord by Haggai the prophet saying, is it time for you, oh, you to dwell in your sealed house, and this house lies.
Now therefore, thus saith the Lord of Hosts, consider your ways.
I think God will have us to consider our ways.
You have so much.
And bring in a little.
I'm going to some of you know that I'm pretty well longer here. I'm going to quite a few conferences.
I'm awfully disappointed not to see great blessing. You seem to be a lot of sewing fine gospels and you go home and there's good singing after this.
No, it's certainly, you hear a real bucket.
But there's something wrong, and I think there's something that is wrong is that we haven't given God his due. God could overwhelm us with pleasure.
There's power in the Word of God. The Holy Spirit is still here when he's taken out of this, and it'll be terrible. You strangle me alone and I believe that the the ground ever on is God giving ground.
You know that there's one body and there's one name which we're gathered.
But here it says you so much and bring in little, you eat, but you have not enough, and so on.
And uh.
The Lord says, conceive your ways.
And I said the reason I'm convinced is that God will not shower us with blessings. Now he, he's our God, He likes to bless. But this shower of blessings that we sometimes ask more without thinking carefully. God is faithful. And here we see that God blew on things and I got something.
Well, I'm blue on it. He saw that they weren't doing well. They brought them up sharply, didn't they?
And then harken, I don't know, wonderful change came out. It was playfulness to hearken to his word, and that made God would have that.
I say it's all tempered by the fact that I know there are those.
So who may have harm because there's a general condition?
Now turn to look Chapter 21.
Before I perhaps before that, let me let's enlarge this much on uh, it says, uh, instead of uh, caring about gauze now, each one went to his own steel now, and I believe that's going to be fair rendered wainscoted.
That sounds like a pretty nice house, doesn't it? Up their houses and looking after their rent.
No, I don't know his house. I haven't. I didn't. I didn't know all that when I got through somehow. I like to see a nice house, but there's a danger in it and I think it's a symbol too. It isn't just a house, it's the whole business. We like to live nicely and there's pressure on us. And I feel to the young in this respect, if I want to please God and really be oriented towards heaven.
And not forget that they're only strangers and pilgrims here. Am I wrong about that? Are we strangers in total? I don't believe I'm this is what we should be. This is how Peter addressed the laws of the dispersion.
Let me see, she was strangers in films.
So, umm, one of the things I think is this, that we're all living well. There's a fear pressure to live well.
And by and large, brethren are well equipped to do that right energetic.
And they often get a good education to help them and they are on their way in the dangerous that this will take an awful lot of energy.
So that that's a danger. Now let's turn to Luke 21, as I said.
Verse 34. Some of you have heard me speak about it on the university before, but I feel constrained.
And take heed to yourself, unless at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting.
No, I don't want to.
In, uh, insult you. But I think it's just as well to ask the question, what does circling mean? Because I don't think we use it in our everyday language so much means having more than me. Say she's getting yourself. Maybe that's a good way to be.
And here I believe that if you examine the context here, you'll find that it's in view of the fact that the time of this age is running on and a bunch of things are just before us.
And that they could overtake you.
Perhaps. And for those answers, we're going particularly for us, too.
Take heat in your heart, be not overcharged with surgery now as I observe things.
Around me I find that this generation is given a certain.
Just indulging themselves in on every hand. You can see what your name is that I am online and I've been somewhat exercised.
No, I don't believe that. Uh, we need to be fanatical, but it's a good exercise. Am I living a life of indulgence as this generation is? If it is, my heart could be overtaken and that day could come upon me and I just could lose a lot.
And it goes on to say I'm drinking. I haven't settled that. There's plenty of literal drinking and that's a real danger.
Take heed that your heart.
Is not overcharged with surfing and drinking and I want to emphasize the last and care of this world. What's wrong with that?
With young people that learn they're going to have cares and certainly God isn't going to recruit them for having care and meeting those carers, but your heart can be overcharged with cares. And this shows me the very fact there's a nice rotation here, it shows me you can do something about it.
That you don't have to let it pile up.
You can actually go on to help you take care of this world on ground that you have, so you lose out on the things that really count for alternative.
Well, these are a couple of aspects, but there are lots of other ways.
I said why I'm quite impressed with the the the abilities of my fellow believers.
Maybe I'm, uh, too easy on them, but I find that there are many of them that are quick to get along in this world to be successful.
Then right you're energetic. The very fact that they come from Christian households gives them a big advantage.
Because the atmosphere is convinced.
And then you can look down towards as long as it looks pretty fair.
And actually, you don't literally do that or you would, You would be checked right away. You don't know what's going on, but you're going to get a certain core of educational program just to your liking. And you get into, umm, ambitions for higher and higher physicians. Sometimes, frankly stated, this is our goal.
One and lose and lose spiritual. This is another way in which one can rock on.
I don't know much about where they stand today as to pleasures and amusements, but I know one of the biggest danger in this generation is having children. 54 television sets and hardly are literate.
Reading is becoming a lost part in this in our country. I don't know about Canada.
And the educators are started out, but they really aren't going to do much about it. Those forces of loving pleasure, lots of pleasure there. This place. I couldn't take it and tell you practical, I couldn't take it. It was I would begin with nice programs, but I graduated into others, I'm sure, and I'd lose out and I wouldn't be reading. I don't read enough. The beloved. These are the things that I think within which we can rob.
Our homes ought to be where the Word of God, first of all, is that.
And where reading is cultivated, and I mean good reading, is awful because of what is available today.
When I come back to my and I say umm, we like to think of lessons such as mentioned here and therefore.
Where we read.
Prove me now here we said, the Lord opposite Bible.
Not open to you know, the widows of heaven and pour you out bless you. I don't know whether we know what this is to have. I've read about something like that.
In certain places there's been marvelous openings of the windows of heaven, and we desire that, don't we?
11 Naughty is not going to do that. He's going to be faithful. He's a faithful father who loves us and he's going to correct our ways and he's going to shut up things to us as it was in Haggai last time.
The labor brought in nothing, and it was of God.
And they missed the blessings. Oh my God, speak to us about this. And I would just suggest this too. When you think of this verse, go back a few verses and read earlier and get the content. See the picture. And if you happen to be sending out an invitation to a conference, I've seen many invitations go out over here proving now here with just come to the conference. You have four out of blood. Never mind, I have been.
With his daughter's head is due or whether your house is in order.
Like a lot of dogs, that isn't what God's word says. It says just 54. That little man brought God. He had robbed me and pulled me out here. Bring the time, give me my due and see what. And we can still count on how to do that. Now again I say this is all tempered by the fact that in the midst of all this general condition, there is this sweet communion of those that really care.
And I I value that I call it that someone I know you do too.
And I think we're sharing some of that at the meetings, but there's no constraint when we when these things were mentioned to get a broader picture before us.
Let's not try to be rosy eyed about it. You know, and, and God's word is true and that picture of the of the legacy in Revelation is searching, isn't it? It's so easy to say I'm I'm doing well.
I'm rich.
I'm increasing, but then I need a number in, uh, Isaiah 58. I just glance at that in clothing. I want to show you something here that's very remarkable to me.
Well, I read a few bases verses and make a few comments, but I want to show you how we can be deluded.
Isaiah 58 verse one cry aloud, spare out, lift up my voice like a trumpet, and show that my people, their transgressions, and the House of Jacob, their sins, nothing. There's no word on the way through the prophet.
Right on our house, they're not.
Lift up my voice like a trumpet and show my people they're transgressing in the House of Jacob their sins.
So you say, what's new about that? The old custom is full of, uh, through his promise, charging the people what they're saying. But no, what's remarkable is what follows you.
Yeah, they speak to me daily.
And delight in all my ways. Is this a surprising context?
As a nation that did righteousness, what's wrong with this?
And for some, not the ordinance of their God. They asked of me the ordinances of justice. They take delight in approaching it on.
They say, wherefore have we passed it? Say they and now see us now. Wherefore have we afflicted and blown through these things? And we're part of their ritual. And the key to it all is there was no reality to it.
God is looking for reality.
And He wasn't so, uh, concerned as we sometimes in our early experience think about all these sacrifices and ordinances. They had their purpose with God behind it all, as the Lord brought out for one sacrifice and offering our own is not for the body. And then we see in His life and His devotion even unto death, we see what God was really delighted in.
Before they pass for stripe and debate and so on. And then later on in verse 6, is not this the fact that I have chosen to lose the bands of Wiccans, to undo the heavy burns and to let the oppressed go free, and that the great every yolk? Is it not to deal thy bread in the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house One Now see, it's the negative that I'll cover them.
And that they're high enough. I saw from my own life. Is this revealing below? God is looking for reality.
And of course, this is the Old Testament and it submits to that. It shows the heart of God is not looking for external they did everything right.
And I, I just suggest that we all search ourselves. We might just, uh, in a sense do everything right according to the traditions, you might say, right.
It's a lot of money was from the atom. He wants us to care for the poor of Mr. Morris and not to be so taken up with the with the ceremony that we have. That's the poor and the sick and the naked and all get lost in the shovel.
Well, I just leave it with you.
That, uh, we live in a time when there's great dangerous, when there's only getting into the latest instrument.
Saying aren't we doing things correctly? Regularly to the meetings, regularly to the conference for whatever you think is the course of things. God is looking for reality. Indeed, He's looking for those that we see in the 16th that really fear the Lord and thought upon his name. That's everything.
I may have mowed this a little bit. When you think about his name, that'll say anything.