Open Mtg. 2

Duration: 40min
Listen from:
Open—N. Wood, R. Ruga
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I'll try my way.
Wednesday morning.
For an hour in here.
We could be 21.
Great blessed God and loving Father, we have just sons. We wait for the Son of God, and long for thine appearing. We await that blessed moment, Lord, when thou shalt have thy rightful place in the scene.
Where thou wast rejected, and thou hast said it before our hearts as an ever present hope.
May we conduct our lives in view of that eternal day when this uh.
Life's short span will be over. We've looked to the two for help on this afternoon in the ministry of Thy word By whomsoever thou mayst used to bring the scriptures before us. Thou knowest we are a needy people, and we stand in need of a heavenly light for our earthly pathway thy spirit may undertake. Give that which is needed for each one here as let us know the need to be.
We pray for our brethren elsewhere, thy blessing and care upon them. We know that many are laboring for thee very faithfully at this time.
We uphold them before the throne of grace. Thank thee for allowing a few of us to come together in this manner, and we wait upon thee now, giving thanks in thy name, Lord Jesus. Amen. Amen.
We've been considering somewhat this morning. The Lord is coming for us and also His appearing, so I was thinking of an event that happened in between.
I was thinking of Revelation chapter.
Four and five. Just a few thoughts.
These two chapters, the setting is very similar for these two chapters with the scene is in heaven where all the redeemed are, and there's a throne there in both chapters and in the in chapter 4. Umm.
We see the Lord there in the center.
And those that are adoring him and His Holiness is uh is shown out.
But if we go down to verse 11, we'll see the subject of the of the praise and worship here. Yeah, this is in verse four, Chapter 11.
The Saints in heaven, they say thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power. For thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are in work created. Well, this is a marvelous thing, isn't it? The Creator God, the Lord Jesus himself, is getting glory in heaven from all the redeemed, for all the beauties and marvels and wisdom of creation, much of which we get to enjoy.
In contrast, we see the next chapter, and we have the as I say the same thing, the throne, the redeemed all around you and I, and but we have in the center the Lamb as it had been slain, that same person, the Creator God, that if we look at his hands and his feet, we see the print of the nails in both his hands and his feet, and the spear mark in his side, and it brings us back to Calvary's cross on all that he suffered there for us.
I want to. And so we sing the new song Here We Are in Heaven, and we sing that new song and let me see where it is.
Yes, first nine. This is the.
4 and 20 Elders adjust, the redeemed says, And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals the rough for thou West Lane, And hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue, and people and nations, and has made us unto our God kings and priests, and we shall reign on the earth. Well, that'll be a marvelous scene, when our hearts go out to the Savior face to face.
But I wanted to talk about that new song, and I wanna tell you about some laziness in my part that uh, lasted a good many years. Umm, you know, I was always puzzled about this new song because these exact words that we have here in this new song, we sing them over and over and over again. And the gospel him and in the Sunday School hymns and I'd say to myself.
How could this be a new song? Well, I'm embarrassed to say I probably asked myself that question for 30 years.
All I had to do was pick up a book on ministry.
On Revelation And there was the answer. You read the chapter and there it is. I forget who the what the book was, but it simply said. This is in contrast to the old song which was sung back in in in Job 38 and verse six and seven when uh, there was a song there.
When creation was created. And so this is a new song. It's new to Heaven, but of course it's not new to us. But it is new. It's going to be new in some very special ways.
Number one, it's never been sung in heaven before.
And umm, and also, uh, you know, we're going to be there. Redeemed souls are going to be there. Our bodies, uh, our old bodies and our old natures will be left behind. We'll we'll have that new body of glory like him. And so we're going to enjoy and understand, uh, that new song, that much more his his redemption and his suffering for us on Calvary's cross.
And the.
Umm, and it'll be some, don't you think, with the language of heaven. Now I don't know of any verse that tells us that there's going to be a special new language sung in heaven, but we know that the Lord says, the scripture says, behold, I will make all things new. And as we think of it, we were pretty certain that the none of the languages that have been used in earth which have been contaminated with all the vile words of man.
Would ever be used in heaven. And I'm sure there's going to be a special language in heaven that will automatically know. As we get to heaven and we see the Lord Jesus there, we'll be able to sing that in a pure language that's never been violated. And that's a marvelous thing to think too.
And our old nature will be gone.
We can hardly sing a song all the way through without getting distracted.
Mr. Roach years ago used to quote a poem.
About a little boy that sat on in his high chair having lunch here having dinner.
The reverse went something like this, very fit his face all around as the moon banging on the table with the spoon.
He dropped quickly to the floor, reaching for things not seen before. And so we get distracted. Even as we're singing a hymn, we get distracted. Maybe we're tired. Maybe we're so full of cares that we can't concentrate on it. I remember years ago, Mr. Chapter Brown, who I suppose a lot here never met, but he was a very godly and spiritual man that you know, he'd get up, you know, and give a lecture.
An address, and it was just marvelous, his choice of words.
His knowledge of the scriptures and his knowledge of the Lord Himself will he get up? One? I remember seeing him get up after the breaking of bread one day. And Mr. Brown read a verse or two about the garden, the Lord's experience in the garden of Gethsemane. When the Lord came up back to his disciples, he found them sleeping. And he said, What could you not watch with me one hour?
Mr. Brown read that, and then he said, Brethren, I've never watched the full hour. And he closed the Bible and sat down.
And that's how it is in this life. You and I are. It's it's failure, for sure, but that's how it is. But you know, that's not gonna happen in heaven at all. We're there with our new natures. That's all we got. We have no career to worry about, no school to study for. We're just there to enjoy the Lord and His presence and to praise Him and to sing this marvelous redemption song. And I'm sure we'll sing it all the way through and the chorus, too. And, uh, our attention will never vary.
And her hearts will just be swollen, as big, as innocent as we. We're there with our Savior, face to face. What a marvelous thing that is. And uh, it'll likely be, and maybe somebody will correct me here, but it'll likely be asked after the judgment seat of Christ takes place, when our lives have been reviewed, when all of the things that, uh, we did, uh, that were wood, hay, and stubble have been burned up and we've been delighted to see it burned up.
And uh, the bus will be something left, some gold and precious stones left at the Lord will have said, Well done, thou good and faithful servant.
And so after we've gone through that, all our pride just ripped the pieces and left behind. And that's we're going to sing that, umm, really, really loud and clear too. And you know, it's going to have a lilt to it. It's going to be a happy song, and it's just going to lift us up so marvelously. Think about, uh, some of the family of God that get to heaven. And they've never been clear about redemption in the cross of Calvary.
Uh. Let's say uh.
Maybe some devoted Catholic person that has enjoyed the person of Christ, the fact he's the Son of God from all eternity, but because of the doctrine they hold, they've never been.
Known the security of what Christ has done on the cross when they get to heaven, and they re it's revealed for the first time why they're really in heaven.
Their hearts and voices will just swell.
Wanted as they recognized that everything they owe to what Christ has done on Calvary's cross, and so will ours. Well, just a thought or two, brethren, on that day that is so near at hand when we're going to be caught up to be with our Lord forever and ever.
Reverend in the passage in Genesis chapter 45.
Genesis Chapter 45.
Just read 2 verses here.
Verse 13.
And ye shall tell my Father of all my glory in Egypt.
And the end of verse 24.
That he fall not out.
By the way.
You know, in retrospect, you look back over.
Your life amongst the gathered Saints.
And you've seen a lot of defection.
Brethren, come and go.
Large turnover, if you will.
Why so? One reason?
Is because we took our eyes off the Lord.
Joseph admonished his brethren to tell his.
Father of all his glory.
Which they had seen in Egypt.
And invariably we could put it down to that 'cause that we got our eyes off the Lord.
We left the Lord's table.
We got our eyes on grabbing.
On gift.
We saw men as trees walking bigger than one.
We have a higher estimation of them than we should have had.
You know, Joseph Brethren could have reasoned and said.
You know.
It really wasn't my fault. It was your fault and that Joseph was told you want to put him down into the pit.
And their oldest brother could have come along and said, well, I didn't want him sold at all. You were gonna slay him and they could have had it falling out amongst themselves. They could have started arguing, Joseph said, see that ye fall not out.
By the way.
Why have Gravan had such a falling out, by the way?
In the 20th chapter of Acts, the Apostle says of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverted things as it should read to draw away disciples after themselves.
As you reflect in your short life, dear Brevin.
Who has led the Lord's people aside? Has it not been those with gift? Those with ability? Those with persona? I mean, they appeal to you. Someone who could memorize scripture, quote Scripture left and right. Someone who's eloquent can talk for hours on end.
Those whom we looked up to.
They led others away.
See that you fall not out.
By the way.
We're very susceptible to follow those who have ability in the things of God.
To whose name are we gathered? Are we gathered to Brother Jones, Brother Smith, Brother Brown?
We are not gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Be careful in following persons rather than the one to whose precious name we are gathered.
Another danger?
His nepotism? What's that?
Because it the 15 chapters of Acts. Look at the end of the 15th chapter of Acts, I think we may see an illustration of that.
Connection with Paul and Barnabas.
15 and verse 37.
Barnabas determined to take with them John, whose her name was Mark, and Paul thought not good to take him with them, who departed from them, from Pamphylia, and went not with them to the work, and the contention was so sharp between them that they departed asunder one from the other.
And so on.
You see Barnabas was related to John Mark.
You ever find that people go with their relatives relations?
You ever heard it said. Heard it said that blood is thicker than water.
Rather than follow the water of God's precious word, we could follow our relatives. What they do, I will do.
We get our eyes off the Lord Jesus Christ, one to whom we're gathered.
Be wary of that, dear brethren.
See that you fall not out.
By the way.
Thankfully, John Mark was restored.
You don't read so about Barnabas, but John Mark, whom the apostle said later on, take Mark and bring him with thee, for he is profitable to me for the ministry.
You know.
You may be LED astray, but others that you lead astray from the Lord's sable may never be restored.
So be very careful as to that.
How else can we be sidetracked, taken away from the Lord's table? You know there are many verses.
In the book of Proverbs we don't have time to turn them all but the 13th chapter of Proverbs. It tells us that only by pride cometh contention.
Could it possibly be that?
I'm too proud to humble myself.
To my brethren.
I don't mean to say, dear brethren, that you give up scriptural principles. You always want to act on the word of God.
But be careful about pride. Pride is an awful thing.
Price is an awful thing, it tells us. Only by pride comes contention, You know, yielding, pacifier. Great things. If we would only yield, give in.
Here's another scripture in the book of Proverbs also.
Uh, that UH tells us.
The 26th chapter of Proverbs. It says where no wood is the fire goeth out. What's that mean? Where no wood is the fire, goeth out. Don't add fuel to the fire.
Another scripture says he that repeateth the matter separateth very friends.
If you continually harping on something and press it and press it, you will stir up the iron. The animosity of your brethren. You will cause a division.
See that you don't fall out.
By the way.
You don't want to do that. It's an awful thing. I believe the Lord hates to see this come in amongst his people. Gifted people. Sometimes I weep.
Whenever he's out, the trouble came in between WK and J&D and others. Men of God like this, but we have to keep our eyes on the Lord.
Not upon him gifted men.
What happens when we contend like this?
Suppose you've offended your brother.
You know what it says in the book of Proverbs again?
Maybe you want to turn to it about the 18th chapter.
See Proverbs chapter 18.
In verse 19.
Maybe verse 17 to get the context, he that is first in his own cause seemeth just, but his neighbor cometh and searcheth him out.
The lot causes contentious disease and part of between the mighty verse 19.
The brother offended. It is harder to be one than a strong city.
In their contentions.
Are like the bars of the castle.
You'll find out that.
Some of your relatives are the hardest ones.
To win for the Lord.
Because of something you've said.
It's like the bars of a castle and you can't get through to them. Maybe others could speak to your relatives more easily than you can and uh.
All because of some contention that came in. Don't let it even begin.
Swallow your pride.
Don't endeavor, dear brethren, to defend yourself.
Somebody calls my attention and comment by, heh, he said. Well, when he said never, never defend yourself, never defend yourself, leave it with the Lord.
Vengeance his mind, saith the Lord. I will repay, but no, we like to stand up.
For our rights as we think, you know, What do you think of the Lord when they accused him of so many things? And the Lord never answered a word? Could the Lord have answered those false accusations that will lay against him?
Certainly. Were they true? No, not at all. But yet there he stood as the sheep before her shearers is done. So He opened not his mouth. We like to defend ourselves. Help me breath.
See that you've fallen, no doubt.
By the way.
Another cause for departure and contentions Well known. First kings, right Chapter 12 Terrible division came in. There he would turn. Is that passage of what you were all familiar.
First Kings, Chapter 12.
Mm-hmm. Where Rehoboam reject rejected the counsel of the older men and consulted with the young men that were stood before him.
You know, I would advise this. If you have a problem, consult with your older brother. I remember one time there was a difficulty. And I can speak about this brother now because he's with the Lord. I called the brother Charlie, little dear brother. I spoke with him about the matter to seek his counsel.
In the matter. And he gave godly advice. Not that old. Your older brethren are always right, but they've been in the pathway longer than you have.
Rehoboam didn't do that.
His older Brevin gave him good advice here, don't you think? And he merely yielded to the people's request and not making the tax burden so great. He would have won them over and the Kingdom would have gone on United Way. But he didn't do that. He listened to the younger folks and the foolish statements that they they uttered there.
Resulted in the split up of the Kingdom.
True, the Lord sends a prophet and told the people that this thing is from me, verse 24.
Thus saith the Lord, This thing is from me, and the Lord allows things like this to come in amongst his dear people today.
The things that are proved may be manifest. As long as we are here, dear brethren, the Lord is going to test us. We cannot think that the last division was it that never more will. Can we face another test that we know too much? Not so.
The devil tested the Lord for 40 days in the wilderness and left them for a season, but came back later.
The devil will always test us as long as we're here to see if we approve. Do we have the Lord before our hearts, or we gather to this person or to that person? Remember the admonition. See that you've fallen out, by the way.
Another passage is Timothy.
Second Timothy. One of the last things that Paul ever wrote to.
One Whom he loved, Second Timothy, Chapter 2.
Endo verse 24.
There says the servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle unto all, have to teach and patient.
Does she have a margin in the Bible that says forbearing have to teach, and forbearing the servants of the Lord must not strive, yielding pacifiers great offenses? He pulled our brother Hale again. He used to say this. Overlook all your brethren's faults as far as you can, except the effect of the person and work.
Of our Lord Jesus Christ.
You know the president, bear with me.
Should I not bear with my brethren?
Tells us in Hebrews 13 suffer or allow the word of exhortation, dear brethren.
See that you fall not out, by the way.
Realize we have another 15 minutes. The last two verses of 288 preserved by Flock was graciously.
So on.
One thing of my desire to the Lord, that I will seek after that I may dwell in the House of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple.
We have 4 beautiful thoughts here.
The first one.
It's the one thing that we have desired of the Lord is to seek after.
We have the word of God in our hands.
And the way they're keeping our path is to keep our eyes on Him and to speak after what the Lord has given to us.
But we also have to dwell in the House of the Lord.
We have to be with him, commune with him, both in prayer.
N reading of his word.
In order to. When we do that, we will see.
All the days of our life to behold the beauty of the Lord.
Did you inquire always in his temples?
So I was just thinking of that one thing that I wish all of us a positive buyer to continually seek after what the Lord has for us each day.
Our dear Godfather.
In this world.
Lord, we just pray that all of us will have the desires to continually seek after.
What thou has given it to us.
That we may continually see.
In the way.
So Lord, we just do paints these.