Open—D. So, L. Renaud, K. Covell
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All right, so.
Oh, I see.
Glory and lighting the Lord.
Pray together, God, we do thank thee for the.
Expressions in this, uh, hymn we have sung together, bringing before us that, uh.
Marvelous hope that the believer has.
Of being forever with and like the Lord Jesus.
But our God is, uh, still in this wilderness scene.
Encompassed with infirmity.
And need and trial.
We are dependent upon the.
For the Ministry this afternoon.
That thou use thy servants to.
Umm, unfold to us, uh, from thy holy word.
About which we stand in need of.
And our God, we acknowledge how many and varied are our needs.
Young people, older ones, all of us needing.
Edification, exhortation and comfort. So help us, our God. We are dependent upon Thee.
And seek that Christ may be glorified in this meeting this afternoon, that we may have receptive hearts.
Consciences too, that are exercised.
As to our walk and ways.
And, umm.
Umm, dependence upon the now at the head of the Church. It is my delight to bless and to feed thy people.
Thy word tells us out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
So we pray that thy people, those who minister, may be a channel of blessing.
From that source in the glory so we see, we commit the meeting to the and ask thy health and give thanks for this wonderful privilege of being together with thy people for a short time and being built up on our most holy faith. We ask these things and give thanks and the one who has made it all possible through his finished work on Calvary and his precious blood. Our title to be here this this day.
And his worthy name we pray.
Giving thanks. Amen.
Early on this afternoon we had a peak of this tempo.
A tempo in the future, in the millennial date. I have in my heart perhaps just to talk about a few of the temples that the Word of God have shown once and more. In particular, there is one of this tempo I have in mind now. I'm just going to talk very briefly on it. It's not my intention to spend a lot of time on all these temples, you know. Do we have the time for it this afternoon?
The perhaps let's turn to our verse first in the Book of Exodus.
Exodus chapter 25 This is not exactly a temple, but this becomes before the temple in Exodus chapter 25. We see here that the Lord asked Moses to build a place for him to dwell in verse one, and the Lord speak unto Moses.
Verse 8 And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them. Verse 22 And there I will meet with thee, and I will commute with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims, which are upon the arc of the testimony of all things, which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel.
See that the Lord wants to dwell with with his people.
But because of our conditions, He couldn't dwell with us immediately. He has to have a place separated from man and from from God and man. So when they were in the wilderness, we know that He commanded them to build this Tabernacle. Now there are three distinctions here, or three things here I should say that we just read. It is a place that the Lord spoke of. The Lord is there.
That signifies his drawing place. He's there.
The second uh, that we read in verse eight is there is a place that he appointed.
And then it shows us again that he promised communion with his people. And we know that just for safety of time, we know that that was a was not a permanent dwelling. So later on we find that Solomon Solomon built that very first temple. We won't we won't turn into that, but just to mention that being the very first temple that.
Was built something physical, something that's permanent.
In fact, something that the Jews took pride off, we learned in Jeremiah. Jeremiah would say to them the temple, the temple, the temple of God, they were proud of that. And God because of the unfaithfulness, took something that is prideful. I'm sure as people, it may be that it was destroyed. We know that pride of Solomon's temple was destroyed. And then when we get to the book of Haggai and perhaps in the book of Zechariah.
We find that the tempo was rebuilt. Actually, when we have the book of Ezra, we find that the foundation when they return was rebuilt and they set up a, uh, uh, the, the altar there. And then later on a Peggy eyed with the people of and Zechariah come along and they are that second temple was rebuilt. So we know of those two temples. Incidentally, if you look at the date of these temples, it's kind of interesting too.
Solomon's temple I believe was finished around the time of 1005 BC and the one that Hegei helped finish was around the time of 516 BC. If you look at it, there are 490 years between the two temple. Very interesting isn't it? They were to wrest the land and they didn't for 490 years that they didn't rest the land. They were to pay for that in 70 years of captivity.
It's kind of interesting to see those dates there. So just for gravity, we see those two. The third tempo was mentioned briefly. We read that about Herod's temple, 40 and six years was it in building? And the Lord was able to say to them, destroy this temple and in three days he said he'll raise it up again. So that was the 3rd temple that we know of. That wasn't the temple of God, that was temple of man. The high priests in those states weren't the proper high priests according to the word of God, but nevertheless.
That was the 3rd temple.
Then there is the 4th temple, which I'm going to come back to. I'll leave that for a moment, or perhaps I'll mention that right now, 4th tempo we know of as we look around us, we should see that that, uh, that 4th temple today, let's turn to 1St Corinthians chapter 6. We'll find that 4th temple being mentioned there.
First Corinthians, chapter 6.
And I say we should look around the room 1St, and then we'll look at this verse here in verse 19. In fact, even the apostle Paul for the remark that he said what? No ye not. Isn't that interesting? By the way, in this pistol he mentioned 10 times. He raised that questions 10 times. Know ye not, Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, which you have of God, and which are not your own.
For ye are bought with a price. Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are gods. We often neglect to look at that, don't we? That we see this 4th temple in front of us. We'll find that in the third chapter of Corinthians it mentioned the uh, uh, there no E not the tempo.
The temple of God and that our Spirit of God dwelleth in it. That speaks of the assembly there that the Spirit dwells in here in the 6th chapter that your body.
Is the tempo of the Holy Ghost. We're gonna come back to this in a, uh, in a minute. I'd like to mention the finished mentioning the other tempo. So that's the 4th temple, the 5th temple that we know of. We can turn to, uh, Second Thessalonians, umm, Second Thessalonians chapter 2.
This tempo is not yet, but will be, and it could very well be in the process of being built, already built. We don't know that yet. Second Thessalonians chapter 2, I believe is in verse four. Perhaps. Let me let read verse three, uh, and four together. Let no man deceive you by any means. For that they shall. For that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first.
And that man of sin, that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition who oppose it, and exalted himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped, so that he as God.
Sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. Well, we know that, and that time will come, in fact, very soon perhaps.
This man of sin, he's going to claim that he's God and he's going to sit in that temple. It's scary to think about that, isn't it? But we'll be gone. We'll look down from there as the 5th temple and then the 6th temple that we spent some time on this afternoon in that millennial day. Ezekiel's temple, as our brother mentioned, the book that we often neglect to read is very interesting to read through those last few chapters of Ezekiel from chapter 40 on to see how.
Full details God has given us about the temples, the room size, the number of steps going up the Eastgate. Oh, interesting to see how when the glory left the the temple it left via the Eastgate and to know that when it comes in the future day is that it's gonna come, it will come back in the Lord's glory will descend back via the Eastgate. Well, my thought this afternoon is more so.
On the 4th temple that our body, the temple while we have here, it is God's dwelling place, isn't it?
The Spirit dwelled. God wants to dwell with his own. God wants to have communion with his people.
How are you treating your tempo?
Do you have that communion with God as he desired to do? So one of the objects really is so that we can be Christ like we sang it that him and is it so I shall be like thy Son. Well, how would you do that? And what did God do so that we can be like his son?
I'd like to turn to John's Gospel. Well, well known passages here, John's Gospel chapter 14.
Here again it talks about the future day as if it were Let's just read the first few verses together. We know these verses well. John 14 verse one is just let not your heart be troubled. Ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am.
There ye may be also. This is familiar verses we know. The Lord gave us comfort on that, knowing that we shouldn't be troubled with him going because he go to prepare that place for us. He said in my father's house are many mansions.
And I believe in other translation habitats, there are many abodes, a lot of dwelling places. You know, it's interesting if you take a closer look at the tap at the tempo that I'd rather put the picture up on. And you can ask him more, He can tell you more than I can about those chambers, the chambers, those dwelling places. Isn't that interesting to see that for his servants? But here he gave us a promise that he goes. We know that the Lord Jesus have left.
But He didn't leave us without any devices. He gave us the promise that He will come forward again, but at the meantime, He gave us something else. You see, before the Lord Jesus came, God was the object of his people, isn't it? They were in communion with God, Some even walked with God. And then because of man's conditions, man's sins have have separated us further and further away from God.
But what was the solution? God sent for his Son. So God the Father and then God the Son came into this world.
When God the Son came into this world, we as men rejected him. We set away with him, crucified him, we nailed him to the cross. He died, he rose again, and we know that he's now living at the Father's right hand on high. But what did God do at the meantime? Ah, we go on to this chapter. Let's look down here, uh, John 14, verse 15. If you love me, keep my commandments and I will pray the Father.
And it shall give you an other comforter, that He may abide with you forever, even the spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because ecstasm not neither knoweth him. But ye know Him, for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you. Oh, how precious do you think that the Lord didn't just leave, and without giving us any kind of provision?
He sent the comforter into this world. So now God the Spirit came to dwell in this temple, this, this temple, this body of ours. Now we find that the Spirit of God worked from the very beginning. In fact, let's go to the very beginning of the Bible and we'll see that. Let's go to Genesis chapter one.
Umm. Genesis chapter one, Uh.
Verse 2.
Halfway through that verse is that and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. So here the Spirit of God is not something new to man, but here now the Spirit, when the Lord leaves this earth, then the Spirit comes on that day of Pentecost we find that Spirit descended into the believers. There it came and indwell the believers. Isn't it wonderful to see that we see the Lord Jesus Christ himself?
He was anointed with the Holy Ghost and he was indwelled by the Holy Ghost. We see the picture throughout the Old Testament. We see the meal offering. You know, it's nice to look through the offerings. We'll see in the meal offering. It says there are a couple of ways to prepare that. You get fine flour and one way is to set you pour oil on it. The oil has a picture of the Holy Ghost is as if it was anointed with it. Another way to bake that is to mingle that with oil.
Well, today we see the same picture, that we can be indwelled by the Spirit. So what does the Spirit do for us? Let's turn to Ephesians chapter one.
Just going to pick up a few functions while we are waiting.
By the way, we, we mentioned 6 temples. This is a side remark. I don't believe we will see A71 because when that 6/1 after the millennial seed will go into the eternal state, The true dwelling place is with God forever, isn't it? And I believe how God planned it. So Ephesians chapter one, we find here that this chapter often known or at least verse 10 of this chapter often, uh, we call that the key to the whole Bible.
In verse 10 there is that in the dispensation of the fullness of times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth. Even in him a dispensation in the fullness of time, in that millennial day, all things will be gathered together, all things will be in Christ. Then what's the purpose of all that? Well, let's look at verse 12. Now verse 12 here, by the way, when you read through the a lot of Paul's epistle, you see the word we.
And you see the word EYE, the distinction often is this we he was referring to himself and the Jews and E is referring to what? So when we read here that we should it's not us as Gentiles, it's the Jews. It's that the Jews that we the Jews should be to the praise of his glory who trusted in God. That's the purpose, isn't it? In whom ye also trusted, verse 13 in whom ye now that's us.
How do we trust in whom ye also trusted? After that ye heard the word of the truth. Ah, we heard the gospel of his salvation. We were saved. I'm going to skip that and I'll come right back to the latter part of verse 13.
Umm, a lot of part of uh, verse 14 and to the praise of his glory. That's the purpose, so that the Jews and the Gentiles are brought together unto the praise of his glory.
Now let's go back to verse 13. The latter part of this in whom also after that ye believed something happened the moment we believed in whom after that EB lead ye were sealed. You were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. Oh, not only did this Holy Ghost dwell in you as a temple of the of this body that you have been sealed, you have been marked as his.
You know, a number of years ago.
We were out West and perhaps being growing up in the city, I don't know a whole lot about the Country Life and when we were out actually at Lassen and some of you may have been there, as you drive up to these mountains you see these free roaming cows. In fact we almost hit a few because they don't understand the road crossing that they have stopped before they cross the road. They just go. And I asked somebody one day, I said how do you know they just left out there all to their own. Nobody watch over them. How do you know whose house is Boot?
Because they leave them the all summer and I'll see a brother looking at me. They're familiar with us from our W. They're leaving out the all summer to grow bigger and bigger.
And then they say to me, well, what they do is on these catals, they have a little branding on them, don't they? So when it's time to collect them, they go by the CEO of this brand that's on them. So you can tell whose it is. Well, here, since we've been sealed, you have been put a CEO saying that you are his. Oh, the Spirit put that seal on you, that seal with the Holy Spirit of promise. How precious it is to know that we are his from the moment that we are saved.
Verse 14 which is the earnest.
Of our inheritance until the redemption. Of the purchased possession, until the praise of its glory, the earnest of our redemption.
Well, word earnest is kind of interesting. We don't use that word much anymore. You know, years ago you may name a boy Ernest. And as opposed to these society, we we really don't like that word anymore because a lot of people perhaps are not as earnest.
As they ought to be. What does it mean here, Ernest? The earnest of our inheritance. Now I see we have all various ages, various groups now some of UI and are Canadians. And we as Canadians perhaps won't even understand this word as much as our American brethren. Let me give you an example.
In the real estate business.
When you go purchase a piece of property, you look at this piece of property and say, I'm gonna buy this property. And you go to the seller and say I really wanna buy this, but I'm not ready to take it yet. And you'll find that often that's the case, right? The day you make an offer to purchase this property, you do not move into that house. So what you do is you give them a deposit. At least that's what we call it at home. You give them so much money as a deposit.
And I understand down here you folks use a different phrase, you call that earnest money. So you give them some money and say this is my earnest money to prove that I will come back in another month or two. Of course you have a date, at least preset date and that I will finish or complete this transaction. The fact that you signed it, you signed the deal as they say, signed CEO and delivered the CEO is put on.
The earnest money is given, that really is your property, even though you don't have any possession of that yet, do you? So the Holy Ghost does that as if he put that down payment in there for you and say it's gonna be soon. That will be ours because of the earnest. We can see, as we're saying in the Him, and it is so. I shall be like thy son. Oh, isn't it wonderful to know that?
His job here now is to show us and to make sure we know our home is there not here. We are heavenly citizens and he's gonna teach us as we walk with a little time that is left in this pathway to be Christ like to walk just like he would. Well, let's turn to another passage here. I believe it's in first John.
Yes, first John chapter 2. Now we find another function of this Holy Ghost, the one that indwell in this this this temporal body of ours.
First John chapter 2 verse 20. But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and you know all things. Oh, isn't it nice to know that the Holy Spirit have put that seal within us to know that we are His. He put that earnest, that deposit, that damn payment as if it were so that we know.
The inheritance of ours is sure. Now we have the unction from the Holy Ghost so that we know all things. You know the moment you're saved, you know all things. Now I don't believe here it means that you know everything, that you can be able to stand and teach everything. But do you find that there are times there's something, that Spirit inside you to let you know that there's certain things? That is not the Father's voice. It's not the Shepherd's voice.
Ah, it is the unction of the Spirit, isn't it, to teach us, to guide us, so that we don't get in trouble? Let's look at a few more verses. Verse 21. For I have written unto you, because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth. Who is a liar, but he that denieth that Jesus is Christ. He is Antichrist, and denied the Father and the Son. Whoso denieth the Son, the saying hath not the Father.
But he that acknowledges the sun hath the Father. Let that therefore abide in you. Watch ye of which you have heard from the beginning. If that which you have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, you also shall continue in the sun and in the Father. And this is the promise that He had promised us, even eternal life. So we find here that there are people out there that will try to deceive you, but the unction of the Holy Spirit will show you. And one of the things is that.
Learn that anybody that denies the sum denies the father, then they're not of God. I was speaking to a young man one time. He told me this group that he sort of get into association with two of the college and university. He said to me, this group is not that bad. I only noticed 3 fundamental errors. Well, if there are three fundamental errors, what if there is even only one? And if these errors deny the father and the Son?
Then we need to stay away, and the function of that Spirit will teach us when He to stay away from all of that. Another portion in Romans chapter 8.
Romans, a verse one. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ. Verse 2. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ, that made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak to the flesh. God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilling us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
So here we find in verse 2 The law of the Spirit of life.
In Christ.
Here this law, the Spirit, teaches us to walk not as the way our flesh or our own personal view things should be, but walk in a way pleasing to God, Walk in a way that is being directed by the Spirit. You're finding the book of Corinthians that there were three sorts of wisdom that it mentioned. There was the wisdom of this world. It says the wisdom of this of this world.
By the wisdom of this world, they crucify our Lord Jesus.
And then there's the wisdom of the flesh. How often do we bring our own ideas into the assembly? How often do we bring our own ideas into our own lives? It makes sense, It works well in the businesses that we run, but is it of God?
And then there is the wisdom, which is from above, being guided, being led by the Spirit. The Spirit dwells in the assembly too, doesn't it?
Of course, there are many things that still, many other things that Spirit would do. It would comfort us, it would teach us, it leads us the way, what His job is so that we can be more Christ like. As we sing that hymn, can we think of how precious it would be? And it ought to be. And is it so? I shall be like thy Son in the same chapter of the book of Romans. Let's go down to verse 29.
He says for whom he did foreknow, he also.
It predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the first born among many brethren. Oh, it says that we have been predestinated to be conforming to our blessed Lord Jesus Christ. Conform, you know in another place in the book of Romans, he says do not conform to the world. And we often take this word conform to be a bad word. And in the case of conforming to the world.
It is bad, isn't it? But here we know that we will be more conformed to its image in that day. In that day we will be. But at the meantime, through the Spirit guiding, we ought to walk in that way so that we will be more Christ like. These temples that we mentioned perhaps give us a lesson as we look at them, as we study them. The Word of God put them in for reason, doesn't it? That temple is the outward expression to show man that God dwells there.
Solomon's temple was splendid. Splendid.
Ezekiel's Temple. We don't know very much about Dewey.
Herod's temple man was proud of it. They were able to boast and say 40 and six years was it in the building.
What about this tempo of yours? How would man look at you? What would they say? Whose tempo is this? What kind of man manifestation do we have for this world?
And then the two to come, the one that the men of sin shall sit on. Or sometimes we spend so much time worrying about it, we need not to be God. Allow that we won't be here to worry about that. We'll leave that with him and to see that Christ will reign in the millennial day there that that future temple. He already know all this before it happens. At the meantime, how are we to walk with a little time that is left in this world?
Walk in a way pleasing to him being led by the Spirit. Don't grieve the Spirit. Follow.
After him, as Daniel always say, that he had the purpose of heart, he knew what he was gonna go. He had the purpose of heart and God blessed him for it.
I'd just like to say a few words about a yoke.
A yolk.
Found Let's look at UMM Matthew Levin.
Yolks were made of wood and.
The Lord being the carpenter's son, perhaps, uh, help make many yolk. And isn't it interesting here in Matthew 11 and verse 29, he would say.
Take my yoke upon you and learn of me.
For I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. As I thought about a yoke, you know the one man said I've got to go claim 5 yoke of oxen. So it seems very likely that.
A yoke was made to connect to oxen.
And so here the Lord is saying.
Take my yoke upon you and learn of me.
What an interesting thing.
And he goes on to say for my yoke is easy.
And my burden is life.
The story was told and I was impressed in reading it.
Of the man who was plowing with a yoke of oxen.
And the interesting thing about it was this one oxen was mature and very big.
And the other oxen was.
Small and very young.
So at the end of the day, why The man was confronted and said to him, someone said why would you be plowing?
With two like that.
And he said, umm, you should see that yoke.
See how that yolk is made?
The large oxen.
Is pulling the whole load.
The small oxen and the young oxen is going along to learn where to walk.
I thought that was very interesting and now the Lord here is saying.
Take my yoke upon you and learn of me.
What a what a privilege that he would desire you and me to be yoked up with him. Undoubtedly when he made yokes, they would be very nicely done and so.
The Yelp that he would want us to be yoked up with would be very nicely fitting.
And easy for us to.
Put on with him and to go with him and he would pull us through.
Take my yoke upon.
Take my yoke upon you.
Isn't that interesting?
He would desire, dear one, and I say this to myself too, He would desire us to be yoked up with him.
And see us through. See us through the hard times.
You know.
I was privileged and enjoyed plowing and there were tough spots.
The field might look all the same, but as you cloud along the track, tractor would really feel.
A heavy load, much heavier load at various spots. And so our lives are that way, aren't they? Uh, we have the ups and downs. Maybe we could save life. But here's the Lord using this practical illustration to take my yoke upon me.
Individual salvation is individual that we had just before this.
We individually must be saved and we've talked about faith this morning and it's been mentioned four times, Is it not that the just shall live by faith? And that first time they're in Habakkuk when it says that, it says the just shall live by his faith.
So how individual and how important it is that we each individually know the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior and then take that yoke that is made especially for you and especially for me, and walk with Him. The little oxen was learning how to walk and what a privilege it is.
To go through this scene and may it be true of each of us that were yoked up with him and we are told that.
Is yolk, for my yolk is easy and my burden is light. He's an all the way home savior and he desires that you and I would be yoked up with him.
I'd just like to.
Share a little story in the Old Testament that I enjoyed about a piece of furniture in the Ark and the temple, the, uh, the Ark and, uh, First Corinthians, uh, First Chronicles.
First Chronicles, chapter 13.
You said two little things that I enjoyed in this chapter. Maybe if you don't mind, I'd like to read it. And umm, First Chronicles chapter 13.
And David consulted with the captains of thousands and hundreds, and with every leader. And David said unto all the congregation of Israel, if it seemed good unto you, and that it be the Lord our God, let us send abroad unto our brethren everywhere that are left in all the land of Israel, and with them also to the priests and Levites, which are in their cities and suburbs, that they may gather themselves onto us.
And let us bring again the ark of our God to us, for we inquired not at it in the days of Saul.
And all the congregation said that they would do so, for the thing was right in the eyes of all the people. And so David gathered all Israel together, from Shahor of Egypt, even on to the entering of Hamas, to bring the ark of God from Kerja. And David went up, and all Israel to be LA, that is to Kerja, which belongeth to Judah, to bring up, sent to the ark of God the Lord that dwelleth between the cherubims, whose name is called on it.
And they carried the Ark of God in a new card out of the House of Abinadab and Azza, and a high old Ruth the Kurt.
And David and all Israel played before God with all their might, and was saying, and with heart, and with salaries, and with timbrels, and with symbols, symbols and with trumpets. And when they came on to the threshing floor of Chidon, Aziza put forth his hand to hold the earth, for the oxen stumbled. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against us, and he smote him, because he put his hand to the ark, and there he died before God.
And David was displeased because the Lord had made a breach upon us, Wherefore that place is called Peraza to this day. And David was afraid of God that day, saying, How shall I bring the ark of God home to me?
And so David brought not the Ark home to himself, to the city of David, but he carried it aside into the House of Obadidom the Gittite.
And the ark of God remained with the family of obedient in his house three months.
And the Lord blessed the House of Obadiah.
And all that he had.
I just enjoyed reading in in, uh, First Chronicles and uh.
And the Kings during the summer. And, uh, this portion touched my heart a few weeks ago.
We street it starts our chapter. It says David consulted with the captains of thousands and hundreds.
And with every leader.
The one that's standing here is probably guilty of not consulting with people sometimes.
And you know, the Lord tells us that there's, umm.
In Proverbs, but the wisdom of counselors.
And so, you know, it's a wonderful privilege that we have parents or we have fathers, uh, spiritual fathers in our assembly that we can go to and we can consult.
But umm.
Here we have King David.
And you might say what a wonderful thing he did. He consulted with the captains of thousands and hundreds and with every leader and.
It would seem everybody thought that this was a wonderful thing to do, to bring the arc of the covenant up to Jerusalem.
And there is one problem though we don't read that they consulted with the Lord.
And, umm.
This afternoon I was my thought was with some of you who are young people.
Who are umm, entering the workforce? Perhaps earn?
Thinking of being married or are married or going off to school and leaving home.
And a few years ago.
Young lady that I love left our home.
And it was a difficult thing for mom and dad to see her go down the road to school.
And she was a cheer and a blessing in our home.
And you know, we enjoyed some phone calls from her.
And we got a few phone calls.
Where she inquired what maybe mom or dad thought of it something.
And I was exercised before the Lord.
To umm.
To speak to her.
Because although we valued that input into her life, we had a desire.
That she would look to the Lord and consult with her Lord and Savior.
And that she would.
Read this blessed book.
And not be dependent.
On what mother or her father felt, she said dear.
And so this afternoon in reading this little portion.
One of my thoughts was to encourage you.
Not to neglect our older brother, not to neglect mum or dad. What a wonderful thing that we can share our life with our parents.
And with our close friends, with her brethren.
But the result of David bringing up this arc, the Ark of God from Umm Kerja, resulted in the death of someone. Excuse me?
You know, sometimes the Lord lays certain things on our hearts to do.
And I would say that in the in the same light, isn't it good that we if we consult with him?
Sometimes we're guilty of uh.
Of considering something and the Lord lays it on our heart. And you know, we go to brother so and so and we speak to them and sisters so and so and we'd like to get a good vibe on it.
But you know, we should, umm, we should consult the Lord and trust in Him.
I was encouraged. You know, our last year our daughter Umm took a little room not far from the university she stayed in.
And we prayed much about, umm, a spot for her to stay in and uh.
Hope she'll bear with me with this umm.
And she prayed a lot about this and, uh, the Lord directed her to a little spot about 10 minutes from the university where she could walk in. And, uh, she visited it and she came back and told us and, oh, I thought.
You know, I kind of hope that she'd have a little spot to stay in with a mom and a dad that loved the Lord and that could watch over her.
And we hesitated and we waited and we waited, and two weeks went by and three weeks went by.
And the time was close approaching that she had to have a spot to stay.
Hence she was much before the Lord about this and one night and umm, she prayed about it.
And the Lord brought before the little story that Elijah and you know, she came down the next morning, she said, you know, Dad.
The Lord provided a bed for Elijah, a stool and a table, a little light.
She said, you know, I believe the Lord has provided that for me in this little room.
You know, that wasn't my first choice, but I believe that the Lord opened up that little room for her and I just mentioned that story.
Uh, young people.
Umm, old people.
Look to the Lord.
We're told in the book of Proverbs, in all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path. Just one other little thing in the end of our story.
Umm, I'll read from verse 11. And David was displeased because the Lord made a breach upon Azza, wherefore that place is called Peraza to this day. And David was afraid of God that day, saying, How shall I bring the ark of God home to me? And so he brought not the ark of home to himself in the city of David, but carried his side into the House of Obadiah the Goodite. And the ark of God remained with the family of Obadiah in his house three months.
You know the Spirit of God tells us the name of the man that this heart rested in for three months.
And, umm.
There is some here.
Who? Uh, in their assembly? Probably.
On Lord's Day morning, gather in their home to remember our Lord Jesus Christ. And I've been privileged. Umm.
To stop in the home of our brother and sister Ralph and Janie Pilkington, and to remember the Lord there and umm.
We did, uh, a number of years ago when my cousin was married. And just this last February, we were privileged to stop there again on the way back from Saint Thomas. And it was a joy to see the number who are gathered around there in that home. And the Lord had blessed that little assembly, uh.
With a number who are gathered there and it was encouragement to us.
But I just, umm, I thought of this in relation to those of you who are leaving home and, uh, setting up a little apartment, uh, a little room for, for college.
We read that the Lord blessed the House of Obadiah because he cared for the ark. That testimony of God. And what a wonderful thing if in our college life, in our work life, in our married life, if our neighbors, if our friends would look at our little home or apartment or or dwelling place and say that place is a testimony to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Umm, we're told in the epistles.
But uh.
I have no greater joy than to know that my children walk in truth.
And you know, it's a joy to my heart as a father and to my wife as a mother when we see any desire in our children to, umm, to honor our Lord Jesus Christ.
And the Lord bless. We read here that the Lord blessed Obadiah because of his care for that testimony. And the Lord Jesus will bless your life.
Umm, if you seek to honor him and I just in reading this portion, umm, my thought was to take the liberty to encourage you to, to have your dwelling place, whether it's just a little room in the wall or whether you're sharing an apartment with a friend.
Whether you're setting up a home as husband and wife to read the precious Word of God and to honor Him.
I'd like to turn over in one chronicle just a couple of chapters.
In closing.
Chapter 26.
I'll just read verse one concerning the divisions of the porters and verse 4. Moreover, the sons of Obadiah were Shimiyai the first born, Jehovah the 2nd, Jehovah the third, Thicker the 4th, Nathaniel the 5th, Emil the 6th, Issachar the 7th, Kalua the 8th. For God blessed him. I also want to Shamia. His sons were sons born that ruled throughout the House of their father.
For they were mighty men of valor.
The sons of Shumiai, Osni, and Raphael, an Obed and Elizabeth, whose brethren were strong men, Eli, Hugh, and Semeka, pardon the pronunciation. All these of the sons of Obadiah, they and their sons and their brethren able men for strength for the service, were three score and two of obedient.
In verse 15, we read that Oviedo's portion was to Obeditum southward and to his sons the House of Asakum or the House of Gatherings.
The Lord honored the care that Obedient gave to that ark of the testimony in His home.
And I don't think it's an accident that the Lord Jesus wrote in his word O through Obadiah's name was.
And so he blessed him with a number of sons, We're not told how many daughters, but uh, they went on and honored the Lord Jesus and they had a place mentioned here in the scripture as porters and umm, so I just, I read this little portion. I trust it would be an encouragement for, for those who are umm.
Starting out in work, in school, away from home to, uh, to inquire the Lord. Don't just lean on mom and dad. We're thankful for that. But uh, search the scriptures and to consult with the Lord Jesus.
The one who knows the end from the beginning, and then that we might honor him in that little spot that the Lord has given us, and the Lord will bless us for us, just as He did for obedient.
OK, teach us more of thy first grade.
Your holy.
Land of Fall.
All right.
We're trying.
All ready for anything.
Location by the one.
I understand.
Our Father, think of that scripture. It says they saw no man save Jesus only.
We think of Mary 2 as a separate curve to water the words.
To the person that she assumed to be the gardener.
Sir, I shall have borne him hence away.
Tell me where thou hast laid him.
She supposed that.
Everyone knew of the one.
That was on her heart and the one that she was thinking of.
She uttered not thy name or Jesus.
But again, assume that all would know who she was occupied with.
And so our loving God and Father, we think of those things that would cause us to perhaps.
Uh, turn us aside.
And a few.
Pull out our.
Faces and eyes to look elsewhere, but draws closer to these, as we sometimes say, draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, plus the floor to the cross where thou must die. So we would just thank thee this afternoon for the ministry that has been before us.
Think of the practical ministry concerning our bodies being that temple we would think of.
That's encouraging verse in Matthew's Gospel. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me. How often we fail to learn.
Healthy and of thy blessed ways and blessed Savior. It is our desire to.
Be again.
Directed to thee and two, we just thank for the blessing.
That entered into the House of Obed Edom.
As a result.
Of having the.
Very real privilege.
Of having the ARC abide with them for that period of three months.
So we just thank you again for the practical admonitions and expectations brought before us. And again, we just thank before the Lord Jesus, that perfect example, that one that we can look to in every hour of need. We're just giving thanks and our saviors most worthy and precious name, Amen.