Open Mtg. 3

Duration: 1hr 1min
Open—J. Kemy, P. Hadley, B. Christensen
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Could we sing #267?
Our fullness resides in Jesus. Our head of fullness abides to answer all needs. Whatever distress awaits us below such plentiful grace the Lord will bestow. 267.
My father said I swear and pray and then once I saw her.
All right, and.
I don't want to be alone.
I'm still shut down all the time and silent started being.
What's wrong with the sandwich over there is trouble. And now I'm on that again. Yeah, it's like, well, my.
Trying to benefit from how long, how long, how long and I'm not going to go ahead and weigh in our hearts and then.
We'll have to stop. We'll be gone in my eyes.
We're inside.
Without die down flowing around.
Should we read parts of couple verses in Psalm 123?
Psalm 123.
So how do you begin with that Psalm?
A song of the grave.
Unto thee, and lift eye up mine eyes, O thou that dwellest in the heaven. Behold as the eyes of servants looked unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hands of her mistress, so our eyes wait upon the Lord our God. Should we look to Him for help?
Loving God and Father, we thank Thee for thy having, uh, wisdom and the knowledge to meet every need of each one in this room and more.
All of our people throughout this world and being there strong on our behalf. We thank thee for the privilege of being together now. And we think of the meeting before us and our needs. We ask you to give us dentistry suited to our state of each one of us We have that there will be help and blessings, uh, dependence on thyself. We thank you, but I love Lord Jesus and pray my most worthy and precious name, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen.
Shall we turn for a few moments to?
Revelation Chapter.
Uh, reading from verse, uh.
Revelation 19.
Let us be glad.
And rejoice and give honor to him.
The marriage of the lamb is come.
And his wife hath made herself ready, and to her was granted.
That she should be arrayed in fine linen.
Clean and white with a fine linen is the righteousness it should be here, righteousness of Saints.
He said unto me, Right blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the lamb. And he says unto me, These are the true sayings of God.
Well, brethren, I'm not going to speak at great lengths here. I hope that, uh, someone else will have a.
An exhortation for us, but just a few thoughts.
Just to get the setting of this passage here that we have read, we're looking on to, uh, a scene of glory. It has not come yet. We're looking on here to, uh.
The time when, uh, we will be manifested with Christ in the coming glory.
The Church, the bride of Christ, here called umm.
The the the wife and the occasion. The marriage supper of the lamb.
When will it take place?
Well, probably toward the end of the seven-year period, because, uh, we know that after the rapture, after the church is, uh, taken from this earth into the presence of the Lord, which could take place at any time, there is an awful period of judgment for at least seven years, the great tribulation.
And during that time, our lives are going to be reviewed.
That is commonly called the judgment seat of Christ.
The judgment seat of Christ for believers.
Does not have the thought of the.
Judicial dealings of God with us, Umm, receiving the punishment for our sins? No, that's not the thought in the judgment seat of Christ. For the believer, that is the case with the unbeliever, yes. But for the believer, there's going to be a review, there's going to be rejoicing or loss, and there's going to be a reward.
So, brethren, our lives are going to.
Uh, be reviewed at the judgment seat of Christ, not for condemnation, as I have said, but for reward.
But it also says, if any man, if any man's works are burned up, he shall suffer loss, yet he shall be saved yet so as by fire. When none of us want to have a a life that ends like that, we have an example in lot a save soul and a lost life.
But the judgment seat of Christ is going to, uh, bring up not our sins, not the judgment of our persons, but the judgment of our works.
Like an empire or.
One who, uh, may be, uh, responsible to uh.
Judge the merits in a flower store, uh, an agricultural exhibition or whatever.
They don't condemn the uh displays, but they apportion our reward according to what has been done, and so our sins will never come up to condemn us. Thank God the work of Christ is perfect. God is satisfied with the umm, accomplished redemption that the Lord made at Calvary.
Our sins there were atoned for, put away from the sight of a holy God, and will never be resurrected again to condemn us. Thank God for that marvelous grace. Our sins so great, so many in His blood are washed away, but our lives that we are living now will be reviewed, which is a solemn and a searching thought.
You remember in the days of.
David when, uh, he records the rewards of the mighty men in his army.
Some are not there.
But he records those who had been faithful.
They did not receive much commendation during his life. We don't read of them. But at the end, when he the Kingdom is established and he is there reigning in peace in the land of Israel as King, he remembers those who were faithful under difficult circumstances, whose names were not well known.
Among his ranks, but who were faithful?
In, in days of trial and, uh, conflict. Well, brethren, our lives too will be reviewed and, uh, how wonderful to know that, uh.
Everything that has been done for Christ will receive its commendation, its reward, and it will be manifest at the appearing of Christ, not at the rapture. That's the sovereign grace of God that will take every believer into the glory, regardless of how they have walked.
But for the appearing, our lives are going to be manifest. I believe that's the thought in the wife here being arrayed with fine linen, clean and white, as the apostle says, the righteousnesses of the Saints there. It's not a question of the divine righteousness which we possess through the work of the Lord on the cross, our perfect righteousness in which we stand before a holy God that will never change for all eternity.
We have a flawless title, but.
Our works, what we have done, our conduct, our lives will be manifest in that day. And as I said, the correct translation is the righteousnesses of Saints. That is our good works, What we have done will be displayed there in the glory at the marriage supper of the Lamb.
She has made herself ready. We are making ourselves ready now by the way we, uh, conduct ourselves in this world. And, uh, to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen. How wonderful in that day.
That everything will come out.
Even a cup of cold water given in the name of a disciple will not lose its reward. So let us be encouraged, brethren, to press on and to perform that little service which the Lord has given to us. It may seem very small and trivial in the sight of men.
But God has recorded it in the annals of eternity in that book of remembrance that we read of in Malachi at chapter 3, which will be opened someday. The Lord, it will be His delight to reward everything that has been pleasing to Him.
Well, uh, the appearing of Christ.
Will be at the end of the Tribulation period when we will be, we will come with Christ in the glory and, uh, the world will see, uh, how we have walked. They will see the Church of God arrayed in fine linen, clean and white, there with Christ in the glory and that reward which will go on into the Millennium.
And our position.
In the coming Kingdom will be according to our walk down here, we cannot lose our salvation that is secured to us through the work of Christ. We'll never lose, uh, eternal life. That's a link that nothing can snap, but we can lose our crown and our reward and how we need to walk carefully.
In self judgment.
That when the Lord reviews our lives in that coming day and everything will come out, whether it will be public or not, I don't know. But certainly this is public here that we have read of in Revelation 19. It's like a young lady who's going to be married and night after night, in the quietness of her room, she works on her wedding.
Garments stitch after stitch, many laborious hours of work. No one sees what she is doing. But then the wedding day comes and she is arrayed in that beautiful robe that she has worked so hard on for so many evenings. And we are preparing our wedding garment now. And someday we're going to be manifest with Christ in the glory. It will be his delight to have his bride with him, and it will be His delight to.
Reward faithfulness for him.
And any little service that we may have been given by the Lord.
To perform for him whatsoever thy hand findest to do, do it with thy might.
And it may not be in the public sphere. We, we tend to, uh, look up to a person who may be on the platform, we would say as having, we'll have a special reward, the greatest reward in that day. I don't believe that will be the case. Perhaps it's a sister who was, had performed her service in unconspicuously, inconspicuously.
But faithfully.
Week after week, month after month, year after year, in the little assembly that she attends or a brother, not in the public eye, but, uh, the Lord beholds those little acts of devotedness. This is where our devotedness will come out. And, uh, so don't be discouraged, young people or sisters, that you may not, uh, be in the public sphere.
But perform that service the Lord has given you devotedly, faithfully. It's recorded in the glory. The Lord has not forgotten any precious thing. And I think we will be surprised at the reward the Lord will give to us. Poor, failing creatures, unprofitable servants at the very best.
But the Lord delights to to uh.
Reward and he would encourage us now in our pathway down here to be faithful.
To, uh, manifest that divine life, to serve the Lord and our brethren, to preach the gospel. You say I don't have a gift for doing that, but we can all do the work of an evangelist.
And speak to people and give a gospel tract and leave the results with the Lord. So there's many ways in which we can serve the Lord and, uh.
It's wonderful that, uh, the Lord would give us an incentive and encouragement in the reward that we will receive. Turn over to, uh, First Corinthians, uh, Chapter 9 and then I'm finished.
First Corinthians, Chapter 9.
Perhaps is familiar to us, Uh.
Verse 24 Knowing not that today which run in a race, run all but one receiveth the prize. So run that ye may obtain. And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible.
I therefore so run not as uncertainly sulfite eye, not as one that beateth the air, but I keep under my body and bring it into subjection, lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. Well, the apostle did not doubt his salvation, but he said, I want to walk.
In view of that day.
Our manifestation I want.
To please the Lord, that there might be that incorruptible crown.
That the Lord will apportion.
And he said I must.
Walking self judgment. I must keep under my body and not allow it to rule me how much we are ruled by the appetites of our body. We know that too well. But the apostle says I keep under my body and bring it into subjection. That was the path of discipleship. There was there was going to be sacrifice. There was going to be self denial and uh.
We see it sold remarkably illustrated in the life of the Apostle Paul, but we have the same life.
And we have the same future, and may we walk carefully in holiness, separation from this world and from sin which we have. As we've been reminded, the flesh is in each one of us that we keep under our body and bring it into subjection that Christ may be glorified in our pathway down here. And the Lord bless His word to us.
Turn to Matthew 7, Matthew 7, and verse three. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considers not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how would thou say to thy brother, let me pull out the most out of thine eye, and behold, a beam is in thine own eye, my dear brothers and sisters and the Lord.
I, uh, would like to perhaps draw attention to a beam in our eye. I've removed many moats out of eyes and my line of work.
Never come across a beam.
I think a beam is something you have to take out yourself.
Uh, we have a neighbor who has a couple of years ago had a weed in her backyard.
I watched that weed grow grew out of the wall like a foot high. I wanted to go over there and clip that weed so bad.
But I had to hold myself back. It's her yard, not mine. And she takes good care of her yard. And I say she because the husband doesn't bother, but she takes good care of her yard. The yard looks great, looks much better than mine.
That weed bothered me and it grew and it grew, I think about 3 1/2 feet high.
I just didn't understand why she didn't take care of that weed or there wasn't a weed in the rest of the lawn. No weeds in the grass. That one weed grew out of the wall and grew so big.
And I just want to take it out, you know, that's the way it is sometimes spiritually. You look around at somebody else's problem and boy, would you like to correct that. We look around and see the weed of, uh, let's say the clergy, uh, the clerical system or some other weed that we look around.
And see and fall. We'd love to get that straightened out. We'd love to go over amongst those other Christians that are meeting across town and get them straightened out on that.
As I said, my yard doesn't look so good.
Well, the reason for that is I've got to wait in my yard now. My weed doesn't grow 3 1/2 feet high.
It grew all over the lawn.
I tried broadleaf weed killers, a little thing with about a about size of penny of these little leaves on this thing and.
Tried breaking it out.
Nothing seemed to work on it. A year or so ago I tried poisoning it and poisoned all my grass along with it.
I look at the great brown spots in my yard.
Finally, friend this year got down and pulled out one by one. It was the hard work days. Piles and piles of weeds pulled out of my yard. Finally I think it's gone, but now I look out the window down below and big brown spots where the weeds are all pulled out. There's no grass there.
I'm not here to talk about horticulture. I'm Speaking of a weed that I feel in my own heart and I think grows in the heart of almost all of us.
I'm Speaking of the way the sectarianism.
I belong to a sect.
And I'm happy to say that I belong to a sect. There is a sect that has that was formed at the Day of Pente Pentecost.
The sect of the one body of Christ. I'm pleased to be part of that sect. But when we speak of sectarianism, we usually speak of divisions within that sect, and those divisions are what we call sectarianism.
It's something that is forbidden in the Word of God.
It's something that is the exact opposite of being gathered on the ground of the one body. Now, we say that we're gathered on the ground of the one body. The exact opposite of being gathered on the ground of one body is being sectarian. So since we're gathered on the ground of the one body.
And that's the opposite of it. We need to be very careful about about that.
Is forbidden in the Word of God.
And, and, uh, First Corinthians 1 schisms are spoken of. Those are little divisions, uh, little cracks developing in the body.
What is it 10 chapters or so later?
Umm, it's spoken of against again.
Uh, it must be, uh, I, I won't take the time to look it up, but it's twice spoken up against.
In the in the book of Corinthians.
It's something that our early brethren taught vehemently against.
It's something that they warned about.
Because they were gathered on the ground of the one body, and they.
As Mr. Darby put it, uh.
Sectarianism is something that's.
That's uh, uh, that the religious heart tends toward.
So they spoke against that and warned against it.
It's something that the Lord Jesus prayed about and, and uh, John chapter 17, we pray that there would be unity of the body.
That they wouldn't be all divided up.
It's something that hinders the gospel, and you know that for a fact. When you try to give the gospel to people, they bring up the subject that Christianity is all divided, all little, little pieces.
And in fact, in John 17, he says that that more or less states that, uh, it would.
I better read that.
One of the three reasons that he gives.
That his own should stay one.
That's verse 21 That the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
So if we all divide up.
It hinders the gospel that the world might believe that.
That God sent his son.
Makes that which is heavenly earthly.
That is, once you define a membership, once you define that that this is a group of people here on earth.
Then you make something that's heavenly, an earthly organization.
We have an altar.
A heavenly altar that, uh, we are to worship at.
It's not an earthly thing.
Not that we don't do it here on Earth.
But we worship in spirit and truth at an altar that's heavenly.
We worship.
Living head in heaven.
We're part of his body here on Earth.
Leads to some bad teaching.
It leads to a teaching that you do not find amongst our early brethren.
If you go back and read the writings of our early brethren, you will not find them.
Ecclesiastical evil.
They refer to it as error, not evil.
That might be shocking to some people to hear that, but they did not teach against.
Uh, they did not teach that that was an evil we were not contaminated by.
Ecclesiastical associations I know in the last.
Perhaps half a century or so that has been taught, but you won't find that. I don't believe. I've never found it in any of the writings of our early brethren.
It makes us think that we're something special instead of what they thought they were in the old days. Simply believers, Christians, nothing, nothing but Christians gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ on the ground of the one Body.
They didn't take great pride in that, they just group of people meeting together to remember the Lord. How beautifully simple, The simplest, the simplicity that is in Christ.
I was surprised to read recently that.
Our brethren, Our earliest brethren.
Those who gathered together in couple homes, 1825.
Later in 1829, in the House of.
Mr. Hutchinson.
They met together and broke bread on Saturday night.
Why? So that each of them could go to their separate places of worship the next day.
They didn't think there were anything. Neither are we once we start thinking that we're something.
Reason. All kinds of other trouble.
For one I will name.
Great Expectations.
I hear often people I didn't get anything at the meetings.
Well, you know, if I come and say I'm an apostle.
You're gonna look around and say doesn't sound like one to me.
If I come and say I'm nothing but a believer and you ask me to, let's say you have the gospel meeting in your hometown, everybody comes back and say, well, that was a lovely message, Brother Paul. If I say I'm an evangelist.
They get disappointed. That wasn't so good for an evangelist. They'll say, uh, same thing. If we're nothing but Christians, we have low expectations. We're just believers gathering together in simplicity. We, uh, we gather together and meet together and break bread. Remember the Lord as he's asked us to do.
On the ground of the one body that means if you're a believer.
Here on the same ground as I am.
That's how they did it. Let's see how they did it for 100 years. Well, fifty, 60-70 years at least.
And it was a beautiful thing.
Now that weed that I had in my yard gradually spoiled my whole lawn. I just fear, my dear brothers and sisters, that if we continue in this way, we get more and more isolated thinking that we're something and we're really nothing thinking, thinking that we've got something special and it's just a disappointment if you think you if it's that's so special.
We're just believers.
Just like our early brethren were just believers gathering together to remember the Lord on the ground of the one body, recognizing Him as head.
To think, much more to be said.
But let that be.
All other than a few verses in the Revelation.
Chapter 2.
Verse five. Remember, therefore, from whence thou art fallen.
Chapter 2. Verse 25.
That what you have already. Hold fast till I come.
Chapter 3.
Verse two Be watchful and strengthen the things which remain that are ready to die.
And then chapter 3.
Verse 17 A warning.
Because thou sayest I am rich and increased with goods, and have need of nothing.
And the exhortation, which I won't read. Let this not be our spirit, to think that we are rich, we're something special, we're increased with goods, we have many gifts.
We have need of nothing. We do not need our.
Brethren that are gathered elsewhere, we have need of nothing.
Like we just look with the Lord's help, with a few words and, uh, Daniel chapter 2.
And I would just like to preface my remarks by saying.
We have an example here of confidence under.
Any circumstance, confidence and under any circumstance.
And we know that many of the Lord's people are going through trying times at this time, some perhaps facing health problems, some perhaps facing bereavement, some perhaps finding difficulties in school perhaps.
Some facing an eminent layoff at work or termination of employment.
Many, many difficulties are confronting.
The people of God. But we have a resource and I would just like to again look at 3 individuals that are mentioned here in verse 16 and verse 17.
And also verse 18 it says Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego answered.
And said to the King, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. Well, if we use today's language and terminology, we would probably say.
Or our present usage would be we are very careful and we are giving much consideration to what you have had to say and I'm sure that that was the case.
We see one in the Word of God in the Old Testament King Hezekiah. He was confronted with the difficulty, and what did he do? It says he spread the matter before the Lord. And so these three individuals, these three Hebrew prisoners.
Were not going to give the king a rash answer, but they would take.
Uh, their response, uh, into consideration and bring that matter before God.
And so it says in verse 17, if it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O King. So we have one scenario here we see possible deliverance and they.
Begin their reply with those words.
If it be so, and we're going to also link that to three words that they use in verse 18. So they recognize that God was able to deliver them from that situation that was confronting them and it certainly was not a very appealing or inviting situation.
To be thrown into a burning furnace. We have not been confronted with that difficulty. We've had difficulties, have we not? But I'm sure we have not experienced so greater difficulty as experienced as confronted, as confronting these three individuals. But then in verse 18 it says, but if not be it known unto thee, O King.
That we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set.
Uh, thou hast set up. And so they realized that there was ano another possibility that they might not be delivered, but they were willing to leave that also in God's hands. And so we have confidence here under any circumstance. Now let's just go back to Psalm 34. I was just noticing not too long ago, a few few verses in this 34 Psalm.
It's certainly a very comforting Psalm to look at.
The heading is a Psalm of David when he changed his behavior before Abimelech, who drove him away and he departed.
Let's look at verse two. It says, well, verse one and two, I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall be continually in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the Lord. The humble shall hear thereof and be glad.
O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together. What magnificent.
Uh statements are being made here by one UH who was facing difficulty and trial.
Then in verse four it says I sought the Lord and he heard me.
And delivered me from all of my fears.
No, often.
We're troubled by many things.
Many of the things that we're troubled about often don't come to fruition. They don't take place. We're anxious about many things in our lives, are we not? But here we have one that was able to deliver from all fears. And So what a precious thing that is. And then it says in verse six, this poor man cried, and the Lord heard him and saved him.
Out of all their troubles. So now not only are we saved from and encouraged when we have fears, but here we have one that can deliver us from our troubles. Then it says in verse 90, Fear the Lord ye his Saints, for there is no one to them that fear him. The Young Lions do lack and suffer hunger, but they that seek the Lord.
Shall not want any good thing.
We would go again to verse 17, the righteous cry and the Lord heareth and delivereth them out of all their troubles. And then verse 19 it says many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivered them or delivered them out of them all. Well there are those that would preach a a gospel of pres prosperity. Well, if you follow the Lord, you accept the Lord, the Lord will make everything rosy in your life.
But this isn't what we're promised, is it? But we have the Lord's promise with us through the difficulties that he passes us through. And so.
Uh, we have that assurance. And then in verse 22, the Lord redeemeth the soul of his servants, and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate. And what a comfort that is. And let's just turn to just a few verses in Job chapter. I believe it's Job chapter 37.
In connection with the large ways.
We're reminded that the Lord chastens those whom in loveth.
Just a few days ago I spoke to a brother out in the West Coast who was going through quite a bit of difficulty. His wife had had a number of surgeries, he was in the 70s, and he was having to provide almost 24/7 care for her. He was very discouraged, he was very weary, yet he was still happy.
In the Lord, and I sought to comfort him with some scriptures. And just a day or so I was going through some of my old pamphlets and I came across a back issue of the Christian from 2008 that had to do with trials and temptations that would face the believer. And I read through that and I was very much comforted from reading through that issue and had a chance to send that on to him.
But let's just read this 13th verse. It says he causeth it to come, whether for correction or for his land or for mercy. Or as another said, we have three things brought before us here, that which is punitive, that which is purgative, and that perhaps which is preventative. And we're reminded, are we not, of the apostle Paul who was given a thorn in the flesh so that you might not be lifted up?
Well, what an encouragement we have, uh, from God's precious Word to help us through these difficulties and trials that face us as we walk, uh, our journey through, uh, our life here.
In closing, there was a piece of poetry that concluded that issue.
Of the Christian and that piece of poetry is entitled He is Near.
And there was a verse of Scripture written on the top, and that verse was from Isaiah chapter 43 and verse two it says, when thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee.
Says whom? The Lord?
Whom the Lord does love, He chastens one of Scripture's presses through. And we called to mind the testing of those much tried Hebrews youths, who within a fiery furnace for their faithfulness appear, but whose chastening was tempered by the presence that was near. Again, those last few lines, but whose chastening was tempered.
By the present presence that was near for the burning fiery furnace not alone by them was trod.
Oh, they had the blessed company of that one, the Son of God. What a joy amidst their trial. How it must have calmed their fear in the hour of their affliction, just to know that He was near. Yes, in the hour of.
Our affliction we can know that He is near so as we go or life's pathway trials and sorrows we must meet, but they will not overpower us if we are at Jesus feet within hearing of His whisper that will fall upon our ear in the roughest darkest places. Trust and fear not, I am near owe the lonely hours we pass through.
In the nearest cannot share we to Him our hearts and burden take our grief to Him in prayer. Then it is He loves to hear us, loves to comfort and to cheer and to joy. He turns our sorrow by His whisper. I am near.
Of His love He does assure us, shows us that the trial was meant, but to draw us closer to Him, and in tender love was sent that we might rely more fully on His love while we are here and be ever conscious listeners.
For his whisper I am near and be ever waiting, watching or watchful.
Four is coming in the air.
When Osteo himself, he'll gather A to dwell with him up there. Then in every waking moment, may this thought our spirits cheer. He is coming, coming for us, and blessed hope his comings near.
Could we sing verses 1?
Four and five of #35 in the back of the book versus 1, four and five.
Oh my.
When everything.
Uh, we'll have part of my daughter. We're all after hours, very mixed up and.
Everything about.
We sing also just the last verse of 42 in the appendix and #42 in the appendix just verse 3.
Dial 0 111 Five.
Green light.
And breathing, you know, it's raining in the head and bladder and letting them fall asleep strong. And I'll look up all over the center and you'll see if you're going to be able to get a little bit of hot.
But I'm going to get 1000.
Why not explain my problems and everything?
Isaiah 54 and verse 11.
Odalis parks with a Tempest.
And not comforted.
Behold, I will lay thy stones with fair colors, and lay thy foundations with sapphires, and I will make thy windows of agates, and thy gates of carbuncles, and all thy borders of pleasant stones, and all thy children shall be taught to the Lord, and great shall be the peace of thy children.
Right, Our God and our Father, we just do thank Thee that we've been reminded of that time that we commonly call the judgment seat of Christ.
When things will be brought into thy review and uh, thou will have reward for each of thy children.
We just do thank Thee that whatever the trials of this life are, whatever they might yet be, we know that Thy eye is upon us, that it does care about us that will carry us all the way through just to thank Thee. That we know we're at the end of that path lies. It lies in Thy presence, Lord Jesus.
And we just do thank Thee that we can trust Thee and be encouraged. We thank Thee for thy word. We pray that we might have an understanding and a desire to follow in the good of it. In thy name we give thanks. Lord Jesus. Amen. Amen.