Open Mtg. 3

Duration: 1hr
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Open—J. Schneider, M. Payette
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Lord, Thou hast drawn us after thee. Now let us run and never tire. Thy present shall our comfort be of Thyself, our hope, our soul desire. 166.
Oh, that's amazing.
I want to talk about.
I want to buy.
A more expensive one. Hearts red brown, A lot of wine too near our grilled glands and stands. Oh, it's raining but I'm a ****.
And everything. Ah I am nevermind it's all the time. I ordered it to me.
I was wondering if we could read one scripture before we.
Pray, umm, it's a scripture that was read this morning. It Psalm 81, verse 10. I was thinking of the latter part of the verse and a little different application that we had before we were talking about.
Our our desire to have an appetite for the word God, the Lord Jesus Christ. I'm going to read it now. I am the Lord thy God which brought the out of the land of Egypt.
Open thy mouth wide and I will fill it. Well, this is going to be a beating. As in umm, ministry as the Lord may lead. And if there's some here, uh, this afternoon and normally don't partake in the meeting, umm.
That if you feel that Lord, to get up and speak.
That he'll fill your mouth. Let's pray.
Your sisters and brothers, I'm not a native of your language, but I hope you will understand my very easy sentence I want to give out. We would like to read a short passage from Gospel of Matthew chapter 14.
We start with verse 22.
And straight away, Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship.
And he go before him unto the other side, while he sends the multitudes away.
And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray.
And then the evening was come. He was there below.
But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with the waves, for the wind was contrary.
And in the 4th watch of the night, Jesus went unto them, walking onto the sea.
And when the decider saw him walking on the sea.
They were troubled, saying it is a spirit, and they cried out for fear.
But straight away Jesus speak unto them, saying.
View of good cheer it is. I be not afraid.
And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, hit me, come unto thee on the water.
And he said come.
And when Peter was calmed down out of the ship, he walked on the water to go to Jesus.
But when he saw the wind, boisterous, he was afraid and beginning to sink. He cried, saying, Lord, save me.
And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, Although of little faith, Wherefore didst thou doubt?
And when they were coming to the ship, the wind ceased.
Then there is that wherein the ship came and worshipped him, saying of a truce, Thou art the Son of God.
Dear, they laughed. I think, and I guess everybody knows this story very well, and there is a very nice prophetical picture in it about that, the largest in our time, where we live, upstanding heaven and praying for us.
And this is really very nice picture what the Lord's scripture gives before us. But in this afternoon we would like to make some practical words and helps for everyday steps in the following of the Lord.
So there comes the moment where the Lord said to the disciples, go into the ship.
And there was a special reason why the Lord said this, because.
Before they start, there was a very nice time to be together with the Lord.
There are thousands of people.
And there was a place, It was a desert place.
And when the time was gone, everybody was hungry.
And the disciples are talking to the Lord and saying you have to send them home because they must eat something.
And the Lord said, no, that's not necessary because you can't give them food. And then they're talking to the Lord. They have only a little bit. It's not enough.
Really, it's every time in our life the same. We never have enough to.
Give others, but the Lord's blessings could make from very little, very much, and what is very interesting a place, what is desert? The Lord said next moment.
Here is crass.
They must recognize the disciples. The Lord had prepared a place in this desert.
Where they can sit down, where they can rest, where they are able to get food.
And what is very interesting is they could minister, minister give service for the Lord and to give food to thousands of people.
And after this the Lord said.
Pick up every single one what you will find on the ground, in the grass and on the end there are 12 baskets full of bread.
Really, that was a nice place.
That was a wonderful experience with the Lord, to be together with him at this moment.
And next moment the Lord said it's done.
Change the blades go into the ship.
Go over the seat straightaway to the other side.
Leave this place.
I remember in my company when I say to my son and to Timothy counsel and another one who is working in my company, so these are that and they don't like it.
I must say some minutes later, hey guys, do it.
They don't like it, so they walk slowly.
And that's the reason why the Lord said in his scripture, he constrained him. The disciples, they were not interested really to leave this wonderful place of the 12 baskets.
They know very well it could be dangerous to Passover the sea now.
But the Lord said this is my plan.
Across the sea.
And the next book, the Lord said, is You have to go without my breath.
I will stay here, I do not need longer your service for the multitudes cross the sea. I will do the rest by myself.
Look, dear sister, dear brother, this is the hard word for Cyril to to listen to the words of the Lord. Now I don't need you.
Have you ever been in such a situation that the Lord said.
Just no, I don't need you.
Across the sea go straight away to another place.
This moment is a moment of obedience.
To listen carefully what the Lord is expecting from me and from you when he is saying cross the sea.
All the disciples.
They know what could could come, so they go slowly, but they go into the ship.
And they start.
This moment the Lord's Scripture give our view to the Lord Himself and the Scripture tells us.
And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray, and when the evening was calm he was there alone.
Look, dear sister. Dear brother, maybe.
There's a moment in your life I know not so very much.
So I feel very free to free to speak, very practical.
There could be a moment in your life where the Lord said.
Cross the sea.
Change the place where you are now, or change your service or whatever it is in your life.
And it could be that you don't feel really good to do it because you could know it can be very, very hard for your soul and for your heart to move the place.
But the Lord still is looking upon you.
Maybe not in this way how you thought, but He every time is for you, working by prayer.
At God's right hand.
Look, they doesn't know the disciples what the Lord is doing. They only knows that the Lord had said, I will send the multitudes away without you.
To do your work and your service, walk your way. I do mine way and my work.
And so we went up to a special place in the mountains to pray.
Look the ship on the sea.
Dangerous time is coming.
They doesn't know that the Lord is praying because the Lord doesn't say it to the disciples. They are still working in what they know very well because they were fishermen. They know to lead the ship. They know the sea. They know all the things who are necessary to come to the other side of the sea.
What they doesn't know?
Is the strength and the power of this creation.
Look, dear sister, dear brother, you are on the way. The Lord gives before you.
And it becomes even.
We read it's not every time, sunshine. It's not every time, every day, a nice day.
There are also times in our life where it is dark.
Where you don't see the next step, the next chip, the next way.
Where you maybe don't see anything.
Then only your drop you see not only your drop.
But remember, there is one who is praying for you, and you are still on the right way. Maybe the disciples ask himself, is it right that we go by the ship to the other side by this terrible wind?
But they are still on the right way.
Maybe you are on the right way and there's a lot of wind against you.
That could be.
And everybody from us knows it's not the easy time.
It's a time of trusting the Lord.
Look when the wind is against us.
We normally start to work hard in this ship.
Remember to the story of Jonah.
There was also a very big storm and they are working hard against the wind. No chance.
So it could be in your life that your heart working but no change.
What is to do?
When you are with a ship on a sea, there are rules.
The first watch, the 2nd watch every time. 3 hours.
I can imagine that they are still waiting in the first watch first three hours.
Did the Lord forget us?
What is he doing now? Where is he?
Time is over, 3-3 hours. Next watch is coming, the second one still waiting for the Lord.
Did you forget that?
He'll never forget you. He'll never forget me. How hard the wind may be and how big the waves could be. He never forget you and me.
The third watch.
Still waiting?
For the help of this one they knows very well, but there is nothing.
Sometimes, dear sister, dear brother, we have to wait longer than we expect that the Lord is coming and change our situations and circumstances.
But it is very good to know in this time the Lord is still there.
I can't see him, but he is still there. He never changed.
Look, there comes the 4th watch.
Is this the hours are gone, the sunrise up?
Then you must not look for a foreign light or a help light. Then you can see with your own eyes. But in this time of watching the 4th one, the Lord comes.
Over the sea he comes in a way nobody from the disciples expect.
Why, when they saw the Lord, they thought that the Spirit, and they started to cry. They were afraid.
Do you know such a situation in your life? Big trouble. You knows very well I'm on the right way because the Lord gives me the instruction to walk this way, to crossover the sea.
And it is so hard and I'm still waiting for him.
Breathe day and night, I can tell you.
Hours could be in the night like days in Vic.
And there comes a moment where the Lord steps into your life, into your travel, in the way you didn't expect.
We are so smart, often we are so much ideas how we can help ourselves.
And what the Lord should do. We had so many solutions.
But often we must learn that the Lord comes with His solution. We are more than astonished because it is out of our hearts and soul and our minds. What He is doing we never expect. And that was what these disciples never expected. They didn't expect that the Lord comes walking on the water.
There is still storm.
It doesn't stop. Maybe it is also in your life. Storm doesn't stop. Difficulties doesn't end.
Soros doesn't stop, but the Lord is coming, and your eyes have him in his, in your view. So what is now?
That the things changed when they start to cry because they they don't understand that it is the Lord who is coming.
He have to tell them.
Don't be afraid.
That moment.
Where the disciples listened to this known voice.
Of the law.
Circumstances doesn't change.
But her hearts and souls changed. They know this is the wonderful voice of the Lord be heard by ears. It's not a fair, not a foreign voice. It is a well known voice for the soul. We say it again, circumstances doesn't change in this moment.
But the voice is well known.
Look, now comes a very interesting picture before us. It's a picture from me, maybe from you, and that is a story in this story with Peter.
Peter says.
Lord, if thou it.
Then say to me, come to me, walk on the water.
And the Lord said, come, Peter, why did you ask this?
The order of the Lord wants to grow the sea by ship, not by sea.
That's what we are doing. We get an order from the Lord, and if we see the Lord in her, hearing his voice and the trouble, he starts to do things the Lord never wants. Let me do it. The order was to cross by ship, not to walk with the fields.
It is not standing here, but dear sister, dear brother, I can't imagine that that Peter doesn't expect that the Lord said come.
He was in the ship. He knows the ship very well, and it was a good place in the ship to hear the Lord's voice because that was an experience of his life. He often leads a ship where the Lord was in and preaching and hearing his voice.
Look when the Lord said Peter come.
He was in a very big trouble.
If he doesn't leave the ship.
The other disciples will never see a very serious Simon Peter in him.
So what has he do? Do you must do this step? That's it. Do you know this from your life? I know it from my life. To talk very loud, special things, you know. And the Lord said, OK, come on.
And then you have to make this that.
Peter stepped out of the ship.
And is walking on the water. How great, how faithful is the Lord? He let him walk over the water.
Do you know this from your life, that there comes moments where the Lord said come because you have not so very good idea to do?
As you start and it works very well.
But then you start to look around you.
And if Peter hear the voice of the storm, not of the voice of the Lord.
And saw the waves on all. How big the trouble is in the sea?
He starts to sing.
Maybe there is a time where the Lord must give out a lesson in our lives that we start to sing because we talk too loud to Him.
A question especially for young people here.
To walk out of a ship.
To walk over water, look through the circumstances and sink. Does it make sense?
I can't tell you no, because if the sun is shining, you also can't wall over water.
That's the big lesson that the Lord gives his disciples and Peter.
It's not a question to look about circumstances in your life.
It's not a question how good you can walk with your feet.
It's a question of faith.
To do this because nobody can walk over water, you know that. Try it, it will never works.
That Peter could walk over was what? Because the Lord is the Creator and He gives Peter the possibility to walk in this way.
He is, He was very faithful against Peter because he wants to give him a very, very important lesson.
Peter, it's not a question to talk very loud in the presence of your brethren of the other designers.
It's not a question that you understand my voice very well.
That you could walk over water.
The only reason is how long you have the faith to do it. Because you trust in me and you know how great I am. You can look.
The circumstances haven't changed. It is still stormy.
He is still on the way to the Lord, but then he starts to sing.
'Cause his faith was very small and there was doubt from one moment to the next in his heart that the Lord may be not help him and he will die and sink to the pram.
To all the way with the Lord. And then circumstances make a lot of trouble and you start to sing.
Do you really believe that the Lord will go? You will have that you go down under in the water?
Could you imagine that the Lord give his life for you his plan? And then he said, oh, I'm sorry, Zinc.
Do you really believe that? No.
But he cried.
Lord, safely.
I can tell you the creator who created the year, he is that one who really listen to the cry of his own.
Look, in Germany we have a lot of, umm, Christian sorts of, umm, associations, and they all have something. I think you don't have it here. Prayer books, you can open it. Very nice words.
Very serious words.
But if you are in trouble in your life and the Lord starts to teach you how to pray, you will learn what it will be to cry.
This is a moment of very big trouble where you know there is only the last chance.
Do you know this in your life?
Big trouble. You'll never see a help.
They will reach this point down on your knees crying Lord Satan.
Peter stopped, and his small faith make it impossible that he could reach the Lord. He starts to sing.
That's me. Maybe that's you.
But the Lord every time reach you at me.
Here is Aldi's hand.
Bring him out of the water.
And bring him in the ship where he was before.
How faithful is the Lord?
In our lives.
How faithful is the Lord against Peter? How great is his help? How different are his ways? But he never change, and it is great to see that moment where Peter learned the lesson.
They are not crying.
They are not scared, they are not afraid.
They are looking to a wonderful purse.
That they have in her ship.
They start to worship the Lord.
They have seen him run. Those baskets were filled.
Really. Here's the creator.
And his hand is every time full of pleasant.
From small and literally can make big underneath.
This is very interesting to learn.
But they had something more to learn. He is not only a creator.
He is the Son of God.
The end of that lesson was for Peter and the disciples. We have to worship only this one person, the Son of God.
On the end of my very easy Bird's question.
What is this person in your life, Your heart and your soul and your spirit? How great is this Son of God for me and you? This is the answer of all questions in your life.
How more he is, How less I am.
How greater He is, How smaller I am, How more I say his power. See I see his power and strength. How more I know I am nothing.
Bid thus come his voice we know, and boldly on the water. Joe 171.
The book of Nehemiah, the third chapter. Hold your place there. I'd just like to read one verse before from Proverbs 18, Proverbs 18, and verse 10.
The name of the Lord.
Is a strong tower.
The writers run it into it.
And is safe.
Is 84 Psalm. It says that to go around Jerusalem and consider its towers, and we have an Nehemiah chapter 4.
As he restored that wall and put the doors back, we have 4 towers there.
I'd just like to speak briefly.
Some thoughts from that first verse. Nehemiah chapter 3.
Nehemiah 3 verse one. Then Eliashib the high priest rose up with his brethren the priest, and they builded the sheep gate.
They sanctified it and set up the doors of it, even into the Tower of Mia. They sanctified it unto the Tower of.
There are two towers here.
And call Mia one called Anaheim.
So that was in verse 11, the third one, verse 11.
Matchesa, the son of Harem and Asher, the son of.
Repaired the other piece and the tower.
Of the furnaces.
And then we have in verse 25.
Palo Alto.
Over against the turning of the wall and the tower which light out from the King's high house.
I have the standing out tower, the high standing out tower in my French Bible.
And in verse 27 and we use the same tower, and then take away prepared another place over against the great tower that lay it out even unto the wall of Bothell.
Four towers, and I enjoyed that verse in connection with that, that the name of the Lord is a strong tower, and each of these towers perhaps present to us a thought in connection with the name of the Lord, the tower of Mia. Mia means 100.
Sheep Gate 100.
Brings to us the part of the Great Shepherd, the shepherd who is not going to lose.
One sheep and I'd like to think of the name of the Lord as the God.
About salvation.
The salvation that we speak about in the gospel, the salvation of our lives as Peter could call out and say, Lord, save me, save my life through these circumstances that I'm going through, and the final salvation, the salvation of our body when it comes from heaven.
Doesn't depend on me and my greatness.
But the greatness of the God.
Of my salvation. Of your salvation. A salvation that glorifies Him doesn't glorify me. He's going to glorify us with Himself, but it's to his glory. Because of his work, none of his own will ever be lost. The God of my salvation.
The Tower of Anaheim means.
The grace of God write those verses in first Peter chapter 5.
First Peter, chapter 5.
Pretend by the God.
Of all Greece.
Which had called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus. After you've suffered a while and make you perfect, establish strength and settled you him be glory and dominion forever and ever.
Verse 12 by Sylvanus, the faithful brother unto you, as I suppose I have written, briefly exhorting and testifying that this is the true grace of God wherein we stand.
The God of all grace.
Whatever they need, whatever the condition, whatever the problem, one we can come to.
And find ways to help.
In time of need.
And when you're the object of His grace, not only in salvation but in your pathway, it is to His glory, making you thankful and knowing that this God of your salvation is the God of all grace.
You cannot come to the throne of grace and find an answer that there is none available. There is grace available. Let's avail ourselves of the grace of God, the God of all grace.
Then we had mAh Chapter 3 we had.
The tower of the furnaces.
Times of testing.
Times of suffering.
Of intensity.
And I don't know too much about that, but I have in Second Corinthians chapter one.
The name of God.
As the God of all comfort, the God of all comfort sufficient.
To comfort His people in whatever circumstance they find themselves in. And there is a purpose in the comfort of God.
But by the comfort we're with, we are comforted. We may comfort those that need comfort with the comfort wherewith we are comforted, the comfort of God. What a resource we have the God of our salvation, the God of all grace, the God.
Of all comfort.
Then this last hour we read about.
Mention in verse 27.
The Great Tower.
Well, let's look at that name. Philippians Chapter 2.
Well known verse.
Philippians, Chapter 2.
Verse 9.
Wherefore God also had highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name.
That's the name of Jesus. Every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth, that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. The name above every name.
We can rejoice and rest in the fact it is the God of our salvation, a perfect salvation. We can rest and rejoice on the faculty of the God of all grace, rejoice and rest on the faculty, the God of all comfort.
But beyond his salvation, His grace and His comfort, there is more.
There is him himself.
The name above every name. He is the Son of God. His title is Lord.
But his name is Jesus.
The lonely Jesus, the Jesus that wants you to come to him. The Jesus wants to be your shepherd, your comforter, your salvation.
Your supply of grease and your friend. Oh dear ones.
God takes pleasure and are calling upon Him.
In salvation for our souls, for our lives, He takes pleasure in US calling upon Him and coming to Him for grace, and He takes pleasure in our coming to Him for comfort.
But I tell you, I think he takes great pleasure and you and I coming to him just because it's him.
And we say #165.
1St 2/3 Why in a section fairness and passing through the fire now Love we praise, we strive our ways 165.
We live in our Father's Day in my.
Just before we pray, but in Genesis Chapter 11.
Genesis Chapter 11 and we'll just read.
Verse four, as they said, go to let us build us a city.
As an hour.
Whose heart may reach unto heaven, and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad on the face of the whole earth.
And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children. And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language, And this they begin to do.
And now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do. Go to let us go down, and there confound their languages, their language. They may not understand one another's speech.
So the Lord scattered them abroad.
Just an adverse that was read earlier in Proverbs 11.
Proverbs 11 I'm sorry, 18 I should say.
And uh, first hand, the name of the Lord is a strong tower.
A righteous runeth into it and is safe.
Just commend ourselves.