Open Mtg. 7

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Open—K. Harman, B. Erlandson
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All those mercies.
For exceed all the way to each other.
In my name for a while, is there anything that may be more on a display?
Oh my God, And but vibrant. And that's why I think so.
All right.
Uh, thank you for.
Call 7053.
Four. Three, 2512.
The hymn that we sang was.
Very timely, I believe, and a good reminder of the pathway we're on, the journey that we're on in this life is that there are consequences.
And, umm, that we should be very.
Umm, concerned about our course down here like the apostle Paul could say I have finished my course. I've I've finished, I've finished the the race, I've finished my course. I'm quoting that right. But henceforth there is laid out for him a crown of righteousness. He had the assurance in the soul that what he had.
The what he the what course that he had followed and the pathway he had he had gone was had been had met with the Lords approval.
Umm, how could he say that with such assurance?
Umm, because he kept his eye on the goal, he kept his eye on the person, and he had cast everything off as far as these earthly things are concerned, is that he used to be concerned about. He called it.
Umm garbage he called itself. Umm it it never. It no longer appealed to him. All he could see was the was the Lord himself.
And the end of the pathway and so.
I wonder about you and me, whether we, it affects us that way, uh, or do we still hanging on to things down here that really is called baggage. There are things in.
My turn, just for a moment, to John. To Hebrews.
Umm, chapter 12.
Hebrews chapter 12 and verse one.
Wherefore, seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of faith, who for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand.
Of the throne of God.
This is Speaking of the Lord Jesus.
The joy that was set before him.
The that which was pleasing to his father is what his concern was be what was and so he looked off, umm, to uh, to the end of the pathway for him. And we are to look unto Jesus who is the author and finisher of faith.
What is our object, I wonder? I asked myself this as much as anybody. What is my object day by day as I get up in the morning and as I go to bed at night? What is my my object being during the day and how has my pathway?
Passed throughout the day. Have I been occupied with the Lord?
Well, I'm afraid that there are a lot of things that enter into our pathways that we would call.
Umm, you know, weights aren't necessarily wrong, but they do hinder.
And weight can become a sin.
Umm, there are things that we take up and our pathways that are not, not necessary.
They hinder us in getting on in the in our path. They're getting on in in our occupation with the Lord, that there are things that would hinder us in our growth in our soul.
I can look back on my pathway and I can I can wish on some things that I wish I'd thrown off.
Here I am at a point in my pathway, where would I, where would I be in my pathway if I had not taken on these weights that held me back, stop my growth. And so this is the danger of taking up things down here in this world that aren't absolutely necessary. There are things in our path that that are necessary. We need to make have a job, we need to prepare to provide for our families. We need to to take care of others.
There are things that are absolutely necessary and we have to have a job to do it, and the Lord understands this. But sometimes these there are, there are some of these things that are not necessary. And so we take them upon ourselves and we find that they're a burden.
So I just mentioned these things because every one of us here probably are in the same category at one point in our lives, perhaps even now. Maybe there's those things that you've taken upon yourself that that you wish you hadn't and they become a burden. It takes your time, it takes your energy and.
You know the the.
God would have us to have the foremost thing in our life.
Is those things that occupy that interest him?
Umm, the, uh, things that of God, the eternal thing, the, those things that are eternal are the things that are important in God's sight, and so they should be with us too. Uh, that which I've taken upon myself is it, does it have eternal value?
Or is it, is it something that I just wanted, something that's going to hinder me?
Quite often that's the way it is. I think sometime of, of a, some that I've known in the past and they went on brightly for the Lord and they, and uh, it's not great things for them, you know, as far as the, the things of Christ are concerned. And all of a sudden they say.
What's happened? Something has happened. I don't see them anymore.
There's umm.
Let's turn to the.
2nd Corinthians.
Chapter 5.
Verse 9. Wherefore we labor that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him, for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that everyone may receive the things done in his body.
According to that he has done, whether it be good or bad.
The judgment seat of Christ is before each one of us, and this is the judgment seat of Christ in concerning our works down here. You say I, I have to, to appear before the judgment seat of Christ. I thought my sins were gone. They are. If you're a Christian, they are. But this is nothing to do with our sins. This is to do with our works.
And it's whether they be good or whether they be bad. But everything that we do in this life, oh, brother, hey, hell used to say we get by with nothing.
So you may do things, I may do things in secret, you may, we may do things openly, but everything is, is, is registered in God's book, in his records.
And they're all at one point, they're all going to at the point when the Lord Jesus comes and we gathers unto himself, there's going to be the the books are going to be open there and there we're going to suffer either. We're either going to get reward or we're going to suffer loss.
Our our Sims. It's not anything about our sins, it's our works.
And so.
It begins right from the time we enter into this world to the time we leave the world. Whether we are St. or Sinner, all those works are gonna be exposed and gonna because they all have to be accounted for.
We might hide them from one another, we may, we may hide them from our closest friends. But you know, the Lord Jesus knows all about them and he's, he's going to, he's going to confront us with them, shall we say?
And it's going to be all not to hold us down, not to punish us. You've got nothing to do with that. But it's because at that time we will be in a, in that those new, that new bodies, as I should say, the new, the, uh, glorified body.
And so we will think as he does, and we'll be able to say you're right.
You're absolutely right for doing this, for bringing this up, because I was wrong. And the Lord Jesus will get the glory for it. So we'll all read down to the glory of the of, of the Lord Jesus, but we will suffer a loss ourselves. I can't tell you to see how he's going to do it, but we will suffer loss. And does that mean anything to us?
So that's that's the judgment seat of Christ. And then if we go over to 1St Corinthians chapter 3.
There's another.
Another, umm, facet of this, and that is more to do with the, uh, the the assembly I believe.
It says in verse.
Let's read from verse 9. For we are laborers together with God. Ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building according to the grace of God, which is given unto me as a wise master builder. I have laid the foundation and another build if they're on, but let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.
For all other foundation can no man lay than that is laid which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation, gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble, every man's work shall be made manifest.
For the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire, and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is.
If any man's work abide which he hath built, thereupon he shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss for him, but he himself shall be saved yet so as by fire.
Now this is building on the foundation that has been laid by the apostle. This has to do with the ecclesiastical part of of everything. As to the church, what are we building upon that foundation that has been laid by the apostle through the Lord Jesus Christ, what he has given to him. There is only one foundation and there is only one church in this world, and that is the Church of God. Is that?
Has been hidden in him from before the foundation of the world revealed to the apostles. And, uh, now we are responsible, We have a responsibility to build upon that foundation. What are we building into it? Are we building into that? Are we, are we, we bringing before one another and seeking to, to uh, umm, also, uh, build up our own souls on that foundation so that it will be profitable, It will add to it. It will be God's mind.
Concerning it or are we adding our own thoughts to it? Are we, umm, uh, are we bringing, putting in bad material? Is it wood, hand stubble, or is it gold, silver and precious stone? That which is which has value. The other is if it doesn't have value, it's gonna be burned out.
And that speaks of it's gonna be judged and we will suffer loss, yet we ourselves will be saved, closed by fire. That is so as by the judgment that has burned it out. So these things should exercise you and me because they are eternal. They're that which is going to last forever. And it's going to bring either glory to God or it's going to to dishonor that which he has.
Established in this world there is much out there that is that in the the systems of men that that that are honorable and we can thank God for that but there's much there that we that is going to be burned up but.
In to man, To man. He looks at me and he says these are wonderful works. Well, he's doing great things. This might be true of myself, it may be true of you.
But it says here, let every man take heed.
How we build thereupon?
Uh, it's not, it's not of how much it is, it's of what sort it is. What's the quality of this work? Not the quantity. And so these are things that would that you and I from, from our, from the time I say that we come into this world to the time and right here, this would be from, from the time that we have become Christians. I believe I'm right in saying that.
That that we are responsible now to build upon that which.
God has revealed to us and umm, he has given us his spirit so that we can do it, so that we can, uh, he can give us guidance in this. He can give the energy for it. And so it's your responsibility and mine as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ that we do it God's way, not our way. And I think that's what it's all about here.
So these are things that that umm.
I am so thankful in my pathway that God has allowed me to understand a little little bit in my pathway, and yet it reveals to me that how much I've failed in all of this, how much there is that was will suffer loss. And I suppose each one of us can do that, look back on our pathway and say that that I wish I hadn't done it.
It's umm, being dishonoring to the Lord or, uh, there's been no value in it.
Uh, he's gonna have to put it to the fire. So let us, let us build our, put, uh, put our energies into building upon the foundation that that has been laid with Jesus Christ himself, the chief or the cornerstone.
I'm so thankful to see, uh, uh, wherever there is, uh, a work of God in this world. Uh, think of many that, that are.
Our, uh, preaching amongst the different, uh, ones that, uh, are being saved over Muslim countries and things like that, There's so much energy being put into it and we, we're thankful for this. Uh, but you know what? It's not just the preaching of the gospel that is included in the works of God.
The work of God is it can, is, is, is just that we that we obey his word. That's what it is.
If you obey My word, then you are my servants, and so are we obeying His word in such a way that there's going to be, it's going to be reckoned to us as gold, silver, precious stones, something that God can give credit for and honor. And something is going to build up the testimony of God in this world today according to the mind of God.
Now there's another verse that want to turn through just.
Before we close your And that's in the book of Ecclesiastes.
Ecclesiastes, chapter 10.
Hard to know where to start here, but I think if we start from umm verse 8.
He the diggeth of pit.
Shall fall into it.
And whoso breaketh an hedge, a servant shall bite him who shall remove a stones shall be hurt therewith, and he that cleaveth wood shall be endangered thereby.
If the iron be blunt and do he do not wet the edge, then must be put to more strength. The wisdom is profitable to direct. Surely the serpent will bite without enchantment, and a babbler is no better.
I read this because it, uh, it exercises my own soul.
Everyone of us that has gone on in the past.
Uh, for any length of time build up we we have umm, a responsibility to follow according to the word of God.
But you know, the enemy of our souls, the serpent here is, is ever ready to to trip us up. He's a deceiver of the brethren. He's a he's, he's a, a, a deceiver. He was a liar from the beginning. He's the father of lies. And he would try and and trip you and me up in our pathway. And when I think about these things, that makes me tremble.
Umm, many have.
Missed the path, we don't see them anymore.
What happened? And but by the grace of God, we could say that there go I, why are you here today? Why am I here today? What are we doing here? What are, are we, are we appreciating the, the, the, the word of God that we are, we are reading and listening to and being taught? Have we received it into our souls? How, how are we applying it in our lives?
And have we applied it? Well, I want to say, like we've read already, take heed.
And I say that to myself, take heed. The children of Israel, when they were the Lord gave them, told them, if you be obedient, this is what I'm going to do to you. You go to the book of Deuteronomy chapter seven and eight. I believe it is and you'll read about it and and all the blessings that God was going to give to the children of Israel if they were obedient and there wasn't anything they were, they were going to be invincible.
There wouldn't be an enemy that could touch them and they were going to be blessed like you wouldn't believe.
But then on the other hand, he says, but take heed.
Because if you don't, this is what's gonna happen.
And so throughout the history of people, of God, there's always been that side of things that there's blessing, but then there's warning. And because of what we are by nature and by practice, we are capable of falling into any of these snares of the devil.
So here's.
Uh, we have, uh, God, as it were, uh, hedges us above.
His hedges about were sanctified by the Spirit were sanctified. We are in a place that is usable for God. He is sanctified us for his use. The children of God are in a very special place and and God would care care about us and would as Leslie did with Job. He put a hedge around him and he said to Satan you can do this to him, but so that but that's as far as you can go.
Uh, you can. You have to. You can't touch his life.
And so he allowed things to happen in Job's life because he saw a needs before it.
And so God has a hedge and he can break that hedge if he chooses to. And he as he did with Job, he broke that hedge and he led let Satan go through and he tried Satan Job. I say he tried Satan went through and he tried Job. And we know that Job came forth as.
As gold.
And that was God's purpose. We read in, in umm, in, in the New Testament that it wasn't the end of Job that we read about about it was the end of the Lord in concert in connection with Job. And when he allows the service, the the hedge to be opened up, shall we say, in our lives and allow certain things to come in and, and test us or judge us or whatever that might be for he knows the reason.
Umm, then he, he allows it to go so far and no further, and that's a wonderful thing to get a hold of for us because it gives us peace.
To know that God is in control.
But if you and I break the hedge, that's a different thing, I believe. And so it says whoso break it, uh, umm, whoso breaketh and hedge, a serpent shall bite him. That hedge can do two things that can keep the enemy. It can keep the, the, the enemy out, or it can keep it, keep us safe. It gives us security. But you know, in those days they built a hedge and those hedges were hiding places for serpents.
And so it was very important that they keep that hedge. And so, uh, the thought here in the spiritual sense is that if you and I lower down, lower ourselves, shall we say, to allow that hedge of protection around us to be broken. And how can we do that?
Very suddenly. Very easily.
These weights that we're talking about.
I can put a weight upon myself. That in itself seems very legitimate and I have a reason that, an explanation for it. I can, I can give you any kind of reasons that that This is why I've done this. This is why I've done that.
But I've got some ulterior motive in my own, in my own soul. And so I I can, I can.
Persuade myself that this is very necessary, so I go on with it, but not realizing.
That I've I've had to set something aside in order to do this. I've added as it were, I've broken the hedge and what has happened now is that God has allowed the serpent to come in and he he may destroy my testimony, he may destroy my life, he may destroy everything that.
That could have been for the glory of God and I and, and I've, uh, it's hindered me now in my pathway.
I wonder if if there's if this applies to anybody in this room other than myself.
Umm, we can think about this. I'm not here to try and explain everything. I merely want to bring this out so that it, it can exercise your conscience and mine that, that if we're going to go on for the Lord in this life, if we're going to go on and honor him in this life, we're going to have to be on guard. We're going to have to take heed to the things which we have heard lest at any time we should let them slip.
And this is the danger that we have in the in these last days, especially God.
The the enemy of our souls knows that his time is short and he will do his utmost, his best to try and trip you and me up. And I, I'm so thankful to see my young brothers here and sisters and and I would trust that in your pathway that you will take heed to these things and you value them.
And you will seek to be on your guard against the subtle Wiles of the enemy. They're so ready to, to, uh, destroy your testimony and to, umm, ruin your life and to ruin the testimony that God has has established in this world as to the church. That is the thing that I say that is, is utmost importance to God.
Is is that mystery of the church that was hid in him, in God, before the foundation of the world?
As has now been revealed to the apostles and the apostles and the prophets.
By the Spirit and now reveal to you and me what a privilege that is.
I wonder if we realized that so much.
As, as we ought to, uh, I know I don't, but this hedge, this tip that can be dug, uh, uh, that for, it's like, I think of, of, uh, Haman, you know, he, he was ready to, to, uh, destroy Mordecai. And so he had the, he had a jellos already built and he was going to, to, uh, uh, get rid of Mordecai and uh, uh, he himself was gonna be honored by the king.
What happened? He dug, shall we say? He dug the pit and he fell into it because God was in it. And Mordecai was the one who was honored and and Haman was the one who was hanged.
Whoso digeth a pitch shall fall into it, whoso removeth stone shall be hurt therewith. I believe all these things have much the same thought in them, and I leave them at your for your own.
Reading of it and.
He that cleaveth wood shall be endangered thereby, that is.
Anybody that swung an axe, I remember my grandfather once my mother told me that my grandfather was cutting wood once and he had a, a very, he had AI don't know what the axe was sharper or whether it was dull, but he swung it and he missed the uh, that and he just looked at his foot off. He left it hanging by a piece of skin and got him into the house and my grandmother took him and, and.
She she just put it all back together again and, and put some disinfectant on and she wound it up with, with brown paper or rags or whatever it was.
She just put it together like that. No doctor, no nothing. And it healed. But he cut us just about cut his foot off because of he wasn't, he wasn't careful how he was swinging the axe. And then there's, there's a thought here of, of swinging it, of, uh, having a doll axe or a dull, umm, instrument. Umm, And it says if the iron be blunt and he do not wet the edge, then must he put to more strength. So sometimes we try to force things.
Uh, and, and we, the, the iron is that we're, is dull. So what do we do with that? We have to swing it harder. And sometimes we use the word of God that way. And we, we, instead of, of, uh, remember reading about Mr. Darby was riding in train, I believe it was with a young man and, and he got into conversation with the man next to him. The man was questioning Mr. Darby and, and just question after question, Mr. Darby just calmly answered him.
Answered him with the word of God.
And this young man was expecting great things from Mr. Garvey just to, you know, you can shoot him down like, like nothing. You know, here he's asking you all these questions. You got all the answers. You can shoot him down like nothing. But he didn't. He just calmly answered his questions with the word of God. And afterwards, young man said to Mr. Why didn't you take him on a little harder than that? You know, this is the thought of it.
He said it's a word that cuts and so he didn't have to.
He didn't have a dulac, he didn't have a dull iron, he didn't have to swing it hard. It was sharp already. And the word of God is that which is which cuts. So sometimes we try to force things, umm, with the word of God instead of just letting the word of God have its way by itself.
And so I believe that we can have the application there and that. And then there's the, there's the, uh, surely the serpent will bite without enchantment and a babbler is no better.
Well, I don't tend to try to ex explain all of these, but the thought here, I believe, is that we need to be careful of those things that we already have been given and that we don't allow the enemy to come in and deprive us of these things. And let us lean upon the Word of God. Let us lean upon the Spirit of God that we might be guided by Him and that our pathway might be preserved.
Down here, for his honor and glory, let us take heed, young people, let us take heed, older ones, my brother, each one of us, Let us take heed to the things that we have heard in these meetings and to the things that we have heard elsewhere, other at other times. Uh, none of us are ignorant as to the scriptures here. Uh, we've got them perhaps in different measures, but what we have heard we are responsible for. So let us take heed to those things. Don't break a hedge.
And allow the enemy to come through and bite us. That's so sad when this when this happens and many have lost their testimony in this world because they have broken a hedge and let them through.
Earlier, umm, this afternoon, while Bruce was Speaking of the uh, uh.
Circumstances in in North America and and the.
Possible demise of this country that we view as such a such a substantial power today and has has risen to that position in such a short period of time.
I I couldn't help but think about what?
What God was doing.
In an unseen sphere.
Bruce was Speaking of the political sphere, and man takes much glory in that. But God is working in an unseen sphere today, and Ken touched on that a little bit in respect to what's being built and the instructions that are given to us that we would use materials that will last.
Gold and silver and and precious stones as opposed to wood, hay and stubble.
And we have.
Helpful instructions in the Scriptures in this regard. And, uh, we have by grace been preserved in the good of it in a great measure. And so here we find ourselves in the closing days of the church's history, and it's a remnant condition that exists today.
Uh, just, uh, just a week. And I'd like to look at a couple of different, uh, scriptures in that regard and look at one who gave it up and just, uh, continue that, uh, that exhortation and that warning that we've been taking up this afternoon in respect to this wonderful privilege of building with these materials.
Silver and precious stones rather than umm, wood, hay and souvel. And that which is going to be set aside at the at the close. So I want to begin with umm, that which would be of a professing character in in this setting. And then I want to turn to that which is.
Something that God can commend, that he can acknowledge, so that which is of a professing nature. Let's turn to Matthew 13.
And verse 31.
Matthew 13 and verse 31.
Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The Kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field, which indeed is the least of all seeds, but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and become as a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.
This is a This is a picture of our day.
It's a picture of professing Christendom, and it's a place in which everything has been welcomed and that hedge has been set aside and the the presence of of everything.
In in a in a large compromise has entered in and as time goes on, more and more is.
Lighting in this tree and adding to it defilement and and taking away from its reality and that's it's a sorrowful scene and.
It is not pleasing to God and it is not going to test. It is not going to stand the test of fire of heat in a coming day. It's going to be.
Reduced to ashes?
And God's test of it, and his estimation of it. And, umm.
Our place, I believe, is not to, umm, not to take up a conflict in respect to this, uh, this condition and this movement and this, uh, this influence in Christendom today. Our place and our path is one of separation from it. And in that regard I want to turn to.
One verse in Ephesians.
To try to give a sense of God's perspective.
And what God values.
Ephesian 3 and verse 10.
Ephesians 3 and verse 10 to the intent that now, under the principalities and powers in heavenly places, might be known by the Church.
The manifold wisdom of God.
Well, there's.
The vast contrast in these two forces and and what is portrayed in each one, and what is portrayed here is.
Entirely a work of God, isn't it, and a work of His grace, that the principalities and powers in heavenly places might learn by you and I, the manifold wisdom of God. And one aspect of the manifold wisdom of God is His order.
A recurring theme in the ways of God, the manifold wisdom of God, is the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow. And so this is a day of suffering, and it's going to be followed by the glory that should follow. And that great tree that comprises professing Christendom doesn't want anything to do with suffering. It wants to proclaim a.
A prosperity gospel and a blessing of of tangible things. But this is an unseen sphere and it's a spiritual sphere and God's way is suffering precedes glory. And that is the that's a pathway that we're in. It's a it's a.
As I as I mentioned before, I use the term remnant and that's that's another.
Umm common theme in the ways of God with men. A remnant testimony is what closes each of God's dealings in his dispensations with man. They that fear the Lord spake often one to another. That's that's in Malachi. That's a a small company that remained in that day, umm when the Lord was was brought into this scene.
Umm, Simeon and Anna were there, a remnant testimony. Just a few were there, but they were in the good of God's purpose, and there were others with them in a light position. And beloved, we don't realize what a privilege we have to be.
In that place today, and we ought to take heat on ourselves and under the doctrine because.
It's a it's a privilege beyond our estimation and our comprehension.
And then continuing on to Philadelphia in Revelation Chapter 3.
Verse 8.
Uh, had this little verse referred to in the prayer meeting Friday evening.
Revelation 3 and eight, I know thy works. Behold, I have set before thee an open door.
And no man can shut it, for thou hast a little strength, and has kept my word.
And has not denied my name. What a uh, uh, simple and brief set of qualifications that are given here by divine inspiration that.
That show what God can command.
Although a little strength yet keeping my word and not denying my name, I'm not going to be able to keep His word if I don't spend time on it and if I don't make an effort to, to understand it, to learn it and to make it my own. So the keeping of His word and not denied my name, that name is going to be exalted and it's going to be owned on earth and in heaven.
And that is going to happen very, very soon. And may we be preserved to own that name and the preeminence of it in these last days when many are giving it up. And So what a what a simple little instruction, what simple qualifications there are. And may it be the desire.
Of each one of us to keep his word and to not deny his name. That name is worthy as the gathering Center for God's people today. No other name is needed. You mentioned that in the midst of that great tree of Christendom and you'll be looked at with a great deal of skepticism because.
The denominational boundaries have been have been built up.
And there are.
All is it done, all is all that it has done is contribute to the ruin of God's testimony here in this scene. And finally, umm, one other thought that I would like to touch on is in Second Timothy chapter 4 and that that caution that is given there.
In regards to.
Keeping his word and not denying his name, as opposed to, uh, taking up with other things, umm, Second Timothy 4, uh, verse 10 For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed onto Thessalonica.
We read a Thessalonica earlier and the, uh, the.
Caution and instructions that were given unto them, but.
Here I really appreciate the.
Uh, tone of Paul's, uh, Paul's remarks and uh, how he, how he words this for Demas hath forsaken me having loved this present world. That's all that Paul needed to say. In respect to demons. We have a tendency and there is a risk in this reference and in making a comment in this regard.
Of continuing on and pretty soon we are in first Peter chapter 2 where we started our readings and there's some malice and there's some guile and there's some evil speaking and we have a very good.
Lesson and principle here in this regard and fall in the.
The privilege of divine inspiration limits his comments here. Dimas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world. And it is a sorrowful reflection to observe this pathway, and it's been observed many, many times and.
In many ways and the.
Numbers here reflect that today and.
I think that this, this present world, yes, it holds an attraction in various forms and we, we need to be on our guard, as has been mentioned.
In respect to its its attractions, but it's a place of loss when that that pathway is taken, that little hymn that we have.
And the scripture that it is based upon.
Made reference to spirit, soul and body being preserved blameless onto the coming of the Lord and.
If you're a little bit like me, you have thought of that verse and you have turned that quotation around to body, soul and spirit. But.
What matters to God and what really defines our direction is spirit, soul and body and the the pathway here, having loved this, forsaking Paul, forsaking Paul's doctrine, and having loved this present world is taking up that which pertains to the body and.
That's that's a loss. It's wood, hay and stubble.
And it's not going to stand the test of God's, umm, God's estimation in a coming day. And.
Umm, nothing else is said here. I think that we have also here a little, uh, a little preview of the judgment seat of Christ that also was referred to earlier. He, he's forsaken me having loved this present world, There's, there's nothing more that could be said and.
So may we, uh, may we continue on in this, uh, this pathway and as we watch this great, uh, political system hasten on to its, its demise and as we watch the church in its, in its weakness, although Christendom would seek to glory in the fullness.
Of that, that great tree, may we seek to keep his word and not deny his name.
In thee and he explained that tomorrow.
Yeah, Uh-huh.
Big cricket.
SMS one.
Yeah, 25.