Open Mtg.

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Open—B. Christensen, R. Bauman, S. Jacobsen
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Before we pray, brethren, could we look at the Book of Psalms?
Let's look at a verse in Psalms and a verse in the book of Acts.
Psalms 23.
Verse 2.
He maketh me.
To lie down.
In green pastures.
He leadeth me.
Is still waters.
Acts Chapter 13.
I'd like to read part of verse 15 and 16, and I would like to read it from Mr. Darby's translation.
Starting at the end of verse 15.
If ye have any word of exhortation to the people, speak.
And Paul?
Rising up.
And making a sign with the hand said.
Israelites. But then this phrase, ye that fear, God hearken, Let's pray.
They come up before.
Everyone here this afternoon but.
Over the past few years, the Lord has.
Laid a burden on my heart concerning the lack of shepherding.
And I speak myself.
As one who has failed in this.
Just recently.
Number of brethren in our assembly.
Got together and composed a letter.
To a young brother who left the Lord's stable.
And in this letter.
We acknowledge that we had failed in our capacity.
As pastors and shepherds.
I believe that there was that realization.
That if we had acted in the fear of the Lord and not in the fear of men.
That this young brother would still possibly be gathered together.
At the Lord's Table.
Might we just look at a few verses this afternoon?
One of the first verses that I would like to look at is in the book of Jeremiah.
Chapter 38.
Our brother mentioned.
The weakness and the sad state.
In Jeremiah's time.
And in the chapter following the chapter that our brother Chuck read.
We read that there were those that were not valiant for the truth.
But God raised up one at this time, and that one.
Was Jeremiah.
Was he an understood man?
I believe what we read in chapter 38 would indicate that he was not.
Understood, and not merely understood, but there were those.
That stood against him, to oppose him.
And in verse four, we see that there was an outright lie.
That was told concerning Jeremiah, and let's just read that verse.
Verse four of chapter 38 of Jeremiah. Therefore the Princess saith unto the king, We beseech thee, let this man be put to death, referring to Jeremiah.
For thus he weakeneth the hands of the men of war that remain in this city.
And the hands of all the people in speaking such words unto them.
I mean, they were referring to such words. I believe that they were referring to the words of encouragement that Jeremiah was seeking to give to those in that land.
And then they go on to say, For this man seeketh not the welfare of this people, but the hurt.
We see that this was an outright lie, and we see.
But we see something of the character of Jeremiah.
He spoke words of encouragement and so it should be with us. We likewise should seek to speak words of encouragement to those roundabout, whether it's a word of encouragement to the young.
Or a word of encouragement to the old.
I believe the Lord would have us do so. Let's go to the book of Nehemiah.
I'd like to read.
A few verses in chapter 2. Our brother Jim referred to several chapters in Nehemiah the other day.
But in verse 10.
There's mention made again of this King's Cup era.
Nehemiah. There were those that sought to oppose him.
And verse 10 it says, when sand bow up the horror night. And Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite heard of it, it grieved them exceedingly that there was come a man.
For what purpose? To seek the welfare of the children of Israel? A man come to seek the welfare of the children of Israel.
And if we read further on in the chapter, we'll see something of that ruin. We see the walls in disrepair, we see the gates in disrepair, we see the towers in disrepair, and later on we see a sad mixture.
The children spoke half in the speech of Ashdod and half in the speech of the Jews. Language.
Such was a stake in the day of Nehemiah, but it's encouraging to see that there was one that sought the welfare of the children of Israel.
In Genesis, one of the earliest questions that is asked am I my brother's keeper?
Am I my brother's keeper? And that's a certain question.
To each one of us today.
In One Corinthians chapter 12.
We read that.
The members should have the same care.
One for another that the member should have the same.
In Two Corinthians.
Chapter 8 we read of Titus.
And it says of Titus, Titus had the same.
Earnest care, The same earnest care. I believe in another.
It said that he cared with genuine feeling.
We do a lot today out of pretense.
We're not real.
And I think that the world.
Can tell this?
I think those in the assembly can tell this as well.
But may we have that same earnest care the Titus had?
For his brother.
Also in Two Corinthians.
We have another expression used is inward affection.
Is inward affection.
And as our brother Chuck was speaking and referring to those verses in Second Corinthians Chapter 11.
I again was especially impressed.
Might we turn to that chapter? 2 Corinthians Chapter 11?
We have an accounting of what the apostle Paul suffered.
We have an account of the shipwrecks, the beatings.
But then in verse 28 it says besides those things that are without.
That which cometh upon me daily.
The care.
Of the churches.
The care of the churches.
Is this our concern? Is this your concern and your assembly? Is this my concern in my assembly?
I speak to my own heart.
But it was something that.
Was a burden to the Apostle Paul.
I don't intend to be brief, but I would like to just refer to one other scripture.
In the Book of Astor.
Esther is a very interesting little book.
We do not have the name of God specifically mentioned in this book, but we see God working behind the scenes.
We see Esther placed providentially on the throne.
And another individual comes to the forefront in this book.
It wasn't Haman the one who sought to honor himself, but we have the lowly despised 1 Mordecai, and Mordecai, I believe, was working behind the scenes.
And sometimes the work of a pastor or shepherd might not be the most prominent. It might be a work behind the scenes. There may be some that don't appreciate that work, but it's a valued work. And so we have this statement at the end of the book of Aster.
Verse three of chapter 10. For Mordecai the Jew was next unto a Hazueras.
And great among the Jews.
And accepted among the multitude of his brethren.
Seeking the wealth of his people.
And speaking peace to all his seed.
May that same spirit that characterized Nehemiah.
That characterized Titus.
That characterize the Apostle Paul.
That same spirit here that characterized Nehemiah be found amongst us.
In the Old Testament we read of shepherds or pastors that did not care for the sheep.
That just enriched themselves, and in John's Gospel we read of the higher length.
When the time of trouble came, what happened to the hireling, the hireling plague? But we are thankful, therefore, that Good Shepherd, that Good Shepherd that gave his life for the sheep. Well, may we just consider these things and may we seek to be an encouragement.
To those around about us, may we speak words of encouragement.
May we do acts of encouragement and we know.
That the whole body of Christ thus will be edified.
Genesis chapter one, verse one.
In the beginning, God created.
Simple statement of creation.
First, John, don't turn to it. One one that which was from the beginning. That's incarnation.
John 11.
In the beginning was that's beyond all imagination. So you'll have creation, incarnation, and beyond all imagination. He always was, you know.
A marvelous simplicity here. In the beginning, God created. It's so emphatic, positive, and direct that there's no room for man's reasoning or objections. Nothing but believe it by faith. If you don't, it'll be a muddle for the rest of your life until you believe it by faith. And all was in God's thoughts and purpose.
Before anything was, that is.
That's a beautiful thought, isn't it? You were included. Everyone that belongs to Christ was included by name in the thoughts of God. Before anything was, that is.
The church, the formation of the church, was specifically in God's thoughts. You get that in Psalm 139. I'm not going to turn to it, but you can. You can read it yourself some other time. And now we'll turn to Proverbs 8, Proverbs 8.
And we'll read from verse. And Proverbs 8 we'll read from verse.
Well, you can hardly know where to start in Proverbs 8.
26 While as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of this world, when he prepared the heavens, I was there, and when he set a compass upon the face of the depth, and when he established the clouds above, and when he strengthened the fountains of the deep.
When He gave to the sea His decree, and when the water should not pass His commandment, and when He appointed the foundations of the earth, then I was by him as one brought up with him, and I was daily His delight, rejoicing always before him.
Rejoicing in the habitable parts of his earth. And my delights were with the sons of men.
This is Jehovah speaking.
Jesus is Jehovah. We can't say Jehovah is Jesus, but we can say Jesus is Jehovah. This is he speaking.
His delights were with the sons of men. Children of men could be just about as well, you know.
The one speaking is the one that said I wisdom dwell. That's who's speaking.
Rejoicing in the habitable parts of his earth. My delights.
We're with the sons of men.
Everything we enjoy, brethren, today of this Marvelous Universe.
And our Earth, with its stars and the planets and a great variety of grasses and the plants and the shrubs, whatever trees and streams and rivers, ponds and oceans, you could keep going. And the living things in the sea and the living creatures on the land and in the air in that beautiful and.
Really. Of the rocks and minerals and all by the word of his mouth.
He spake and it was he commanded. It stood fast and we're told.
Let all that inhabit, all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him.
For he spake and it was done. He commanded. It stood fast. You stand in awe of God.
Do you fear God?
I'm talking about a reverential respect of who he is.
You know, unless one fears God, he can't be saved. He has to realize that God is.
Don't have to understand all the details, but he has to realize that God is, You know, Psalm 19 brings enough in the first verses to save any soul in Africa. India. Doesn't matter if they believe it, God will give them the rest. That's the truth. Many have gotten saved before missionaries reached them or when God marvelously moved a missionary in because they believed.
Psalm 4, Psalm 19, One to four. All right, I won't get into that now.
We'll we'll turn to Genesis 2 again now Genesis 2.
Let's see.
I'll start with verse 4.
Nice they got them lined up.
Verse four. These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created in the day that the Lord God made the earth in heaven.
And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew. For the Lord God had not caused it to reign upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground, but there went up amidst from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.
And the Lord God formed a man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, And man became a living soul. And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden.
Planted a garden.
Everything else was by the word of his mouth. But you know, when you plant a garden that's very special. Did you ever think of that? Plant it a garden. You know, there exists many fabulous gardens. As I traveled around the world, I enjoyed them.
Food cart I think are Bouchard Garden, Victoria Island, I think over there in British Columbia or someplace. But I was there, didn't see it all, couldn't see it all.
Gardens and you know.
There was an Orchid gardens of Singapore. It's just fabulous. Not one of each kind of orchid. A garden of each kind of orchid in the whole world. Everyone represented there. Ottawa, Canada, Pella, Iowa at the time of tulips. Fabulous, colorful gardens of tulips. I've seen them both out of this world, you know.
Canadian and England small front yard gardens. Have you seen them?
They're really all original, something wonderful about those just little things with walls. But they're so beautiful gardens, you know, they're everywhere in New Mexico, Arizona, cat dye and desert gardens. They balloon. It's really beautiful. And then there's the botanical gardens. Every place I go there's botanical gardens.
In all the countries and states of this United States, there's gardens and, you know, one other thing.
There's an air garden, I don't know if you've seen them, but all the plants are not in the ground, they're in the air.
And they just grow beautifully. Air gardens. Well, I just thought it's beautiful to think of that. But God when he created.
Everything was perfect. If you could have a picnic, then it couldn't be spoiled by rain, that's for sure. It never rained. Everything watered just perfectly from the earth up. And so it was lovely creation. But you know, that didn't satisfy God. It said God planted a garden in Eden. Now Eden, of course, means a place of delight.
That would have been enough for Adam and Eve, wouldn't you think? But not for our Father, no. He wanted something just very special for Adam and Eve. And so.
He planted a garden. I think about planting, you know, that's different than creation.
You know a garden. Every garden has four peas. Their first.
Planned. They're purposed and planned, and then they're placed and planted. That's what God did for Adam. He wanted him to enjoy this wonderful, special thing in Eden.
Who would think Adam would sin with a thing like that, You know, But man does not enjoy all God did. Why? Why doesn't he? Well, Isaiah, let's see 66 three. They have chosen their own way, that's why they don't enjoy it. It says in Proverbs, there is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the ends thereof are the ways of death. That's what they choose.
They weren't happy in that beautiful garden in Eden, in creation. Think about that.
Now in Isaiah 65, I'll carry that one thought further.
Isaiah 65 and verse two I think. Isaiah.
And verse 2.
I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people which walketh in a way that was not good after their own thoughts of people that provoked me to anger continually to my face. That sacrifice in gardens. Think about that. These are peoples gardens you know.
And burneth incense upon altars of brick.
Manufactured by Man. Man's altar today Man's table. And not of stone. It's a brick.
Which remain among the graves and lodge in the monuments, which eat swines, flesh and broth of abominable things is in their vessels. You know it says in Isaiah, I'm not going to turn to all these because somebody else needs a turn. But Isaiah one, I think it's the 2nd to 4th verse. I'm not sure they have rebelled against me, says the Lord. They are gone away backwards.
Now that's what they've done after God did all that in creation and planting a garden for Adam and Eve. Well, turn to Matthew chapter 15, I think Matthew.
Chapter 15.
Verse. I think it's 13.
In 13 But Jesus answered and said, Every plant which my heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted up.
There are those in the gardens that were not planted by God, and they'll be rooted up. Who's he talking about? He's talking about the Pharisees here, the religious leaders of that day.
If they're not planted by God in the gardens of the Lord, they'll be rooted up. They won't last. Now in John 17 it says, you know, that's the Lords prayer. The Lord thank God, what for them whom thou hast given me.
Everyone that's planted is a gift of God to His Son.
Are you planted by God? I want to use another thought on that one Corinthians 12. I think it is. That's the body of Christ, chapter one Corinthians 12 and.
I'll find it here quick.
And verse 18.
But now hath God set.
Now that word is very important.
Set means purposely and permanently done. It's the same thought as planted by God. Now has God set the members, every one of them in the body, as it has pleased him.
We're talking about plants in these gardens. It's very beautiful. You know, in the Song of Solomon, I shouldn't say that the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's.
You know boys and girls, he wrote 1004 songs, don't you? And the Spirit of God chose just one to put right in the heart of the Word of God.
That's right, rejected all the others, but this one is the Song of Songs.
Anyways, in the Song of Songs, they're called Lilies. You know, when the bride was saved, her name became Lily, and every believer's name is Lily.
As according to Song of Solomon.
Isn't that beautiful? What's Bubble Lily is pure white. It's beautiful to look apart.
That's everyone that's in Christ.
You're white, all a beautiful to look upon. Isn't that nice? That's why God lets you be at His table, the Lord's table. He doesn't see you as the Sinner saved by grace. He sees you as part of His Son, and He sees you in all the preciousness and beauty of His Son.
Your lilies, Well, all right, those are in the garden. So he says. Blow north wind and South breezes on my gardens so that they produce fruit and fragrance for me.
Isn't that something he says Blow north wind? You know the assemblies are his gardens. I guess you've got that by now, didn't you? Anyway, I'll tell you if you don't know it.
He blows on assemblies, he gives the problems and troubles. So the assemblies have the best prayer meeting they ever had. Everybody's together on their knees. We experience that just not long ago in Cottonwood.
We placed everything on the table and we prayed to the Lord about it.
You know, North wind hit us hard. Yeah, it did.
Oh my. Within the day we had the answer.
By surprise? Of course not.
And then he says in the South breeze, because he knows just the proportion to bring fragrance of the lilies in his gardens. And that lovely, he does it. He takes care of it that way. But I don't want to get off on a tangent. Turn to John chapter 19, John's Gospel chapter 19 and verse 41. Now this is an important verse.
Now in the place where he was crucified there was a guard, and in that garden a new sepulcher, wherein was never man laid.
Isn't that a beautiful verse when you have the cross in view? There was a garden, you know. Our Lord, when he was crucified, was provided a garden, and in that garden a sepulcher for him to be buried, wherein never man laid.
God took care of that. Yeah. Isn't that beautiful? The Father had prepared it all, and it was ready for his beloved Son when he died. And he included was a rich man's sepulchre. I think that is so beautiful. Isaiah 53, nine.
They appointed his grave with the wicked.
But he was with the rich in his death. God made sure that a rich man's sepulchre. Doesn't that make your heart just?
Beat and beat and beat with joy. It does mine. How wonderful. Now every prophecy, every type and thing in the Old Testament was fulfilled in Jesus Christ death, and in the garden and in the new sepulchre, in a rich man's place for internment, and where never man was laid. That's Old Testament truth.
Oh, how could the Jews miss this?
How did they miss it?
They use this.
They had their own way. They didn't follow the word of God. They didn't believe it all either.
That's terrible, isn't it? Now, in John? Well, I'm going to say this. This garden.
Was not such a garden as the Lord himself provided for man? It wasn't like that, no.
Because there was years, about 6000 years, of the effects and ravages of sin.
And so that's where God had to put the garden, whereas the Lord put the garden for man in Eden before sin came in.
What a beautiful gardener would have been, but but God made sure his son had a garden. But you know, there's something and I believe it's John 2015. I think the verse is this, there was a gardener.
You know what? That's the only place in this book.
I'd emphasize this book. I don't know about other translations, I don't play with them.
But in this book, you hold your hand. It's the only place gardener is mentioned.
Never wonder why.
I'll tell you why, because there was weeds in the garden and there was thorns and thistles, the result of sin, and there had to be a gardener to keep down those and take care of the garden.
But thank God there was a garden for the Lord when he died, a place where he could go and be a part from the din and evil of this world and be in communion with his Father.
Isn't that nice? He provided a beautiful garden for man, but God provided a garden for him.
But it was in this world.
This sin cursed world and they had to have a gardener.
And I repeat, that's the only place you're going to find Gardner in this book. And I'll have to always say that because I don't read other translations. I don't know that. All right.
Let me see, let's go to Song of Songs just for one reference. That will help Song of Songs before I think Song of Songs.
Chapter 4.
All right, Twelve Song of Songs, chapter 4, verse 12.
A garden. Enclosed is my sister, my spouse of spring. Shut up. A fountain sealed. Who's he talking about? The church. I know the church isn't in the Old Testament.
But it's pointing to the church primarily. It's the congregation of Israel.
But in type, it's the church today.
A garden enclosed.
Isn't that nice? It's protected from the defilement of this world. Is my spouse a spring? Shut up. A fountain sealed. It's enclosed. It's protected from defilement. That's what he thinks of his garden, and I think it's beautiful. Notice 15. A fountain of gardens, a well of living waters, streams from Lebanon.
The place of whiteness, Purity.
But he has many gardens.
Continuous flow of fragrance to the Lord Jesus Christ.
From his gardens. Isn't that nice? Are you a plant in the garden?
Yeah, your your, your purpose, your plan and your plan to don't think you aren't, you know, turn over to 8 and 13 in the same book. Song, last song, eight. I think it's 13.
Thou that dwelleth in the gardens, does the Lord Jesus dwell in the gardens?
Hey, where two or three are gathered together under my name, where am I?
In the midst of them, He dwells there. If you ever get that realization, that's where He wants to be.
In a garden God prepared for him today. You know, the Lord Jesus Christ, who's now at the right hand of God.
His father, he has gardens and I think it's beautiful. He prepared a garden for Adam, but he has gardens now for himself, and it's filled with lilies in which he finds all his delights and in which he may dwell.
He can only dwell in a holy place, remember that.
That's very important. Now note at his death there were disciples. It said all his disciples forsook him. Yes, there were disciples. I think it's nice. However, they were secret disciples until then.
This is exercising, isn't it?
I'm just going to say it. Secret disciples.
Isn't that a terrible name? Secret disciples. One was Nicodemus.
His name means victorious. Why? Only one reason. Christ is risen. That's his victory. Nicodemus didn't that nice? Well, he was a learned leader of the Jews, probably the best taught down here. Jesus confronted. He was an honorable counselor.
He was part of the Sanhedrin.
The High Court among Israel.
Quite a man. Joseph of Arimathea was the other. Joseph means ad thou Jehovah.
Don't forget Jesus is Jehovah.
And Arimathea means a high place or the hill of Calvary. That's the only way you can add Jehovah or Jesus in your life. The hill of Calvary. Now these two men had such beautiful names.
It's hard to believe that they were saved, but they were secret disciples. Isn't that hard to believe?
Are you a secret disciple? I hope done they're here. You know, hide around the back and don't let anybody know you're going to meet the Lord.
Or they say where you go every Sunday morning, you tell them what church you go to or that you're going to church. I hope not.
No, no, we are the church. Never forget that we're going to meeting. Don't be ashamed of that.
I have many that say I don't want to offend my neighbor so I just tell them I'm going to church.
But you are offending the Lord, I say, what's the Who's your neighbor?
The Lord doesn't want us to do such things, you know? That's awful. That's off the point, all right.
Both of these men were secret disciples, but they were members of the Sanhedrin, the High Consul, the ruling body in Israel. Think of that.
It is not what you are. It is not how rich you may be.
It is not how much you know that means anything to the Lord.
But both of these men had faith. Isn't that nice?
And if you have faith the Lord is going to use you, He's going to use you. You may not know.
He's going to use you if you have faith.
He'll make sure you're indwelt by the Spirit of God. These men weren't, but the Spirit was upon them and they used the Lord used them and they're beautiful. Well.
You know, there are disciples today. Now I don't go so far to saying every St. is a Nazarite. In fact, I go so far as saying there are no Nazarites today. OK, we seek to have a Nazarite character.
All right, but there are many disciples, followers of Jesus.
But I want to say this, some are empty professions only.
They're not real. They're disciples. I mean, we're Christians too, just like everybody else in the United States.
What a statement, huh?
That's John 664 to 66. I think I better read it so I don't just say something and I can't back up John six. I think it's 64 to 66.
66 is the final, you know, 666. All right, John, 6 and 64.
But there are some of you that believe not, for Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him. And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except that we're given unto him by my Father.
Who gives faith to everyone that he plans and now 6666. Is that a familiar number here it is from that time many of his disciples went back and walked no more with Jesus. That's enough said. I don't talk on that. You just take it. The second group, our disciples indeed, not profession only.
I think that's beautiful, don't you? They're real. They're vital, They're useful to God and the Lord Jesus Christ. That's 831. Might as well turn to it. I wasn't going to try to watch the time. I don't even know where the clock is. OK, I'll hurry, 831.
I just wasn't going to use these, but I think I shouldn't just say disciples indeed.
Eight of John 31. Let's see.
All right.
And many of the people. I hope this is where it is or at my end said it. Or 8:30.
Pages stick together. No, it didn't sound right. Pardon me. 31 OK then, said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him. If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed?
It's so easy. It's a clear definition, isn't it? Was it safe in Revelation 3 for Philadelphia? They kept my word, that's all. Wasn't much, was it? Do you keep his word or what you like in it? That's the problem. What you like, you know?
Well, it's enough of that, all right. There is disciples, indeed, the third group, secret disciples, you know, there's mental hindrances. There was mental hindrances to Joseph and to Nicodemus.
They said if you say you believe in Christ.
Jesus, you're kicked out of the synagogue.
It's a mental problem, isn't it? It's not no problem to Christ because.
When the beggar? I shouldn't say that when the blind man born blind was kicked out of the synagogue, he ended up right in the hands of Jesus.
I hope that if any of you are mixed up in such things, you're kicked out quick because you'll end up in the hands of Jesus. Isn't it nice? Well, I I hope they all come out.
Turn to Luke 9. I was going to use some others here, but a little lower time. Luke nine. Chapter nine I think is at the end. Luke 9.
I thought I have a drink of water.
Like I have a drink of water to flip a page.
No, OK.
Let's see, it's verse 57. And it came to pass that as they went in the way, a certain man said unto him, Lord, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest.
A lot of you have that same thought, I hope.
And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, birds of the air have nests.
But the Son of Man has not wherewith to lay his head.
And he said to another, Follow me. But he said, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my Father. And Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead.
But go thou and preach the Kingdom of God. And another also said.
Lord, I will follow thee, but let me first go bid them farewell, which are at the at home, at my house. And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God. These three had mental problems, that's all. The word of God clears it all up, doesn't it?
I don't think his father was dead now. I shouldn't bring my thoughts in. But the elder son had to stay until the father was buried. So he was going to be there a long time. He wasn't just overnight. You know, this is the way man is. You know, I have a duty to my father. I get rid of it by saying carbon.
Don't have to take care of them anymore. That's man's way. All right. I shouldn't take time on that. Turn to Luke 22. I'm going. I'm really getting worked up here and I'll be done a minute. Luke 22.
You know the most important thing?
To our Father is where and how we should worship. Never forget that.
The most important once you're saved, is where will you worship?
Now in Luke 22.
At first I'll say Jeremiah 42.
The remnant came to the prophet and said.
Where and what?
They want to know where they should be and what they should do.
And you know the Lord answered them, but not till 10 days. He could have answered them right away. I don't want to take a lot of time on that. You read it Jeremiah 42 But He did answer them.
He said stay here where you are, in the land of my choosing. It was beautiful, wasn't it? They said we will not stay.
And then I what did they ask for? Well, go on, I won't say anymore. The reminiscent and he's told them now in 817 John 817. Don't turn to it. If we had it brought out in these meetings. If any man will do my will, he shall know the doctrine.
I can't think of anything more simple, can you?
No, there isn't anything more simple. You don't have to study, take books home at night or anything. You'll know the doctrine if you do the will of God, That's all.
Now Luke 22, you know, verse 7, then came the Day of Unleavened Bread, when the Passover must be killed, all before it says the Passover shall be killed. And it wasn't they, they forgot so many Passovers, so many years. It was ridiculous. But must hear why absolutely essential. That's what must means.
When the Passover must be killed?
And what did he say to the disciples?
Go prepare. And what did they say? Verse nine? I think it is where.
That's so simple, isn't it? And what did he say there?
Go and they say where and he says there and then it says.
Verse 13 They went and found, and they made ready.
You know, it's so simple.
Everyone who's gathered when a circuitous route, I'm surprised I used to keep a list of all I met who it's impossible for them to have found the place except by the Spirit of God using the word of God.
I met one up in the Maritimes at what is now.
Dartmouth, but it was then called something else and it was back in the.
Hinder part of the province and it was in the back of a group of stores and you had to walk up about 20 steps and then it was one room back there. And I'll tell you, nobody could find it except the Spirit of God with the word of God guided them. I talked to a man who was there.
But I better not get into that story. It's a long one. At any rate, this is it. They went, they found, and they made ready. What do you do to make ready?
Be there simple, isn't it? And when the hour was come, verse 14.
Now I'm going to just say I'm using J&D. He placed himself at the table.
Not sat down with his disciples or apostles, He placed himself at the table.
I think that's so precious, don't you?
Well, in the midst really. I better be careful here. I don't want to go too long.
Go to, I'll finish. Go to Isaiah. I'd like to spend some time on Luke 22, but there's no time Isaiah.
Chapter 30. I think Isaiah 30. I think I better finish here pretty soon. I'm sorry I'm going so long here. Isaiah 30.
All right and verse.
18 I think, therefore will the Lord wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you.
You know, isn't that beautiful? He'll wait so he can show grace. He'll have mercy. That's what we've received. And it says in Deuteronomy 30, I think it's verse 15, you can all turn yourself. See, I have set before you or thee this day, life and death, blessing and cursing. And you know, the Lord doesn't leave it there. You all know the rest, don't you? He tells you what to do.
He doesn't give you a choice, he tells you what to do.
Choose life that thou may live.
Into the first portion, Ezekiel the 14th chapter.
Ezekiel the 14th chapter and the 14th verse.
Even before we read it, that's the portion. And then there's one in Jeremiah 36.
In keeping with what our brother Bruce mentioned in connection with.
Someone that God raises up.
In a time of difficulty.
Have run.
We find in this verse that there are three men.
And we'll find in Jeremiah 36 a very difficult time. And there are three men that that the Spirit of God puts together, and he puts them together in a certain order.
It would be wise if we put someone else before ourselves, but if the Spirit of God has put names together in Scripture.
We don't scramble them. And so let's read Ezekiel 1414 and you'll see that each one of these people, these men were according to what our brother Bruce had brought out were.
A light shining for God in a difficult time. And they were not intimidated by others. They were not.
They were unwilling to bend to the circumstances in which they were, but so let's read it. Though these three men, Noah, Daniel and Job, were in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness at the Lord God.
Random. We've picked Noah. I should be more careful. If you and I were doing it, it would have been random and I'm not sure that but what I would have put.
Done differently. So let's take it just as the word of God has given us. And isn't it beautiful that if we took each individual man that in his day he was a light and he was not dissuaded by the circumstances around him, but.
If you put the three together, what a beautiful picture of the sequence of a Christian's life, Noah, it's very, very clear that speaking to us of salvation and Daniel in connection with fidelity.
And that's all that's necessary. If I was composing it or if there was a consensus. Yeah, that's beautiful. You're saved. And then there is the life of Daniel. Dare to be a Daniel. Dare to stand alone. Dare to have a purpose. True.
Then there's a job.
Some of you in your assembly may attempt, and it certainly is the Word of God, to take up the book of Job and to think of all of those verses and all that God is allowing Job to go through with his three friends, but to think of the end. And you know, brethren, there is certainly salvation for each of us because that's the way we get into the ark.
Is Christ?
And Daniel what a wonderful story is the story of Daniel fidelity and he had an influence on others, but when it came to the.
The prayer.
And being put in the lions den, he was alone, but his three friends were separate from him. And so we have an influence on one another. And may it be in the spirit that our brother Bruce spoke of that we have that influence. And I can say Amen to what he said and apply it to myself that there hasn't been that spirit. But we can desire it, can't we now?
We do have a few moments.
Noah, Daniel and Job. It's a picture.
From beginning to end of what you and I as believers experience salvation, there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. And Daniel you desire because of the Spirit of God living inside. You have a desire to be a Daniel.
Not standing here saying that I'm an example of a Daniel, but I would say that for each one of us.
There is that desire to be faithful and we that's all that's necessary. I'm not going to have any problems in life. It doesn't say that even Daniel had his problems, but when we bring in Job, we bring in a level of intensity of what God does in each of our lives because he wants.
Us to be completely rid.
Of what is of cell, I know some of you by your last name. I know your last names and I know my last name. And we all stem from Adam. And so we haven't any one of us anything to be too proud of. But you know, God took Job and he allowed circumstances in that man's life to work out and to result. And what does God do today? And I say this very tenderly.
I'm not here to tell you.
Or any family. Why? A certain thing has happened and we've prayed for Valerie. I'm not about to talk to her husband that I know or her brother, who's right over here. I know exactly why. Forget it. I won't even propose the rest of the sentence. But we know that in the language of the New Testament that we're being conformed to the image.
Of his son and that work is going to be complete when we see him So that's Noah, Daniel and Jobe. Now let's turn to Jeremiah, the 36th chapter.
Now there's a meaning to the names of those three, but we won't go back to to try to pick it up.
Now Jeremiah 36 and verse 25.
Talk about difficult times. And it's a time when it would have been very well to have let the king do as he pleased, because he was taking a role of what Jeremiah had written, or at least had been written by someone else for Jeremiah. And in the 22nd verse of Jeremiah 36, now the king sat in the winter house in the ninth month, and there was a fire on the hearth burning before him. And it came to pass that when Yehudi had read three or four leaves, he cut it with the penknife and cast it into the fire.
That was on the heart.
I don't want to believe that there was a circumstance that El Nathan on the 25th and De Lei and Gemariah had to endure.
It says in the 24th verse, Yet they were not afraid, nor rent their garments, neither the king nor any of his servants that heard all these words.
Nevertheless, L Nathan and Delia and Gemmaria had made intercession to the king that he would not burn the roll, but he would not hear them now. What do these three names mean?
El Nathan means given of God. Delia means drawn or made free in Gemmaria means completed.
Isn't that also a beautiful picture of the pathway of the believer for you and for me?
Given of God, is there anything of faith in ourselves that.
That yes, I was born in a Christian family, my father faithfully, I could go on and it wouldn't be true, but that's not why I got saved. It was what God gave individually and then.
Made free once we're saved, God wants us to be.
Not in *******. And those verses in Hebrews 2. Now this is not meant to be very intense.
But I was disappointed that we didn't cover some of those last verses. Deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to *******. You know, whether it's the 7th of Romans or variations of those things, the Lord wants us to be drawn and made free. And then what about the first one of the verses in the first of Philippians that says he will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ? And so here is another.
Sequence of three men that God chose and put them in a certain order.
But I've left something out.
Left something very important. Let's turn. I think it's the 16th chapter of Jeremiah.
No, I'm not finding it.
26 chapter verse 22.
God has set the members of the body that has pleased him, and we are thankful for that member Jeremiah 26.
Same king.
Now let's read it now.
The parents of El Nathan gave him that name.
And they wanted him to be an example.
Of what God has given. And they must have been terribly disappointed if they knew about it. And starting with the 21St verse. And when Jehoiakim the king, with all his mighty men, and all the Princess heard his words, the king sought to put him to death. But when you ride you heard it. He was afraid, and fled, and went into Egypt. And Jehoiakim the king sent men into Egypt, saying, Al Nathan the son of Akbar, and certain men with him into Egypt. And they fetched forth Urijah out of Egypt, and brought him unto Jehoiakim the king, who slew him with the sword, and cast his dead body into the graves of the common people.
Nevertheless, the hand of Hayachim, the son of Chapin, was with Jeremiah that they should not give him into the hand of the people to put him to death.
That ends the history, as far as you and I are concerned, of El Nathan. His parents had a hope for him, but it wasn't fulfilled. He was an accomplice to murder.
Is he an unlikely candidate for being one of the three in our 36th chapter he had he not only was restored and there may be individuals here that certainly I'm not trying to say that you were a murderer or an accomplice, but you may be restored after having missed the path.
Morally, spiritually encounter with being gathered to the Lord's name and you know the sweetness of restoration and you know God can use you. We'll use you is using you and so now let's turn back. Do we know what worked in El Nathan's life as a result of.
Of what we find in the 26th chapter and then we find in the 36 TH. I'm not sure we do. So let's go back to Jeremiah 36 and let's re emphasize these three men again in the spirit of what Bruce had mentioned. Maybe an extension of it, maybe a parallel, but I think there's something there. L Nathan.
He had been restored and he was an influence for that which was of God in a difficult time. I think it was the same king, but you know, he was faithful and then he was associated with a man whose name means drawn or made free, and Gemariah means completed. And so that's the pathway of the believer.
To think of the difficulty of a Noah.
A Daniel and a job. But now it's El, Nathan and Eli and Gemmaria.
And so we can say by the grace of God, that God puts certain ones together and you know, there may be failure.
As our brother Bruce suggested, but it doesn't mean that we can't be restored and useful and there can be others that will pick up and we can be associated with in our assembly and in the circumstances of life well.
That's all.
Three men.
Noah, Daniel and Job what a picture of our life as a believer salvation, fidelity, but that's not all he wants to winnow out what we are by nature and that's the book of Job all to think of the wonderful end and that's what the Lord wants for you and for me is to take every circumstance so that there is that purification so that.
It's more and more like his beloved son. And then in Jeremiah 36.
These three men, whose names mean.
Given of God, drawn or made free and completed. You know, brethren.
The pathway.
Is soon to be completed in the glory.
For he has said a little while, a very little while, and he that shall come, will come.
And will not delay.
Continue thou in the things that thou hast heard of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them. Soon he comes. Even so come, Lord Jesus.
#18 in the appendix.
Is it so?
It seems like.
A achievement.