Open Mtg.

Duration: 1hr 29min
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Open—B. Imbeau, H. Brinkmann, C. Hendricks
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Belong to the number 307.
Save your will belong to.
Long we are our soul of God.
Turn with me, please, to John chapter one.
John chapter one and verse one.
In the beginning.
Was the word.
And the word was with God.
And the word was God.
The same was in the beginning.
With God.
The little quote I want to just read.
This happens to be a quote from Mr. Darby.
And it goes like this.
The government of the Church.
Is not a setting of points, right?
But of souls, right?
I'll read that again.
The government of the Church is not a setting of points right, but of souls, right.
There's more to that sentence.
If you wish a copy of this after meeting, I'll be happy to give you one.
I'd like to say just a little bit about some of the I am phrases.
In the book of John.
There's absolutely one thing that will set our souls right.
And that is the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And quite frankly, it's nothing else.
But the very one.
Who laid down his life?
That we could live.
A meeting like this morning.
Doesn't that give us some pause?
Didn't we get the sense?
Of almost the need of taking off our shoes.
On holy ground.
The consideration.
Of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Should stop us well in our tracks.
And cause us to bow.
In humility.
That will surely set.
Our souls, right?
Turn to on the same chapter in verse 20.
I'm going to read an unusual.
I am to start with.
John 120. John the John the Baptist speaking.
I am not.
The Christ.
I forget which chapter it is, but it's in the Old Testament connection with the foods that were to be eaten.
Those that were clean and those that run clean.
And actually, the list begins with those that were the clean foods.
And then afterwards in this section #2 is the unclean foods, but surprisingly.
Just before, as if a little preface.
Before giving us the clean foods which I'm sure would represent Christ and.
Something to feed our souls upon.
But just before that.
One little sentence says, Thou shalt not eat any unclean thing.
And then it gives the rehearsal of the clean foods.
Souls set right?
Should be prefaced.
With setting ourselves aside.
It's very likely that I will.
Quote UN quote missed some things.
But that's OK.
Sets our eye upon something.
Or if we miss something, we trust it's of his mind.
Let's look at John chapter 5.
And verse 17.
John 5 and verse 17 and Jesus answered them.
My father worketh.
And I work.
He had a work to do.
My meat is to do the Father's will.
And where did that will lead him?
Work is difficult.
Why should the Son of God?
Be working.
His maths are overall, isn't he?
There's a universe of servants.
For him.
And yet he says that he works, and not only that, that his father does.
And what did that work bring him to?
What did that work bring him to?
Let's turn to Chapter 6.
And verse.
And Jesus said unto them.
I am.
The bread.
Of life.
First hymn that we sung this morning.
Of the eternal glory.
It doesn't say that he was in the brightness of eternal glory.
Or that he produced a brightness of eternal glory?
You wonder what went through the heart mind of soul of that person who wrote that him.
That's him. That's Christ. It just is.
I his very person.
Another hymn.
The Person of the Christ.
In folding every grace.
That's the one.
The Word made flesh.
I am.
I am.
The verse this morning from Sunday school.
The one who inhabits eternity.
I am.
Without beginning and without end.
I am that I am.
I am.
He was the one speaking. He was the one standing right there in front of them.
And see what he says next.
I am.
The bread.
Perhaps second after rice.
The most common staple in the world.
The one who inhabits eternity.
Would present himself.
As bread.
He became man.
Those verses in Philippians 2.
And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself.
Three times I believe it is here, he says I am the bread. Verse 41.
The Jews.
In quoting him.
Because, he said, I am the bread.
Which came down.
From heaven.
Here is one who came down.
What impact does that have in my heart?
How many of us were on the verge of tears this morning in the breaking of bread when we considered that one?
Who came down?
Came down into the dust. Death.
He laid himself flat.
The life of the flesh is in the blood.
And we sometimes say.
That his blood was poured out.
On the ground.
How much further down?
Can you go?
The eternal Son of God.
Which came down.
Let's turn over to.
Chapter 9.
Of course, in connection with I Am, we probably shouldn't miss the last part of Chapter 8.
Verse 58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was.
I am.
Now Chapter 9 and verse 5.
As long as I am in the world.
I am the light of the world.
I am the light.
Light does not make noise.
And yet light cannot be missed.
To King Agrippa, I think it was, Paul says. These things were not done.
In a corner.
In the first chapter of John.
And I know there's.
Perhaps other ways of looking at that, but I've enjoyed the verse 9. That was the true light.
Which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
It may be.
But just like the.
Just like the testimony of creation.
Mentioned in Psalm 19.
That it's heard everywhere, without voice and without language.
And so this one, who is the light who lightens every man that comes into this world.
And if he is the light of the world, then the very fact that people are in the world, that light has in some way and some manner.
Shine on them.
But quietly.
In Isaiah.
And I'll read it.
Isaiah Chapter.
To behold my servant, whom I uphold mine elect, and whom my voice delighteth, I have put my spirit upon him. He shall bring forth the judgment to the Gentiles. He shall not cry.
Nor lift up.
You know, he's the one that came down, wasn't he?
Not to be lifted up.
Except on the cross.
He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor 'cause his voice to be heard in the street.
A bruised Reed, shall he not break?
And the smoking flax he shall not quench.
Our Lord Jesus Christ.
I am polite of the world.
And back in.
John. John. Chapter 10.
And verse 7 Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am.
The door of the sheep.
In verse nine, I am the door.
We perhaps don't think much about doors.
Sit back here.
Sometimes just propped open.
There's something that are kind of flat.
Here's one who came into this world. He made himself of no reputation.
We come to a door and we give it a good shove.
And out we go.
It's something of utility.
I am the door.
Who is this one?
This one who had put himself as a door.
To both get out.
And a door to get in.
That people just walk past.
How low?
Did he go?
Back in Exodus.
And I'm thinking more so of the similar passage in the book of Deuteronomy.
That if there were a servant that were to commit himself to.
Master and to his family. And I'm thinking more of Deuteronomy because I think that's perhaps more of us.
Then Exodus is.
They reconsider the case.
And if that was the judgment, the position that that person wanted to take.
They would take him to a door.
And they would press that ear against the door.
And they would take.
And all a leather punch.
And drive it.
Right into the door.
And the blood would trickle down.
Are we willing to put our ear?
Against the door.
The one who made himself of no reputation.
And not only that.
To listen.
Ever so quietly to the one who is the door.
And then get wounded for it.
Where your own blood, which is the life of the flesh.
Could drain out.
I am the door.
And we have an association with that door.
With our ear and a wound.
John chapter.
10 again.
Verse 11.
I am the Good Shepherd.
And verse 14.
I am the Good Shepherd and know my sheep and have known of mine.
Go back to chapter to verse 11.
I am the Good Shepherd, and the Good Shepherd giveth his life.
For the sheep.
He giveth his life.
He's the one who came down.
Made himself of no reputation.
And what perhaps was his in this world? A life.
He gave it up.
As a shepherd.
And to be a shepherd.
And to be a shepherd.
Down he went.
Are we willing to follow in his steps in some measure?
Oh, I know we can't follow all of his steps, of course.
But in that which scripture has granted to us.
Can we follow?
His steps.
He knew his sheep.
He could look across this room.
And he knows you.
You say, why would he even take the time to know me?
But that's the one who came down.
That's the one who came down. He comes right down to us here.
And then he's willing to get underneath of you.
Underneath are the everlasting arms and that One who is all powerful Almighty.
The very Son of God, the Word, He would lay down his life.
At your feet.
To lift you up.
A Shepherd.
A Shepherd.
Chapter 11.
And verse 25 And Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection.
And the life.
I am the resurrection.
And the light.
Why would there have to be resurrection?
Because he died.
I lay down my life.
Precedes the comment and I take it again.
He is the resurrection.
And there had to be death.
How far down is this one going to go?
Who in the beginning is the Word? And the Word was with God, and the Word was God?
Chapter 14.
And verse six. And Jesus saith unto him, I am.
The way.
The truth.
And the life.
No man cometh unto the Father.
But by me?
I am the way.
He's not only the way for salvation, but it was presented yesterday afternoon. He's the pathway of faith.
He's the way.
And if we think of a way as a hiking path, as was mentioned, or even as a sidewalk for those of us that don't get out in the wild that much.
What do you do?
You walk on it.
To our hearts is He still presented to us as that lowly 1.
No man cometh unto the Father, but by me, the one who laid everything out, who put himself into every risk, the one who became in that sense a nothing, whose blood was poured out.
And he was made flat.
He is the way.
We have life not only in salvation, but through life we live now.
Of what he did.
And the truth.
I'm not going to make any sort of doctrine on this, but it just came into my soul. Truth is fallen in the streets.
In the Old Testament.
That one who upheld the universe.
The one who is everything.
Not just a truth.
Or he spoke the truth.
But more than that, he is the truth.
And he laid himself out flat.
In the streets.
A spectacle.
So that we could walk.
So we could exist.
As believers.
The Lord Jesus Christ.
And the life.
And we've already mentioned.
That he is the one who laid down.
His life.
This morning.
When the prayer began for the giving thanks.
For the loaf.
If I remember right, the comment was made.
We lift up our hearts.
And blessed or something like that.
But just we lift up.
Here we are, this one who has laid himself flat.
He is now exultant.
And so now we lift up our eyes and we see him there.
In the glory. Amazing thing.
And the verse that was read through it again, Song of Solomon.
As long as Solomon.
And chapter 2.
Verse four, He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.
Banner, it's over me.
The one who laid himself down, down, down, seven steps of down, as we heard last night in Philippians chapter 2 and then.
Wherefore God hath highly exalted him.
A banner over me.
You know, the cloud out in the wilderness.
The cloud, The wilderness.
Was over them. It was a protection for them.
And yet there the amount of transfiguration.
It was no longer just a cloud over them, but they.
Being lifted up, shall we say, on their high places.
There is an entrance into that cloud.
And so the Lord has seated us in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
Actually quite a bit higher than Cloud of perhaps millennial glory, but I think we get the idea.
That he has gone low.
He is exalted up. He went low to lift us up. He is exalted. We now look up.
And all together will be in that glory, and we're seeing as seated in Christ.
I'd like to back up, just for a second, another thought that came to me that is not a literal thought of a song, but in connection with the door that we talked about.
There's a little song that has part of it, some lone place within that door or within the door.
You know what?
We don't have just a loan place in the door, do we?
We're all coupled together.
In that one, who said I am the door?
But here's love. He brought me to the Banqueting House.
And his banner over me.
Was love. Let's turn to.
First, John.
First John, chapter 3.
Some of these verses.
What do they mean to our soul?
What do they mean to our life?
What do they mean in our interaction with our brothers and sisters in Christ?
What does it mean?
One John, 316.
Perceive we the love.
Of God.
But it's hereby perceived with the love.
Might notice your bibles. It's italics of God.
It's because we see.
We observe the love because.
He laid down his life for us.
And we ought.
To lay down our lives.
For the brethren.
I'm going to read this verse one more time.
And after I finished reading the verse, I have a simple request.
There will be a couple more speakers.
The request is very simple that someone not come up.
For one minute.
Perceive we the love.
Because he laid down.
His life for us.
And we ought.
To lay down.
Our lives.
For the brethren.
Please turn with me to Matthew.
Chapter 18.
Verse 50.
Moreover, if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone, And if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother, but if he will not hear thee.
And take with the two or three law, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established, and if he shall not, shall neglect to hear them tell it untrue, the Church or the Assembly.
But if he neglect to hear the assembly, let him be unto thee as a hidden man and a publican. Really I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever you shall lose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth, as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
Forward two or three are gathered together in my name.
Dear am I in the midst of them? I have an exercise to bring that before us because.
Confusion is coming in amongst the gathered Saints.
Excuse me for being bold.
Years ago.
We were with another group of brethren.
So was Chuck, and there's probably others here in the audience. My grandparents.
We're already with so-called, so our history goes quite back a long way.
But it was a real exercise.
When we came to realize that although we thought we were truly gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus, we realized it was not so.
Why? Who is the gatherer?
It's the Spirit of God that gathers.
Is he the author of Division?
Does he gather in division?
There are influential people among us that try to tell us there are all kinds of people gathered through the name of the Lord Jesus, not just we.
Well, if that would be true, we would have the moral obligation to find them out in fellowship with them. Otherwise we are guilty of supporting division. But the spirit does not gather in division.
He gathers around the person of Christ.
He is the center.
It's not that fellowship is the center. We will have fellowship when we are at the center.
But he is the center, and the Spirit is the one that gathers.
And gathers to Christ.
You know, just be careful young people, don't allow yourself to be influenced by those that are bringing in confusion amongst the gathered Saints. That is not what was held in the past, that all these divided groups of veterans are gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus. If that would be so, or even other fundamental groups of Christians we had would have the responsibility of fellowshipping with them. Because if we wouldn't.
We would despise the presence of the Lord in the midst.
That is the serious consequence.
The only consistent thing is, if we really believe that, go to those where I came from.
Because that's what they have done, they have amalgamated.
With all groups of brethren, I believe there is now more than ten groups of formally divided brethren, all amalgamated into one. They mutually recognized each other as being on divine ground, gathered to the name in their divided state. That was the basis for coming together. I don't delight.
To bring this up, but because of the fact that there are influential people that try to tell us there are all kinds of people gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus, that's bringing in confusion. The only consistent thing is if we would really believe that is that we would fellowship with them. Otherwise we would despise the presence of the Lord in the midst.
But what is also important in this passage?
Is that there is a difference now compared to what was the order in Judaism?
You know, if there's somebody sinned against somebody, there was some place to go.
And there would be judgment passed.
You know, that was in the Jewish system different than what it is today in Christianity.
And the first thing that is stressed is if somebody sins against another, that person has the responsibility of trying to win that person, restore that person.
And if he doesn't listen to you, take 2 with you.
Everything should be established in the mouth of two or three witnesses. If he doesn't listen to them and you of course, then tell it to the church.
And then the important point is that whatever they bind on earth is bound in heaven.
Whatever is loosened on earth that it is forgiven is also loosened in heaven.
Yes, there is authority vested in the assembly because of him being there. The assembly has what it takes to act in his name.
And has to maintain holiness in the House of God.
I'm afraid many times we do not follow that order. I'm not saying that for every minor offense that takes place that we should make a big issue out of it.
There are things that we can just, you might say, if I put it this way, ignore, forget about it, leave it with the Lord.
But if there is a real sin committed, the first responsibility is not that you make this known to the brethren, so that person is dealt with. The first responsibility is try to win that person.
And then if he doesn't listen to you, take others with you. If he doesn't listen to them, then tell it to the assembly. And then whatever the assembly binds on earth is bound in heaven. Whatever loosens on earth forgives, is recognized in heaven. So it's a very solemn thing to recognize that there is authority in the assembly.
We mentioned something in the readings about leadership.
Yes, there is leadership in the assembly, but a leader or even leaders cannot act in the name of the assembly.
They have the responsibility to investigate a case and then bring the facts before the assembly, but it is only the Assembly that has the authority to discipline or to forgive. Of course, there are these personal offences that we can forgive that we don't have to bring before the Assembly, and perhaps most of offences that occur are of that nature.
You know these scriptures here, these verses that we have read.
Are so important now.
There is such a thing that if you have labored with a person that has offended you, have sinned against you, and he doesn't listen. He doesn't listen to those that you go and take with you. They that you take with you might not know the facts the way you do. You take them with you as witnesses of what you're trying to do. Now if he doesn't listen, let him be unto thee. What does it say as a hidden?
And Republican.
I was helped as a young man in Europe by a dear brother from Switzerland. He would come to Germany every year and attended conferences, and I had the privilege to be frequently at a house where he regularly would be. Not in my homosexuality.
And then was exposed to the influence of this brother's teaching. Robetti was his name, godly man from French Switzerland, but he knew German fluently was a real help to me. Well, he was in such a situation that a brother sinned against him and he tried to restore him. And he was the only one that knew the facts. The man denied it, ignored it. He took witnesses along and.
I mean, he did not deny it before the brother that he had sinned against, but when he brought the witnesses he denied it. And the brother acted on this verse. Let him be unto thee as a hidden and a publican. He wouldn't have anything to do personally with that man. He couldn't put him out as an individual, neither could the assembly put him out on the witness and the testimony of one witness.
But the Lord allowed the circumstances to be such that he was guilty of the very same thing that he was guilty to Vodafone, and it then was known by more than two, and he was dealt with. In the meantime, this dear brother in Christ went on faithfully for the Lord, looking to him, and the Lord vindicated his name and dealt with.
The evil and the brethren took care of it when it became manifest, but in the meantime these dear brother Garbetti acted on. Let him be unto thee as a hidden and Republic, and he wouldn't have any personal contact with that person.
But how important it is that the assembly has the authority to bind and loosen? And don't set your personal judgement up against that of the assembly.
I repeat that don't set your personal judgment up against that of the assembly.
Of course, there is the danger that.
Things might be forced.
In the assembly.
But we had an unfortunate case of discipline that needed to be done.
But we did not do anything until all the brothers in the brothers meeting were of one mind.
Well, that man moved to another location after he was disciplined and he manifested his character there.
And the brethren told him, just like what we had told him, don't even come to meeting anymore. They asked him to don't come anymore. His spirit was manifest to those brethren as well.
Well, unfortunately we were not able to restore that man, and a man was never restored again. But it said we would like to see restoration and prayerfully deal with the situation. Sometimes I'm afraid we deal and do what needs to be done, but the spirit in which it is done is not the Spirit of Christ.
So we have to be exercised to do what we do in His name, by his authority, but also remember that.
What has happened to this man that needs to be disciplined here could happen to me. I made of the same stuff.
So humility is in place, you know, and.
Humility is the proper spirit to manifest when we have to deal with evil, but the Lord will recognize what is done.
And unfortunately, sometimes it isn't done in the right spirit. But I sometimes told brethren, have you as a Father always discipline your children in the right spirit?
Didn't sometimes you get in the flesh, you get real angry, you know?
We have to discipline our children. He that's best. Darod hates his son. But unfortunately, sometimes even dear and family situations, we don't always manifest the right spirit and that is possible to take place in an assembly.
But that doesn't set aside the authority of the Father, and that doesn't set aside the authority of the assembly. So may the Lord help us that we accept divine order in the home and in the assembly. And let me repeat it, don't set up your personal judgement against that of the assembly.
It's the local brethren that have that responsibility.
Not anybody outside.
Not any gifted teacher I remember brother.
Roach Adrian Roach told us once that there was a problem in an assembly and he and another brother was asked to come there because they didn't know exactly how to deal with it and what scriptures would apply. So they went there and they opened the scriptures and then.
Tried to help those brethren to show what scriptures applied and the order in which things should be done.
And what needed to be done. And I remember distinctly that he told us that when they left, they said, now this is what we recommend. But if you do not follow our recommendation and you do what you think should be done, we have no choice but to bow to it. That was a brother that was very much used as a teacher among us. Well.
Hopefully we will be exercised.
To discipline in the family and when discipline is necessary in the assembly.
That we do it humbly.
And do not.
Be hasty.
To imply the extreme form.
Of discipline, Well, let's try to exhaust every effort of grace.
And love to win a person rather than to put them out.
Get rid of them. You know that's not the answer. The Lord would not be honored by us conducting ourselves and conducting things in that way. So may the Lord help us and to carry on in a way that would meet with His approval.
Have 1/2 hour.
Genesis chapter one and verse one.
In the beginning.
God created the heavens and the earth.
And the earth was without form and void.
And darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
I've read 2 verses from the first book in the Bible.
Which is the most attacked book?
In all of Christendom and all of the world, Those that have to do with the Bible at all.
And they know that if they can cause you to distrust the record that God gave of creation.
He will make you doubt the whole Bible.
And young people, especially on my heart.
Are faced with that in school.
And over the television, radio, and so on.
I would say the one man that has done more damage.
To Christianity.
As the man that introduced evolution.
I think that's the greatest evil, because if that succeeds.
As it does in the schools and so on.
Then it causes young people to.
Distrust God's record of what he did.
And how he did it.
To some extent.
In the beginning.
Now we don't see the force of that.
In our translation, any translation, you don't see the force of that in the English language.
You have the plural and the singular.
But in the Hebrew language you have the plural and the dual and the singular. Another dual is 2 hands, 2 feet, two eyes, two ears, and so on.
So whenever they're speaking that way, they use the dual form.
And that this word God Elohim in the Hebrew, anything ending in IM in English it's mostly ending in an S. It's Pearl.
But here the plural in the Hebrew is in the I am an Elohim.
Is Pearl so the God there is in the Pearl?
That means three or more, not one, not two, because tool has a separate form. The dual case. The dual number I should say.
And God in the plural is at least three.
And that's important.
I was talking to a young man and he I have a lot more to say than I'll be able to say in 1/2 hour and I'll give you what I have. And he said to me he was talking to a friend of his and he said he's a nice Christian.
And I said.
I said, does he believe in the Trinity? Oh no, no, he doesn't believe in the Trinity.
I said then he's not a Christian.
You cannot be a Christian and deny the Trinity, and all you have to do to deny the Trinity is deny to deny one of those three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Just deny anyone of those as being God.
And that's what's in that word God there in the plural. God created the heavens and the earth. All three persons were involved in the original creation. All three persons are involved in anything that God does, because God is 3 persons in one God.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It's not. The Father does some things and the Son does some things and the Spirit does some things, but all three are involved in everything that God does.
A little bit later in this chapter.
It says.
Verse 26.
And God said, Elohim said, let us.
Here we have a conversation going on among the Persons of the Godhead, the Trinity. Let us make man in our image after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Notice now verse 27. So God created man in his own image.
God has spoken of Indiana this passage as a plurality.
And in his deity.
He created man in his own image and the image of God created he him male and female created he them. God blessed them. And God said to them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb Bering sea. There you have the singular and that's that's the truth of the Godhead. God is one.
Put in three persons.
God is one and in three persons.
Now in the third chapter.
I think it's the third chapter.
Yes, verse 22 Chapter 3 and the Lord God said behold, the man is become as one of us.
To know good and evil. One of us. Again, we have the persons of the Godhead, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We don't have their names given to us in the Old Testament, but we have clearly the fact that God is one, and yet he's a plurality. He's singular and plural.
Christianity is the only religious.
Belief system that holds to that, and all you have to do to deny the truth of who God is, is to deny that anyone of those three persons is not God. The Jews deny it because they say that Jesus is not God. That's why they crucified him, because he claimed to be the Son of God. He claimed to be God. He, being a man, maketh himself God.
And they rejected that. The Muslims reject that God is a plurality.
All false religions reject that.
He is 3 in one and one in three.
I've often said a Sunday school teacher is illustrating the truth of the Trinity and she takes a pie and she cuts it in three in thirds. She says this represents the Father, this is the Son and this is the Spirit.
Well, that's just a way to try to illustrate a little bit of the truth of the Trinity.
Again watered.
Waters in three stage 3 conditions. It's either a solid if it's cold enough, or a liquid or a gas if it gets hot enough.
But it's not all three at the same time. But the Trinity is all three at the same time.
All three are involved in your salvation.
You have in Luke 15.
The sheep goes astray, and the shepherd.
Goes after it and then the woman is sweeping in the house and she loses a coin and she sweeps after it. The the shepherd that goes after the sheep is a picture of the Lord Jesus. The woman that sweeps for the missing coin is a picture of the Holy Spirit and then the Father.
The Father's waiting, looking for his son to return. A picture of the Father. I remember talking to a Jehovah's Witness at the at a meeting room. We stayed, I stayed in the meeting room and in a room there, and these two came to the door and they were Jehovah's Witnesses.
And she says the Trinity is not in the Bible. Well, what is what is meant is that the word Trinity is not in the Bible.
And I saw where the very names of the Trinity here in the Bible, Matthew 28, baptizing them in the name.
Not the names, but in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
One God, three persons, three persons.
So this boy, this young man, was sadly mistaken.
There's a group in Christendom that says that Jesus is all three persons in one.
That's altogether raw.
Altogether wrong 3 distinct separate persons, but one in purpose, in will, in action, and all that they do in thought.
Three persons.
One God and you have that in so many passages of Scripture.
New Testament is filled with that. You have it in the Old Testament too. We just looked in Genesis 3. Let's look at the 11Th chapter.
In the 11Th chapter.
Started verse four. And they said, Go to let us build us a city in a tower whose top may reach unto heaven. Let us make us a nameless we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the children of end of men builded. And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language, and this they begin to do, and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do. Notice verse 7. Go to let us.
Go down again. You have a conversation among the three Persons of the Trinity speaking together. Let us go down and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. So the Lord scattered them abroad from fence upon the face of all the earth, and they left off to build a city. So on.
So there again you have plurality and also.
One look at Deuteronomy 6. This is the favorite verse that the Jews used to please that God, to prove that God is one.
It proves just the opposite if you look at the truth of it. Deuteronomy 6 They say this in all their synagogues. They read this verse, verse four. Hear, O Israel, the Lord Jehovah, our God is 1 Jehovah. 1 Jehovah, Yes, the Father's Jehovah the Son is Jehovah, the spirit is Jehovah. 1 Jehovah, but three persons.
They have two words in the Hebrew and no Hebrew scholar by a long shot, but two words to represent the oneness of something. The one is 1 Composed of many parts. Like this is one room, but there are many maybe 600 people in it.
And then there's an exclusive oneness, and the question is which one is used here? Hero Israel, the Lord our God is 1 Lord. It's oneness in plurality. The church is one, the body is one, but composed of many members.
Many members.
Does it surprise you that in First Thessalonians 5 it says your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless under the coming of the Lord Jesus? Did you know that you are a Trinity? You have a spirit and a soul and a body, because he who is a Trinity made you that way.
Made you that way. The animal is not. He has a soul and a body. He does not have a spirit.
And so when he dies, his soul dies along with his body. But that's what makes it so terribly serious that when man dies, his body dies. That's the only part of him that dies. His soul and spirit never die.
Never die, and he's going to receive, to complete him once again in the resurrection, a glorified body which will never die.
There's many trinities space.
His length, depth and height space.
If you think of it.
There's a book out. I've been reading a little of it recently, The Secret of the Universe. Tremendous book.
Presenting before us a triune God yet one.
Yet one.
Well, I've quoted.
Let's let's look at a few verses where.
Where all three persons are mentioned in one verse. There's a lot of them in the New Testament. Look at John 14.
John, Chapter 14.
And it's not always in the same order that you get in Matthew 28 in the baptismal formula, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Sometimes the Son is first and then the Father, then the Spirit. Sometimes the Spirit is first and then the Son and then the Father. Sometimes the Spirit is first and then the Father and the Son, and so on. Why? To show that no one of those persons of the Trinity is superior to the other. They're all.
All one and yet a multiple of 3.
Verse 16 of John 14.
I is the Son, the second person. I'm going to say the Father is the first person, the Son is the 2nd, and the Spirit is the third. Just so we can keep it straight. It's not because number one is ahead of number two or three. No, it's not. That's not the case. I second person will pray the Father, the first person, and he shall give you another comforter, the third person, that he may abide with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, but you see Him and know him.
Three persons, one God.
I remember speaking on the Trinity once the sister came up to me and she opened her Bible and she showed me the pages and there there was a little triangle that she'd put by a certain verse, the trinities in that verse, and there was another triangle and another triangle, another triangle. She had marked them down. And sometimes it's not in the single verse, but it's in the passage. It's in the passage. You must find all three persons there because that's who God is.
He is the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, or the Son and the Spirit and.
The Father, everything he does, look at the resurrection, the Lord Jesus said destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up. There you have the second person raising himself and he was raised up by the Father.
And the Spirit of God quickened him, raised him, gave him life. All three persons involved, all three persons involved in the salvation of a soul, all three persons involved in the creation of the universe.
Think it, think of it, but that that one that that we read about in John 11 in the beginning.
The word there was a word. The word was in the beginning.
The beginning was the word.
The Word was with God, and the Word was God. You have a Trinity of truth in that one verse. Tremendous verse. In the beginning was the Word. That's His eternal being.
And the Word was with God. That's his distinct personality.
And the word was God. That's his proper deity, all in one verse.
All in one verse.
And God speaks to us through the Word.
His Son, the Word. Father's not called the Word, the Spirit's not called the Word, but he is.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
He's the One. The Father didn't become flesh. The Spirit didn't become flesh, but He did.
He became flesh, and the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world. And who sat down? The Holy Spirit the Father did in John 14 and in John 15.
The sunset sends him, and John 16. He comes himself, all three persons.
Involved in everything that God does I hope that just as a result of this very.
Inadequate presentation of the Trinity that you will look for the Trinity as you read your Bible. You'll find it everywhere, especially in the New Testament, but it's there in the old as well.
As well.
Let's see if we can find a few more.
Oh, let's look at Ephesians. Let's look at Ephesians 4 once.
Just comes to mind.
Ephesians 4.
I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation wherewith you're called, with all loneliness and meekness, with long-suffering, forbearing one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit. That's the third person.
In the bond of peace.
There's one body and one spirit. There He is, even as you are called in one hope of your calling. 1 Lord, There's the first, there's the second person, the Lord Jesus, 1 Lord, 1 faith, one baptism, and then the first person, one God and Father of all, who's above all and through all, and in you all three persons, not always in the same order.
Comes to mind. First Peter one, first Peter one, first Peter one.
Verse 2.
Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, first Person.
Through sanctification of the Spirit, third person.
Unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ, the second Person.
Beautiful to find all through the Trinity and any religion that refuses the Trinity that says that Jesus was not God and all the spirit is God. He's just an influence, He's just a force. He's just an IT.
Says in Romans 8, and that throws some people. Let's go back to it in Romans 8.
In Romans 8.
Verse 26. Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities, for we know not what we should pray for, as we ought, but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered, and those that want to deny that the Spirit is a person.
Just as much as the son is a person and the father is, they say, see, it says itself.
It's in the neuter. You have the masculine, the feminine and the neuter.
And the reason it says itself is because it's simply following the dramatical rule that a word that's in the neuter is an itch is referred to as an it. Well, it so happens that spirit or wind is in the neuter. So it says the spirit itself. But when he's spoken of by the Lord, he always speaks of the Spirit of God as a as a hymn, not in it as a hymn. So the only reason it says itself instead of himself, there are some translations that say himself which is correct.
But this is just grammatically correct.
But that's why it says it.
Well, this is just barely touching the subject I.
Feel sorry that we can't go into this more.
But this book?
Is the word of God and remember if you want to know how this world was created, you read Genesis one and two and how man came here and that man has a living soul. God breathed into man's nostrils, not the animals. He breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life and man became a living. That means a never dying soul. That's what makes it so serious, that story. Our brother gave it to the children.
That these unbelievers try to say everything is rosy on the other side, well, it is for the Christian.
But everyone has a soul that will never die.
And if you're not saved.
You're going to hell. You'll spend eternity in the Lake of Fire. Lake of Fire.
And you are eternity, a Tri unity. Everyone of us is.
And you'll find, you'll find that that the whole universe is built that way.
It's built that way.
Remember, young people don't get your.
You see, the reason that I say evolution is the most serious is because it seems to have science on its side. It does not. Those that say that science has been proven are liars.
There's no truth at all in it. It's nonsense.
You don't have to be a professor to see it's nonsense, utter nonsense.
Man is a triunity.
And the universe is.
And it didn't take billions of years to create it all. All he had to say was let there be and there was.
God is a timeless being.
We would like to talk about the man likes to talk about this universe is being so old.
I don't believe that at all.
I don't know how old it is, but it certainly doesn't take God a long time. All He has to do is speak. He commanded and it stood fast. He spoke and it was done. He commanded and it stood, stood fast. He said let there be and there was. Just like that.
That's the God that became a man.
That they could touch and listen to.
My Savior is to your savior.
Nothing more important than that. God help us.
And number is 131. That's eternity in one. OK, that'll help us remember where it is.
Praise we to the Father.
Give God.
Your wish?