Open Mtg.

Duration: 59min
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Open—H. Brinkmann, R. Bauman
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And glory to him.
But we also sing him 302.
Oh glass of Lord.
One night.
Out of God.
Misternals time. No one.
I want to make a.
But when our heart failure.
When God may fall upon the world, the airplane, the airplane, the Airways.
We will know all the library.
And run by Faith Forward.
God thy favorites over.
We had yesterday versus.
Read to us from Colossians Chapter one.
Please turn with me to Colossians Chapter one.
We read some verse 12.
In Would you allow me please to read that portion in Mr. Darby's translation? And if you carefully follow the reading, you will probably understand why we read from chapter one, verse 12.
Giving thanks to the father who has made us fit for sharing the portion.
Of the Saints in light, who has delivered us from the authority of darkness?
And translated us into the Kingdom of the Son of his love.
In whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins? Who is image of the invisible God, first born of all creation? Because by him were created all things, the things in the heavens and the things upon the earth, the visible and the invisible, whether Thrones or lordships or principalities or authorities, all things have been created by Him.
And for him and he is before all, and all things subsist together by him, and he is the head of the body, the assembly, who is the beginning, first born from among the dead, that he might have the first place in all things for in him.
All for in him the fullness of the Godhead was pleased to dwell.
And by him to reconcile all things to itself, having made peace by the blood of His cross, by him, whether the things on the earth or the things in the heavens.
And you who were once, who once were alienated and enemies in mind by wicked words.
It now has it reconciled in the body of his flesh through death, to present you wholly and unblameable and irreproachable before it, If indeed ye abide in the faith founded, infirm, and not moved away from the hope of the glad tidings which ye have heard, which have been proclaimed in the whole creation, which is under heaven of which I Paul became minister.
This is indeed a most wonderful portion in the word of God.
And it presents to us the person of the Lord Jesus as we have it in very few scriptures. You would have difficulties finding a scripture that enumerates and puts together so many glories of our blessed Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ.
And we know that these were Gentiles.
To whom he was writing.
Sinners of the Gentiles like you and I, but had been brought to the Lord Jesus, and had been saved by grace, and been added to the body, of which a blessed Lord is the glorious head.
We have the fact mentioned that we at one time were under the power of darkness.
You know, this is something beloved, that is so important to call to mind. Not only that the Lord Jesus saved our souls so that we wouldn't go to hell, but he also has removed us from under the power under which we were, or from a realm to which we belonged. And Satan is the Prince and God of that.
You know, I am afraid, beloved, that there is so much.
Feebleness in our life and in our walk, because we do not enough remember and lay hold of this side of the truth that we have not only been forgiven.
But that we have been delivered.
We have not only found shelter behind the door.
Where the blood was.
That sheltered us from judgment.
Because we deserved it, did we not? Just like the We're not any better than the Egyptians.
They deserve to be punished just as much. But God in grace made a provision, A provision, so that they would not have to suffer judgment. A substitute had taken the place. The blood was put on the doorpost and on the lentils, and the avenger could not enter there because one had already died. What a wonderful truth that is. I hope we will never, never forget to thank the Lord for what he has done there. But.
We also were slaves, You know, we were under the power of Pharaoh. Satan, that's what he's a picture of, and we need it to be delivered. You know, we have to go through that Red Sea and we have to stand on the other side and look back and see the enemy dead by the seashore. The power is broken. We are no longer slaves of sin and Satan.
The Lord has redeemed us and delivered us.
You know, sometimes we want to bring people into the sanctuary.
Without really seeing them come into the good in their own souls of the work of redemption, you know they're not really delivered.
So you know, we have to remember in the book of Exodus, the sanctuary comes after they had gone through the Rat Sea. You know you can't really bring sanctuary truth before the people of God if they are not in the enjoyment of the death of Christ, which has also.
Destroyed the power of the enemy.
And beloved, we need that more and more. And what a wonderful thing it is.
To know that we have been delivered from the authority or the power of darkness, and have been translated into the Kingdom of His dear Son.
You know, the Father is the one that initiated it all.
He is the one.
That has made us need to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light, no longer in darkness. You know, Scripture speaks of aspilavit as being in darkness and even darkness itself. Once we were darkness, but now we are light in the Lord.
You know, beloved, I don't think we can bring positional truth enough before the people of God.
To get a clear understanding what we have been brought to in Christ and what our standing and position is before God. Because only then can we understand what is becoming for us as far as our conduct is concerned. You know responsibility.
Always flows from relationship and privilege. You know, you have both of these sides in Scripture, and sometimes I'm afraid there's a tendency amongst the Saints of God.
To only look at certain aspects of the truth of God and we almost give the impression that we want to dictate to the Lord what scriptures he has to use to bless us instead of accepting the fact that he is sovereign. And he has given us such a wonderful book. He doesn't want us to be lopsidedly fed. And I believe scripture is clear that it brings Read the epistles of Paul. What do they do in the beginning?
They bring before us the work of the Lord Jesus and that which we have been brought into.
And then responsibility follows. That's God's order. And if you do not have a clear.
Understanding of what the work of Christ has brought us into and what we are before God in him we never can really take up the other side without being in danger of getting off, you know, and getting out of grace, if I may put it that way. But but a wonderful truth that is, it's all God's doing that we are what we are.
God has done it. He took the initiative and he has brought us.
Where we are.
And He has translated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son, the Son of His love. You know, isn't that wonderful? That I can say, based on the truth of Scripture, that He does not love me any less than He loves his only begotten Son.
That's really true, isn't it? The love wherewith he loves the Son. Such is his love for me. We have been brought into the Kingdom of the Son of His love.
And then we have this Son is the one that has brought redemption to us.
Well, notice here that we do not have in Mr. Darby's translation that the redemption is through his blood as we have it elsewhere. And it has been pointed out, and is good to remind us of that, that in Colossians, that is not so much what has brought our redemption or what has brought our redemption. The blood certainly has, but it brings before us in whom we have redemption.
The purpose of the writer is not to bring God means of redemption, the blood of his Son before us, but he wants to bring before us that wonderful person of his son, the Lord Jesus Christ. In him we have redemption. You know, isn't it wonderful when somebody wanted to get to see the Queen in England? I'm told he wasn't permitted to get into the palace and he was weeping outside.
And the son of the queen found him there, and he took him by the hand when he found out what the child wanted. And he brought him right to the queen. You know, this is what we have in the Lord Jesus. In him we have redemption. He has redeemed us, and he has brought us nigh. And then the apostle unfolds that wonderful person to us in whom we have redemption.
The one in whom we have redemption is.
The one is the image.
Of the invisible God, the first born of all creation, John says No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, he has declared him.
You know we will never know and don't need to know anymore about God.
Then what is revealed in the Lord Jesus?
He has been fully revealed and all his heart of love told out.
And when I want to know God, I look at His Son, the Lord Jesus. By faith we can, as we headed in Hebrews, we can see Him at the right hand of the majesty on high. By faith we look upon the sun, oh God, by the invited, we look upon the sun. We think so often what a lovely hymn that is. And that is how we have come to know God. We don't know God the way the Old Testament Saints know Him.
God has fully been revealed in the Old Testament we have partial revelations of God, but in the New Testament in His Son, we have Him revealed in fullness. God cannot be fully revealed to creatures as He has been revealed in the person of the Lord Jesus. What a wonderful truth that is. He is the image of the invisible God.
He is God, like it was said. He is not here in the likeness of God.
He is God. He is God the Son.
And here comes a wonderful truth. He is the first born of all creation.
He's not the one that is first born, but he has a position.
Of preeminence.
As the one who is the first born of all creation.
You know, in Adam we find that he was the head of this earthly creation.
And when he fell, everything was subjected to vanity.
But when the Blessed Lord, the Son of God, comes into his creation as a man.
Of necessity, because of who He is, that he's got eternal Son, not became it. He always was it. Because he is God's eternal Son, of necessity he has to have to position of preeminence.
The first born of all creation. You know He heads up not only this earthly creation, but the heavenly as well. Let all God's angels worship Him. What a wonderful savior we have that our Savior. But here's the thing now, beloved, what we have to understand when the Lord Jesus comes into this world as a man although he is the first born of all creation.
He is alone.
He is alone. We do not have union with Christ in incarnation. We have in John chapter 12. Unless the kernel of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone. That kernel of wheat is the Lord himself. You know when he comes he represents a new kind of humanity altogether. When Adam was created in innocency, he represents innocent humanity. When he fell, we see sinful humanity, and you and I belong to that because we are springs of.
Fallen man. But when the Blessed Lord comes, although he partakes of humanity, he takes upon himself flesh and blood. He takes part of it in a new way. We have holy humanity. We have the holy thing that is born of Thee shall be called the Son of God.
He partook.
Of flesh and blood he was made like unto his brethren, sent apart He was tempted in all things, like we sin apart, we have a holy human being.
And you know, we do not have union with him, apart from him going into the dead, dying, and then in resurrection He is the first born among many Brethren.
But you might say, well, why emphasize these things so strongly? Because there are teachings around in Christendom which say that reconciliation is the result of incarnation, that God and man in one person represents reconciliation in such statements. Well, that's not true. You know, when those Greeks came to see the Lord Jesus and the Lord Jesus was reminded of the fact that if these gentile sinners.
Would be saved or could really come to him that was only in him going into death, but then in resurrection.
He's not alone.
He brings forth much fruit. How wonderful that is. But he has that place of exaltation from the moment he enters this scene when we see him there as babe in Bethlehem's Manger. He is the object of worship. The angels worship, the wise men worship because there was God manifested in the flesh in Bethlehem's Manger. What a wonderful thing that is. And Brennan has said, and one delights to repeat it.
That the Angel for the first time saw their creator when they looked at the babe in Bethlehem Manger.
You know, and this Blessed One.
Has created everything.
And that's why he has to have that place of preeminence and exaltation.
But you know, he spoke this universe into existence with the word of his power.
But in order to save your soul and mine, and to join us and unite us to himself.
The Lord Jesus had to go into death.
That's the truth that we find in the word of God.
But he says also there in John chapter 12, when I be lifted up.
On this earth I shall draw all men to me not only any longer.
The Jews. But even they were not really one with the Lord Jesus.
They were in identification with him. They were his own.
But there was number union with Christ until death and resurrection.
For by him.
Where all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth.
Visible and invisible, whether they be Thrones or dominions or principalities and powers, all things were created by him and for him. Well, young people remember the Lord Jesus is the Creator. You do not have to read all kinds of books that scientifically argue for creation. Again the evolutionary theories. All you need is the statements of the Word of God that God spoke and had stood there.
And that.
The Lord Jesus created out of himself by speaking this world into existence and by faith. You understand that you do not have to have scientific proof that the evolutionary theory is nonsense. Your faith has to rest on the word of God. By faith we understand that the world's were created.
And was spoken into existence.
And they were created by him and for him, and he is before all things.
And by him all things consist they held together by him.
They're held together and they continue perfectly in their course, those stars and planets, because the Lord Jesus keeps order in the universe, He holds it all together.
And he is head of the body.
The Church Who is the beginning? The first born from the dead, from among the dead. Well, how wonderful that we have such a glorious head. You know, when their truth dawned on me and my mind, and I saw it clearly that the Lord Jesus is our wonderful head in heaven, I said to myself, how foolish for men to make a puny mortal the head of a church.
Who would want anyone else after we have him presented in such a wonderful way and at this wonderful person is the head of the Church?
And in him.
The fullness of the Godhead was pleased to dwell when we look at that man, Christ Jesus.
We do not only see the sun, although it was the sun that became man, yet we see the Trinity God manifested in the flesh. That's the truth of Scripture. It's not that the Father was pleased that all fullness in Him should dwell, but that in him the fullness of the Godhead was pleased to dwell as we have it in chapter 2, verse 9.
And he has made peace by the blood of the cross. We have that wonderful truth of reconciliation here in this epistle, which means that the state of animosity that existed has been removed. And how wonderful it is that God was never our enemy. God did not need to be reconciled. And in the Hebrews chapter 2, the word should be propitiation for the sins of the people, not reconciliation.
Because propitiation means to satisfy God's claims, and that was done in the death of Christ. But when I see what the death of Christ has done for me, my state of animosity, if I accept this work by faith, I'm changed from an enemy of God to a child of God. I'm no longer in that state of alienation. I'm brought back to God. What a wonderful thing that is, but the death of the Lord Jesus?
Has not only reconciled you and me, we are already reconciled, who by faith have accepted him. He will also bring order into the universe and into the whole world as a result of his redemptive work. But not all men will be saved. But all things will be reconciled. You know, we find in the Millennium there will be peace even in the animal world.
You won't find animals devouring each other. And so on and so forth.
They will feed on grass, those wild beasts. They won't feed on each other anymore. As a result of the work of Christ, this will be realized. But let me close with this, beloved, because.
Hopefully someone else has something for us.
What has impressed itself upon my soul is why is the state in the world the way it is?
Why is there so much hatred? Why is there so much war?
It's because man is not in a proper relationship to God.
You know, if you have trouble in your family and you have trouble at work, Oregon, whatever, at the problem of at the basis of it all is that you are not right with God.
You're not going on with God. Whenever there is trouble, even in Christian homes, it is because things are not right before God. We're not going on with him the way we should, but the fact is that we are reconciled to God through the death of the Lord Jesus. Now we are in a right relationship to God. What should be the result of that? It should be that there is peace in our homes.
That there is peace in the assembly if we really, truly own the Lord Jesus as Lord and head.
Things will be right in our homes, in our assemblies.
You know, we come in the way many times and we allow the flesh to come up and.
There is no peace. Instead of peace, there is turmoil and unrest. But, oh beloved, may we in the assembly already prove the effects of the work of Christ in giving a demonstration that there is peace, peace.
Because we reconciled, may the Lord help us that we go on for Him and with Him that we enjoy in our souls that wonderful person who is our Lord, our Savior ahead.
That 16th and 17th verse.
Showed our Blessed Lord as the head of all creation and the 18th the head of the church, His body, His headship is complete. Well in John's Gospel. Let's turn to John's Gospel a minute.
We carry on a little maybe.
You see John's Gospel presents.
Jesus as the Son of God right away. He's unique in the gospel, in his deity who He is. This is anticipated Christianity in John's Gospel.
Or you take Matthew. He doesn't come out to the nation's the Gentiles.
Until the 13th chapter. But here it's right away. He was in the world. The world was made by him. The world knew him not. He came unto his own. His own received him not, but as many whosoever right away. There's no genealogy here, because the Son of God always was no beginning. Lovely. Now if you look at the last chapter of John's gospel.
Last verse.
There are also many other things which Jesus did not. Speaking of what he said, what he did, the which if they should be written. Everyone. I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen. Everything he did was a miracle. Everything.
And if you wrote everything that he did, this world wouldn't be a big enough depository to hold the books.
Now the second chapter, we'll look at the first thing he did as a miracle called the miracle. Although everything he did was a miracle.
In the first chapter, when he drew the disciples and apostles to himself, that was miraculous.
And if you notice, take Nathaniel verse.
47 Of the first chapter Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and says of him, Behold it, Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile. That's a miracle, Nathaniel said unto him, Whence knowest thou me? And Jesus answered and said unto him. Before that Philip called thee, when thou was under the fig tree, I saw thee. The Samuel answered and said to him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God. That's a miracle. Thou art the king of Israel.
Well, the next verse, Jesus said you haven't seen anything yet. I'm sorry for rephrasing it, but that's really what he said. You haven't seen anything yet.
Now the second chapter. How beautiful this is the first miracle.
And you know, a miracle. Just a little miracle. It's one act here in this chapter, but it's.
Speaks volumes to us.
It really outlines everything he's going to do as Son of God here, but lovely.
The third day there was a marriage in Cain of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there, and both Jesus was called and his disciples to that marriage. And when they wanted wine, that's the beginning.
Why in the scriptures speak of joy? They wanted joy?
Now we're going to have something here. The first thing we have four things I'm going to bring out. There's a lot more.
Time won't let anymore.
The first thing is really an entirely new source of joy.
Lasting joy.
Heavenly joy.
Her earthly joy before.
Wine speaks of joy. They wanted wine.
The mother of Jesus said to him to have no wine.
Jesus says to her woman, What have I to do with thee?
My nowhere has not yet come.
When his hour came, he had to do with her.
John, take care of my mother.
His mother says unto the servants. Whatsoever he says, do it.
That's faith. Now he can act.
Now he can act. Isn't that lovely? The acts on faith?
They were set there 6 water pots of stone after the manner of purifying of the Jews.
Containing two or three Perkins apiece. Oh, this is very important.
Very important.
Six is the number of incompleteness 1 short.
One short The man's number? Really.
Man's number of failure is five, but six shows he can't do anything.
There were six cities of refuge in Joshua's day one choice.
Christ is the 7th heavenly number of completeness and perfection.
So there's one short water pots.
Water speaks of the word of God.
That's what was needed here.
The word of God. That's Christ.
That's the Son of God himself. Because you read the first verse in this book and you've got it in the beginning, was the Word.
A Tib.
Of stone. How perfect the word of God. Of stone.
We had it this morning, this afternoon already. First, Peter, let's look at it. I don't want to see all these things. We don't have time to go to a mall, but this was important. First, Peter.
Chapter 2.
Verse 5.
He also has lively stones.
Now I know.
J&D Changes to Living.
And I believe in the first part of Peter here, the first chapter, it should be living.
And I would like it lively here.
You know.
Every lively stone has to be living or it can't be lively.
What every living stone isn't necessarily lively, and when it's talking about our priesthood, I think it ought to be lively.
That's the thought. But stones?
We're living stones in the temple of God.
That lovely. All right now back.
So it's of stone.
After the manner of purifying.
Must be holy.
Be thou holy. I am holy. That is very important.
Containing two or three. Perkins.
Matthew 1820.
These living stones have to be at the right place to be used properly.
Have real joy.
Where two or three are gathered together under my name, there am I in the midst the source of all joy.
And so in this sixth verse, you've got the picture already. He's bringing it in.
Is going to show them how to get joy. Real joy.
True joy.
Jesus said the word of God. That's what makes the difference, Jesus said.
Till the water pots with water.
Must have the word of God now, brethren. It speaks of us really a new thing coming in.
You must be born again. It's got to be completely new living stones.
But they're nothing without the water.
The Word of God, Christ in them, Christ in them.
And he said unto them throughout Now I'm not going to read the rest, because time is short, but they took it to the governor of the feast.
And when he tasted, he said at the end of verse 10, Thou has kept the good wine until now. Amen.
This is what he's showing right away on his first miracle. We're going to have something better now.
We're going to have a heavenly source of joy now, a lasting joy, completely new.
That's the first thing, and this is the beginning of miracles. Did Jesus and Cain of Galilee?
And manifested his glory, and because of that.
His disciples believed on him because of who he is.
Not because of what he did. Because of who he is.
He manifested his glory.
Now from verse 12.
Down to verse 19, you've got something else.
The old isn't any good anymore. It was proved worthless.
Not religion. Now faith has to come. Not religion. Faith all new.
After this he went down to Capernaum, he and his mother and his brethren, his disciples, they continued. There are not many days, and the Jews Passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem notice.
Not the Passover of the Lord.
The Jews, Passover. It was our celebration.
Look at Chapter 7.
Chapter 7.
Leave verse 2 Now the Jews feast of Tabernacles was at hand.
That's what the things of the Lord committed by Moses to his earthly people ended up with.
Religion manslaughter. Man sings man's exercises, man's enjoyment. Christ is gone and out of it.
That's what we had when he came.
It's a Jews Passover.
You know through the 4th chapter.
4th chapter and verse. This is what he's bringing in on this new miracle telling him already.
Verse 23 The hour cometh and now is when true worshippers those weren't worshippers.
That Passover wasn't for him when true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit.
And in truth the Father seeketh such to worship him, and that's why Christ came.
They found in the temple those that sold oxen, sheep, doves and changers of money.
Sitting. And when he made this gorgeous small chords, he drove them out of the temple.
The sheep of the oxygen poured out the changes of money and over to the table.
Turn to Mark 11, I believe it's Mark 11.
Something very solemn here.
Verse 15 And they come to Jerusalem, and when Jesus went into the temple.
And began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, overthrew the tables of money changers, the seats of them that sold doves, and would not suffer that any man should carry vessel through the temple.
Did you ever think of that list?
Selling and buying.
In the temple of God, that's what. That's what it came to when Jesus was here.
Dove that was for the poor.
They're making money on those that couldn't afford it, really selling doves.
And what does that mean?
Would not suffer any to carry vessels to the temple. That's not Speaking of the holy vessels of God, I'll tell you.
Temple was in the middle. You know, it was big.
Long way around.
I do believe they desecrated the temple by their dirty feet as they came from the markets.
Carrying the packages on through.
Think of it.
You know, how bad does it get?
Turn to Nehemiah. Nehemiah chapter 13. You'll see how bad it can get. This is what was the old now something news coming. Thank God for it. Nehemiah chapter 13, I believe.
I only read a couple versions, that would be enough.
Chapter 13, verse 15 In those days so I in Judah some treading wine on presses on the Sabbath.
Bringing in sheaves and laden ***** as also wine and grapes and figs, in all manners of burdens.
Which they brought into Jerusalem on the Sabbath day.
There dwelt men of Tyre, also merchants therein, which brought fish.
And all manner of where and so of the Sabbath unto the children of Judah. And in Jerusalem, verse 17 What evil thing is this that you do and profane the Sabbath day? There it is carrying packages to the temple.
As when the Lord came.
If you look at Malachi, we don't have time. I see the times already gone. Malachite was worse. That's later. You know the father you go with man. The worse things get.
Malachi, they were offering.
The blemished and the lame.
Animal is a temple and keeping the best for themselves.
They were offering.
Gord Females.
You know what the Lord said. Offer them to your governor. See if he'll receive it.
They were keeping the spotless, unblemished males for themselves. Well, that's enough of that. Back to our portion. It's the Jews. Passover, Jews Passover. That's what happens. And he said unto them, verse 16, That's old Dove take these things. Make not my father's house a House of merchandise. And his disciples remembered that it was written. The zeolite house has eaten me up. You could read it in Psalms.
That answered the Jews, and said unto him, What signs show us thou unto us, seeing that thou doest these things? But under the 17th verse we got setting aside of the old order.
Because man fails.
Man fails.
Now they say, what sign are you going to give us? And this is the church.
That's the third thing the church coming in verse 1218 to 22.
Then answer the Jews. What sign? Jesus answered and said, Destroy this temple in three days. I'll raise it up.
Isn't that beautiful? This miracle tells us so much.
I'll raise it up.
Then said the Jews, 40 and six years.
Was this temple and building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days?
Wilt thou rear it up in three days? Ephesians one turned to it, Ephesians one his reared. He did it just as he said. Ephesians 1.
Verse got to watch the time 20 which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in heavenly places, far above all principality and power, and might and dominion, and every name that is named not only in this world, but also in that which is to come, and have to put all things under his feet, and gave him to be head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth. All in all, if you read the second chapter, the 21St and second verse, you'll see it's the Holy Temple raised again.
For yourself, there's no time.
So that's the third thing. First Corinthians 12 tells you all about it. It's made-up of living stones, many members, one body.
Now the last thing, verse 22 to the end and the last thing tells us this. An entirely new object for faith. You know it's himself. I'll read it. I only got one minute. I know they'll call him while I'm talking if I don't hurry.
Uh, When therefore he was risen from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this to them, and they believed the Scripture, that the word of the word which Jesus said now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover in the feast day, many believed in his name. When they saw the miracles which he did, you see the first ones that was believed, they saw his glory, His person. That's real.
But Jesus did not commit himself unto them. He knew all men.
And needed not that any should testify of man. He knew what was in man.
What he wants today is reality, Reality.
One last thing. I closed because he knew all men. John 6 turned to it. John 66 chapter.
Verse 64 There are some of you that believe not. Jesus knew from the beginning.
He knows everything, he knows everything. But this is what he's looking for. Reality.
From that time, verse 66, many of his disciples went back and walked no more with Jesus. Those were not real. Those were not real. It was the miracles that drew them.
Then said Jesus unto the 12 Will ye go away also, Simon Peter? Said Lord.
Shall we go a new object for faith? A new object is himself.
Thou hast the words of eternal life, and we believe we are sure.
Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
That's the object he's putting before us. Those four things come out of that miracle, and many more. There's our new, entirely new joy ground, A whole new source. There's a new and entirely new basis for worship. It's lovely, isn't it? It's a new temple. It's a temple made of living stones, not by hand, An entirely new people, heavenly people. And there's an entirely new object now for us. It's himself.
It's himself. There's the source of the new joy.
The good wine came in at the last the good wine.
We have the joy.
Unspeakable, Peter the Joy. Unspeakable the first miracle. If all the things that he did were written, this world couldn't hold him. Just take one of them and see the volume that they speak to us.