Open Mtg.

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Open—L. Judd, D. Gorgas, R. Thonney
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A few thoughts above has come to one because we have those two hymns before us.
We might turn to Joshua, chapter one.
The ring of force, that portion that is ours, I have my Parson.
But begging for oneself, one has to own how little we enter into it.
Joshua one verse one. Now after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, it came to pass that the Lord speak unto Joshua the son of none. Moses minister, saying, Moses, my servant is dead. Now therefore arise go over this Jordan.
All this people under the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel, every place.
That the sole of your foot shall tread upon that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses, from the wilderness. And this Lebanon, even under the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and under the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your coast.
Dear Ones, the third verse here.
Outline, or rather, I'm sorry, the fourth verse outlines the whole of the inheritance of the children of Israel. And they never have to this day entered into that inheritance. Even the days of David and Solomon, they never entered into it. They enjoyed part of it. They enjoyed what we get in the third verse.
Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses, the Lord. We will enjoy these precious things that we've had before. We have a heavenly portion.
Of course. And beyond our comprehension, really.
Certainly in all its fullness.
The Lord we can only enjoy that which we practically walk in. Make it a part of our daily life.
Every place that the soul of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.
Along may we value these precious things that we've had before us, and may we put them into practice in our daily lives that they may be truly our own.
Joshua, Chapter 11.
Joshua 11 and verse 23.
And it's very striking to me here that we get no mention made of the army of Israel.
So Joshua took the whole land, according to all that the Lord said unto Moses.
And Joshua gave it for an inheritance unto Israel, according to their divisions by their tribes. And the land rested for more. Joshua took the whole land. Joshua gave it for an inheritance.
Live and blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.
Christ has won it all. He has done it all. The love won it all for us. Given it all to us, how much do we really enjoy?
Look at Joshua chapter 13.
Now Joshua was old and stricken in years.
And the Lord said unto him, Thou art old and stricken in years.
And to remain as yet very much land to be possessed.
Joshua had won it all, He had given it all to them, but they had never gone in and possessed. They had never gone in an occupied. They had never placed the sole of their foot on that line. Oh, how much Christ has won force and given to us and how slow we are to enter into these precious truths. Let's go to 1St Tennessee. I believe it is.
First Timothy, chapter 4.
And verse 13.
Over 12.
Let no man despise, I use, but be thou an example of the believers in Word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.
Sheriff would speak to us of our habits, our personal life.
Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on the hands of the presbytery. Meditate upon these things, Give thyself wholly to them, that thy profiting may appear to all.
Take heed unto thyself, and under the doctrine continue in them. For doing this thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee.
A love.
Let us seek to go on in the truth of these precious things we've had before us.
The time of the Apostle John, when he wrote those epistles.
I understand there is what professed to be much new like being brought in.
What does the apostle do? He takes them right back to the beginning, that which was in the beginning. He takes them right back to Christ. And beloved, that in Christ we have had before us, No, May we not depart?
Not seek, shall we say new things, but whole path.
That which we have the Revelation Chapter 3.
In Revelation 2 and verse 25.
The end of verse 24. I will put upon you none other burden but that which you have already hold fast till I come.
Good Revelation 3 and verse 11.
Behold, I come quickly.
We don't find that with our horror. Behold, I come quickly. The laws were right down to the end just before the Lord comes that it Behold, I come quickly. Hold that fast which thou hast, that no man takes thy crown. The enemy is going to seek to rob us of the enjoyment of these precious things.
He cannot rob us of our blessings. No, He cannot touch them, but He can rob us of the present enjoyment of them. And he can see He's ever seeking to bring this honor in the name of Christ. He would turn us away from that blessed One that He might bring this honor on His name.
Behold, I come quickly, hold that fast which thou hast.
That no man take thy crown. All we might indeed hold fast, Beloved, He is coming, coming soon.
It may be.
Before these meetings closed, may we never give up.
That precious truth of the immediate return of our blessed Lord and Savior, that we may see Him face to face before the present day is out.
Hold fast that which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
Would you turn to the 23rd chapter of Joshua?
23rd chapter of Joshua.
And the first verse.
And it came to pass a long time after, that the Lord had given rest unto Israel from all their enemies roundabout, that Joshua waxed old and stricken in age.
And Joshua called for all Israel, and for their elders, and for their heads, and for their judges, and for their officers, and said unto them, I am old and stricken in age.
And ye have seen all that the Lord your God hath done unto all these nations because of you.
For the Lord your God is he that fought for you.
Go down to verse 6.
Beige, ye therefore very courageous to keep and to do all that is written in the book of the Law of Moses, that you turn not aside therefrom to the right hand or to the left.
That she come not among these nations, that these that remain among you, neither make mention of the name of their gods.
And are caused to swear by them. Neither serve them nor bow yourselves unto them, but cleave unto the Lord your God, as ye have done.
Unto this day.
Verse 11. Take good heed, therefore, unto yourselves.
That ye love the Lord your God.
Verse 14 And behold, this day I am going the way of all the earth, and ye know in all your hearts.
And in all your souls, that not one thing hath failed, of all the good things which the Lord your God spake concerning you, all are come to pass unto you, and not one thing hath failed thereof.
Therefore it shall come to pass that as all the good things are come upon you, which the Lord your God promised you, so shall the Lord bring upon you all evil things, until you have destroyed you from off this good land which the Lord your God hath given you, when you have transgressed the covenant of the Lord your God, which He commanded you.
And have gone and served other gods, and bowed yourselves to them. Then shall the anger of the Lord be kindled against you, and ye shall perish quickly from off the good land which he hath given unto you.
It's not a very happy verse to end the reading with, but.
Perhaps we'll see one more verse that's a little more encouraging before we finish, but I just like to mention this, beloved that.
The last words of a person are very important.
We know that we have the last words of Jacob. We have the last words of of Moses. We have the last words of Joshua that we've just read together. We've had we have the last words of the apostle Paul. And perhaps we might classify the 13th, 14th, and 15th of John and the 16th, 17th chapters as the last words of the Lord Jesus in his life here on earth.
And those words we hang on to, I know I look back sometimes on people who've gone home and dear ones, relatives or brethren that we've loved, and we like to think of a last conversation we had with them. And there's an importance to those words because the person isn't trying to Curry favor with anyone. If he did that in his lifetime, he has no more motive to.
He's down to the end.
And he's facing reality. Of course, I'm not including the Lord Jesus in those when I make those comments. It does apply to the others we've been talking about.
And I believe there's something very peculiarly precious in these last words of Joshua to the people of Israel.
His battle was over his.
Leadership was being brought to an end.
And yet the people of God were very much on his heart, and so he.
Has some very important counsel for them.
And I'd like to call attention, beloved, to that sixth verse. Be ye, therefore.
Very courageous.
We're living in a time when.
The storm is fierce, and it's possible that there's discouragement.
And it's possible that some of us are tempted to give up. What an encouraging thing it is to have a word like this. Be therefore very courageous to do what to keep.
And to do all that is written in the book. And of course here the only book they had of a divine revelation was the book of the Law of Moses.
But how much more we have?
And what is the need for our souls today, in the midst of a difficult time such as we're in at the moment?
It's for courage, not only to keep it.
Not only to maintain doctrine, oh, how important the doctrine is. And we've had some wonderful doctrine brought out in these meetings that we need to.
Hold fast to.
But you know Joshua tells them here to keep and to do.
And that's where I have a problem, don't you? It's the doing of the Word of God.
We've mentioned before that we have some wonderful written ministry. We have a large library of tapes that we can listen to.
We have a lot of current ministry that's being given orally in conferences, and his brothers go around from assembly to assembly and from those local brothers too, who so diligently minister the word of God.
There are efforts being made to put the truth into a form that we can take hold of it and hold on to it.
And I value everyone of those, but it won't be good unless we learn to do it, to do it. And that's what takes courage, beloved. Not only the maintaining of the doctrine, but it's the putting into practice of the Word of God.
If there's anything I feel that we need to acknowledge as Christians.
Is that we don't practice the way we should, that which we understand and enjoy and appreciate in the way of ministry.
Perhaps I should just say that for myself, because sometimes when you speak for others.
You go too far, but my problem is practicing the truth.
And so Joshua says, be therefore very courageous to keep and to do those things that we're specialists in. Is that what he says? No, all that is written in the book.
As I said before, for us it's all that is written here.
This is a world of specialization.
It's hard to find a General practitioner today.
And I remember the old days when you could, no matter what was wrong with you, you could go to a doctor. And it's become such a such a tremendous science today that I suppose no one man can properly treat a person.
But I sometimes nostalgically think of the old general practitioners. But there aren't. There is no such thing when it comes to the Christian faith as specialists in keeping the truth of God.
And we do not have the privilege of saying, well, it's this is for us to keep and the rest is not. That's for some other Christian to keep. I believe God would have us exercise that. If there's one thing in the word of God that's brought to our conscience, to our knowledge, and the truth is set forth in such a way that it's made good to our souls in a doctrinal way, we have the responsibility to carry it out.
To practice it, to do it, all that is written that you turn, not aside therefrom.
To the right hand or to the left?
We are people who turn either to the right hand or to the left. We have trouble keeping a straight course.
And the word of God would have an exercise that we steer a course.
Directly in accordance with the word of God, without veering off this way, getting extreme in this way, or extreme in that way, but to follow the Word of God straight down the path.
It's used over and over again in Scripture that admonition, that warning to us not to turn.
To the right hand or to the left?
And then there's a practical word in verse 7.
Regarding the danger of coming among those nations that the Lord had left among them.
And not making mention of those gods that they have. And I would like to make an application, beloved brethren, with your indulgence of that.
Not to be dogmatic about it, but as I look today around, I believe there are a whole new set of gods that have been set up in place of the old idolatry.
And those gods are gods.
That easily turn our hearts aside.
And you can name many other things. I'm not going to go on and I'm just giving you the drift of what I think are the new Gods popularity, success.
And, you know, we're easily swayed by them because all around us are these influences, all around us are these.
People who are devoted to these gods.
And we have to live in that kind of an environment. We know where we are. We're living in a place where all these influences exist.
What will keep us going on turning neither to the right hand nor to the left?
Not being.
Inclining ourselves or bowing ourselves to these.
Gods of those that live around us, the word of God.
Occupation with the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that what the Spirit of God brought before us in the readings and in the ministry that we had so preciously brought out.
Is exactly what will keep our hearts from bowing down to these other gods.
Verse 8.
But cleave unto the Lord your God now, but just stop there.
It would be fine from a standpoint of what we're to do, but I think it's so wonderful that Joshua, realizing the need for the encouragement of the people, says to them, as ye have done unto this day.
And this verse spoke to me some time ago, beloved.
Because I believe there's a tendency that we don't notice.
That the Lord has some that are cleaving to him, and it's discouraging to them if we just say to them, well, brother, you ought to be cleaving to the Lord. Didn't he notice that I was trying to do it?
And there is a discouragement that comes in, and I think it's beautiful that Joshua says to them, Cleave unto the Lord, as ye have done unto this day.
And I'd just like to say, especially to my younger brothers and sisters, you may think that your brothers and sisters don't notice when you're cleaving to the Lord. We do. We may forget to say that to you sometimes. And I hope we will tell you that I like to notice that as I see a young person. I went up to a young sister recently and in Woodbridge at the fellowship meeting, and I just put my hand on her shoulder. I said, you've been such an encouragement to me to see you take hold in the things of God. And she brightened up and she said thank you.
Thank you. And I was wondering if she didn't think to herself. I wonder if anybody notices.
I wonder if anybody notices when I try to go on for the Lord. Well, those of us who perhaps have the privilege of exhorting one another, I think it's nice to notice too, and to say you've been doing it. Now keep on, keep on cleaving to the Lord as you have done unto this day. And that's what I would say to those of you who have.
Been going on for the Lord and perhaps no one has said to you, you know, it's been an encouragement to me to see you going on for the Lord. I'd like to say as you have done unto this day. Keep on and it's it's a blessing to see those who really have a purpose of heart for the Lord.
Now may we notice that in one another and mention it for encouragement.
Want to go down to the?
14th verse.
Or rather the 11Th verse, Take good heed therefore unto yourselves, that you love the Lord your God. Like to read that the way we sometimes take that. Take good heed to your brethren, that they love the Lord their God.
Keep watching on your brethren. Make sure that they go on. No, it doesn't say that.
When the apostle Paul.
Was speaking to the Ephesian elders. He used the same expression, didn't he? Those who were in a position with responsibility to watch over the flock, even those he said take heed unto yourselves and then he adds into the flock.
You see, God would have us watch our own.
Testimony. Our own lives.
To pay heed to ourselves.
And if we're going to be an encouragement to anyone else in our pathway.
Then we must take heed to ourselves first.
What is needed among the people of God is not so much.
Instructors, but fathers, patterns, models that will.
Show how a Christian should live.
May we seek to be that wherever the Lord has put us.
An encouragement, a help, an example, a model of the believers.
Notice it does not say, Take good heed unto yourselves, that you.
That you acquire a good knowledge of the word that's important.
That you.
Read the scriptures, that's very important.
Take good heed unto yourselves that you love the Lord because it's affection for the Lord.
That sustains and keeps us in the pathway.
And the first thing that we ought to be exercised about, I believe, when it comes to our own walk is.
Whether we are walking.
And the enjoyment of his love and with affection for him. And then the 14th verse.
What an encouragement that 14th verse is. You know in your heart she says, you know it. And I could say to everyone of us here we know it, that not one thing has ever failed. Of all the good words which the Lord has spoken, which the Lord spake concerning us, not one thing of what He has spoken has ever failed.
God has been good to his promises.
I was noticing in the second chapter of Jeremiah recently that the Lord challenging the children of Israel concerning their backsliding says to them.
What have you found in me? What iniquity, what injustice have you found in me that you've turned away? It's as if God says to him, Have you ever found anything in me that would turn you away? We know the answer. It's not the Lord. He's never failed. Our failure does not come from anything.
From anything for which the Lord is responsible, it flows from our own heart.
Not one thing has failed. Of all the good things which the Lord spake concerning us, all are come to pass.
Many adds. Not one thing has failed thereof. I think that's very encouraging.
It encourages my heart. It lets me know that not one thing has failed or ever will fail of what God has given us in His precious word. But you know, there's a solemn side of that, and that's brought out in the next verse. And I don't want to dwell on the solemn side of it, but you have to say it because there it is, right along with the other.
That as not one good thing has failed, so not one of the evil things that God has promised if we turn away from Him will also fail. That is, God is faithful to Himself. He will not allow us to act with indifference with regard to His claims with regard to His Holiness. He will not allow us to go on in a careless way and then not fulfill what He said concerning it. God has a government.
And I'm thankful for that government. Sometimes I fear it, but when I stop and think about it.
I thank him for it.
Because that government.
Is is what makes him the God that he is. He's faithful. He's a faithful God.
But oh, it's a solemn word to you and to me that as not one thing has failed of all the good.
So also, if we turn away, we can expect nothing but what God's Word says will come into our life unhappiness.
Disaster spiritually.
May it be a warning to us now, I said. I wanted to finish with an encouraging verse, because that would be a sad place to stop, wouldn't it? So let's go over to the 20th of Acts.
The 20th chapter of Acts.
I'm not going to read the passage which is parallel to what we had in in Joshua, but I just want to call attention to a closing verse.
Paul says.
After he details the departure that's to come in, he says in verse 32. And now, brethren, I commend you.
To the apostles, is that what he says?
And now, brethren, I commend you to the brethren.
And now, brethren, I commend you to God.
And to the word.
Of his.
Grace, the word of His grace. That's what we need, beloved brethren, It's the word of His grace.
You know, God's word takes different characters with regard to us.
And everyone of them is beautiful. Everyone of them is precious to our souls.
But when it comes to this time that the apostle is talking about as he is about to depart from them.
What is it? What character does the Word of God take the word?
Of his grace.
Which is able.
To build you up.
And to give you an inheritance among all them.
Which are sanctified.
First Synditis. Chapter 2.
And verse 13.
Looking for that blessed hope.
And the glorious appearing.
Of the great God and our Savior Jesus.
I was thankful that the chapter for reading ended up.
On that last verse, that really points on to the future day, the Millennium.
The glory when our Lord Jesus is going to be manifested.
Brethren, that hope ought to burn in our souls. We're going home the glory pretty soon.
I always remember Albert Hagel has been mentioned quite a few times here today.
They always remember that. That's one thing he mentioned an awful lot.
Sometimes I notice in our prayers that not much mention is made of His coming again.
And I still remember Brother Albert.
Saying when he used to call home on his long trips.
And he said if I didn't hear from my loved ones at home and especially my dear wife.
The desire for my return as soon as possible, he said. I would be worried.
And, dear brethren, shouldn't it be normal?
That we long for his return and that we express it as well.
Come Lord Jesus.
I've noticed.
Living in Bolivia during those years, about 1981 to 83.
When the economic situation of Bolivia Winslow Helter Skelter and inflation got up to 40,000% and the crops went bad.
I noticed that where was an increased increased awareness and appreciation of the fact that the Lord was coming again and looking for it. But should it be?
Natural circumstances that cause us to long for His coming again, Oh dear brethren, to be in the enjoyment of the Scriptures ought to stir in our souls.
The longing for his coming again, Is it because of the affluence?
Of the society that we live in, that we don't long for it.
Quite so much.
Your Titus is instructed as to the teaching.
And he says, Paul says at the end, looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ. Two things. First, that blessed hope.
The coming of the Lord Jesus to rapture its home to glory.
Brethren, we have not been made for this world's day. We have been made for eternities day. And it seems so much. I have to confess, I get snared in the current of things down here, which is accommodate yourselves down here. Make life as easy as possible. It's all within reach. Do it.
I confess I get caught up in that stream of things, that way of thinking.
The Brethren.
We're not an earthly people. We've been made for heaven.
And our character should be pilgrims and strangers down here.
Simplicity in our living habits as much as possible, so that that hope burns brightly before us. I have to challenge my own heart so often. Do I really believe that at any moment I'm going to leave everything behind down here and go into the presence of the Lord Jesus? Do I really believe that?
Do I? I say I do.
But is it a reality in my life, or is it just some doctrine that's relegated to some part of my brain that I understand?
Or is it a reality in my soul?
The Word of God stands as a whole or falls as a whole. If I give up any part of it in practice, in principle, I've given up the authority of it all and I need to hold it as a whole. We're going home to glory. We're going to meet that man that we have been talking about in our reading meetings. That glorious person of God's beloved Son face to face, are going to come with him at any moment now.
Ready, brethren.
Last time I was in the Dominican Republic, it was kind of interesting.
Brethren, God asking.
About Heaven.
What heaven is like. It's kind of an interesting thing to think about in the light of Scripture. Scripture does say a few things. Not a whole lot, but some things.
And I think it is proper that we should be thinking about those places we're going to go so soon.
We live in a day, in a world and in a society that is only occupied with now, here and now. Don't think much of the future.
My brethren, our hope.
Really does bring character to our Christian lives.
And so we ought to be thinking about the future. How can we learn about that?
Blessed home that's prepared above for us. We sang at at the beginning of this meeting. How can we learn about it? I really believe one of the best ways to learn about it is to walk in the company down here of the one who is the glorious sun and center of that home.
Above we have an example these meetings that's been mentioned of Enoch and Enoch was a man who lived in this world for 365 years.
Says after he begat son, he had his first son, that he walked with God.
300 years. What a statement of the word of God. 300 years. How many years can I walk with God? 10 years. 20 years But here's a man 300 years. He walked with God.
Never mentioned that I know of any spectacular thing that Enoch did. Like you have David slaying Goliath.
No, it was something that was true of him day by day by day.
Hour after hour, walking with God.
And as he was walking with God, he walked right into the glory he was not, because God took him. The testimony of Enoch.
And I don't think it was a drastic change for Enoch when he went home, when God took him, because he was walking in that new place within the same company as he did when he walked down here. And I don't think it needs to be a thing that will be a drastic change, dear brethren, for us when the Lord comes to take us home.
If we know what it means to walk with God down here, to walk with God right into the glory and that day when he comes to take us home. I really believe that is one of the greatest ways to learn the character of heaven. There are many other suggestions in Scripture. One of the things that we enjoyed a bit.
In the Dominican this last time with some of the brethren I love.
With those bread and they've really learned a lot of the scripture by reading on their own and have some beautiful facts.
We went to the 14th chapter of John where it speaks.
The Lord Jesus tells of his coming again to his disciples.
For he says, Let not your heart be troubled. And where he speaks of his father's house. In my father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you.
And in the meditation, we were meditating on the fact that.
The Lord Jesus didn't say in my house, He said in my Father's house. Why that?
The father may have many children.
But each child.
For as many as he may have, many has a very special place.
In the heart of the Father.
I really believe that's the sense. In my father's house are many abodes. There will be the millions of the redeemed in that coming day as we're gathered in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
But no sense of distance for anyone of them. No, everyone will occupy a place of nearness.
That is the abode in the Father's house.
You occupy a place that I cannot fill. I occupy a place that you cannot fill. Each one has that special place in the Father's House of nearness because of that coming day. It is not a question.
Of time or distance.
Time and distance are elements connected with this present creation, not with that humbug things. Little hints like that that really are beautiful to meditate on in scripture. And I really believe we can learn a lot about heaven before we get there, dear brethren, if we are exercised. And I really believe our hearts need to be stirred.
We're going to be united to the man that fills the glory forever. We're going to be united to him.
Shouldn't we want to learn all we can right now, right here and now, about him?
About that home above, I really believe we should, and we will be. But we need to have our hearts stirred, dear brother. But this person, Titus.
Not only speaks of the blessed hope, looking for that blessed hope.
But also looking for that glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ that thrills my soul.
We are going to be eyewitnesses of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of Man into this world.
In power and glory to take his position.
In this world and reign supreme.
Oh, it thrills my soul.
And it fortifies our hearts too, dear brethren, if we meditate on it.
Can you take a little bit of?
Suffering here, knowing that that's our future.
I really believe that that blessed hope that glorious appearing we're really.
Looking for it just as much as the blessed hope, I really believe.
It will encourage us on. We have so much to encourage his brother.
We have so much. I realize there's a lot to discourage if you get your eyes in the wrong places.
Do you get your eyes on me or anybody else down here?
Man in man's world there is tremendous reason to be discouraged. But I say, brethren, we have far greater reason to be encouraged. The glory is before us. It's sure. There's no doubt about it.
We're going home soon. We have every reason to take courage and to press on the glory.
They see the misery in this world going into Latin America. Sometimes the poverty isn't as bad, perhaps in the areas of Latin America as it is in other parts of the world.
That you see an awful lot of misery, poor little children suffering, sleeping on a piece of cardboard on the side of the road.
Have no home to go to rips my heart. It makes me long. Lord Jesus, how long? You could do a little bit maybe. And we should be doing. Dear brethren, in view of the tremendous needs around, we are responsible. God has put certain things in our hands. It's not for us just to merely sit down and enjoy them. Thank God He gives us richly all things to enjoy.
But we are responsible to use them in view that future day.
And so we need to be exercised about what we might do for the Lord.
But I say, when I see the misery in such tremendous quantities of misery.
Realize there's no way you could meet all the neat. No way.
No. What's the answer to the misery, the terrible suffering? We have hardly any concept of the misery that has happened in other parts of the world. We might see pictures of it in the newspaper and we get a little idea.
But it's so far away it doesn't seem that real to us. It isn't relegated to our lives here, but there is an awful lot of misery. And when we view it all, we need to realize there's only only one answer to it all.
The coming of our Lord Jesus back to this earth to set it all right.
That's the only answer, and we ought to long not only for the Lord's coming to take us home.
But we ought to long for the Lord's coming back to this earth to reign in power and glory in that coming day. That is part of the proper hope of the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Oh dear brethren, when I consider here we are in 1991.
And if the Lord should come today?
Less. In less than one decade, we may be in the Millennium reigning supreme with Christ. In less than one decade we may be accompanying Jesus from heaven.
That writer on the White Horse as he comes back and the armies of the world come.
Gathering their forces to fight against him that sits on that White Horse.
And one by one, they're going to be stricken down by the sword that comes out of the mouth of our Lord Jesus.
The glory of that moment now, dear brother, and it just thrills my soul to think that I am so intimately connected with that man whose glory is going to be manifested in the earth in that coming day. That is part of our hope, dear brethren.
May the Lord stir in us then as we finish these meetings, brethren, I really do feel that God is speaking to us to seek to awaken us. Lethargy comes so easily in my heart. I admit it, I'm guilty of it.
And in view of the fact that we're right at the edge, we're right close to that moment of going home, the Lord is seeking to waken us. It speaks of that so often in Scripture. In view of His coming again, we need to be awakened. We're going home. May the Lord awaken us in His faithfulness.
Whatever it takes, because earth is not our Fatherland. Heaven is our home.