Our Expectation

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
O bright and blessed hope!
When shall it be
That we His face, long loved,
Revealed, shall see!
O! when, without a cloud,
His features trace,
Whose faithful love, so long,
We’ve known in grace!
That love itself enjoy,
Which, ever true,
Did, in our feeble path,
It’s work pursue!
O Jesus! not unknown,
Thy love shall fill
The heart in which Thou dwell’st,
And shalt dwell still!
Still, Lord! to see Thy face,
Thy voice to hear;
To know Thy present love
Forever near!
To gaze upon Thyself
So faithful known,
Long proved in secret help
With Thee alone!
To see that love, content
On us flow forth,
Forever Thy delight,
Clothed with Thy worth.
Nor, what is next Thy heart,
Can we forget;
Thy saints, O Lord, with Thee
In glory met!
Perfect in comeliness
Before Thy face,
Th’ eternal witness, all,
Of Thine own grace.
Together, then, their songs
Of endless praise
With one harmonious voice
In joy they’ll raise!