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In giving us the story of Abraham and his life, God our Father gives us a glimpse of His heart of love for His Son and for us. In Genesis 22 we see what the Father and Son meant to each other when they went alone “to worship” while the rest waited for them. There the Son, in figure, passes through death and resurrection. When this mighty work is done, Abraham, the father, is ready to provide for his son a wife. When our Lord had finished His work, the time had come for the Father to provide for Him a wife. Abraham’s requirements for his son’s wife reflect on our Father’s requirements in love for a suitable bride for His Son, His only Son whom He loves. Abraham’s servant was told that the chosen one was to be “of my family, and out of my father’s house.” Our Father wanted a bride taken from His own family and of His own house. His heart wanted the best for His Son. And the best was one who, as family, could share in and enjoy with Him and His Son all those things that delight His heart and His Son’s heart. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ ... having predestinated us unto the adaption of children by Jesus Christ to himself.”