Our Heavenly Calling

Duration: 55min
Address—Steve Stewart
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I'd like to talk a little this afternoon.
The subject of Our Calling.
Like to start with Romans chapter 8.
Romans, chapter 8.
And verse 28.
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are.
The called according to his purpose.
We as belonging to the Lord Jesus Christ are those that this verse.
Says are the called the called ones in chapter one.
Saints by calling.
It's the divine purpose of God in Christ.
Flowing from a heart of love and grace.
To fulfill those purposes and His beloved Son for his own glory and the satisfaction of his own heart.
He would call you and I.
Verse 29.
For whom He did foreknow, He did also predestinate, to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first born among many brethren. And so we get His purpose.
It's for His beloved Son and His beloved Son's glory that He has in view.
Moreover, whom he did predestinate them he also called.
There, it's Our Calling in time.
The gospel reached you and I and made that call in His eternal purpose.
In his will and purpose, In his son good in time.
And the gospel reached you and I where we were.
He's called us and them that he called.
He also justified in whom He justified them. He also glorified. He has an end in view in the path of everyone here this afternoon. Every child of God is going to end in glory, no matter what intervenes, by the way, it's going to end in a blaze of glory. We are the called of God.
First Corinthians. Another little detail so beautiful.
One Corinthians in chapter one.
Verse nine. God is faithful by whom ye were called.
Unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus.
Christ our Lord.
We've been called.
Into a beautiful fellowship with his well beloved son, the object of his.
Heart's Delight.
Son of his love.
And so Our Calling has a nature, a character.
It's formed by whom we have been called into fellowship with.
If we're called into the fellowship of his son, what's the character of that fellowship? Let's look at first John, chapter one.
First Epistle of John.
Chapter One.
Verse three. That which we have seen and heard declare unto you.
That He also may have fellowship with us, and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.
Verse five This sent us a message which we have heard of him and declare to you that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.
Verse 7 But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another in the blood of Jesus Christ. His Son cleanseth us.
From all sin, the fellowship that we have been called into, fellowship of His Son, we find in John is a circle of fellowship that goes from a past eternity of the Father and the Son. They're the center of that fellowship that we have been brought into. And God is light and he is holy. How can he have us there? How can we be in that fellowship, the blood of Jesus Christ, his Son?
Has made us fit for that place, cleansed us from all sin, and He can have us there through the satisfaction of his own heart, without compromising his holy person in any way. And so Paul writes to Timothy in second Timothy in chapter one.
Verse nine. Who hath saved us and called us?
Within holy calling, it's a holy calling because the one that we are called into fellowship with.
Is holy, is light in him, There is no darkness at all. But it cost him, it cost him the blood of his Son to have us there according to his own nature.
That we might be holy and without blame before Him.
And love Ephesians 1.
It's a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace.
Which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.
All Our Calling has an origin that goes.
Past the ages of time, it goes before the ages of time.
It comes from the heart of God in a past eternity, centered centered in His purpose in His Son, because it's all for the glory of His Son.
This purpose in Christ Jesus.
Is it just like?
A watchmaker makes a watch and he puts the gears in place and he winds the spring and he sets the mechanism going and he just delights that everything sort of works, as we say, like clockwork, and goes around and he finds his satisfaction in that. That's not it.
It comes from His grace, from a heart of love. That's the deep motive of His heart, not just because He designed something and set it in motion. That comes from His heart, so it's His purpose.
And grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before.
The world began.
In Ephesians.
In chapter 4.
Verse one. The apostle beseeches us. I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation of the calling.
Wherewith ye are called, and then.
In 2nd Thessalonians.
In chapter one.
Verse 10. When he shall come to be glorified.
In his Saints, not by his Saints.
And to be mired in all them that believe, not by all them that believe, because our testimony among you is believed in that day He is going to be glorified in all those that he is called.
When they see the place that we have been brought into by the sovereign grace and call of God, it will be for His glory when all created intelligence looks on.
The place you and I have been brought into in sovereign grace, it's going to be for his.
He'll be glorified in His Saints and all them that believe. Wherefore also we pray always for you that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness and the work of faith with power.
He's called us, but he wants to look down and count us worthy of that calling. He wants to look down.
And see us walking in the good of that calling in. It's working out in our lives in all its practical reality as we go through this world.
Out of which we have been called.
Worthy of that calling, the apostle beseeches us to walk. Worthy of the calling wherewith we have been called.
Chapter 3.
Holy Brethren.
Partakers of the heavenly calling.
Oh, it's a holy calling. A holy calling that is constituted you and I.
Holy Brethren.
I lookout this afternoon.
In the faces of those that are holy brethren.
When Gideon captured Zeben Zalmuna in the Book of Judges, he says, What manner of men were those that ye slew at Tabor? They said.
They were like you. Everyone had the countenance of King, he said. They were my brother.
Holy Brethren.
We're holy brethren.
Partakers commonly together of a heavenly calling, not an earthly calling.
A heavenly college.
Philippians, Chapter 3.
Verse 12.
Not as though I had already attained.
Either we're already perfect, but I follow after.
If that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus, brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended. But this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Literally could be translated on high, could be just translated above.
The above calling.
Called from above heavenly men by birth. Holy brethren, partakers of a heavenly calling, God has called you and I.
Out of this earth, the fellowship of his Son. It's a holy fellowship. It's a holy calling. We're holy brethren. It costs him the blood of his Son. He wants to look down and see us walking worthy.
Of that calling.
Or will we have been called? Why did God have to call?
Let's turn back to Genesis.
Chapter 12.
God had told Noah to spread out in families.
Be fruitful. Fill the earth.
Man had rebelled.
Gathered together to make a name for himself at the Tower of Babel. God came down, confounded his languages.
His language made many languages.
And in doing that, he created many different kindreds. And in Genesis 10, those various families in the earth kindreds are outlined and they became nations. When I've turned to him. I'm just going to read the verse from Deuteronomy. I think it's 32 or 332.
Verse 8 When the Most High divided unto the nations their inheritance.
When he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel for the Lord's portion as his people. And Jacob is a lot of his inheritance in dividing by languages he also brought into being the nation's.
And he had one particular one in mind.
Those are institutions of God.
They have claims upon us.
Immediate family, Father's house, kindred might say, our people in general, our race, nation to which we belong, institutions from God, and they have a claim upon us.
But evil has come in, sin has come in, and so God must bring a new principle in to the scene.
That has a claim upon us that transcends every other claim that nature might make upon us.
Because sin has come into those spheres.
And they had in Abram's day.
Genesis chapter 12 we get the 1St man in the scripture that was called.
Of God.
Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country.
And from thy kindred, and from thy father's house into the land.
That I will show thee, and I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee.
And make thy name great, and thou shalt be a blessing.
Now bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curseth thee, and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed. So Abram departed.
As the Lord had spoken unto him, and Lot went with him, and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Heron.
Just skipping down to the end of verse 5.
And into the land of Canaan they came.
We read in Judges for Joshua chapter 24 that Abram's father Abram and his family were idolaters.
In the land that they came from.
Sin had come in.
As the nations had developed those wicked traits of the fallen nature of man, aggression, greed.
Desire for power.
Developed themselves in the nations.
We know it today. Idolatry had come in the nation, the kindred and to Father's house.
When God tells him to get out, he doesn't tell him to get out of idolatry. He doesn't tell him You need to fix up your father's house. You need to fix up your kindred, your country.
You need to get out there and change things, Abram. No, he says. Get out.
Get out.
Leave it all.
You leave it where it is, I'll take care of all that you get out. And the call of God had a transcendent claim upon the soul of Abram above, of every other claim that might be made upon him. And the call of God has the same claim upon you and I.
Because evil has come in.
To even the very institutions that God has set up in this world.
And he must have a principle that has a claim on you and I above all of those things.
And so it did on Abram, and into that land he came with. The call of God is coupled with two things, Promises.
And obedience.
Like to look back? We'll hold our place here in Genesis and look at two Peter.
Chapter One.
When Steven was speaking to the council in the 7th of Acts, he says the God of glory appeared to our father Abraham.
When he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Haran.
And Peter tells us here.
In verse three, according as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness.
Through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.
Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious.
Promises that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through life.
The same God of glory that called Abram of old has called you and I, and the character of that calling is a character of glory, and it's glory that we're going to, but the character of the call itself, a glorious call.
But there's a path between here and when we arrive at its end, its purpose and.
With Christ in glory, there's a path, and it's not going to be easy. It's going to take faith and it's going to take obedience. And so the other thing that characterizes this calling is virtue, moral courage.
To walk that path.
In the face of every opposition.
Abram went into that land.
He laid hold.
The call of God. He enjoyed the promises of God, walked in fellowship with God.
Says in Genesis 12, the Canaanite was then in the land. Picture of evil spirits in heavenly places. You know, we have a land that we walk into.
A land that Ephesians tells us of. A land of promise for us.
Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. All the promises of God and Christ are secured there, but there's a Canaanite in the land. There's opposition in heavenly places.
Satan and his hosts would like to rob us of our joy, turn us out of that path.
We need virtue. We need moral courage.
And Abram comes into the land, and the Lord appears.
To him, he builds an altar in verse 7.
The place of communion.
For that characterizes the path of one who is called by God, that he walks in communion with God.
And he has an altar where God meets him and speaks with him.
We have something else In verse eight. We read that he has a tent.
You pitch this tent. He was a stranger in that land and a Pilgrim passing through it.
He was a stranger walking through it in communion with God.
Called by God, he escaped the pollutions of that place that he came from, not because God told him get away from the pollutions, but because the call of God laid on hold on him above every other claim that might be made.
But the test came, and the tests will come, and the path of faith for you and I who are called by God.
Because obedience is required if we're going to go on in that path and enjoy that path, if we're going to walk worthy of that calling.
It requires obedience. God had told him to come here. He didn't tell him to go anywhere else, but a famine came in the land.
As he was journeying towards the South and he just kept going and he went down into Egypt, he made the prudent decision, you know.
Preserve his family and his scuff.
And he left the land that God had called him to. He disobeyed.
He was out of the current of God's will.
Out of dependence upon God, he left the altar behind. Communion were gone and he got afraid.
He got afraid.
He made a plan.
To lie.
He made a plan to lie.
Because he was afraid, because he was out of the path of faith and dependence, and he had to come up with something to protect himself.
His own resources, and that's all he had to come up with.
And so he tells Sarah to say that she's not his wife.
He's afraid that he'll be murdered for Sarah.
He goes down and justice, exactly what he feared, came to pass.
They saw Sarah, she was beautiful.
Recommended her to Pharaoh. He sent his servants. He took her away.
Can't imagine it.
The new.
In Galatians, we find Sarah presents something to our souls.
An allegory.
She stands in contrast to Hagar.
An Egyptian handmaid and her son Ishmael. She and her son Isaac stand in contrast. What's the contrast?
Law and Grace She's a picture of our relationship to God and grace.
To the Lord Jesus Christ and grace.
What was Abram's lie? He got in a corner. He got into bind. He got out of the current of God's will.
And he denied his relationship with Grace.
All Satan loved to bring it to a place where you deny that relationship.
That call of God is in your life, that grace it called you.
We'd like to get you out of the path of faith dependence upon God.
And ruin your enjoyment of what you have in Christ.
I can't imagine what it was is they carried Sarah. Did she look backwards?
Like the Lord looked at Peter and Caiaphas Hall.
When he denied him.
All Satan will reward you. Well, you want to make a trade, he says. Oh, he sends.
The animals.
He enriched Abram, He gave him so much.
You know what was valuable? He took that to himself. Oh, do you think? Abram said. Oh, wow, some fine animals here and what I can do with all these servants, and this is really been very profitable.
I don't think there is any other thought in his mind.
Where is there?
He had lost that relationship.
Where was she?
What had become of her?
Oh, you and I get into that place and we lose the enjoyment of that relationship. The Spirit of God will press upon our hearts.
Where's Jesus?
What happened to your relationship with him? What happened to walking in fellowship with him?
Are you enjoying the things that you have from the God of this world?
In exchange for that which you left behind, that which you denied.
Oh, you know how it was with Abram.
God came in in grace. What was a hard lesson, He restored him to that relationship.
The land of Cana.
That he comes back to where he had been verse 13 and verse two. At the end of the verse, at the beginning, he had to start where he had left off. He had to start, for he'd gotten off the path.
But there is a way back.
Begotten away from the Lord and your soul. Have you forgotten your heavenly calling?
It's way back.
Go to hell.
He can restore you to communion with himself.
He wants to look down and see you walking worthy of that call or with you then call.
Verse 5. Lot also, which went with Abram, had flocks and herds and tents.
And the land was not able to bear them, that they might dwell together, for their substance was great, so that they could not dwell together. And there was a strife between the herd men of Abram's cattle and the herdmen of locks cattle. And the Canaanites And the Perazite dwelled in the land than in the land.
New danger?
There wasn't any strife in Egypt.
Go back in the place of dependence and obedience.
Join the call of God.
There was a strike between brothers.
There's a ditch on the other side.
It's a real potential, isn't it?
We've known it. We felt.
Abram felt it.
What did he say?
Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, between my herdmen and thy herdmen, for we be brethren, holy brethren.
Partakers of the heavenly calling.
We're in this together.
We're partakers together. We be rather.
He says to law choose what you want.
What looks at the well watered plain says in verse 10 that held all the plain of Jordan that it was very well watered?
Everywhere before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Mora.
You lookout on this earth.
And you see the well watered plain.
When you see all the natural provision and possibility and potential that's out there.
Don't forget that it's just before the Lord is going to destroy it.
Don't leave that out of your calculation.
It's coming to an end.
Not only that, it says.
Before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.
It was even as the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt. No doubt what he had seen when he went with his uncle Abram down to Egypt, Lot chose him all the plain of Jordan.
Lot journeyed east and they separated themselves, the one from the other.
Abram dwelt in the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelled in the cities of the plain, pitched his tent towards Sodom.
Sir Darby said man may say.
What's wrong with the well watered plains? Aren't they the provision of God and his Providence?
But I say to you, Satan is planted as Sodom in the middle of it.
Men of Sodom were wicked and.
Sinners before the Lord.
Abram stayed where he was, enjoying his tent and his altar. We never read of what having an altar and he soon lost his tent and Sodom.
He had an opportunity to watch his uncle.
To see if one who was walking.
In the good of the call of God, enjoying the promises of God, he had an opportunity to see the walk of.
Faith. Yes, there was failure.
But he had an opportunity to learn.
And the time came for him to make a choice. As the time come, it has come for you to make a choice.
You have to walk by faith yourself. You individually have been called by God.
You have to respond.
Turn back to.
First Peter. Second Peter.
Verse seven of chapter 2.
Let's read from verse six and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an example to those that after should live ungodly and delivered just lot vexed.
With the filthy conversation of the wicked, for that righteous man dwelling among them, and seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day-to-day with their unlawful deeds. I like to connect that back again in Genesis.
In chapter 19.
God was going to overthrow Sodom and Gomorrah.
Just as we've read 2 angels come down to view that city of Sodom and even in chapter 19 and we know the story Wad is sitting in the gate of Sodom when they come verse one.
Sitting in the gate of Sodom, sitting in the place of administration of that city.
A man who is just personally.
A man who was vexed.
Every day? Why was he vexed every day?
Because he saw the deeds of the ungodly and they vexed him. You know you can grieve someone you love, someone who loves you can grieve you. But they it's.
Someone who doesn't love you, that vexes you.
Only someone you love can grieve you. Anyone, I should say convective.
He was vexed.
He got up every day. He looked around at Sodom. It's where he wanted to live, It's where he wanted to raise his family. But he vexed his soul because of everything he saw.
And so he sat in the gate.
You're going to try and change things.
He's going to try to make Sodom a better place. Maybe there's some people here I can work with that see things how I do.
Maybe they did.
Maybe they said, yeah, yeah, a lot. Maybe we can work with you on this.
And so we sat there in that place of administration.
And try to influence.
To make Sodom great again. But it never was great.
Because the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord, exceedingly do we think we're going to make this world great again. This world.
Is exactly what Sodom.
And it's coming under the judgment of God.
But he tried.
And in the end.
This man who did not have that character that God would like to look down and see walking worthy.
I can put it that way of a heavenly and holy calling. Two men show up that are evidently heavenly.
And holy.
And perhaps those very ones.
That lot sat in the gateway, turned against him.
And they came and beat on the door of his house that night to deliver those men.
To their evil will. And what does Lot say to them?
Verse seven. I pray you, brethren.
I pray you, brethren.
Do not so wickedly What kind of brethren were they?
Your holy brethren.
Partakers of a heavenly calling, what kind of brethren do you have?
What kind of associations did he have? Weary ones, perhaps, he thought would help them turn that city around.
So he could live there and not be vexed in his soul day-to-day.
To try and change that place.
Turned against him.
They were brethren.
Reverend that he had partakers, if we can put it that way, of a heavenly calling for open mammary. The plains of High Plains of Hebron, enjoying communion with God. They weren't in that city.
You've been called by God and he was walking in the good of that holy and high calling.
Oh dear brother.
Tate would like to take you and I down, down, down, down from that lofty holy falling and walking in fellowship with him, with his holy brethren.
Down to lend our efforts to make this world a better place so we can go out and not feel vexed.
Don't we feel vexed when we see what goes on in this world? We do.
Of course we do, if our holy brethren, we do.
We'd like a world where we go out and all the church bells ring on Sunday morning and all the kids are skipping down the streets and going to Sunday school.
And there isn't any of the liberal agendas that we see pushed. We'd like that. We'd like to not be back.
Like to raise our families in a place where we're not vexed and worried about those things. And Satan says all.
I got present for you that could use a person like you.
Make this world great again.
What software?
I'd like to pull you down from your heavenly calling.
This world is under judgment.
Always so impressed with what the Lord said to the disciples in Mark 13. Just a very simple phrase.
And says behold.
I have told you all these things beforehand. It is the Lord's surprise as he sits on his throne and he sees the evil condition of things around us. He's not surprised. He suspect told you all before him.
Nebuchadnezzar had a dream of Gentile power and dominion, and he saw it as this tremendous.
Beautiful image and he was awed by it, even made an idol to go out and imitate it. It's a picture of the gentile powers in the eyes of men. It looks great.
And then God gives Daniel a vision in chapter seven of those same Gentile powers and their beasts with every ugly feature that the Gentile powers of this world really have in his sight. They're not great.
He's told us all beforehand.
He's told us evil men and seducers will wax worse and worse. He's told us these things.
We're going to take place. He's not surprised.
He hasn't sent us here to fix it up.
It's under judgment.
Please call us.
He wants to look down and see us walking worthy of that heavenly calling.
Oh lot lost everything.
He lost everything.
You missed out.
Walking that path of faith.
Though he was a righteous man, Rex's righteous soul. Just man, I should say.
He lost everything.
Never had the joy of communion and walking in that holy and heavenly calling.
Philippians Chapter 3 again.
This is such a beautiful chapter.
Oh, I have a vision of a man in the glory.
The glory to which he has been called, the call of God.
A glorious and virtuous calling.
A holy calling.
Called him to and he says I've seen the end of that path. I've seen man and the glory and I don't care what it takes. I want to be like him. That's the object he has before his soul, even if it means death. I want to attain to the resurrection of the dead. I want to be like that man. I want to know him completely, thoroughly. He's everything. It's eclipsed everything else in my life.
That's all I want.
He says I haven't, as we already read, apprehended it yet. But I am pressing towards the mark. I am reaching out.
I want to lay hold on what I have been laid hold on by God, for God called me, and I want to lay hold on the object to which he's called me to.
Lord Jesus Christ.
And so he presses towards that mark for the prize. There's a prize at the end. It's Christ himself to be with him, to know him, to be like him, to be without any shade of distraction, the cloud between US and his presence.
That's what I want.
Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded.
And if anything, you'd be otherwise minded. God shall reveal even this unto you.
Oh, brethren, what's perfect here? It just means.
Simply put, to be grown up in our souls, in our understanding and laying hold.
Of that heavenly calling, the place and position that we have been brought into in sovereign grace.
In God's purpose and his beloved Son, what it is to be in Christ?
And all its privileges and all its responsibilities and how it separated us from this world.
Don't give that up, he says. Be thus minded. Are there those who are still growing into it?
They're coming along. God's going to bring them along too. Encourage them.
It helped.
Don't step down from the place that you're in. God's going to bring them along too.
It's analogous to.
The taking of the land and the book of Joshua, we find that.
2 1/2 tribes in chapter 14. I think there are 15.
Ephraim Manasseh, Judah half tribe.
Mass of Judah had taken their portion.
There are 7 tribes that still had not.
Gotten into their taking their inheritance but they were in the land still growing and apprehension of their inheritance and their portion and there were 2 1/2 tribes that stayed outside the land.
Settle down.
Was a good place for cattle, a good place for business?
They didn't want the heavenly calling.
They didn't want the land.
Paul says.
Verse 17 Be followers together of me.
Mark them which so walk as you have us, for an example for many walk of whom I have told you often and now tell you, even weeping, that they are enemies.
Of the cross.
Christ. Oh, just hold your place there. Turn back to Galatians.
Verse Chapter 2. Verse 20. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live.
Getting out I but Christ liveth in me in the life which I now live in the flesh. I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me.
And gave himself.
For me, chapter 6.
Verse 12 But as many as desire to make a fair show in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised.
Only lest you should suffer, they should suffer persecution.
For the cross of Christ.
Verse 14 But God forbid that I should glory.
Save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.
Enemies of the cross of Christ that has crucified us for this world, and the world to us.
That has separated us from this world.
Enemies of the Cross.
These are those who make a profession of Christianity but have no use.
For the heavenly calling.
All they have their influence on the dear Saints of God.
They have their influence on the dear Saints of God. They have a profession of Christianity.
And perhaps of a conservative viewpoint, if we can put it that way.
But it's just for this Earth.
They don't want the heavenly calling.
They rejected it. Revelation speaks of them as the earth dwellers.
They made their choice for the earth, and they rejected heaven.
Verse 19 Whose end is destruction? Whose God is her belly? Whose glory?
Is in their shame who mine that worldly things, earthly things.
Firstly, firstly mind.
Their portion is down here, their intent on making this earth.
A better place?
Their intent on making Christianity acceptable to this world.
So that they're not vexed.
That they don't suffer persecution for that cross that is separated you and I from this world.
But what about us, brethren?
Our conversation is in heaven.
Our citizenship literally translated as in heaven.
The root words for that word in Greek also are the roots of the word for politics.
Our politics are in heaven, not on this earth. Our citizenship, our conversation, is in heaven. Don't count out.
From whence we also look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. What happens when we get influenced by those things?
And our minds become earthly minded. We lose the hope, the reality of the hope of the Lord's coming, because we're settled on the earth.
We look for the Savior.
He's going to subdue the end of verse 21. All things to himself. Leave it behind, Abram. I'm going to take care of it all. I've called you.
It's a holy, it's a heavenly, it's a glorious, it's a virtuous calling into the fellowship of His Son with glory and view.
The word comes to our hearts of the calling we're with. We've been called.