Our Prayers Do Not Die With Us.

THOUGH we die, our prayers do not die with us; they outlive us, and those we leave behind may reap the benefit of them when we are turned to dust. For my own part, I must confess before the world, that I have a high value for this mercy; and do, from the bottom of my heart, bless the Lord who gave me a religious and tender father, who often poured out his soul to God for me; and being full of love to his children, often carried them before the Lord, prayed and pleaded with God for them, wept and made supplications for them. The prayers and blessings, left by him before the Lord, I esteem above the fairest inheritance on earth.
Oh! it is no small mercy to have thousands of fervent prayers lying before the Lord in heaven for us. Oh, that we would all be faithful to this duty! Surely our love, especially to the souls of our relatives, should not grow cold. ― Flavel.