Our Spiritual Blessings

Duration: 38min
Open—Krupa Sagar
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Shall we sing 100 and 68168?
Tonight is far stand.
Ard now it's time to.
Look for the stars and blood.
Brings Iceland, he said. You're my son, brother. Great choice for the God.
Or suffering and laws.
What's in this world compared to my day through the glory?
Of him.
Not to save your lives from.
It's been always sad.
For our side.
I will pass my family.
And Christian.
So much in love.
So they told me.
Just like to read a couple of verses of scripture Acts chapter 20.
Verse 35 Act 20 verse 35 I have showed you all things how that so laboring the ought to support the weak and to remember the word of the Lord Jesus.
He said.
It is more blessed to give.
Than to receive.
I just want to thank our brother.
Expenses You are met for this little conference abundantly. We're very thankful for your unselfish.
Presentation and gives my letter and personally in the question this morning. We're very thankful for your kindness.
Like to read one other verse in First Corinthians 14?
Verse three, you'll see on your little card they schedule a meeting. This is scheduled as an open meeting that the Lord may leave.
By the Spirit of God.
And verse.
1St Corinthians 14 verse three says but he that prophecy it.
Speakers of the men. The Amplification.
And expectation.
And comfort.
It also says another place, but two or three speak.
And let the other judge so the trust, the trust the Lord for.
An orderly presentation of the different passages according to his mind.
Good afternoon to everyone of you, brothers and sisters and friends too.
Let us read.
Efficiency Chapter one.
Third verse.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Who had blessed all spiritual blessings.
In heavenly places in Christ.
In the morning we read these verses from the Ephesians, which struck.
My heart.
I pray that the Lord will lead.
As to learn the privileges that the Lord has given to us through his Son, which may be an encouragement.
Edification and to some maybe exhortation also.
We see.
Our meetings began.
With David's prayer in 2nd Psalm 718.
It's a prayer of David which he recollects the loving kindness of God. Who am I in my Father's house to be selected by you? It's a very striking and loving expression from Not only.
King David, but also to us also, who am I?
To be selected.
To be.
Father's son.
Who am I if I think there is nothing good in me but.
His Grace, Sovereignty.
Lead us to have this.
Blessed situation, blessed position. It is a happy note to us as a believers.
To know our blessings. Our blessings are spiritual blessings.
Our blessings in the Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal blessings.
They are forever and forever and forever. Never change those blessings according to their situations.
It's everlasting blessings the Lord the God has poured on us through his loving Son Jesus Christ, who shed his precious blood on the cross for the Richard sinners like me and we and gave.
An excellent position.
That's the blessings which the Old Testament people do not have. If we see in Matthew 2534 was we see that.
His people, nations, Israel, nations. Blessings are from the foundation of the world.
But if we go back to second Timothy.
19 We see our blessings.
Are before the foundation of the world. So we have a better privilege than the people that are selected by God himself, who are called the people of Israel. We are blessed among all the nations, all the generations.
Because their blessings are from the creation, from the earth. But our blessings were hid in the mind of the God before the foundation of the world. And it strikes us very much to edify ourselves, to encourage ourselves, and to grow.
Day by day in him that makes us to see how we are blessed in.
Ephesians chapter one we see here in efficiency 3 aspects one is we have sonship with the Father, the second one we have hair ship with the Lord Jesus Christ and the third one in the chapter we see we have.
Membership with his body, which is called the Church.
Through the Spirit, so wonderful blessings were laid down for us in those Chandos Chandos chapter, Ephesians chapter one. It's a privilege for us to remember, to think and enjoy and to exhort itself for when the meetings are coming on, we start.
With the choice of the God.
And next onwards in the revelation yesterday we meditate something about repent and repent in the last chapter. Then the last aspect we see is space is given for repentance. I believe here we have three kinds of people may be here some.
Are enjoying.
The blessings of the Lord Jesus Christ sometimes.
There may be a chance.
Yesterday in the Young People's Conference, Brothers said that there may be a chance for us to be a backslider, there may be a chance in our lives, like the position of a lot. What did he do? He wanted to have a prominent place in the place, which was not suitable to the God, not acceptable, good to the God.
Sodom or Gomorrah, he wants to be a leader, a lawyer, a judge to them. But if we see and examine the heart of Lord, he was not happy with the situation they arises raised. So his heart was humiliated about the situations there sometimes.
We, the born again believers.
As we are living in this world may be in a position to enjoy the pleasures of the world, but.
It is not what they think to us. We cannot enjoy the pleasures of the world as we are relieved by the people who tested the sufferings of the Lord on the cross for our sins.
So sometimes certain blinds us to lead us for the attraction of the world, but the bottom of the heart it ****** us to realize the things. Maybe such situation we can see in our lives too. Sometimes we may be like.
Naomi, who left Bethlehem to Moab and lost everything but returned back and also there may be some people as brother calling in the Gospel meeting, said the door is open.
And so these things may encourage us and examine us and also exhort us to know our position.
First of all, I would like to read verse 4.
In Ephesians chapter one we see the 1St 4th one. According as he has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blemish. So here we see.
As yesterday in the address meeting, Brother X said.
New Testament? Is the text Old Testament or the pictures?
If we see the evidence, romance brings us back to Egypt and Red Sea, which speaks of.
Our redemption by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, and our salvation because of His mighty strength.
If we go back to Galatians, it brings us to the banks of Jordan. We have reason with Christ, with a hope of going to the promised land. Kanan.
Whereas in the other epidural like.
Brothers said in Peter as well as in collations or in the Philippians, we see our we the believers are passing through wilderness. So we may have ups and downs in the journey, we may be failures, but.
We see His everlasting grace towards us in taking us to the Promised Land.
In the aboriginal to the efficient we see that we are placed in the promised land, Canaan though we are here, here we have the assurances that we have the place in him. That's why Lord Jesus Christ before going to the cross.
He told to his disciples.
Be not to worry.
It is better for you to me to go to my father's house. I will go and prepare Mansions awards for thee.
So that's a wonderful thing, the Lord Jesus Christ going to the cross result from the dead by the mighty power of the God made our blessings eternal, and He is preparing a place for us to be forever and forever.
So here, that's why we are thankful to the God.
For selecting us here in the fourth verse, we say we are chosen before the foundation of the world, so before we do either good or bad, like Joseph, Jacob.
The Lord in His perfect grace selected you and me. Thus we are very thankful to Thee. Today. Our hearts ports before the Lord. How much gracious towards us, to select us, to elect us, to choose us that makes us.
That makes us so grateful to the Lord.
For his kindness, for his loving kindness. So we are chosen, We are elected, not because of our works, not because of our goodness or because of our status, but only purely His grace, Though here he says we are chosen. It was His sovereign grace.
A sovereign grace that he has selected as that is one of the.
Happiest privileges that the God has given dear friends, I would like to point here God has selected us before the foundation of the world, but.
It is our responsibility to accept the invitation of the God or not.
Five and two, a conference. Outside the conference there was a note. Welcome.
So when I entered into the conference on the screen, on the screen I saw enjoy. So that is the position. God has selected us before the foundation of the world, but it's our duty. The Lord says come unto me, come unto me. And if we go there, the Lord says, I have selected you before the foundation of the world.
So so far here, if anyone has not accepted Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, I would like to remind you that God calls you, invites you, His door is open. He wants you to be there. If we get in step in to be, we are secure to receive his blessings. It indicates you, He selected it. So the love of God is.
Spread extended to everyone. His wish is nobody to perish but.
The fattened blinds the minds of the people and not to recognize the love. Dear friends, I once again say God with his loving hands, inviting you to come.
If we come to this House, we are very much privileged, the chosen people. We are elected people by His sovereign grace and this election one way gives us an enjoyment for us to make us the sons of the Father. If we see the next verse, we will see.
That having.
OK brother, having understood as into the adoption of the children, so this is selection has made us to the position of.
Electing or adopting the son in Jain Debbie, we can see it as a sonship. So we have the position of the Sun through Lord Jesus Christ.
In the morning.
Sunday school, our brother said.
To his mother, earthly mother and father we are searching for youth means who is my father? I came here to do my father's will. So Lord Jesus Christ says that God is my father. But if we go back to.
John 20th chapter we see speaking with Mary saying I am going to my God, your God, my Father, your Father, so by the death of Lord Jesus Christ.
And the Lord's power, God's power, made him to rose from the dead.
That made the position to us also as.
The children of God.
But a wonderful position. He selected us because of His sovereign grace, not because of our words. And by selecting us through His Son's deed on the cross, He met a relationship. That is, He made us as His children.
That's why we call it Father in our prayers.
And are buying for prayers. This privilege was not given to the Old Testament Saints. Old Testament peers they called him. They knew the God as only Jehovah.
Who is the living one? Forever one but.
They have never approached the God as the Father. Through Christ's deed on the cross, it allowed us to call him a Father.
So the second privilege that we had is the privilege to be the son of the God we have, the sonship.
And next onwards in Peter we say it is an important to us what sonship should we have, what type of children we ought to be there, he says.
Be obedient unto the Father you are should be an obedient child, so we should be. The Lord wants us to be a forbidden child to be found.
It is a pleasure to give what that he possessed to enjoy for self, but.
But man's disobedience.
Lost that?
He kept Adam in the Garden of Eden. Joy.
But is the disobedience led him to be driven out of the.
God created new earth and the new earth and everything that was given to know, but what happened? He too lost it.
And his children were scattered.
They are chosen a generation people of Israel. He wanted them to enjoy in the promised land of Canaan. But what happened? They disobeyed, they disobeyed the Lord. They were sent away out of the country, promised the land and be driven to the other nations so.
Disobedience made them not to enjoy the privileges what the Lord intended as to.
HR but.
Because of one man's obedience, that is our Lord Jesus Christ forbidden. See we are not only redeemed from the forefathers sin, but we are enjoying the privileges in the fourth verse we see here Paul exerts as be holy.
And Peter also says, as you are obedient children.
You remember, be holy. As He is holy, so we are. We actually, by our nature, by our deeds, cannot be holy in the presence of the God. But it is His grace that made us to be holy. He sanctified us.
Redeemed us, understood us, holy people.
Before the presence of the holy God. So now the Lord never remembers our sins.
Here in the if we go back to the dawn, he says we are redeemed people by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. That's the privilege for us. That is the thing that we have in child. We have a sonship.
And that obedience of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross pleased the God.
And He showed his mercy, and rose him. What we see it in the Ephesians, which is the mighty strength, what that it indicates, It indicates He annulled the power of the Saturn.
Hold him from the depths of from dawn parts to the highest part. That's why we say that the grace of the grace of the Lord, the grace of the Lord towards me and he is as is that the Lord Jesus Christ went to the depth of the world.
He was crucified.
Diet, but eat. But it was the power of the God who rose him from the depths, and his intention is to give everything power to his beloved Son.
Whatever the things in may be in heaven.
In the earth or under the earth, everything to be subjective to Him. That is the will and the wish of the Father towards His Son. And that will and wish enabled us to enjoy the privileges. That is why here we see in 7th verse, I think so that we are called.
The beloved of.
The sun we are beloved we are beloved means previously when we come into the the into the salvation in Christ. But the acceptance of God towards his son made us not only children but also the beloved ones. That's a great privilege that we had at.
Time so it's a thing for us how much we enjoy these privileges, how much we we ourselves strengthening these depends upon our position, how much we are near to the God.
Near to his mind, near to his activities. So this is an encouraging thing to us. The Lord has given us a position of children, sons to him, not only that one, when the Lord rose the Lord Jesus Christ from his death.
His intention is to give all powers to him.
And to make him as the inheritance of all his prominences, all his property, say that it may be in the heaven or in the yet, and we have to share it. That is called we have the hail ship of the court. So in Ephesians first chapter we see the individual blessings. These are the individual.
He has chosen us, and another individual person is his pure grace, his that means his everlasting pleasure to make us his children to his to to him, and to be called as a beloved. But above all these things he has from the the mystery, the mysteries from the bottom of his mind is to make a suitable.
Companion to his friend, so that made as to the members of his body.
So we had the membership also with the which is the pure intention of the Lord to be have that position. So we are enjoying these days have that membership for Lord Jesus Christ as our head and we are the members here working together and praising together.
So in Ephesians 2 we see, whatever the things it may be, everything was subject, not only subjected to him.
Everything should bow and knee and praise him. That's a great privilege for us that the Lord has given to us as a children and our security, as I said, is the eternal. That means if we see it by accepting our Lord Jesus Christ and in the that means we are in verse #13 we can see to we.
Sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. So by the gospel, by the good seed acceptance, we are seed sealed with the Spirit, Holy Spirit. So it indicates as we are secured in the hands of the Lord God forever and forever.
But exhortation is there. Let us not.
Grieve the heart, grieve the Spirit that lives in our heart, and quench not the Spirit while we gather to remember Him on the Lords day as the people. So it's an exhortation to us. Let us give freeness to the Lord's will and desires, and may I think that the Lord may strengthen us to go.
In these days, to be truthful.
Towards him, waiting as.
Strangers in this world waiting to be have a steering ship, heavenly sailing ship for this one. The thing that we need is not to stand on our strength like Peter, but to depend upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Only dependence upon Him makes us to continue steady, fast in His love going forward.
To see him. So let us be obedient to the word, to the Lord and hear his voice and we follow and his grace be with us. Thank you. And so far we have not accepted so far the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Once again, I humbly request you, these are the provisions that are given for you to waiting for you to enjoy.
Please come, the door is open to come to that one. Let us examine ourselves. How Richard, we are. How?
Sinful we are in the sight of the Lord, we need not to pay anything but.
We must have to re examine, confess our sins, come to Him and accept God's sons deed on the cross. How much he suffered, how much he was suffered by the men, not only men, by God himself for the.
Punishment of the sin in three hours of darkness. God punished him. And if we remember those things automatically, let us not harden our hearts. Come except Lord Jesus Christ and be the Son of the Lord Jesus Christ. Let the grace be with us forever and forever. Amen.