Our Wilderness Journey

Duration: 45min
Address—Robert Boulard
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Good afternoon. I thought maybe we would.
Sing #76.
Rise my soul, I can't die, right the stranger.
And the glory of me.
I saw on his hand progress thee Stringer of how to breathe.
It's a real third and 3rd and speed ****.
Everlasting portion.
Easy with the my tears me.
Right, I'll be just hard and extortion.
Each as we're no more to me.
Are thou wing provision?
God in secret.
We shall.
On treasures.
Laying as long as it's exhaust. Words speak.
Always grace shall.
There are ground.
Right still around me in my own shall bring surgeon grace from.
High concern.
Of mercy.
There are no stranger.
All sound deeply strangers.
Shall breathe crazy.
With a wild knowing love.
Well, I have it on my heart just to look at 7 things in connection with our wilderness journey and mostly spending our time in Exodus and perhaps flipping. You'll forgive me for flipping to one passage and another in the New Testament, which gives us the equivalent perhaps, but teaches us the doctor. We have the Old Testament to give us the picture book and the illustrations that help us to identify.
What is particularly the need in their wilderness scene?
And in all aspects of life. And then we have the doctrine. The shadows are spoken of in the Old Testament. But then we have the doctrine, the meat of it told us in the Epistles largely. But anyway, so let's look at just to open up in Deuteronomy chapter 8. And let's just read verse 2 just to open up here.
I just like to look, as you're turning to that verse, the basis of our ability to walk in the wilderness scene is redemption. So we'll look at that first and then we'll look at how he led them.
The way, the manner, the tenderness of the leading of the Lord and how He fed them in that wilderness scene. It's incredible how the Spirit of God gives us these little illustrations, how we can walk through a place that's barren.
Has no refreshment for the believer, but we can be fed in our souls and then how he protected them, how he.
Preserved them in spite of what the enemy was doing. How we refresh them. You and I are refreshed in the wilderness scene and we're encouraged as we walk through this scene that rejected the Lord Jesus. We can be refreshed. We don't need to be downcast. Then he he did preserve them. Preserve them as they walk through the path the whole of the 40 years.
And then they finally brought them into a Canaan's land, and he himself did it. We'll look at that. So Deuteronomy chapter 8, it says in verse 2, thou shalt remember.
All the way which Lord thy God LED thee these 40 years in the wilderness to humbly.
To prove thee to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldst keep his commandments or no. I'm just going to read that for right now. We'll look at the other verses perhaps a little later. But you know, these five things that we read of speaks of the tenderness of the Lord.
The Lord thy God LED thee these 40 years in the wilderness. There's a period of time that you and I come into this theme. We didn't ask to become to come here, but He sent us. He caused that we would be born into this world at this time, and that for his own glory He would quicken us by his Spirit. He would give us divine life. He would bring us into relationship with himself and that we would walk through this scene in 40 years as a picture, a test, a picture of a testing time. And so some of us may have.
More than 40 years. Some of us may have less, but we're being tested. He gives us reasons why He leads us. He does it himself. You notice this. Isn't it nice to be LED of the Lord? He leads us himself. He's very interested in your life, doesn't matter how old you are.
How long you've been a Christian? He wants to lead you personally.
He's not going to.
Absorb the responsibility, you might say, and give it to somebody else. He may use under shepherds to help us and to encourage us, but the Lord Himself is interested in leading you.
And then he says to humbly, well, we think very highly of ourselves at times and we need to have humbling experiences to pass through. The Lord is capable of passing us through those humbling experiences. He knows what it is to be humbled. There was never a man more humble than the blessed Savior.
But you and I don't know how to be humble. We don't. We're not naturally humbled. The 1St man.
Exalted himself. He'd rather exalt himself to become as God and die rather than humble himself and take direction from his God and live. And so the Lord is showing us. He uses these wilderness experiences to humble us and then to prove us, to prove thee. Does he need to prove us to know what's in us? No, He knew what was already. He already knew it was men. He didn't need man to tell him anything about that, but he needs to.
We need to go through the wilderness exercises to be able to for the Lord to show us what we are, how weak we are, how helpless we are, how we created us to be independence upon himself and how he personally can provide for us and the wilderness scene. So He's going to prove us and to know what was in thine heart. You and I don't know our hearts.
And so He uses these wilderness journey experiences as we pass through this world to show us what's really in our hearts. And it's a continual thing. And He's molding us if we listen, and then we are exercise about those things that He proves us about and that He teaches us what's in our hearts. We can become more and more like His beloved Son. That's why we're walking through the wilderness.
We're not just here to have a good time. That's what the world thinks.
What they can do for the weekend and all those things. No, he's, he's testing us. He's proving us. He's making us more conformed unto the image of his son. But what a work, that blessed man. And then whether thou wast keep his commandments or no, you know, he's given us his word and he's going to show us how we value that word or how we don't value that word. He's going to prove it to us.
And our lives are one exhibition after another of what we really think.
Of the value of that precious word that he's given us. Well, let's turn to the first one in connection with redemption. I don't have a lot of time here this afternoon, so we're not going to go into a lot of detail. Hopefully we don't run into any rabbit trails, but let's look at.
Exodus chapter 6. Just a little statement that the Lord makes there.
Maybe you can meditate on these a little on your own. We'll just make a few comments. So Exodus chapter 6, verse three, I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob by the name of God Almighty. But now.
But by my name, Jehovah.
Was I not known to them?
And then in verse 6, Wherefore I say unto the children of Israel, I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, I will rid you out of their ******* and I will redeem you with a stretched out arm and with great judgments.
You know the Lord revealed himself to Israel as Jehovah and in our English Bibles.
Mr. Darby, even in his translation and other translations, the name Jehovah. But you know, I'll find it very precious to my own heart. It's instructive. In the French translation, Mr. Darby uses the word the eternal. 1 little man. And so he knew, they knew God Almighty, Abraham did. But the Lord was going to reveal himself in a more clearer way, in a progressive way you might say, to the children of Israel. And his name was Jehovah.
The Eternal 1.
Spoke of the Son of God this morning, the Son of man. He had no beginning, no ending. He was the eternal Son. He was with the Father from eternity past. He always was God. He is God the Son. It wasn't revealed to the children of Israel at this time, but isn't it nice to know?
That the one that is leading you and choosing the particular trials in your life.
The particular situations, the testings of your heart.
Improving of your heart is the eternal 1.
Because He loves you, the motive is love, and that there might be some fruit in your life for His glory and for His honor.
And so he has particularly set forth a course for you in this in this world, a wilderness in which you can find all of your resources in himself. And so he told the children of Israel that he would redeem them. And so let's look at Exodus chapter 12. We'll comment a little bit on that. They couldn't become.
Pilgrims, you might say. They couldn't begin the journey.
Through the wilderness without redemption.
Oh, what a blessed thing it is to know of the blood of Christ that cleanses us from all sin. To know the price that was paid to make you a Pilgrim suitable to walk through the wilderness, being led by the Eternal One who loves you and wanted you there in that scene above, to be a companion of His Son.
And the way to walk in communion with the Lord as a companion of the Lord, is to walk in holiness and to recognize that you are one who is being redeemed. We don't have time to read a lot in chapter 12 here, but let's read.
Verse eight. They shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, unleavened bread with bitter herbs. Shall they eat it? Eat not of it raw, nor sodden at all with water, but roast with fire, his head with his legs, and the pertinence thereof. And you shall let nothing of it remain until the morning, and that would remain a solvent until the morning. You shall burn with fire, and thus shall you eat it with your loins girded.
Your shoes on your feet.
Your staff in your hand, you shall eat it in haste. It is the Lord's Passover.
Well, we know that there was to be that lamb slain and it's they were to take the blood in verse 13. The blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where you are, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you.
Well, God didn't want his people to be in Israel, in Egypt, as those were in Egypt, worshipping the Lord in Egypt. Egypt is a little picture, you know, of this world and its independence of God. And some of you who have perhaps an engineering background or scientific delight, whatever you know about Archimedes screw. And Archimedes apparently went to Egypt.
Approximately 200 and 250 years, maybe before.
The Lord was born.
And he saw in Egypt that they had screws, mechanical screws, and they were irrigating their fields by lifting water out of the canals into another canal.
And from the river of the Nile, River Nile, and into their fields. And they weren't praying for rain. They were independent of God. And they did everything without God. And so God didn't want you and I to be in the world. It's a little picture in the world independent of the Lord. But he created us to be dependent upon himself and the cry to him for all that we need, but, you know, to remove us from Egypt.
To remove us from the claims.
That Pharaoh had.
It was going to cost the Son of God his life, his life's blood. That's the price to make you a Pilgrim. That's a price to make you suitable to walk through this wilderness as a companion in communion with the Lord. That's what it cost the blood of his own Son. You know, we could just read in first Peter chapter one. I think it is.
And it speaks there of Christ as of a lamb.
Without spot.
He was offered.
There for as much chapter one, verse 18 for as much as you know that you are not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your Father's.
But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish.
Without spot.
Oh, that's the price that was paid to make you a Pilgrim.
To make you a companion of the Christ to make you one that was suitable to follow the Lord. Well, you can meditate upon some of those other aspects of redemption. You know redemption spoken of in several different ways in the New Testament in the word of God really redemption speaks of there's has two aspects. One is the purchase and one is the being brought into liberty so.
Being purchased with the precious blood of Christ, there was a transaction made at the cross, and the blood was shed to purchase you for Himself.
And so the Lord bought at the cross. He bought everything. All have created things.
It's all his by that act of purchase. And so there was a transaction made. But you know, you and I need to own that transaction, that we belong to the Lord. And His delight is that when we do, did he just buy it to own it? No, He bought it to set it at liberty. I'll just give you a little illustration. I don't want to tell too many stories here, but there was a missionary.
It actually in.
South Carolina. His name was Mr. Wilson, and he went to the slave market in the 1700s to buy a slave. And he went there in the missionary and he went to the slave auction and he saw there a young girl and nice looking young girl.
They began to bid on her at the auction and she screamed at him and she said don't, don't buy me, I won't serve you. I don't want, I don't want to have anything to do with you, she screamed at him.
He kept bidding, he kept bidding, She spit at him. She didn't want to have any acknowledgement that he would be any good master. Well, he bought the the young girl. The gavel went down. It was the girl belonged to him and she came. He went to get his.
That girl and she spit at him, she had no use for him, he said. She said to him, why did you buy me?
He said. Young lady, I bought you to set you at liberty, to set you free.
She fell down at his feet. She said. Master, I'll serve you forever.
The Lord Jesus has redeemed you with His own precious blood to set you at liberty from the power of Satan and your own sinful desires, and to live for His glory in this scene. And now we have the liberty, the responsibility to redeem our time.
You can look that up in Ephesians chapter 5 is also in Colossians chapter 4, a couple of different aspects. So you were redeemed. You know there's going to be a time coming.
Chapter Brown used to say, you know you're only partly redeemed, your spirits and souls are redeemed, but he used to say your body isn't redeemed yet, it's going to be redeemed. Let's look at Romans chapter 8.
Romans, chapter 8.
Let's just read from verse 21, because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the ******* of corruption unto the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation grown us and travaileth and pain together, until now, not only they, but ourselves also, which have the first fruits of the Spirit.
We, even we ourselves, groan within ourselves waiting for the adoption to whit the redemption of our body.
You know there's going to be a redemption of the body. We don't have time to look at it, but in.
First Thessalonians chapter 4, you know that there's going to be a change. It says in Philippians chapter 3, verses 20 and 21, it speaks of the change. The body that you have is going to be changed. It's going to be glorified. You're going to stand on the earth.
Those that have gone before are going to stand on the earth with a glorified body.
And their rise through Satan's realm in full.
Victory to be received by Christ in that glorious scene above. That's what it means to be redeemed, to be fully redeemed. And so there's going to be that completion of the redemption let's look at.
Again, at Deuteronomy chapter 8, we'll just get a synopsis and look at why we are being LED and how.
Deuteronomy chapter 8, verse 3.
He humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know that He might make thee to know. Make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God the Lord. Doth man live Thy raiment Wax not old upon me, neither did thy foot swell these 40 years Thou shalt also consider.
That as a man chasing his son, so the Lord thy God chasten thee, or trains thee. What we find in this little passage that.
He trained them and he during this wilderness journey, as he led them through this wilderness, He showed them that every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live. We need all the word of God. And so he led us. He's leading us today. You know, I was thinking of how the Lord Jesus as he led his people.
He didn't bring them through a difficult path at the beginning.
That are young in the faith. Let's turn to chapter. I think it's chapter 13. Maybe it's chapter 12 here 13 verse 18.
So I have to thank the Lord for redemption. Have you thank them that He's made you suitable to be a Pilgrim through this scene?
Have you thanked Him that He's leading leading you, desiring to lead you personally? Chapter 13 of Exodus, verse 18, it says God led the people about through the way of the wilderness of the Red Sea and the children of Israel went up harnessed or by rank of five out of the land of Egypt.
And so they went in an orderly way. He led them in an orderly fashion through this scene of the wilderness across. And we know the story of how they crossed the Red Sea. But how is he leading you and I today?
You know, it speaks of John's Gospel, I believe John's Gospel, chapter 10, how the Lord delights to individually lead us, it says.
In John's Gospel chapter 10.
Verse 26 But you believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you, My sheep hear my voice, and I know them.
And they follow me, and I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father which gave them me is greater than all, and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.
Well, you know, there's three things that mark a believer. 1 is that they have a mark on the ear or on the heart they believe. One is that they have a mark on the ear. They hear the word.
And they also have a mark on the foot. They follow the Lord. And you and I need to not only have that faith to believe to the faith that He's leading us in the right course in love and kindness, but that we have the desire to hear His voice. We have the desire to sit in His presence and to hear His voice and that we follow Him.
All his desires that we would follow him.
You know the last words that the Lord Jesus spoke in the Gospels, You know what they are. We're not going to turn to it. But in John's Gospel, the last chapter, he says.
Follow thou me. You want a little meditation that's very helpful and spiritually profitable in your soul? Look at those little 33 word expressions used in the Gospel of John.
Come and die. Oh, there's weight in those letters, in those words.
Follow thou me. Oh, you're not fulfilling the role that God intended for you if you're not following the Lord. Not wanting to be LED. I want to just ask you. I ask myself the same question. Am I willing to be LED? Am I leadable? Do I have all kinds of ideas and then I try to make the Lord fit those ideas or?
Am I content to allow the Lord to lead, to do His work of leading? You couldn't follow.
A better leader. You couldn't follow one.
Who would lead like the blessed Savior, whose love for you is such that he gave himself for you, Would he ever lead you into a course of disobedience to his Father? Would he ever lead you into a course that didn't lead the blessing he always leaves into a course of blessing? Well, we find a little bit further on here in this chapter 15 that.
They sang because of redemption, the redeemed sing. But let's look at.
In verse 23.
It says in chapter 15 verse 23, when they came to Marah, they could not drink of the waters of Mara, for they were bitter. Therefore the name of it was called Mara.
And the people murmured against Moses, What shall we drink? You know what that means to murmur. What shall we drink?
It's just a mutter under your breath. What shall we drink? You're walking around muttering, complaining really, in a low voice, and maybe, but you know the Lord heard the muttering.
What shall we drink? He cried unto the Lord. And the Lord showed him a tree, a picture of the cross, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet there. He made for them a statute and an ordinance.
And there he proved them, and said, If thou wilt diligently hearken unto the voice of the Lord, but thy God, and will do.
That which is right in his sight, and will give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes. I will put none of these diseases on upon thee which I have brought upon the Egyptians, for I am the Lord that healeth thee. And they came to Elam, where were 12 wells of water, and three score, and 10 palm trees, and they encamped there by the waters.
You know, there were testsings. There were.
They didn't have the law given to them at this time. You know, there were five, there were 10.
Temptations. They tempted the Lord 10 times, it says in the Psalms, and five times, the first five times that they tempted him. They didn't have the law. It hadn't been delivered to them yet. But I believe this is the last time perhaps that they were tested. Maybe it's the no, this is the second temptation. So they didn't have the word of God yet and they were not as responsible. But you and I have the whole of the truth of God.
We're responsible. We're walking through the wilderness and we say, well, there's a little bit of a famine. There's a I'm thirsty. I don't feel like I'm getting fed. In the assembly meetings where I come from, there's one brother, there's two brothers, there's how would you like to be an assembly with ten sisters?
In Cuba, ten sisters.
They get together on the Lord's Day morning and they set the table.
And they hope and they pray that they'll be a brother that comes from the nearest town so that they can break bread.
There's no grumbling there.
The happy group.
Brother Manuel Adamus and his wife, Lord willing, will visit with them.
This next trip.
Why is there a famine? It's because there isn't a feeding upon the Word of God. There isn't a value for it. There is. There's other things to do. There's other priorities. Can I just say this? I don't want to say it unkindly, but perhaps to exercise our souls.
One has noticed that in many places there's no longer an evening meeting on a Lords day.
The Saints come together for one meeting, sometimes two meetings, sometimes thankfully 3 meetings on Lord's Day morning or the Lord's Day morning and part of the afternoon, which is commendable, but in some places there's just.
Perhaps a Sunday school, perhaps a breaking of bread, and then there's no evening meeting. The Saints aren't together. Now, you may not have a gospel work going on in the assembly where you are, but isn't it nice to be over the word? Do you know what happens when you have the word of God before you? You're going to be refreshed, all the bitterness of what this world brings in, the replacement of entertainment. Or you might find yourself doing something else, doing what the world does, taking.
Things, doing laundry, whatever it might be, but it's not refreshing to the soul. Oh how the Lord delights to lead us through the wilderness scene, but to refresh our souls.
And we need to feed ourselves before we can refresh anyone else. And there needs to be diligence in the searching of the Word of God. Read the Word of God.
Can I make a suggestion? I'm not a very good example, but often try to read to.
Pray and ask the Lord for help before I pick up my Bible in order to read the little passage of Scripture, meditate on it a little while, and then read some ministry because sometimes my thoughts are wrong. I don't have things quite straight. And so we need our brethren, we need the teaching of the Scriptures, and we need the teaching of the gifts that God has given. Well, we find refreshment in the wilderness.
And then we find in chapter 17 of Exodus that there was a battle came with Amalek.
In verse 8, there's another temptation there in that chapter, but.
Verse eight of chapter 17 of Exodus. Then came Amalek and fought with Israel and it refined him.
Moses said unto Joshua, Choose us out men, and go out fight with Amalek. Tomorrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand. So Joshua did as Moses had said to him, and fought with Amalek. And Moses Aaron and her went up to the top of the hill, came to pass. When Moses held up his hand that Israel prevailed, and when he let down his hand Amalek prevailed. But Moses hands were heavy, and they took a.
And put it under him. He sat there, on and on, and Aaron and her stayed up, his hands, the one on the right on the one side, the other on the other side. And his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. And Joshua discomforted Amalek, his people with the edge of the sword.
You know the enemy was defeated. You have three enemies. You have the flesh inside of you, an internal enemy, you might say. And then you have the world, the world system all around us, the financial world, the manufacturing world.
The business world, the entertainment world, you name it, Satan has something covered for all aspects of what you might have, a light, what the flesh has a desire for. But there's to be war between Amalek and the believer. All of our lives, that one enemy is the flesh within us. So we have the world, and then we also have Satan, three enemies.
But isn't nice in the wilderness.
We have the intersection of Christ. Why? Why do we need the intercession of Christ?
It's because of our weakness. You know, we have the intercession of Christ and we had the advocacy of Christ. We have the intercession of the Lord Jesus spoken of in Hebrews chapter 4 and the belief chapter 5. We had a little bit in chapter 2 This morning.
The intercession of the Lord Jesus. Will he ever get tired?
No, He's interceding for you. In your weakness. You find yourself weak. You can cry to the Lord for grace and help in time of need.
But then he's an advocate as well. He manages our affairs when there's sin, and it says if we sin, if we sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. And so he's advocating for us too. He's advocating, He prays to the Father. We have an example of it in Luke chapter 22 when we sin.
So that we will repent, So that we will return. So that we can be restored. Otherwise, none of us would ever be restored if the Lord didn't pray for us and His advocacy.
But in our weakness, brethren, the day of weakness that we find ourselves in is not a day of power, it's day of weakness.
He's interceding for us and we can pray for one another.
Give pray for those that are in the assembly.
I have a little habit. I'm not a good example, but I'm a little example, a little habit. And I pray for the ones in the assembly from where they sit. And I remember in my mind where they sit in the assembly meeting room so that I don't miss any of them. I'll pray for them in that way. But we need to pray for our brethren, pray for them as they're going on, as we get weaker and weaker.
Pray for your brother.
The Lord is praying for you, the Lord the eternal one. Yes, He's interested in your welfare. He's interested in you walking through this wilderness scene in your weakness.
He's been interested in you before you were born.
And he's going to be interested in you for all eternity because He's redeemed you for this precious blood. Well, he preserved them. You know, let's just read and we run out of time, more or less. But in Deuteronomy chapter 8, again, let's just.
Read there.
1St 4 By Raymond Wax Not old upon thee, neither did thy foot swell these 40 years.
Oh, isn't it nice to walk through this scene and to enjoy the truth of God and to know that it doesn't get old, it doesn't wear out, it doesn't change, and the principles of God do not change the principles.
Are the same.
What God has given in his word is the same as what he gave to the apostle Paul to deliver the to the church, what he gave to Peter, what he gave to John. It hasn't changed. But you know, there's a lot of drift that happens in our lives. I want to tell you I, I told this little story about going to 5th grade, you know, 1968 public school in Ottawa, ON.
There was a young teacher.
She probably just graduated from.
Teachers College. There she was.
We came into the school was busting at the seams so we had portable classrooms. So I was in one of the portable classrooms. So walk into the door and.
Just teach your young girl. Handing out children's hymn books to the boys and girls as they come into the classroom. 1St 10 minutes of the classroom morning exercises. We sang little hymns out of those.
Sunny school books.
That dear godly young sister.
Maybe 20 years or older, more just young.
Read a PowerPoint of the Word of God.
Spoke of the truth of the Lord Jesus, risen, glorified, desiring the salvation of all that might come to him.
Then she prayed, begged the Lord for the life of those children.
For their precious souls, that they might come to Christ, that they might have lives that were lived for the glory of God.
Then you know we had to sing God Save the Queen in oh, Canada. Then we began our lessons for the day. After half an hour, half an hour of this.
I was 1968, that's over 50 years ago, and that was in the public school system.
There's been drift in the school system, but brethren, there's been drift in the Assembly, too. Let's be exercised about getting back to first principles. And really, he's preserved us. He's been able to preserve us through this wilderness scene, and we're just about to be called home. That's the seventh thing I just like to look at. You'll forgive me for going maybe 2 minutes over Joshua.
I think it's chapter 5.
Don't you like to know what the end of the story is?
Chapter 5, Verse 13. Joshua.
It came to pass when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, there stood a man over against him, or opposite him, with a sword drawn in his hand.
Joshua went unto him, said unto him, Art thou for us?
Or for our adversaries.
And he said, Nay, but as the captain of the host of the Lord, I might now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my Lord and his servant? And the captain of the Lord's host said unto Joshua, Loose thy shoe from off thy foot, for the place where on thy standards is holy. Joshua did so. Wasn't it nice, you know?
The world, and perhaps christened him at large, just says you know the end of the pathway is to be LED right into the Canaan's land.
You know, and crossing the river Jordan has given us a little picture of passing through death and so on. Well, those types are, we don't have time to elaborate, but.
You know we're already seated in the heavenlies in Christ, but you know there is going to be an end to the wilderness pathway.
There's going to be a last time that you and I sit in these chairs and have the word of God before us. There's going to be a last time that we come to a gospel meeting. There's going to be a very last time that we remember the Lord in his death. The wilderness journey will end.
And who is it that's going to bring us into the courts of glory?
Who is it? The same one that led us through the wilderness? The same one who protected us. The same one who refreshed us with the waters.
In the wilderness, the same one He'll bring us himself. You know, you and I have the very best here in this scene, and we have the best in the future. The glory of the Lord is going to be displayed before our very eyes. We're going to be. We read of it in Revelation chapter 4 this morning.
We're going to be with the Lord.
But we'll remember how He redeemed us with his own precious blood, how he led us, how he fed us through the scene. We're going to remember.
The occasions when he preserved us, protected us, when we needed his advocacy, when we needed his.
Intercession in this scene, we're going to remember those things. But beloved brethren, isn't precious to be able to thank the Lord now as we go through the wilderness scene, let's express our appreciation to Him now.
And tell them how we appreciate Him leading and offering times of refreshment like this one, and to offer our Thanksgiving and praise as we await His coming.