Out of His Treasure

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
Christ was witnessing while Peter was denying, but Christ had been praying while Peter was sleeping. The armor should be put on before the battle, not just during the battle.
Waiting is readiness; watching is expectation.
We can never be said to have outlived our usefulness unless we have outlived our spirituality.
The source of real strength is in the sense of the Lord's being gracious. The natural man in us always disbelieves Christ as the only source of strength and every blessing.
To learn, and yet to learn, while life goes by,
So pass the student's days;
And thus be great, and do great things, and die,
And lie embalmed with praise.

My work is but to lose and to forget,
Thus small, despised to be;
All to unlearn-this task before me set;
Unlearn all else but Thee.
G. T. S.