“The fool hath said in
“For there is one God,
his heart, There is no
and one mediator between
God.”—Ps. 14:1
God and men, the man
Christ Jesus.”— 1 Tim. 2:5.
“The wicked…hath
“When they shall say,
said in his heart, I shall
Peace and safety; then
not be moved: for I shall
sudden destruction cometh
never be in adversity.”—
upon them, . . . and they
Ps. 10:6
shall not escape.”—1 Thess. 5:3
“He hath said in his
“Thou hast set our iniquities
heart, God hath forgotten:
before Thee, our
. . . He will never see it.”
secret sins in the light
—Ps. 10:11
of Thy countenance.”—Ps. 3:15.
“He hath said in his
“God requireth that
heart, Thou wilt not require it.”—Ps. 10:13.
which is past.”—Eccles. 3:15
“That evil servant shall
“The Lord is not slack
say in his heart, My lord
concerning His promise, as
delayeth his coming.”—
some men count slackness;
Matt. 23:48.
but is longsuffering to usward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” — 2 Pet. 3:9.
“Thou hast said in Mine
“Verily every man at
heart, I am, and none else
his best state is altogether
beside me.”—Isa. 47:10
vanity.”—Ps. 39:5.
“She saith in her heart,
“In one hour shall thy
I fit a queen, and am no
judgment come.” — Rev. 18:10.
widow, and shall see no
sorrow.”—Rev. 18:7