Passing onward, quickly passing;
Yes, but whither, whither bound?
Is it to the many mansions,
Where eternal rest is found?
Passing onward-
Yes, but whither, whither bound?
Passing onward, quickly passing,
Naught the wheels of time can stay!
Sweet the thought that some are going
To the realms of perfect day:
Passing onward-
Christ their Leader-Christ their way.
Passing onward, quickly passing,
Many to the downward road;
Careless of their souls immortal,
Heeding not the call of God,
Passing onward-
Trampling on the Savior's blood!
Passing onward, quickly passing,
Naught the wheels of time can stay!
Sweet the thought that some are going
To the realms of perfect day:
Passing onward-
"'Tis by Me that life is won."